User:Noelle Linden/Office Hours/2009 05 12 Transcript
Subject: how to use the excel spreadsheet to log 1.23 bugs along with CT-344, various questions about JIRA and KBs
Attendees: Thibaud Merlin, Youri Ashton (and his "translator" ;-), Yann Dufaux, Laurent Bechir and a new CT member for French, LINUS Humphreys, YAY!
NB: pour reporter les bugs de localisation du client 1.23, utiliser le document excel sur:
Pour telecharger les captures d'ecran relatives aux bugs:
Merci !
[12:08] Thibaud Merlin: noelle j'ai une requête à formuler :)
[12:09] Noelle Linden: Linus, bienvenue
[12:09] Noelle Linden: Thibaud, j'ecoute
[12:09] LINUS Humphreys: merci de l'invitation noelle
[12:10] Noelle Linden: tout d'abord, je vous presente Linus qui a rejoint le CT group il y a tres peu
[12:10] Noelle Linden: et qui a deja fait quelques traductions :-)
[12:10] Thibaud Merlin: bienvenue Linus :)
[12:10] LINUS Humphreys: merci ㋡
[12:11] Youri's translator: bienvenue dans le groupe de Linus!
[12:11] LINUS Humphreys: oui petites traductions pour commencer
[12:11] LINUS Humphreys: thx youri
[12:11] Youri's translator: il n'y a pas de quoi!
[12:11] Noelle Linden: Donc, Linus, nous nous retrouvons une fois par semaine et nous parlons de la localisation de SL
[12:11] Noelle Linden: regulierement, je mets des JIRAS en ligne
[12:11] Noelle Linden: surtout pour les articles du KB
[12:11] LINUS Humphreys: KB c'est a dire
[12:12] Noelle Linden: Knowledge Base
[12:12] LINUS Humphreys: ok
[12:12] Noelle Linden: ce sont des pages d'aide [ [12:12] Noelle Linden: elles sont hebergees par une societe externe
[12:12] Noelle Linden: Parature
[12:12] Noelle Linden: pour les US et l'Allemagne
[12:13] Youri Ashton: what about for Dutch?
[12:13] Youri's translator: sur ce que pour le néerlandais? [ [12:13] Noelle Linden: a ce propos les allemands vont les mettre sur le wiki aussi
[12:13] Youri's translator: isnt ainsi que KB?
[12:14] Noelle Linden: German has KB too
[12:14] Noelle Linden: hosted by Parature
[12:14] Youri Ashton: lol, Germany and The Netherlands are 2 differend things Noelle :)
[12:14] Youri's translator: lol, l'Allemagne et les Pays-Bas sont 2 choses différend Noelle:)
[12:14] Noelle Linden: but they will soon move their articles to the wiki
[12:14] Noelle Linden: oh Dutch, sorry
[12:14] Noelle Linden: we do not have KB in Dutch
[12:14] LINUS Humphreys: donc pour resumer, le but du jira translators est de traduire sl en francais
[12:14] Youri Ashton: hahaha, that's okay, Americans usually mix those 2 up all the time, so dont worry :)
[12:14] Youri's translator: hahaha, c'est bien, les Américains mixe ces 2 de tous les temps, donc ne pas s'inquiéter:)
[12:15] Noelle Linden: oui, il y a tout un groupe qui m'aide a traduire le client, le site, les pages d'aide (KB)
[12:16] Noelle Linden: et nous nous rencontrons donc ici toutes les semaines
[12:16] Youri Ashton: As you probably can see by my group tag
[12:16] Youri's translator: Comme vous pouvez probablement voir par mon groupe tag
[12:16] Noelle Linden: yes :-)
[12:16] Youri Ashton: :)
[12:16] Youri's translator: :) [ [12:16] LINUS Humphreys: ok so you speak 2 languages
[12:16] LINUS Humphreys: right?
[12:16] LINUS Humphreys: youri
[12:16] Noelle Linden: J'ai aussi commence a organise des reunions depuis peu ou il est possible de rencontrer d'autres Linden
[12:16] Youri Ashton: Dutch, English and a little bit German
[12:16] Youri's translator: Le néerlandais, l'anglais et un peu allemand
[12:17] LINUS Humphreys: ok
[12:17] Youri Ashton: I do try to learn more languages, always handy
[12:17] Youri's translator: Je n'ai essayer d'apprendre plus de langues, toujours à portée de main
[12:18] Noelle Linden: le groupe fait aussi des tests sur le client, signale les bugs etc.
[12:18] Noelle Linden: par exemple pour le 1.23, nous avons mis un doc excel sur Google doc
[12:18] Youri Ashton: yeah, I noticed alot of bugs in 1.23 beta. the beta that got withdrawn by LL not long ago
[12:18] Youri's translator: oui, j'ai remarqué beaucoup de bugs dans les 1.23 beta. la version bêta qui a été retiré par LL, il n'ya pas longtemps
[12:18] LINUS Humphreys: dnc toi tu ess en charge de tes amis francais
[12:18] Noelle Linden: oui !
[12:18] LINUS Humphreys: 1.23 i s simply horrible ㋡
[12:19] Thibaud Merlin: oui et c'est un sacré boulot! :)
[12:19] Youri Ashton: i am on the new 1.23 at this moment
[12:19] Youri's translator: je suis sur le nouveau 1,23 en ce moment
[12:19] Noelle Linden: je suis moi aussi sur la Public Nightly
[12:19] LINUS Humphreys: vous etes en release candidate?
[12:19] Youri Ashton: I do see a lot of things that need to be changed on this one aswell
[12:19] Youri's translator: Je vois beaucoup de choses qui ont besoin d'être changé sur celle-ci ainsi
[12:20] Youri Ashton: Second Life 1.23.1 (119104) May 4 2009 17:53:10 (Second Life Release Candidate)
[12:20] Youri's translator: Second Life 1.23.1 (119.104) 4 Mai 2009 17:53:10 (Second Life Release Candidate)
[12:20] LINUS Humphreys: ok
[12:20] Noelle Linden: ok, pour en revenir sur le doc Google
[12:20] Noelle Linden: Danica, a la tete de la localisation chez LL et Ramzi, ingenieur en localisation = [12:20] Youri Ashton: for example, the talk button in bottom right corner, the Dutch text is not completely in the button but runs out of it
[12:20] Youri's translator: par exemple, le bouton de parler dans le coin inférieur droit, le texte néerlandais n'est pas complètement dans le bouton, mais il est à cours de
[12:21] Noelle Linden: ont eu l'idee de creer un document excel pour chaque langue, accessible a tous les membres du CT group (en theorie)
[12:21] Youri Ashton: hi Yann
[12:21] Youri's translator: salut Yann
[12:21] Yann Dufaux: hello!! :)
[12:21] LINUS Humphreys: oui j'ai jettez un oeil au doc excel rapidement
[12:21] Noelle Linden: pour que tout le monde puisse signaler les bugs
[12:21] Noelle Linden: salut Yann
[12:22] LINUS Humphreys: hello yann
[12:22] Yann Dufaux: désolé du retard Noelle, me suis endormis :(
[12:22] Thibaud Merlin: salut yann à la bourre comme d'hab! :)
[12:22] Noelle Linden: en parallele il y a un jira pour mettre les screenshots
[12:22] LINUS Humphreys: screenshot de? des problemes?
[12:22] Noelle Linden: oui
[12:22] Youri Ashton: I did not know that part yet, thank you for the heads up about that Noelle
[12:22] Youri's translator: Je ne savais pas encore partie, je vous remercie pour la tête de cette Noelle
[12:22] Yann Dufaux: Noelle t'a vue ceux que j,ai ajouter? :)
[12:23] Noelle Linden: j'ai moi meme commence a utilise ce doc pour signaler les problemes de texte coupe etc.
[12:23] Noelle Linden: oui Yann super !!
[12:23] Yann Dufaux: :))
[12:23] Noelle Linden: 1. Avez-vous acces a ce doc excel en ligne ?
[12:23] Yann Dufaux: hihi :)
[12:23] LINUS Humphreys: pour ma part oui
[12:23] Youri Ashton: ofcourse I have :)
[12:23] Youri's translator: J'ai bien entendu:)
[12:23] Thibaud Merlin: noelle justement dans la colonne D il y a des références à des xml
[12:23] Thibaud Merlin: que font-elle là?
[12:24] Noelle Linden: 1 mn, je regarde :-)
[12:25] Noelle Linden: Thibaud, parles-tu du nom des captures d'ecran
[12:25] Thibaud Merlin: non regarde la colonne D
[12:26] Noelle Linden: floater_buy_currency par exemple ?
[12:26] Thibaud Merlin: oui
[12:27] Noelle Linden: c'est moi qui ai mis ces noms
[12:27] Noelle Linden: je vous explique...
[12:27] Thibaud Merlin: ah bon
[12:27] Noelle Linden: lorsque vous testez, vous suivez le smoke test
[12:28] Noelle Linden: indique dans le doc
[12:28] Thibaud Merlin: oui c'est clair
[12:28] Noelle Linden:
[12:29] Noelle Linden: Ramzi souhaite que le nom que vous donnez a la capture d'ecran que vous integrez au jira corresponde a l'etape du smoke test ou le bug a lieu [ [12:30] Thibaud Merlin: oui mais alors pourquoi mettre le nom d'un xml?
[12:30] Noelle Linden: parfois, lorsque je fais des tests, je donne directement le nom du fichier xml ou se trouve le bug a Ramzi = [12:30] Noelle Linden: pour accelerer les choses
[12:30] Noelle Linden: mais vous n'avez pas a faire cela
[12:30] Thibaud Merlin: oui noelle mais tu devrais utiliser une autre colonne cela fait désordre :)
[12:31] Noelle Linden: ok Thibaud, je suis d'accord :-)
[12:31] Noelle Linden: je vais changer ca
[12:31] Thibaud Merlin: et aussi je trouve qu'il faudrait une colone pour l'auteur de la remarque
[12:31] Noelle Linden: je vais rajouter cela aussi
[12:32] Noelle Linden: Youri, Linus, des questions ?
[12:32] Noelle Linden: Yann, tu as acces au doc sur Google ?
[12:32] LINUS Humphreys: oui
[12:33] LINUS Humphreys: tu renommes de quelle manière les doc word traduits?
[12:33] Noelle Linden: Pour les jiras
[12:33] Youri Ashton: I did not really get it what you ment Noelle
[12:33] Youri's translator: Je n'ai pas vraiment obtenir ce que vous ment Noelle
[12:33] Youri Ashton: could be the translator though
[12:33] Youri's translator: le traducteur pourrait être bien
[12:34] Noelle Linden: maybe I can talk to you offline
[12:34] Noelle Linden: or if Yann, Thinaud and Linus do not mind we can go on in English?
[12:34] Youri Ashton: offline? how do you think to do that :o
[12:34] Youri's translator: hors ligne? comment pensez-vous de le faire: o
[12:34] LINUS Humphreys: pourquoi pas
[12:34] Thibaud Merlin: youri you need a better translator :)
[12:35] Noelle Linden: after the meeting (although I have to leave at 1 sharp :-)
[12:35] Youri Ashton: lol, translators are not good enough yet
[12:35] Youri's translator: lol, les traducteurs ne sont pas assez bonnes pour le moment
[12:35] Noelle Linden: so LINUS for the jiras
[12:35] Youri Ashton: ah, lol
[12:35] Youri's translator: ah, lol
[12:35] Youri Ashton: ill stick around a little longer then :)
[12:35] Thibaud Merlin: i suggest you to get the simbolic translator it's free and quite good
[12:36] Youri Ashton: it is pretty good, specially with all the languages it can do
[12:36] Youri's translator: il est plutôt bon, surtout avec toutes les langues qu'il peut faire
[12:36] Noelle Linden: whenever you upload a file you have translated, you can keep the initial name and add your initial in front of it for instance
[12:36] LINUS Humphreys: hello laurent
[12:36] Laurent Bechir: bonsoir
[12:36] Noelle Linden: Hi Laurent !
[12:37] Laurent Bechir: désolé pour le retard :)
[12:37] Youri Ashton: greetings Laurent
[12:37] Youri's translator: salutations Laurent
[12:37] Noelle Linden: we have the meeting in English today because Youri has joined us and is having issues with his translation tool
[12:37] Noelle Linden: is that ok ?
[12:37] Thibaud Merlin: No prob.
[12:37] Thibaud Merlin: for me
[12:37] Laurent Bechir: ok
[12:37] Noelle Linden: ok
[12:38] Noelle Linden: LINUS there is no specific naming convention for the translations you do on the jira
[12:38] Noelle Linden: after you translate and upload, I open your doc
[12:38] LINUS Humphreys: you edit it
[12:39] Yann Dufaux: no probleme Noelle :)
[12:39] Noelle Linden: copy-paste it on a wiki page and edit it, comparing it with the English source
[12:39] Noelle Linden: I also have to enter the wiki code to make it "wiki-like"
[12:39] LINUS Humphreys: ok, yes i rode your some advices
[12:39] Noelle Linden: you read my advice ?
[12:39] Noelle Linden: oh on the jira ?
[12:39] LINUS Humphreys: yep
[12:40] Noelle Linden: there is usually a deadline
[12:40] Noelle Linden: so i'ts important to see when the task is due
[12:41] LINUS Humphreys: a deadline, what for?
[12:41] Noelle Linden: it's a date showing when the translation has to be finished
[12:41] LINUS Humphreys: ah yes
[12:41] Youri Ashton: I have a lot of time since I do not have a RL job, so usually I am able to work on things for long periods of time which makes it easier for the rest of the team
[12:41] Noelle Linden: sometimes Linden Lab asks me to do something for a certain date
[12:42] LINUS Humphreys: so you set priority
[12:42] Noelle Linden: and I don't have time to do it all myself, so I post it on the JIRA
[12:42] Noelle Linden: and ask you guys if you can help :-)
[12:42] Youri Ashton: :)
[12:42] Noelle Linden: but I have to indicate a "deadline"
[12:42] Noelle Linden: other time there is no deadline
[12:42] Thibaud Merlin: hehe Noelle i thought we are doing all the work lol
[12:43] Noelle Linden: for KB articles I sometimes put a deadline but those are "flexible"
[12:43] LINUS Humphreys: ㋡
[12:43] Noelle Linden: I am still doing some :-)
[12:43] Noelle Linden: believe me or not ;-)
[12:43] Noelle Linden: lol
[12:43] Thibaud Merlin: just kidding!
[12:43] Noelle Linden: i know
[12:43] Noelle Linden: let's say that without you there would be 1/4 or maybe less of all the KB articles
[12:44] Youri Ashton: :)
[12:44] Noelle Linden: and the viewer would not be as good as it is now
[12:44] Noelle Linden: even if there is still a lot to improve
[12:45] Thibaud Merlin: wow thx for the compliment!
[12:45] Noelle Linden: and also LINUS, I always consult my group about terminology
[12:45] Noelle Linden: for instance LL is now working on creating a new dashboard
[12:45] Youri Ashton: The Dutch KB needs still a lot of work I noticed, I keep trying to help out but it seems some of the team doesn't like me telling the truth and help out that much o_0
[12:45] Noelle Linden: sort of like My Second Life
[12:46] Noelle Linden: and I will soon turn to the FR community to discuss my choices of terminology
[12:46] Noelle Linden: so this is something we will talk about next week
[12:46] Thibaud Merlin can hardly wait :)
[12:46] Noelle Linden: this dashboard
[12:47] Noelle Linden: so I will ask Ramzi to change the excel doc on Google today
[12:47] Thibaud Merlin: great
[12:47] Noelle Linden: changes will be there by tomorrow
[12:47] Thibaud Merlin: about the CT-344
[12:47] Noelle Linden: yes?
[12:48] Thibaud Merlin: can we post comments besides the snapshots?
[12:48] Noelle Linden: I think this is absolutely fine
[12:48] Thibaud Merlin: ok
[12:48] Noelle Linden: as long as it is clear what comment goes with what screenshot
[12:49] Noelle Linden: just try to be short and concise
[12:49] Noelle Linden: but yes,this is fine
[12:49] Thibaud Merlin: yes, btw yann posted a comment it is not clear to what it relates :))
[12:49] Noelle Linden: Yann!!!!!!
[12:49] Yann Dufaux: oui
[12:49] Thibaud Merlin: soooooorry yann
[12:50] Thibaud Merlin: lol
[12:50] Youri Ashton: a lot of things that are not related are posted
[12:50] Youri Ashton: I cleared out a lot of that in the dutch KB already
[12:50] Noelle Linden: on CT 344 ?
[12:50] Youri Ashton: CT 344 I am not sure
[12:50] Youri Ashton: link?
[12:50] Yann Dufaux: let me look now:)
[12:51] Noelle Linden:
[12:51] Youri Ashton: ty
[12:51] Thibaud Merlin: Youri -> [ [12:51] Noelle Linden: this one is for French one
[12:51] Thibaud Merlin: upps i am logged in :)
[12:52] Youri Ashton: that picture nr 3 i seen often onthe Dutch translation aswell
[12:52] Yann Dufaux: this i have observed in my frenc viewer :)
[12:52] Youri Ashton:
[12:52] Yann Dufaux: french*
[12:52] Youri Ashton: text running off the panels and buttons
[12:53] Noelle Linden: I know that Ramzi understood you
[12:53] Youri Ashton: more languages seem to have that problem
[12:53] Noelle Linden: yes
[12:53] Yann Dufaux: but i'm useit description of picture in english lol
[12:53] Youri Ashton: good, hoep he can fix that problem
[12:53] Noelle Linden: yes I am sure he can
[12:53] Youri Ashton: if French and Dutch have this problem, then it must be for more languages aswell
[12:53] Noelle Linden: I would love to keep this discussion going
[12:54] Noelle Linden: but I have to leave a bit earlier today....
[12:54] Noelle Linden: I am sorry
[12:54] Youri Ashton: I suggested to Danica to increase the size of the windows and buttons slightly
[12:54] Yann Dufaux: Your i can help you if yo need! :)
[12:54] Noelle Linden: I would be happy to help you "offline"
[12:54] Youri Ashton: dont worry, we'll talk more later some time :)
[12:54] Noelle Linden: if oyu have any more questions
[12:54] Youri Ashton: ow we can
[12:54] Noelle Linden: Laurent did you have any question ?
[12:55] Noelle Linden: did you all see Torley's post on his visit ?
[12:55] Thibaud Merlin: sure it was nice
[12:55] LINUS Humphreys: who is torley?
[12:55] Laurent Bechir: on the secondlife blog ?
[12:55] Yann Dufaux: Youri, i add you in my friend list contact, if you need help about french in jira ask me :)
[12:55] Noelle Linden: yes!
[12:55] Youri Ashton: yeah i read it a little bit
[12:55] Youri Ashton: couldnt focus on it entirely tho
[12:55] Laurent Bechir: yes. It's nice :)
[12:55] Youri Ashton: still not feeling 100% for that
[12:55] Noelle Linden: no problem Youri
[12:55] Noelle Linden: I am going to have to go
[12:56] Laurent Bechir: did you have my message about the snapshots ?
[12:56] Youri Ashton: thank you for this meeting Noelle!
[12:56] Yann Dufaux: Noelle, désolé suis encore en mode "endormi" lol
[12:56] Noelle Linden: yes I answered
[12:56] Youri Ashton: have a great sl day!
[12:56] Thibaud Merlin: okay Noelle see you soon
[12:56] LINUS Humphreys: bye bye
[12:56] Noelle Linden: merci a vous tous
[12:56] Noelle Linden: a mardi prochain
[12:56] Thibaud Merlin: à mardi!!
[12:56] Laurent Bechir: I dind't see yet :)au revoir
[12:56] Noelle Linden: et n'hesitez pas si vous avez des questions
[12:56] Laurent Bechir: à mardi
[12:56] Noelle Linden: bye!
[12:56] Yann Dufaux: à mardi!!!