User:Opensource Obscure/LSL/Sim Hud Stat Open
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string language = "it"; float distance = 96.0; string message0 = ""; list landinforeqd = [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME, PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER, PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP, PARCEL_DETAILS_ID]; vector regionbase; string message; string regione; integer lang_check; string nomeorig;
fai() {
llSetObjectName(""); llOwnerSay("-------------------------------------"); regionbase = llGetPos(); string version = llGetEnv("sim_channel") + " " + llGetEnv("sim_version"); message = ""; list details = llGetParcelDetails(regionbase,landinforeqd); regione = llGetRegionName(); string chiave_agent = llList2String(details ,1);
llOwnerSay( "Parcel: secondlife:///app/parcel/" + llList2String(details ,3) + "/about" // + " - proprietà di " + "secondlife:///app/agent/" + chiave_agent + "/inspect" );
// if( llGetRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAG_SANDBOX )
// message += regione + " is a sandbox region. ";
// else
// message += regione + " is not a sandbox region. ";
if( llGetRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAG_FIXED_SUN ) { message += ("Sun is fixed. "); } else {
// message += ("Sun isn't fixed. ");
// message += ("Direct teleports are allowed. ");
} else { message += ("Direct teleports are not allowed. "); } if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_TERRAFORM ) { message += ("YOU CAN TERRAFORM HERE !! "); } else {
// message += ("Terraforming is blocked. ");
} if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_FLY ) {
// message += "You can fly here. ";
} else { message += "You cannot fly here. "; }
if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS ) { message += "People can rez here. "; } else {
// message += "You cannot rez here. ";
if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_ALL_OBJECT_ENTRY ) { message += "Objects can enter this parcel. "; } else {
// message += "Objects cannot enter this parcel. ";
if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_SCRIPTS ) {
// message += "Scripts allowed. ";
} else { message += "Scripts not allowed. "; }
if( llGetParcelFlags(llGetPos()) & PARCEL_FLAG_RESTRICT_PUSHOBJECT ) { message += "Parcel restricts llPushObject. "; } else { message += "Parcel doesn't restricts llPushObject. "; } if( llGetRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAG_DISABLE_COLLISIONS ) { message += ("Collisions are disabled. "); } else { message += ("Collisions are enabled. "); } if( llGetRegionFlags() & REGION_FLAG_RESTRICT_PUSHOBJECT ) { message += ("llPushObject calls are restricted. "); } else { message += ("llPushObject calls are not restricted. "); }
llOwnerSay(version );
llOwnerSay("Time Dilation: " + (string)llGetRegionTimeDilation());
lang_check = FALSE; llSensor("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, distance, PI); llSetObjectName(nomeorig);
state_entry() { nomeorig = llGetObjectName(); }
touch_start(integer total_number) { fai(); }
changed(integer change) { if (change & CHANGED_REGION) //note that it's & and not &&... it's bitwise! { fai(); } } sensor(integer total_number) { llSetObjectName(""); message0 = "ci sono " + (string)llGetRegionAgentCount() + " persone in tutto nella sim. Italiani nei dintorni: "; integer i; for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) { if(llGetAgentLanguage(llDetectedKey(i)) == language) { lang_check = TRUE; message0 += " " + " secondlife:///app/agent/" + (string)llDetectedKey(i) + "/about"; } } llOwnerSay(message0); if(lang_check == FALSE) { llOwnerSay("nessuno."); } llOwnerSay(llGetSimulatorHostname()); llSetObjectName(nomeorig); }
no_sensor() { llSetObjectName(""); integer agents = llGetRegionAgentCount(); if(agents == 0) { llOwnerSay("llGetRegionAgentCount() riporta 0 Agents, cosa che non dovrebbe succedere."); } else if(agents == 1) { llOwnerSay("Non c'e' nessun altro nella sim."); } else if(agents == 2) { llOwnerSay("C'e' un'altra persona nella sim, ed e' lontana."); } else { llOwnerSay("Ci sono " + (string)(agents-1) + " altre persone nella sim, e sono lontane."); } llOwnerSay(llGetSimulatorHostname()); llSetObjectName(nomeorig); }
} </lsl>