User:SaltOf Ersetu

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Alive since 9-11-2006, SaltOf Ersetu maintains a home in Pimushe with a fine garden and natural pool for the occasional swim. SaltOf is a member of the Second Life Mentor volunteer program, the Pimushe Neighborhood Association and the "I am busy Building" sect.

SaltOfs (Or just "Salt" to his friends) is passionate about building, having built numerous custom homes, a chopper, and some jewelry and furniture. It isn't clear that Salt has a good grasp of the skill of dancing, having been witnessed doing the chicken dance to some serious drums and bass, but he sure looks funny!

Salt loves interacting with people, but doesn't always know what to say to get a conversation going. Aside from enjoying helping others, it is one of the reasons he joined the SL Mentor program. If you ever see him, say hello.
