User:Tiger Crossing

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I joined Second Life the moment I heard about it, 2-3 months after it left beta. I was involved in most of the major events in the early days, including the first few game development contests.

Real Life

I'm a programmer and game developer in real life. I worked on Elder Scrolls 3 and 4, Morrowind and Oblivion, and now I am a game development team of one creating a 3D battlefield medicine training game for the military.

Current Second Life

I've been fairly quiet the last year or so, having less time to get in-world, and my home hardware hasn't kept up with the demands of the latest SL clients. I'm still in-world from time to time, however, and can be tempted by an interesting build or programming job if one is offered. I'm also always willing to help anyone by sharing what knowledge I have about Second Life and its inner workings, from building shortcuts to scripting tips.

Contact Information

I'm Tiger Crossing in-world, of course, but you can also reach me via email at nonsanity at tigercrossing dotcom. For more immediate contact, I'm usually on or at least connected to the AIM chat network as FluffAndSuch.