User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-01-11
6 AM
Torley Linden: Thanks for being here earlier than me! Oh, that's encouraging!
Babbler3.17: 友好的な挨拶のtorley
Torley Linden: Today's a performance review day at Linden Lab! The pressure's on!
Torley Linden: Good to see each and all of ya, I'm still rezzing!
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Babbler3.17: :D
Sami Luukkanen: :)
Rose Mackie: omg its torley!
Chase Marellan: :)
aliceinwire Bleac: wow man and human torley :D
Babbler3.17: ワウの人及び人間のtorley:D
Ryder Dryke: with a glowing hat
Ryder Dryke: :->
Torley Linden: Yes, it was kinda gratuitous. :D
Torley Linden: How are each of you doing?
Sami Luukkanen: Greay
Ryder Dryke: weekend has started! hoooo!
Sami Luukkanen: great*
Ryder Dryke: i'm quite excited ... i was with alice at the SL mentor orientation yesterday
Torley Linden: Oh? Tell me more. *listens*
Ryder Dryke: hm i hope to be moved to the SL mentor group the next hours
Ryder Dryke: and then be able to visit the orientation islands
aliceinwire Bleac: boook book
Babbler3.17: boook の本
Torley Linden: Sounds like an exciting time!
Sami Luukkanen: Why watermelons?
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Torley Linden: That is great, so our VTeam is helping you get started?
Sami Luukkanen: haha
Dimitrio Lewis: hey Lae :)
Ryder Dryke: yes
Torley Linden: Sami, many reasons, good question... they taste good, vibrant color, they have a role in my family's history... they're really good for feeding people.
Laetizia Coronet: I would throw the book at ya Alice but it wouldn't make a great impression :)
Laetizia Coronet: hi there
Ryder Dryke: i was mentoring for monthts already on a private estate
Ryder Dryke: but now its kinda official
aliceinwire Bleac: i was your teacher ryder?
Ryder Dryke: yes you have been :)
Ryder Dryke: thanks again
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
aliceinwire Bleac: welcome in the family ^^
Ryder Dryke: woot!
Rose Mackie: .·:*´¨`*:·. .·:*´¨`*:·.WOOT WOOT .·:*´¨`*:·. .·:*´¨`*:·.
Rose Mackie: .·:*´¨`*:·. .·:*´¨`*:·.WOOT WOOT .·:*´¨`*:·. .·:*´¨`*:·.
Ryder Dryke: oh torley ... i have 2 questions
Torley Linden: Oh, please do ask!
aliceinwire Bleac: XD
Ryder Dryke: can we have one of your texture vendors at our local sandbox?
aliceinwire Bleac: for me no question
Rose Mackie: wheeeeee
Dimitrio Lewis: It's always great having new mentors, Ryder. There are so many people coming into Second Life who will need guidance.
aliceinwire Bleac: uff
aliceinwire Bleac: yes
Ryder Dryke: i agree
Torley Linden: You most certainly can, Ryder, do you already have a copy or do you need one?
Laetizia Coronet: please... it's been a noisy day for me in SL... Pray refrain from the wooting and the dancing and the singing... lol
Ryder Dryke: i need one :)
aliceinwire Bleac: i have one in my inventory
Ryder Dryke: pleaase :)
Torley Linden: What Dimi said, there's no end of that, no end of helping and teaching and the joy when newcomers are months into their Second Life and you meet them again and see how much they've grown.
Chase Marellan: I didn't know you gave them out, Torley! Can I have one too for ours?
Torley Linden: Sure thing Ryder! Unomomento.
aliceinwire Bleac: but i think it ake too long time searching it
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
aliceinwire Bleac: italian torley
Ryder Dryke: mafia torley that is
Ryder Dryke: :->
Torley Linden: Sure Chase!
Ryder Dryke accepted your inventory offer.
Ryder Dryke: wow thanks torley!
Chase Marellan: Thanks!
Laetizia Coronet: ehi... I live in Italy, it's not all mafia here...
Torley Linden: :D
Chase Marellan accepted your inventory offer.
Torley Linden: Yeah, "mafia" is a stereotype...
Torley Linden bare: **** Torley Linden BARE ****
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: 14X RAM SYSTEM 2086 YOTTABYTES FREE
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: READY.
Chase Marellan: Much obliged
Torley Linden bare: Do you love watermelons too, aliceinwire Bleac?
Torley Linden: You're most graciously welcome.
aliceinwire Bleac: XD
Torley Linden bare: aliceinwire Bleac, you are living your Second Life! :)
Ryder Dryke: and 2nd: do you know why particles look very crappy in windlight sometimes?
Ryder Dryke: i read on jira it was fixed .. but i dont think so
aliceinwire Bleac: make a photo when it happen
Laetizia Coronet: particles are crappy for the most part... apart of course those of my helicopter ;)
aliceinwire Bleac: and post it in jira
Torley Linden bare: RRL = Really Redundant Loop
Torley Linden bare: RRL = Really Redundant Loop
Torley Linden bare: (44, 4444) : ERROR : Syntax error... RUR RUR RUR!
Ryder Dryke: yeah but i'm not so good, since english is not my native language
Sami Luukkanen: ahah
Torley Linden: Ryder, hmmm... how do you mean "crappy"?
Torley Linden: Do you have pictures?
Ryder Dryke: i have an example can i rez it?
Torley Linden: OK!
Laetizia Coronet: Ryder, you are doing just fine, noone is going to come with a red pencil
Torley Linden: *looks at this big picture*
Rose Mackie: Wow, ryder, you are doing great
Ryder Dryke: thanks :)
Ryder Dryke: this is the same situation on the same location
Torley Linden: So, I see two rainbows... and I understand you fine, Ryder... now please help me focus on what's the problem you see?
Ryder Dryke: but WL and normal
Laetizia Coronet: what is your native language then?
Ryder Dryke: german
Ryder Dryke: the particles are too few in WL
Ryder Dryke: the rainbow is very intense in the left one
Ryder Dryke: thats wanted
Laetizia Coronet: if need be I can help, I speak German and English (among others) and i am a translator
Ryder Dryke: but in WL there are not enough drawn
Ryder Dryke: ah cool!
Laetizia Coronet: just contact me when you're not sure
Ryder Dryke: thanks i will do
aliceinwire Bleac: oh i don't speak german
Ryder Dryke: i give you a copy of this, torley
aliceinwire Bleac: i understand french spanish and little japanese
Ryder Dryke gave you windlight particle problem.
aliceinwire Bleac: and i'm italian
Ryder Dryke: we think that paritcle burst is too low or capped
Torley Linden: Thanks Ryder, I have seen similar issues.
Ryder Dryke: and that the capping is per emitter
Ryder Dryke: not per viewer
Laetizia Coronet: allora vivono nello stesso paese... but I am still learning Italian :)
Qie Niangao: Ryder -- that's with the same max particle count setting in preferences, right?
Ryder Dryke: yes
aliceinwire Bleac: you have try changing setting ?
Ryder Dryke: both 8000
Torley Linden: Ryder, seems like , OK, thanks for the test object too... that helps!
Torley Linden: I need to take a closer look at this soon.
Qie Niangao: oh, Torley, speaking of pjiras...
Ducan Ewing: Script run-time error
Ducan Ewing: Math Error
Qie Niangao: I'm not sure this is of broad interest to others, but because you have so much background with the Forums, Nika Talaj and I would like to call your attention to, for your feedback and suggestions. It's about getting some resmods back in place.
Ryder Dryke: and it seems that WL particles are TOO transparent
aliceinwire Bleac: torley is the person with most comment on pjira
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Ryder Dryke: the purple prim infront is the same transparency
Ryder Dryke: its similar in WL and normal
aliceinwire Bleac: igo away for a bit
Ryder Dryke: but particles are too transparent
aliceinwire Bleac: i want make a things
Laetizia Coronet: lately I have trouble flying my helicopter, are some script workings changed?
Sami Luukkanen: Torley, do you still have that "HAPPY DANCE"?
Torley Linden: Haha aliceinwire.
Torley Linden: Sami, which one are you thinking of? I have several I'd consider happy dances!
aliceinwire Bleac: :)
Torley Linden: Laetizia: Hmm not that I know of, specifically, that'd affect that... unless it was a Havok 4 bug on the Beta Grid.
Ryder Dryke: but i wanted to say, that the new WL viewer rocks ... i nearly have no crashes
Sami Luukkanen: That gesture made by you
Laetizia Coronet: someone stiull hads to do a gloomy dance in SL :D
Laetizia Coronet: no it was main grid... just have to keep accelerating to keep going
CaptainJack Delcon: Im running SL on a Mac Mini right now.
Eshi Otawara: and the piano thing
Eshi Otawara: mad
Dizzy Banjo: and aha.. he appears..
Moard Ling: inbuitl intel 950 ?
Eshi Otawara: awesomeness.
Torley Linden: Ahhh! I'm so sorry about that!
Torley Linden: QuickTime in the background hard-crashed me.
Dizzy Banjo: wb Tormeister
Laetizia Coronet: ah, no Tester.... pay up :D
Torley Linden: I was running some encoding tests...
Moard Ling: so who'd do i owe money too ?
Dizzy Banjo: Torlmeister*
Torley Linden: I'll have to investigate that later.
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: It's good to be back already! So what'd I miss?
Torley Linden: Hi hi hi!
Torley Linden: Thanks Dizzy!
Moard Ling: what you didn tmiss was the weekly bun handout
Laetizia Coronet: how modest and unassuming you look in your zoot suit Tor :)
Torley Linden: Oooh yellow... scintillating.
Torley Linden: Hehe Laetizia, I saw this in a store and knew I had to get it.
Torley Linden: First of all, green suits are kind of uncommon compared to, say, charcoal. But the tie? Oh my gosh!
Laetizia Coronet: it's a change from the brightness, I like it
Qie Niangao: watermelapel
Laetizia Coronet: the tie says TORLEY... BUY ME!!!!!
Moard Ling: i lthink aliceinwire needs that book e-reader from amazon
Eshi Otawara: love it
Laetizia Coronet: Moard I think she'll be needing a neck brace soon ;)
Eshi Otawara: at least the tie is not saying- torley, buy me cheaply
Eshi Otawara: :P
Torley Linden: WOW these are nice particle lights!
CaptainJack Delcon: Torley , while you where crashed, we sold all your land for $10L.
Torley Linden: Who's been doing that? :D
Ryder Dryke: me :)
Laetizia Coronet: yeah and there will be a mall on Brenner instead of those old bones ;)
Dizzy Banjo: very nice yes
Laetizia Coronet: SL does need more malls ;)
Ryder Dryke: i'm kinda bored and play with that wand i help to develop with
Moard Ling: is there a pall mall ?
Eshi Otawara: hahahaha
Dimitrio Lewis: did you script those particles, Ryder?
Ryder Dryke: some parts of it
Torley Linden: CaptainJack: OH !@#$!!!! ;) J/K
Moard Ling goes on bun hunt
Ryder Dryke: i like to build and script very much
Laetizia Coronet: aliceinwire and me can do a mall-avita and rip everyone off (malavita = mafia)
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Eshi Otawara: lol
Torley Linden: I like malls that look like museums, those are kinda tricky.
Moard Ling: do pacyderms need driving licenses ?
Torley Linden: It's like "Hey, cool dinosaur... oh wait, it's for sale... !"
Laetizia Coronet: heheh
Dizzy Banjo: haha nice script error particles
Laetizia Coronet: I hate SL malls
Laetizia Coronet: prefer small shops here and there
Ryder Dryke: yeah ... a curse to all scripters :)
Moard Ling: Slmalls
Torley Linden: A fancy name for a small shop is a "boutique".
Eshi Otawara: hahahahaha
Rose Mackie: Torley, Is there a single site to watch all of your tutorial videos ... and also, I remember hearing about a list of SL tutorial videos but I cannot find it
Eshi Otawara: torley- are you EVER in a bad mood?
Torley Linden: Yes Rose! has links , or just go to my YouTube page, they're all in a grid...
Torley Linden:
Rose Mackie: Thank you
Torley Linden: Eshi, I sure am sometimes, and then I do something happy with that, I focus my energy.
Torley Linden: :)
Sami Luukkanen: or just works
Eshi Otawara: haha
Torley Linden: Thanx Sami!
Torley Linden: :D
Laetizia Coronet: no really, if i were to have a sim to build it would be a nice park dotted with small shops, a palce to hang around but without in-your-face marketing
Sami Luukkanen: :)
Torley Linden: My video tutorials really came out of frustration, repeating some of the same things over and over...
Moard Ling: fancy name for a boutique is car boot
Torley Linden: so I found joy in there.
Torley Linden: Laetizia: That sounds pretty scenesque!
Laetizia Coronet: Moard, that's a booty call
Rose Mackie: Torley, sorry to be geeky, but just want you to know how much I enjoy your videos
Dimitrio Lewis: Aqua is arranged quite nicely for a mall
Rose Mackie: lots of energy in your voice that encourages me
Torley Linden: Rose: Oh don't apologize at all, and I really appreciate you sharing this with me! It's encouraging, makes me want to make... more of them.
Dizzy Banjo: definitely going to be trying out
Torley Linden: :D
Ryder Dryke: i agree with rose
Moard Ling: would you rather have Sith or malls ?
Torley Linden: Yeah, for anyone here who hasn't tried it out yet and is on Windows, is a quick, easy SL movie recorder (records other games too).
Torley Linden: Ryder: =^_^=
Rose Mackie: i like your music vids ... is there an All Torley All the Time stream?
Torley Linden: WeGame is free too, apparently.
Torley Linden: Rose: Not yet that I know of!
Sonic Prim stumbled across the abandoned Torley Tester avatar on Hippotropolis yesterday.. must have been after testing it
Dimitrio Lewis is uploading past vids to wegame right now :)
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Sonic Prim cant help but play sonic tricks...
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
CaptainJack Delcon: YOur T-videos really make SL's UI more enjoyable to use.
Sonic Prim: lol
Torley Linden: Hahah Sonic, yes, I was testing WeGame as Torley Tester.
Torley Linden: CaptainJack: Hehe, yeah, and the times where I can't find viable tricks or workarounds, I ask our Rx Team for help to make the UI better. :D
Sonic Prim: lol
Sonic Prim induces sonic chaos at linden hour shocker
serdino Criss: hello
Sonic Prim: oo thats a nice particle
Sonic Prim: whos was that ?
Ryder Dryke: me again
Ryder Dryke: i'm still bored :))
Sonic Prim: me wants it
Ryder Dryke: hehe
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Torley Linden: Hehe "prim", that is such a cheeky last name!
Ryder Dryke: but unfortunately its expensive
ROMSEY Homewood: POKE!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Sonic Prim: how much u wants for it ? :P
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Ryder Dryke: hehe :)
Sonic Prim: that enuf ?
Ryder Dryke: the wand has 120 tricks now and is 7kL :(
Sonic Prim: aw
Sonic Prim: its wandifieed
Sami Luukkanen: Is that watermelon transferable?
Ryder Dryke: yes we try to make a great wand like starax did
Laetizia Coronet: why am I hearing all the viewer souds? Who froze me?
Sonic Prim: lol good luck there..
Ryder Dryke: i said we try! :)
Sonic Prim: more wands in SL is good tho.. one person shouldnt monopolise them :D
Torley Linden: :O
Torley Linden: Sami, which watermelon?
Ryder Dryke: indeed
Ryder Dryke: unfortunately starax left
Torley Linden: If I missed any questions earlier, feel free to repeat them!
Sami Luukkanen: that on the table
Torley Linden: Oh sadly no, Sami.
Torley Linden: It sure is a nice one, tho.
Sami Luukkanen: :(
serdino Criss: hi
Eshi Otawara: he's still here
Sonic Prim: well.. morphed into waves..
Ryder Dryke: hi serdino
Sami Luukkanen: yeah
Torley Linden: I'd ask Phyzz Fizz if you have further interest.
serdino Criss: what are you doing?
Torley Linden: *watches the spinning Issue Tracker "coin"*
Sami Luukkanen: kayh
Torley Linden: serdino, hello and friendly greetings! Welcome to my Office Hour. We're hanging out and chatting about various things.
Ryder Dryke: yes but light waves cant sell me a starax stadosky wand
Torley Linden: You're welcome to join us if you'd like.
Nika Talaj: Torley, if you have some time to share some ideas on Forum moderation, Qie and I would love to hear your thoughts.
CaptainJack Delcon: Torly., As from one instructor to another, YOur videos keep me interested in the subject. You make dry subjects falvorful. Like Watermelons.... :D
Marianne McCann: Hiya
aliceinwire Bleac gave you Jira URL-er v1.2 (torley mod v2).
Nika Talaj: Hey Mari!
Dizzy Banjo: hi Marianne
Arawn Spitteler: Hi, Marianne
Qie Niangao: Hi Mari!
Rose Mackie: ~**~..~* *~..~** HEWWOOO! **~..~* *~..~**~
serdino Criss: yes, thanks, but i'm not very expert, it' my first time in second life
Ryder Dryke: then welcome to second life!
Arawn Spitteler thinks Torley needs a bigger table
Marianne McCann: Cool, Serdino
Torley Linden: Ah Nika! I saw the discussion in the Issue Tracker (incidentally, some of my job focus has shifted to the Issue Tracker, which has its own "forums" by way of the comments there). It is surely a challenging subject... we've tried a lot of approaches historically and it was pretty turbulent (incl. Resident Moderators), from one thing to the next. What sort of ideas did you have in mind?
Nika Talaj: Well, we're making a proposal to revitalize the program
Nika Talaj: since Strife stepped down
Sami Luukkanen: You are good playing piano
Torley Linden: *nod* Strife hung in there a long time.
CaptainJack Delcon: Alice i spretty good at ballancing those books on her head.
Torley Linden: Thanks Sami. :)
Nika Talaj: The forums themselves are VERY vital right now
Sonic Prim: incidentally .. watch out for the rest of the Prim family.. they are less well behaved than me.. especially Mega Prim
Nika Talaj: and we'd hate to see that dissolve into chaos.
Torley Linden: Nika: Which particular areas of the forums would you say are the most vital, or important? I haven't been there much myself (I used to participate lots, tho, as you likely know).
CaptainJack Delcon: Torley, Is it true SL is no longer supporting Mac OS 10.3.9?
Nika Talaj: Aki Linden is doing a bit of moderations here and there ... but has little time.
Marianne McCann: A prim last name? How cool is dat?
Torley Linden: Sonic: Oh, punnage... I had a feeling that had to be taken!
Nika Talaj: Yes, lol, your past leadership is why we're here
Sonic Prim: theres even my distant cousin Volatile Prim.. whoa
Nika Talaj: RA is extremely lively, it's really an interactive customer support portal now
Nika Talaj: and of course the content fora are stunning
Marianne McCann: Me agrees with Nika
Qie Niangao: I think Resident Answers keeps busy--*mostly* productively. and Scripting, Building, Textures... sometimes animation
Nika Talaj: and the vendors say they sell quite a bit thru the products fora
Marianne McCann: Scripting forum helped me out so much the other day
Torley Linden: Nika: Aw! The problem I ran into back in 2006 was... one of "not enough resources". E.g., there were Lindens who *could* have done forum moderation but other priorities were considered more important. So we started to add Resident Moderators, but that left some folks very unhappy that "anyone who's not a Linden" would be appointed to help make the forums more positive.
Dizzy Banjo: Robin had some interesting news about a potential hybrid between Jira and the old feature voter the other day.. that could be really really cool..
Nika Talaj: Yes, we've seen that. Cannot make everyone happy ... and I'm hoping that if we
Torley Linden: Dizzy: I'd like to hear more about that... she and I are going to work more on certain community projects later this quarter.
Qie Niangao: i think the old worry that they're not "scalable" will be raised again, if only a Linden has moderation duty
Nika Talaj: formalize the recruiting for resmods, make it continueous, we can overcome that.
Nika Talaj: We now have over 30 resmod volunteers.
Dizzy Banjo: yeh i think it could work really well
Qie Niangao: and if they're not moderated reasonably actively, the objection that they're "hostile" could become a problem again, too
Torley Linden: Qie: Yup, and they weren't scalable before, and with Second Life's growth now, there are a lot more Residents.
aliceinwire Bleac: i to report it in jira "why if i'm near torley my application going more fast"
Dizzy Banjo: id certainly get involved .. jira is good for a certain approach to development i think
aliceinwire Bleac: is a serius issue
aliceinwire Bleac: :D
Marianne McCann: Alice - it;s the watermelon
Marianne McCann: slicks up the viewer
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
aliceinwire Bleac: the power of watermmelon :D
serdino Criss: ok, thanks for your hospitality, but i must go away now
serdino Criss: see you
Torley Linden: Part of the debacle was "no win" situations, like, the people who wanted us to change the Guidelines in ways Linden Lab simply couldn't do, so they ran off to form their own forums... some of which closed, and they came back here seeking more active moderation ("too much freedom"?).
Marianne McCann: Have fun, serdino
Torley Linden: Have a good one, serdino!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
serdino Criss: bye
Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
aliceinwire Bleac: bye :D
Torley Linden: I like to focus on the positive and emphasize the many contributing Resis who help boost the community, of course. :)
Chase Marellan: Unfortunately, any time you have a large number of people you're going to have no-win situations.
Nika Talaj: Well, I think the 3rd party forums have their role. But SL's forums are unique
Nika Talaj: They actually are focused on helping.
Sami Luukkanen: Aww, I've gotta go soon
Torley Linden: Nika: What do you feel are the greatest strengths of having an official forums? :)
Dizzy Banjo: agreed chase
Moard Ling: are there any SL social stats, eg. av length of partnership, av size of inv, av numb places visited in a week
Chase Marellan had to duck out to take care of something here and it took almost as long to catch up as the time he was gone. :)
Nika Talaj: Torley, they are such an obvious place for support that new residents find them immediately
Torley Linden: Chase: Yes, it became difficult with clashes on numerous fronts and differences between people... some of the "religious arguments" that broke out were nasty!
Qie Niangao: I think, personally, that only the official forums offer the level of resident support
Nika Talaj: And the live interactive, IMMEDIATE support they get is unique
Marianne McCann: Dat's be interesing MOard. The social side is one that always fascinates me
Chase Marellan: I believe that.
Nika Talaj: This year we have reached inworld as well.
Nika Talaj: Residents from the forums will actually show up to help you.
Nika Talaj: inworld.
Marianne McCann: When they ain't busy talkin about pie
Marianne McCann giggles
Torley Linden: Nika: That is very true in my experience too, having been helped on the forums when I was new.
Moard Ling: or buns
Nika Talaj: We have many testimonials from residents about the quality of the help they've received.
Qie Niangao: there's a pretty active forum community now, and for the most part, the forums are less negative... though that could change without moderation.
Torley Linden: Qie: *nods* Things tend to come and go in waves, depending on what the news of the day is.
Arawn Spitteler: Are the forums open, yet?
Torley Linden: Arawn: Yes, after the upgrade the other day, they are.
Moard Ling: Did a funny thing happened on the way to them
Nika Talaj: *S* moard
Nika Talaj: every day, yes
Arawn Spitteler recalls Jon and Jeremy promising they would
Moard Ling: Ron Jeremy ?
Marianne McCann: Torley - heard any reports of crashes in WL from moving the traphic sliders up or down too fast?
Qie Niangao: ultimately, it would be good if the vBulletin upgrade could get applied (with customizations) coincident with the single-sign-on authentication.
Torley Linden: Part of the problem too, has been encouraging people to post in the right places... for Resident-to-Resident support help, Resident Answers is great. But for bugs that need Linden action, the Issue Tracker is the place.
Torley Linden: Mari: Graphic sliders? Not yet... but sounds easy to repro.
aliceinwire Bleac gave you Jira URL-er v1.2 (torley mod v2).
Marianne McCann: Ya. Gonna do some tests on it today an see if I can't crah myself s'more
Qie Niangao: oh, but Torley, I think the folks in the forums are the best help the pjira has!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Divine Tech Enchanted Dai-Katana: releasing controls
Divine Tech Enchanted Dai-Katana: Couldn't find animation Standing
Lightsaber: releasing controls
CaptainJack Delcon: I was completly lost when I started SL inworld training world. I firgured things out and even help a guy get out of the training world.
Torley Linden: Qie: I like seeing the same familiar, friendly faces on numerous communication tools, including inworld. :)
Nika Talaj: People advertise pjira issues in their forum signatures, lol.
Torley Linden: I like that a LOT!
Torley Linden: When people advocate for what they care about.
Torley Linden: I have numerous examples of when those helped get action.
Marianne McCann: Didja see all the stuff with the group spaces voting? That took off faster'n a cat macro
Nika Talaj: We have people who want a pjira forum ... but if fear that would distract from feedback on the pjira itself.
Sami Luukkanen: I figured this all by my self
Ryder Dryke: ok friends ... I'm leaving you ... have a nice weekend and take care!
Nika Talaj: But you do see a lot of advocating for issues there.
Arawn Spitteler still thinks Jira Navigation looks daunting, but will have to look again before 2
Sami Luukkanen: well, I've gotta go too
Torley Linden: Mari: Yup, that's one of those "omnipopular" issues.
Marianne McCann: Have fun Ryder
aliceinwire Bleac: bye bye sami :)
Chase Marellan: Bye Ryder
Sami Luukkanen: Bye all
Nika Talaj: In fact, the WEB-448 issues now has over 30 votes since tuesday XD
Ryder Dryke: greetingz from germany ... and bye :)
Sami Luukkanen: cya
Torley Linden: Nika: Yeah, part of the problem is not *discussion*, but *expectation of where Lindens will reply*.
Marianne McCann: Oh ya. When you start sellin in malls an stuff, those slots fill *fast*
Nika Talaj: zackly, Torley.
Nika Talaj: The forum regulars are very pjira - aware now, and very blunt about no responses from Lindens expected in the forums.
Torley Linden: One of the great things about the Issue Tracker too (and this is true for Second Life in general) has been a wide variety of participation from Resis to update, edit, resolve, etc. and help move issues along. Part of it is philosophical ("Open Source") which many don't yet really know about or understand. But change is happening.
Nika Talaj: ALtho it is always a thrill for folks when someone stops by there!
Torley Linden: That's good to know.
Moard Ling: the most vicersal protestors could be made lindens for a day, that'lll sober them up
Chase Marellan: ha! Yes, Moard
Nika Talaj: Andrew's help on the megaprims discussion was most clarifying, for example.
Marianne McCann: Oops, Sorry Dimitrio, an enjoy
Marianne McCann grins
CaptainJack Delcon: maybe it would be best for the Resident helper to pre screen issues and report to jira those that are ture bugs.?
Arawn Spitteler: Labor Laws pprhibit dismissal of stark raving lunatics
Dimitrio Lewis: np :)
Sonic Prim: wow its soundstastic here today.. lol
Torley Linden: LOL Moard!
Marianne McCann gave you ! .Rezzable Collectors, Ebuddy Sndbx1 Rezzable (137,.
Torley Linden: "Walk a mile in my shoes..."
Moard Ling: 500 miles
Torley Linden: CaptainJack: Hm, that might be unscalable given the # of issues. We do have group triages to get "more eyeballs" on bugs to ascertain, because even the smartest people don't know about all the bugs in every area, nor can they repro them.
Marianne McCann does her weekly "dump LMs on Torley" moment
Torley Linden: So right now at Linden Lab, I think we're trying to decide what to do next, what the benefit of starting a "second wave of ResMods" would be... it may likely involve our Volunteer Team too.
Torley Linden: Thanx Mari!
Marianne McCann: You're welcome! :-)
Chase Marellan: It's good to have a resi perspective, though. There was an issue just popped up on SLDev that would have been catastrophic if it had just been implemented as-is.
Nika Talaj: That would be great. I've talked to Amber and George about liasing with the VTeam.
Torley Linden: As well as the human resources needed to help usher in these new ResMods and train them, hypothetically speaking.
Torley Linden: Oh great that you have, Nika!
Torley Linden: Good folks. ^_^
Nika Talaj: Yes!
Torley Linden: Chase: Which issue was that?
Nika Talaj: The forum is a volunteer organization, it would be great to be under that umbrella.
Moard Ling: i think there shoudl be a nobo wlecome area like narnia
Chase Marellan: The "opt-in only group IMs".
Dizzy Banjo: yeh i wasnt sure of the concept behind that one.. to reduce group IM spamming ?
Torley Linden: I'm enthusiastically very appreciative of when someone learns something, and then they pass that knowledge along... it's how I started in SL, getting help from Mentors, Live Helpers (at the time), and other Volunteers.
Chase Marellan: I'm assuming it was a combination of reducing group IM spamming and reducing the huge database load of passing messages to large groups.
Torley Linden: Chase and Dizzy: Ahh.
Dizzy Banjo: ah yes
Moard Ling: oh my keeper wants to slop out , c y all
Marianne McCann looks nervously up at the light saber over her head
Nika Talaj: It is the only reason why people stay and contribute on the forums, Torley!
Torley Linden: Hmm I'd have to backtrack on SLDev and see what was up with that.
Dizzy Banjo: im sure more groups ( as Robin hinted the other day ) would also increase network loading too
Chase Marellan: But it would have required people like me to have 20-30 open tabs, most of which I would miss messages on because I couldn't see the flash, and ...
Nika Talaj: Is for the sense of satisfaction when residents are helped
Eshi Otawara waves at Chase
Arawn Spitteler just read up on Friends Conferences: Did you know that the Friends Conference Documentation doesn't even describe the only way people know to do that?
Torley Linden: Nika: I think it's also safe to say that a year ago, the # of helpful people in general was less on the forums too... I hope that's grown a lot, too.
Chase Marellan: the support groups would be useless because nobody would hear the questions.
Chase Marellan waves back as Eshi
Chase Marellan waves back AT eshi. As Eshi would just be ... weird.
Torley Linden: Dizzy: *nod* Robin made a full statement on New World Notes about that after aggregating the knowledge of different Teams at Linden Lab... a very cross-departmental thing as it involves the technical and social.
Eshi Otawara: :D
Nika Talaj: I'm only a year in SL, but Strife might have a perspective on that.
Marianne McCann: I've always found starting friends conferences confusing
Torley Linden: Hahaha Chase.
Dizzy Banjo: cool :)
Eshi Otawara: Yeah..I am weird indeed. :D
Marianne McCann smiles
Marianne McCann: Oh! Anyone gonna go to MacWorld Expo this next week? I gotta ask
Torley Linden: Not I, Mari, but I'm eager to hear what the SteveNote will be. :)
CaptainJack Delcon: Im mentoring to rezis now and have them up to speed in just 2 weeks, they where so great full.
Marianne McCann: Me too. I know the Mac Pro bump this week was nice. Moren i can buy
Eshi Otawara is tempted to do zorba
Eshi Otawara: lol
Dimitrio Lewis: Torley, I finished a new vid this week called Moonlit Sonata. Have you heard of it?
Torley Linden: CaptainJack: That's lovely to hear... I like to see growth and look back, "This is where I came from!"
Torley Linden: Not yet Dimi, is it on YouTube?
Dizzy Banjo got a Nike + iPod system the day.. great invention !
Dimitrio Lewis: it is, although blip has a longer version :)
Eshi Otawara: do i see Chad vader above my head?
Eshi Otawara: lol
Marianne McCann: That reminds me - I was in one this week, too. "The Window's Tale"
Dizzy Banjo: lol chad vader
Dizzy Banjo: now that would be a great avatar name...
Eshi Otawara: you have seen the videos Dizz, have you?
Marianne McCann: Not youtubed, though, but
Dizzy Banjo: yes
Torley Linden: Haha, "Chad Vader", I remember watching those.
Torley Linden: *catches URLs!*
Torley Linden: What's the URL to your vid, Dimi?
Dimitrio Lewis: I saw that Marianne, I liked that one :)
Dimitrio Lewis:
Dizzy Banjo: lol eshi
Dimitrio Lewis: lol there's so much ambient sound here today :p
Marianne McCann: It was *heck* to shoow, Dimitrio. Was a bad lag night for me. I kept walkin everywhere by my mark
CaptainJack Delcon: I think a key is getting well trained mentors, that increases quality of help new rezis get. equals better new user experince.
Dimitrio Lewis: aww
Marianne McCann: shoot*
Torley Linden: Education may not sound like fun sometimes. But it sure can be.
Marianne McCann loves to educate
Eshi Otawara: Yip!
Torley Linden: When people become and learn certain things, their view of reality shifts. Powerful yet true!
Torley Linden: Someone may become aware of many opportunities they previously hadn't even considered.
Chase Marellan was certified as a high school teacher IRL but is glad he doesn't have todo that for a living. :)
CaptainJack Delcon: I agreeTorley.
Chase Marellan: definitely!
Chase Marellan: That's what I love about writing tutorials and such
Sonic Prim: alas i must go.. bye bye all :D
Chase Marellan: Bye, Sonic!
Arawn Spitteler thinks of a few well paid School Teachers: This countries first celebrities had been Preachers, and Rush Limbaugh is basically lecturing in Current Events. Martha Stewart runs a clas in Home Ec, rom what I hear.
Chase Marellan: hahahah.... Scary but true.
Chase Marellan: But there's no accreditation there. :)
Moonlight Hirvi: hi to all
Dimitrio Lewis: I'd like to share the knowledge I'd learned of machinima creation. I've learned some tricks through experimenting with things.
Chase Marellan: hi Moonlight
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Moonlight Hirvi: torley linden?
Moonlight Hirvi: wow
Qie Niangao: So, Torley, not to belabor that forums pjira, but would just encourage any comments you might have there, and please contact either Nika or myself if you'd be interested in discussing it further.
Arawn Spitteler: Tutorial Writing can justify a job in a College, where Publish or Perish is the rule.
Eshi Otawara: bye sonic
aliceinwire Bleac: bye sonic :)
CaptainJack Delcon: Yes Chase, when its not your job is has a better feel of " I don't have to do this but I would like to".
Torley Linden: Qie: Thanks! I don't want to sound too stoic, but at the present, I'm waiting for some other Lindens to have input on this so we have a more clear idea of where we could go with this... I won't be leaving a comment there, at least not until that's done. :)
Marianne McCann: I often feel I hafta educate, but I dun mind havin' to
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Torley Linden: Thanx for being so passionate about helping in the forums!
Torley Linden: Moonlight: Indeed!
Dizzy Banjo: this really is audio overdrive today
Qie Niangao: ok, thanks, Torley. Understood, and appreciate your time.
Chase Marellan turned off his sound. Too overwhelming
Nika Talaj: *S* Thanks Torley!
Torley Linden: *nods and smiles*
Moonlight Hirvi: excuse me
Dizzy Banjo: yes.. the overwhelmingness of sound is often overlooked
Moonlight Hirvi: I'm an italian girl
Marianne McCann grabs her headphones to hear it all
Chase Marellan: I'm easily overwhelmed.
Dizzy Banjo: and the crudeness of many gesture sounds / poor mastering
Arawn Spitteler thinks this place needs an all Torley Stream: What would it take, to put videos on the web?
Chase Marellan: Sensory overload.
Torley Linden: Dizzy, I pay attention to that too.
Torley Linden: Arawn: Someday I hope we can play YouTube movies inworld, so that we could queue up a Flash playlist!
Laetizia Coronet: ok, PLEASE, need to know... was someone playing all the UI sounds earlier?
Marianne McCann: That would so rock
Dizzy Banjo: i often find working with more quieter sounds creates a richer more pleasant experience :)
Chase Marellan: that would be AWESOME
Chase Marellan: (youtube in world that is_
Dizzy Banjo: yes Sonic was
Marianne McCann: Dizzy - ya, I tend to use a lot of soft atmospherics, an layer them when I can, in my builds
CaptainJack Delcon: L Labs is under staffed and Im happy that there are many people that want to help make SL grow by helping L Labs with this project.
Dizzy Banjo: the naughty little prim
Laetizia Coronet: ok so that's explained
Arawn Spitteler just thinks Torley's done enough video, to produce a constant stream.
Laetizia Coronet: then Data froze me as a joke (I'll kill him) and i somehow spontaneously got logged off
Torley Linden: Sometimes subtle ambience can add a lot just by *being there*.
Torley Linden: Arawn, I don't think quite yet, but I hope to get to a stage where a whole Marathon of my vids can be run!
Laetizia Coronet: so that was more weirdness than is good for a girl
aliceinwire Bleac: ahaha
Torley Linden: Laetizia: That sounds like such a bizarre experience. o.O
aliceinwire Bleac: i'm a italian girl too
Marianne McCann: It's like an old story about the Star Trek bridge. It doe not feel right without the hum an the beeps an boops. It's flat without it
Laetizia Coronet: yes Torley, and Data beteter stay away or I'll orbit him :P
Marianne McCann: Laetizia - I 'bout flattened him with snowballs at the big snowball fight
CaptainJack Delcon: Alice, your av cracks me up. :D
Laetizia Coronet: I am Dutch, just like him... too bad I don't live in Holland anymore hehehe
Torley Linden: There ya have it, great example, Mari.
aliceinwire Bleac: XD
Marianne McCann: A lot of us kids is crack shots with the snowballs an waterballoons
Marianne McCann winks
Chase Marellan: Here's a stupid question: what's orbiting?
Laetizia Coronet: I'll send him a free vacation in Napoli.... that'll teach him :P
Dizzy Banjo: im hopefully going to be working with some really nice scripts from Cruxy soon which enable long sets of 10s audio to be linked pretty successfully .. and linked stereo pairs too
Chase Marellan: I keep hearing it but nobody ever says
Nika Talaj: lol Chase, come to the forums, we answer that daily!
aliceinwire Bleac: you are from napoli ??
Laetizia Coronet: Chase, if I shoot you and you end up 3 sims away and 1000m up - that's orbiting
Chase Marellan: Gotcha.
Chase Marellan: thanks
Laetizia Coronet: no alice, thank god no, i live near Cosenza
Torley Linden: The saga of Second Life continues...
Nika Talaj: It's harmless chase, you can just TP away anytime.
Marianne McCann: Oh excellent, Dizzy. That would be nice. Less repeats
aliceinwire Bleac: oh
aliceinwire Bleac: me near milan
Torley Linden: Chase, the term "orbit" originates from Bel Muse wayyy back in 2002, I think...
Moonlight Hirvi: I love second life
Moonlight Hirvi: :))
CaptainJack Delcon: Torley, have you posed the minutes of last meeting yet?
Laetizia Coronet: I see, even better :)
Torley Linden: sort of a way to say "Throw another avatar around the planet", even tho regions aren't spherically mapped. =)
CaptainJack Delcon: (posted)
Torley Linden: CaptainJack, yes I have. :)
Chase Marellan: Ah!
Torley Linden: Moonlight, I'm glad you do!
aliceinwire Bleac: SL world is a cube
aliceinwire Bleac: :P
Torley Linden: And I'd like to thank each and all of you for sharing with me today. I've got to go... performance review awaits... hehe... take care and have fun inworld! I'll be back here at 2 PM tho!
Marianne McCann: It all started with one
Chase Marellan has been building an ejector for Metaverse Republic and keeps dumping people into the sea on testing.
CaptainJack Delcon: tnks, I crashed and lost the chat history....
Nika Talaj: Thanks much, Torley!
Laetizia Coronet: Torley but they couldbe, in theory? Could you say, link Grasmere to some far-off region?
Qie Niangao: be well, Torley, and thanks for hosting!
Chase Marellan: Good luck, Torley!
Dimitrio Lewis: Take care, Torley. Good luck with the review :)
Marianne McCann: Havea super great weekend, Torley!
ROMSEY Homewood: byeeeeeeeee Torley!
Torley Linden: Laetizia: Wormholes? Someda maybe I would hope. =)
Torley Linden: *Someday
Laetizia Coronet: :)
Moonlight Hirvi: bye torley
Torley Linden: Thanx *waves and smiles* and bye-bye for now!
2 PM
Torley Linden: Oh hello everyone!
Torley Linden: Oh my gosh, it's quiet here!
Torley Linden: Daed!
Daedalus Young: hi
Daedalus Young: wow, it really is quiet
Torley Linden: That's so surprising, I expected more of a bustle. It's OK anyway! I wonder where everyone is. :)
Torley Linden: How've you been doing? What's new and exciting in your world?
Daedalus Young: I was asked to exhibit some photos at the new Oyster Bay Second Arts Photography building
Torley Linden: Ahhh I was reading that blog recently!
nik385 Doesburg: Zohmygodit'storley.
Daedalus Young: yes, we had Oyster -Day- yesterday
Daedalus Young: 1 year anniversary
Torley Linden: I remember being there for Origin Rang's concert, amongst other festivities.
Torley Linden: That was a blast.
nik385 Doesburg: Everyone's ruthed on my end.
Daedalus Young: that sure was
Daedalus Young: yesterday filled up 2 regions again
Isaac Ceawlin: greetings
Daedalus Young: hi
nik385 Doesburg: Torley, I've always wanted to meet you inworld, I'd heard all about you on the net, seen your vids, heard your musics, everything.
Summer Seale: \o/
Daedalus Young: and there'll be an official opening of the Photography building 15th
Springberry Maynard gave you Hair Sparkler (Worn on Pelvis).
Summer Seale: i missed you this morning, but i picked up a few leftovers on the plates after you had gone
Torley Linden: That's so nice of you, nik385! Or do you just prefer "Nik"!
Torley Linden: Awww hee hee.
Torley Linden: Evolution of places that stay around for awhile inworld is exciting...
Torley Linden: some things come and go.
nik385 Doesburg: My friends call me Nik, The 385 has a story behind it.
Isaac Ceawlin looks around:"So this is where the magic happens?"
nik385 Doesburg: Although it's long and tedious.
Daedalus Young: hehe, no short version? :P
Torley Linden: Tell me about the 385! I like origins of names, numbers.
Torley Linden: Welcome to Watermelinden Land!
Torley Linden: Hahahah OMG "Flexi Prim", what a fun name!
Flexi Prim: ^.^
Torley Linden: Wow, you're flexible too. Literally.
Flexi Prim: yus
Flexi Prim: wish i didn't crash on tp =(
Tarissa Tripsa: wow!
Daedalus Young: I often crash on tps when I'm inworld for a very long time
Xayvien Rau: I stand out like a broken thumb in the Land of Happiness and Fruits.
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Flexi Prim: i've crashed on every tp i've tp'ed today lol
Daedalus Young: oh, it's not that bad for me luckily
Tarissa Tripsa: As long as I don't use WL, I'm fine ;-)
Torley Linden: Multi Prim too, gosh, that's a great avatar.
nik385 Doesburg: Well, my name IRL is Nick, and that in part is where the "Nik" came from. Years ago I was in a programming class, and was asked to create a web browser. I did so, and used the Initials "N.I.K" I have forgotten what it stood for now. The 385 is the version number that was my final revision of the program, being version 3.8.5.
Torley Linden: Very nice cultural take on our... plywood texture, ahem ahem.
Multi Prim: ;)
Torley Linden: Please have a seat if you'd like! You don't have to if you'd rather not.
Xayvien Rau: I use Windlight, and everything is strangely shiny.
Torley Linden: nik385: Ahhh. ANd now I know!
Frappi Latte: Am I shiny? :D
Torley Linden: Frappi, you remind me of those Final Fantasy black mages.
Torley Linden: First Prim too? HAHAHA.
Frappi Latte: That's the idea.
Xayvien Rau: Yes, but only slightly. :o
Summer Seale: ya me too
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Flexi Prim: =D
Torley Linden: I gotta look you Prim dudes up in Search. This is wild.
Frappi Latte: A female version though.
Daedalus Young: I find the plywood texture works very well on just plain wood materials, like pencil tips and so
jazz Applemoor: chairs are gone allready
jazz Applemoor: :)
Xayvien Rau: I still want to see the guy named Someone Dasterdly.
Torley Linden: "First Prim" makes me think of "First Prime" outta Stargate.
Flexi Prim: i'll just flop around
Alpha Prim: hi happy people ;)
Summer Seale: \o/
nik385 Doesburg: Torley, You've seen the RL Multi Gadget on Flickr, and commented on it even. I plan on making a RL version of the Wet Ikon, and wearign both the Multi Gadget and the Wet Ikon to SLCC.
Daedalus Young: it's a Primvasion!
Isaac Ceawlin: Hi alpha
Flexi Prim: Alpha =D
Multi Prim: Floppy prim?
Flexi Prim: Flexi, floppy, kinda the same ;D
Tarissa Tripsa: Hey jazz!
Xayvien Rau: Attack of the Prim's: THEY CAME FROM PLANET SL.
Torley Linden: nik385: Intriguing, did you talk to the creator of Wet Ikon, Francis Chung, about that?
jazz Applemoor: hey
Torley Linden: I reminisce about when the Wet Ikon first came into being... I was there... watching Fran create it.
nik385 Doesburg: Yes, I have spoken with him through skype, he says it's fien as logn as I don't market it.
Tarissa Tripsa: jazz is the most melony in the group I'd say
nik385 Doesburg: I seem to be full of typos today.
Daedalus Young: you know Bob, the evil Prim?
Torley Linden: Multi Prim, that is an awesome avatar. Would make a great last boss, if you were more malicious.
jazz Applemoor: heh
Torley Linden: I'm unaware of this... BOB!
Alpha Prim: We only answer to the Prim directive :)
jazz Applemoor: unlimited supply of watermelons :)
Flexi Prim: daed: YES!!
Torley Linden: nik385: Ahh good to know, I'd like to see "First Life" photos of that for sure.
Tarissa Tripsa: yeah, stuff like that ;-)
Xayvien Rau: Someone set us up the Prim.
Multi Prim: I could be malicious if the situation required it. ;D
Frappi Latte: Everyone is still rezzing for me, so can't see it, I don't think.
Flexi Prim: hahaa xay
nik385 Doesburg: I plan on making a web comic based around the integration of SL and RL. I'l post them on Flickr and put them in ThinC books, but the process may take a long time.
Frappi Latte: Oh, yes, I see it now.
Flexi Prim: i see Prim people, they are everywhere! and they don't even know they are prims!
Multi Prim: Hey, Alpha.
Frappi Latte: I'm a prim people! :D
Alpha Prim: bump bump hehehe :)
Daedalus Young:
Torley Linden: Hahaha is there gonna be a Prim family machinima?
Daedalus Young: the best one
Flexi Prim: oooo now there's a plan Torley
Xayvien Rau: You damn shiny Prim's! You blew it all up! Damn you, damn you all to Hell!
Torley Linden: nik385, you look like Optimus Prime.
Flexi Prim whistles
Torley Linden: You could be a wandering troupe of prims like, a circus. Only more primmy.
Flexi Prim: hahaha
Torley Linden: Has anyone taken "Bling Prim" yet? I SHUDDER.
Xayvien Rau quotes Planet of the Apes before anyone else does.
Tarissa Tripsa: Why do I always have to leave when I'M here!?
Flexi Prim: oh nooooo
Summer Seale: woops
Summer Seale: i hit the melon by mistake
Tarissa Tripsa: Melony talks!
Frappi Latte steals the watermelons on the table and hides them.
Flexi Prim: i think bling prim is automatically disqualified
Multi Prim: I hope so!
Alpha Prim: smiles
Xayvien Rau: I think anything with Bling is automatically disqualified.
Multi Prim: Along with HippyPay Prim
nik385 Doesburg: My friend 1000 Carlos made this avatar, You may know him, he works in Okarthel, Sylver Bu's sim. He gave me permission to sell this avatar here, and keep a percent of the profit, I'l pay him his share when he transfers in december.
Flexi Prim: nuuuu
jazz Applemoor places some more from his inventory :)
Torley Linden: Ahhhh intriguing.
Torley Linden: That's good to know.
Frappi Latte: This avatar is self made and not for sell, cause it's MINE! O.o
Torley Linden: "Twisted Prim" would be fun too.
Multi Prim: Frappi and Pathfinder would have great babies.
Torley Linden: Frappi, sometimes that's the best way. Are you big into the Final Fantasy games?
Daedalus Young: Tortured Prim
jazz Applemoor laughs
nik385 Doesburg: "Tortured Prim"
Xayvien Rau: The Incredible Prim.
Torley Linden: Daed, thanks a lot for the shoutout to the Watermelon Nation, that sure got things happening in a hurry. :)
Flexi Prim: nik: taken
Xayvien Rau: Companion Prim.
nik385 Doesburg: Haha, an emo prim "Cut Prim"
Flexi Prim: oooo companion prim haha
Flexi Prim: nik: CutPath prim
Flexi Prim: ;)
Frappi Latte: Yes. 7, 9, 10, X-2....but I don't like 8....
Daedalus Young: yw, it works for triages too
Daedalus Young: so I figured
Multi Prim: Hollow Prim... the fashion diva.
Flexi Prim: hahahah
Torley Linden: Have you seen Advent Children, Frappi?
Torley Linden: Oh-so-true, Daed. :)
Flexi Prim: Flesh Prim, the.... fleshy
Flexi Prim: :O
Frappi Latte: OH YES! :D That is the best movie ever made.
Daedalus Young: Unrezzed Prim
Xayvien Rau: The way Torley is seated in such a colorful area, and the way his hat is bent downwards. It sort of makes me think if this was a Disney movie we'd all be breaking into song.
Multi Prim: The Fresh Prim of Bellaire.
Flexi Prim: MissingImage Prim
Flexi Prim: hahahahahahha
Alpha Prim: awww
Torley Linden: Xayvien, I'm reminded of a scene from Shrek 3... HAHAHA.
Torley Linden: Oh my gosh, those are great puns.
nik385 Doesburg: Whats funny is I hate the number 3, but I like 3.141593654 and I like 23.
Torley Linden: You could form a Prim band.
Flexi Prim: =D
Shockwave Plasma: invatoin of the prim people !
Torley Linden: nik385: Are you especially attuned to certain numbers?
Flexi Prim: Torley: we're waaaay ahead of you
Multi Prim: Primus?
Flexi Prim: hahahahhahaha
Torley Linden: I know some people who are, who feel numbers have "colors" and "tones" to them.
Flexi Prim: Prim-Us
Torley Linden: Flexi: Tell me more about YOUR INSIDIOUS (in a friendly way) plans!
Torley Linden: Optimus Prim.
Torley Linden: Proper Prim.
Torley Linden: It's hard for me to not joke around about this.
Flexi Prim: Prim band... already been considered
Torley Linden: HTMLOnA Prim.
Flexi Prim: Torley: please do, we're all about fun ^.^
nik385 Doesburg: I should make an Optimus Prim avatar.
Daedalus Young: lol
Frappi Latte: You always seem to be joking around even in your tutorials. XD
Flexi Prim: Torley is fun =)
Multi Prim: SimStim Prim
Xayvien Rau: For you movie fans: "Prim III." "They Came from Planet Prim." "Prim Wars." "Friday the 13th Prim." "Me, myself, and Prim."
nik385 Doesburg: I'm kind of obsessed with numbers, especially those that are used for specific purposes.
Flexi Prim: well hello there my dear
Frappi Latte: He is.
Torley Linden: =)
Torley Linden: Primraiser!
Torley Linden: That would be my idea of a horror movie.
Flexi Prim: Watermelon Prim
Flexi Prim: >.>
Torley Linden: ParcelFullOf Prim.
Torley Linden: Hair Prim?
Flexi Prim: OutOf Prim
Flexi Prim: Double Prim
Torley Linden: Itive Prim.
Frappi Latte: Avatar Prim
Torley Linden: It's beginning to sound like fast food variations.
Flexi Prim: TempRez Prim
jazz Applemoor: My prim?
Daedalus Young: Ghost Prim
Flexi Prim: hahahahahah
Alpha Prim: Lost and Found Prim
Flexi Prim: Mc Prim
Flexi Prim: hahahahah
Torley Linden: Hiya Winnie! *waves*
Daedalus Young: Sim Prim
nik385 Doesburg: I'm working on memorising Pi to a few hundred places, but Only started yesterday. I tend to associate emotions and personalaties with numbers.
jazz Applemoor: good one
Torley Linden: Circan, that is awesome fashion sense if I do say so myself.
Winnie Linden waves, "Just picking up textures. Don't mean to disturb meeting."
Flexi Prim: Winnie
Daedalus Young: hi Winnie
Flexi Prim: come see prims
Daedalus Young: Winnie Prim
Xayvien Rau: Wedding Primmers, House of a Thousand Prim's, Prim V.S Texture, The Priminator...
Flexi Prim: =D
Flexi Prim: Primador
Flexi Prim: Prim-a Donna
Multi Prim: One does not simply walk into Primador.
nik385 Doesburg: Primula Rasa
Xayvien Rau: Primador V.S Textulian.
Flexi Prim: I AM PRIM-A!!!!
Torley Linden: Winnie, you look a lot bigger up close!
Torley Linden: Minister Prim.
jazz Applemoor: donna prim? :
Torley Linden: Haha jazz, I sooo get that.
Flexi Prim: Prim Minister
Xayvien Rau: Not Your Prim.
Frappi Latte: Now I'm a purple robot, cause robots are cool. :D
Winnie Linden: Thanks Torley. Have a good meeting. Greetings everyone, have a great weekend too.
Xayvien Rau: I'm A Firing Mah' Prim.
Torley Linden: You too Winnie! =) Nice to see ya here.
Flexi Prim: bye Winnie :)
Torley Linden: Wow, those feathers are very nice.
Multi Prim: lol
Alpha Prim: you the same Winnie
Torley Linden: Birds of a feather, you know what they say about that.
Flexi Prim: hehehe
Daedalus Young: have a good weekend :)
Alpha Prim: not Paradise?
Lucylee Saunders: hey everyone
Winnie Linden take soff now.
Flexi Prim: Prims of a feather!
Xayvien Rau: Actually, I would seriously like to see an Epic Prim.
Winnie Linden: Takes off too.
Multi Prim: Rez together.
jazz Applemoor: prim prim?
Torley Linden: I saw Epic Movie and amongst parody movies, it sucked compared to Scary Movie.
Torley Linden: Hey hey Lucylee!
Torley Linden: Welcome each and everyone to Watermelinden Land!
nik385 Doesburg: I liked the end of Epic movie, it was funny.
Lucylee Saunders: I am so lost to this sl thing
Spaghettee Oh: herro?
Flexi Prim: Lucylee: now you are found =)
Frappi Latte: What made you want to call this land Watermelinden Land anyway?
Lucylee Saunders: true true
Alpha Prim: hahahaha
Xayvien Rau: Torley, your glowing hat is so awesome, did you make it? :o
Flexi Prim: Spaghettee Oh... i think htat name is better than mine =D
Daedalus Young: just imagine you end up in your own Lost & Found
Flexi Prim: *that
Spaghettee Oh: nah
Torley Linden: Frappi: A portmanteau between Watermelon + Linden.
jazz Applemoor: augh ..... i need to go im sorry
Frappi Latte: Ah yes.
Spaghettee Oh: mines unoriginal, i had to go with an alternate spelling
Flexi Prim: lol
Torley Linden: Xayvien, thanx, I just made it glow, the creator is Kai Sion!
Lucylee Saunders: doesn't appear to be many people online yet is it still early for most?
Torley Linden: @ Linden Lab, sometimes I'm known as the Watermelinden. It's apt.
Alpha Prim: Earlyhmm no :)
Spaghettee Oh: why are we all here?
Frappi Latte: Heh heh.
Summer Seale:!
Torley Linden: Lucylee, where have you been in Second Life today so far? Some places are really packed, and you're in a gathering right now!
Summer Seale: Why are you so tall??
Lucylee Saunders: waterhead
Frappi Latte: You kinda inspired me to build an avatar of my own, though I know you said in the tutorial you didn't make the avatar...
User not online - inventory has been saved.
Alpha Prim: aptget: SecondLifeIncludingInventory
Frappi Latte: This is my first one here.
Summer Seale: i like all the prim people. i didn't even know that was a possible last name
Torley Linden: Frappi: Ohh? Kewl... *listens*
nik385 Doesburg: I was thinking of you when I was playing Garrysmod the other day Torley, In the middle of a grass field on some random server, I found a pile of watermellons.
Flexi Prim: lol
Daedalus Young: You should make Prim Bears
Torley Linden: Hahaha I have seen some Half-Life vids with watermelons. Sometimes, I never know quite what I'll find on YouTube.
Spaghettee Oh: oh mah dayum, its new!!!
Daedalus Young: or Hippos
Spaghettee Oh: i could get a prim av :D
Flexi Prim: hippos and watermelons
Frappi Latte: Yes, I was sitting there watching the tutorial and thought "Hey, if I'm as good as I claim to be, why don't I make my own?"
Torley Linden: I like the spelling of "dayum" too, it's freeeesh.
Frappi Latte: "Everyone else does it."
Xayvien Rau: I once spent an entire day on Half Life 2 Deathmatch finding watermelons and shooting my friends with them.
Flexi Prim: !
Frappi Latte: So 17 hours later, I had this.
nik385 Doesburg: I used watermellons and hoverballs to make a hovercraft on garrysmod, It was fun.
Daedalus Young: it'd be just like Lindens, people go: "ooh, I saw a Linden today!", then it's "Ooh, I saw a Prim today!"
Torley Linden: Hahaha Daed, it does lend itself to all sorts of fun wordplay.
Daedalus Young: haha yes
Torley Linden: Frappi, that's a great story! I'm glad you did, and that you went through, and made your own avatar.
Torley Linden: Are you thinking of making any more avatars soon, Frappi?
Xayvien Rau: Watermelon Wars: The Primpire Strikes Back. "Darth Torley is going to use the Deathmelon to destroy us all." "Not if Luke Melonslicer saves us. Use the Prim, Luke."
nik385 Doesburg: I remember back when I was on TG, and when it was in Beta, everyone would go crazy if they saw a Linden. They were like rock stars. Now you never see them on TG. They simply don't exist over there.
Frappi Latte: Well, I made this dark version here, let me get it...
Torley Linden: Xayvien: I'd like to see a box of prim cereal...
nik385 Doesburg: I transferred back in November.
Torley Linden: Earnestly, Second Life-based wordplay and cultural memes doth crack me up!
Frappi Latte: And then I got that other one I came in with and yea, probably I will make more.
Torley Linden: nik385, you have a really good point there. Hmmm I wonder which Lindens still frequent Teen Second Life... some DO have office hours there.
Torley Linden: Frappi: Awesome.
Xayvien Rau: Prim Cereal, now with 35% more Flexi's.
Frappi Latte: :D
Spaghettee Oh: Pedo Linden
Flexi Prim: nuuu
Flexi Prim: more flexis!
Spaghettee Oh: i gotta get crackalackin on makin some sculpties
Flexi Prim: ya i gotta run
Flexi Prim: be well my happy people
nik385 Doesburg: What dissopoints me is that most of my favorite Lindens from back in TSL Beta left Linden Lab. Lizzie, Nigel, Deana...
Torley Linden: Spaghettee: o.O
Xayvien Rau: You too.
Spaghettee Oh: O.o
Alpha Prim: waves and smiles, have a nice weekend everyone!! It's time to get some SL Volunteer party down ;)
Xayvien Rau: I heard Iridium left, too.
Alpha Prim: bye bye :)
Torley Linden: nik385: Aw yeah. :\
Daedalus Young: yeah
First Prim: bye bye Alpha
Torley Linden: Yes, I enjoyed working with Iridium too.
Torley Linden: I know all these names.
Summer Seale: torley
Torley Linden: Oui Summer?
Summer Seale: is the piano music coming in every few seconds from the piano on the water or a script you're running here?
Daedalus Young: record player on the top
Summer Seale: missed that
Summer Seale: nice
Spaghettee Oh: FrustratingConstantlyUnlinkingSoItScrewsEverythingUp Prim
Torley Linden: Summer: Yes, it's just incidental, ambient clips.
nik385 Doesburg: Nigel and I were great friends, sometimes we'd stand around and work on builds together, hiding in a Project Sim, A few popular TG freebies came out of our build sessions, I miss those days.
Daedalus Young: which is still rotating the wrong way ;)
Spaghettee Oh: is that a good prim name?
Torley Linden: I felt it would liven up the atmosphere some.
Summer Seale: ya iknow =)
Daedalus Young: I like it
Torley Linden: nik385: I remember going on the train station & tracks when Nigel was building those!
Xayvien Rau: Sorta' reminds me of Fly For Fun, the Game-Master there that everyone loved left. His name was Chris, and he once ended up hitting on Sylver (When her & I played the game). I told one of the other GM's (Since I knew a few) and got the answer: "Chris hits on everything, it's one of the reasons he's not allowed near the coffee maker." It's always sad though, when someone really funny and a good part of the community leaves. So I know how you feel, Nik.
Torley Linden: Thanks. =)
Summer Seale: lol i like it, torley. i'm just asking where it's from is all =)
Daedalus Young: I sometimes go to Montara's mini sandbox to listen to the Torley Tunes
Torley Linden: Summer: Cool. :D Yup, and now ya know.
Torley Linden: Daed: =)
Daedalus Young: while I'm working outside SL, just keep it open for the music
Summer Seale: i figured it was the piano. i've seen them around SL playing ambient clips is why =)
nik385 Doesburg: I hate losing friends, although I know who his nonlinden alt is, it's just not the same, he's always so busy with his sims.
Spaghettee Oh: ah, wtf, did she do that thing where she special ordered a last name?
Torley Linden: *nods*
Torley Linden: I like soft, interspersed bits of music.
Summer Seale: ya it's nice
Summer Seale: hehe
Torley Linden: Some people definitely need more clones.
Torley Linden: Or, one clone to begin with.
Spaghettee Oh: Woo!
Frappi Latte: Clones are cool. :D
Xayvien Rau: I have a picture of me cloned.
Summer Seale: \o/
nik385 Doesburg: I'm Blue Linden's miniclone
Torley Linden: When I was new I used to wonder why so-and-so Linden couldn't talk to me more, and then I had a better understanding of their workload and what they must do each day. :)
Torley Linden: nik385, I remember seeing you in that picture, with Blue's hat?
Torley Linden: I reckon that's what it was.
Spaghettee Oh: btw, torley, i found the debug option to enable dynamic reflections
Spaghettee Oh: but its not as shnazzy as the one in the screenshot
Daedalus Young: I'm still hesitant to IM Lindens, even when they ask for it
Summer Seale: i totally have an understanding, and even more of an appriciation because i don't get paid for it but i can walk away at any time i want. =)
nik385 Doesburg: Yeppers, I've got Blue's capn' avatar.
Daedalus Young: like asking questions at WL Office Hour
Spaghettee Oh gave you dynamic reflect 2.
Frappi Latte: You must have been busy when I came by the other day. Me and my friend Allie were here and you were just standing there.
Torley Linden: Spaghettee: We consider that still in "alpha" stage and it's not full-featured nor compatible.
Torley Linden: So it doesn't work as well as we want it to.
Spaghettee Oh: i noticed
Torley Linden: Why do you feel hesitant, Daed? :)
nik385 Doesburg: What I can't wait for is Nimble Full Volumetrec 3D cloud rendering.
Torley Linden: Our WindLight devs, they are a brainy, passionate bunch.
Daedalus Young: don't want to be disturbing
Spaghettee Oh: arg, brb, i think im getting some of that "incompatibilty"
Summer Seale: or full nurbs/poly modeling in SL
Spaghettee Oh: screen is taken up by a weird gradiant deal
nik385 Doesburg: I plan on applying for a job at Linden Lab once I get my Cisco Systems Certification.
Summer Seale: with subdivs and sculpting
Torley Linden: Aw it's very considerate, Daed, but certainly at WL office hours, you can ask! :-) And I'm glad you're here talking with me, with us right now.
Daedalus Young: I know when they ask it's ok, but anytime other than that I wouldn't IM unless it's absolutely urgent
Summer Seale: and renderman plugin compatability =)
Torley Linden: Summer: BTW, great glow hair. You sure know how to accessorize.
Summer Seale: heh thanks =)
Summer Seale: yup it's special
Summer Seale: it's deviant kitties, but i edited it and also made the glow
Xayvien Rau: I'd like to work for Linden Lab's, but then I'm too much of a writer as compared to a computer knower of knowledge.
Torley Linden: great customizations, Summer.
Summer Seale: thanks torley
Torley Linden: A writer? We do hire writers, Xayvien.
Frappi Latte: I wanna work at LL too. I'm going for Game and Simulation Programming.
Torley Linden: Depends what you write and if it fills an available position.
Daedalus Young: I may apply for Liaison, seems a position I can do
Torley Linden: Feel free to ask me questions about my LL work experiences; I'm not involved in hiring but I can share what I do.
nik385 Doesburg: I don't know if Linden Lab would even want a random guy with a Networking Certification. Apologies for the random noun capitalisation.
Shockwave Plasma: Iv'e been wondering of all the places in the UK to open an office they decided onBristol, of all places
Xayvien Rau: I taught myself to write short stories back in Grade 6, and I'm taking classes for college writing while still in high school.
Summer Seale: al! =)
Summer Seale waves to al sonic =
Marianne McCann: Hiya
Daedalus Young: I can open an office in The Netherlands :P
Daedalus Young: hi Marianne
Torley Linden: Ahh Xayvien, if I had more time, I'd like to do that... I have a yearning to create more fiction.
Marianne McCann: Hey Daedalus
nik385 Doesburg: I live near the Cambridge Office.
Marianne McCann: Hi Summer!
Torley Linden: I remember before when... well... we didn't even HAVE international offices.
Summer Seale: hi marianne =)
Torley Linden: nik385: The Brighton one?
Torley Linden: Hi Mari!
nik385 Doesburg: Cambridge Massachussets
Marianne McCann: Hey Torley!
Xayvien Rau: Usually finish any writer course placed before me in a short duration of time. Longest one took two weeks, and it was a Creative Writing course supposed to take three-four weeks.
Spaghettee Oh: back
Daedalus Young: ooh, I liked that photo of the Linden Street office
Torley Linden: Oh D'oh nik385!
Al Sonic: Well hello, thought I'd stop in ^_^
Torley Linden: My geography's off! Haha.
nik385 Doesburg: I live in New Hampshire, only a few hours away.
Torley Linden: The WindLight core devs are mostly from Boston.
Torley Linden: Hello Al!
nik385 Doesburg: It's fun wearing a Missing Image shirt when I go to boston.
Xayvien Rau: What can I say? Fantasy writing is my main passion.
Daedalus Young: having Oyster Bay's 1 year anniversary makes you think of such things
Daedalus Young: there's been a moment the first ever prim rezzed
Summer Seale: i don't write fantasy.
Marianne McCann: I would weat a "Missing Image" shirt way before I'd weat the "first bling"
Marianne McCann: wear*
Summer Seale: i give people the fantasies to write about. =)
nik385 Doesburg: I recently wrote a steampunk/alternate history SciFi story for my SciFi english class.
Daedalus Young: or even the first time server code was executed
Xayvien Rau: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Action, it's all pretty well understood for me.
Summer Seale: it's a joke =)
nik385 Doesburg: I had a "First Bling" necklace back when they were handmade by one of the Lindens.
Xayvien Rau: I have no genre or theme barriers, so I can write as good with one thing as I can the others.
Frappi Latte: Fown with bling, up with,,,,ummm....Anti bling!
Frappi Latte: Down, blech
Torley Linden: I remember seeing a photo of Philip wearing "MISSING IMAGE". Hahaha!
Marianne McCann: Xayven - good for you. I'm lousy as fiction, but good with non-fiction.
Torley Linden: On a "First Life" T-shirt, I mean.
Daedalus Young: yeah, that was great
Torley Linden: I like documenting things that might otherwise be missed.
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
nik385 Doesburg: I saw a photo of Philip wearing his SL av's clothing at an SLCC conference IRL.
Daedalus Young: I remember it was a video even
Spaghettee Oh: forgot to take off my blingtard necklace
Spaghettee Oh: :X
Torley Linden: So MUCH knowlegde to share, it never ends.
nik385 Doesburg: Lemme find Philip's avatar, Just a second.
Summer Seale: here's a question for Torley Linden: when TP is broken and philip can't actually TP to a speech or to show somebody around, does he get upset at the network devs?=)
Torley Linden: nik385, some Residents helped him get dressed up.
Daedalus Young: and that one time at a triage Phil was ruthed
Daedalus Young: oh, the memories
Xayvien Rau: I once dared Spike Linden to call Philip Linden a nerd. XD
Torley Linden: Summer: Haha, well, not necessarily "upset" but experts in respective areas DO hear about it from him!
Daedalus Young: lol
Summer Seale: lol
nik385 Doesburg: I'd totally give him a RL MultiGadget some if he'd wear it to SLCC.
Torley Linden: Like recently, when he had some WindLight bugs, he made sure to let Team WindLight know!
Torley Linden: And we sure did listen. :o)
Shockwave Plasma: lol
Spaghettee Oh: philip gets upset about bugs in sl?
nik385 Doesburg: I also made a little object to make Philip angry.
Summer Seale: well even with the bugs, it's still amazing
nik385 Doesburg: Philip Hates the Matrix.
Spaghettee Oh: im surprised he was able to make it through the worst of the missing images ordeal
Daedalus Young: I must say SL / LL is quite unique imho when it comes to contact between users and employees
Al Sonic: Of course even a hundred isn't enough to have a glance at every sim in SL...
Summer Seale: \o/
Spaghettee Oh: why cant i be a prim person?
Summer Seale: he's back
Spaghettee Oh: :[
Torley Linden: Pardon, I SUDDENLY CRASHZ0RED!
Summer Seale: hehe
Torley Linden: But I have returned and it's good to be back!
Daedalus Young: who's back? the prim or the Torley?
Summer Seale: it happens ya
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
nik385 Doesburg: Lindens crash too :O
Torley Linden: Haha nik385, hilarious faux Philip.
Spaghettee Oh: how can you be prim people?
Summer Seale: brb =)
Frappi Latte: I 'm a prim person because I got mad skillz with a z
Torley Linden: THE SL HAS YOU... cereal box?
nik385 Doesburg: Thanks torley.
nik385 Doesburg: Soup bowl.
nik385 Doesburg: It's to make Philip angry, as he hates the matrix.
Daedalus Young: ohh
nik385 Doesburg: You've heard of his little outburst at a bar after seeing the first Matrix movie right?
Spaghettee Oh: and theres no spoon for that soup?
Spaghettee Oh: o
Spaghettee Oh: i see it now
Torley Linden: Really nik385? I didn't hear about that. <.<
Torley Linden: Wha happened?
Spaghettee Oh: the matrix reference anyway
Shockwave Plasma: i thought you would have make an Agent Smith Avi
Spaghettee Oh: there is still no spoon though
Daedalus Young: matrix - grid, kinda the same
Spaghettee Oh: darn, now that i have this loverly hair i think i have to make a cubist av
Torley Linden: I like the works of Picasso!
Marianne McCann: Ouch
nik385 Doesburg: Philip and a few buddies went to the first Matrix movie. Afterwards they went to a bar and started drinking. All the guys were talking about how cool the movie was, except philip, he was sitting away from them all angry like. A friend of his walked over to him and asked what was wrong. Philip grabbed the guy by the shoulders and shouted "I'm going to make that someday! and It'
Torley Linden: I always hoped Picasso and Salvador Dali would get together...
nik385 Doesburg: Isn't goin going to turn out that way!"
nik385 Doesburg: Wow love my enter key.
Torley Linden: Spaghettee, haha, that's very cubist hair!
Xayvien Rau gave you Xayvien's Goggles.
Daedalus Young: I saw a photo of a great avatar:
Spaghettee Oh: :]
Torley Linden: nik385: I've heard that story but I don't know if it's literal or apocryphal. I haven't asked Philip about it.
Xayvien Rau gives Torley a pair of his trademark goggles. Good for looking like you are sneaky.
nik385 Doesburg: From what I understand it's true.
nik385 Doesburg: I did ask Philip about it via Skype IM, once.
Marianne McCann: I usually see the best avvies here. I got the flying book dat I seen here last week
Torley Linden: Kewl, yeah, I'm so thrilled I get so many awesome avies visiting me.
Torley Linden: You guys have great taste.
Multi Gadget v1.52.0 by Timeless Prototype
Summer Seale scritches Al Sonic.
nik385 Doesburg: I sell a few of the avatars I'm wearing. :o
Marianne McCann: It's always neat to see so many different takes on "avatar." Sorta like the Robbin Dingo video x 10
nik385 Doesburg: As well as the one Caladaen is wearing, actually.
Xayvien Rau: I love using this one in RP's.
Xayvien Rau: It's so Wastelander. :o
nik385 Doesburg: Robbie Dingo is cool.
Al Sonic: Ehee ^_^
Torley Linden: I'd like to have smoother morphs between avatars...
Caladaen Zehetbauer: Yup. :o (Sorry for being so silent, I'm listening, though. xD just..hurts to type right now.)
Torley Linden: that would be so awesome.
Summer Seale: i'm making hot chocolate
Frappi Latte: I'm not sure when I'd start selling mine, but everyone says I should.
Xayvien Rau: I agree, it's sorta' annoying when your head takes twenty minutes to load. >_<
nik385 Doesburg: If you watch an avatar's chest when the shape changes, it often explodes outwards and snaps back.
Daedalus Young: ooh, sounds like a normals problem
Shaun Altman: Hello :)
Daedalus Young: hi
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Spaghettee Oh shouts: omg, i can make a beard with this box hair too :D
Daedalus Young: lol
Xayvien Rau: We got watermelons, a Black-Mage, a Neko, a Sonic-Character, an Underwater-Diver from Bioshock, a Musel, and a Torley. We can do anything. >:D
nik385 Doesburg: Torley, do you still have Sylver Bu's Dazzlebat avatar?
Torley Linden: We are sure not garden variety!
Torley Linden: *agrees with 'We can do anything. >:D" :D*
Torley Linden shouts: Spaghettee, that is freakish yet artistic. I like it.
Frappi Latte: Techinally I'm a black mageleyt.
Daedalus Young: that's so great about SL
Torley Linden: nik385, of course I do!
Frappi Latte: magelet
Torley Linden: That Dazzle Bat, what a great work of art.
Marianne McCann: Dis crowd makes me look purty plain!
Marianne McCann laughs
Daedalus Young: I sometimes imagine heaven should be like this, but without the grief and red banlines
Daedalus Young: and sim crossings
Marianne McCann: "Is this heaven? No, it's Grasmere"
Torley Linden: I can imagine the Don LaFontaine voiceover now.
Daedalus Young: but otherwise must be the same, create object just by wanting them to create
nik385 Doesburg: Sylver is a good friend of mine. I've been watching her style change ever since I met her.
Torley Linden: nik385: :D
Shockwave Plasma: the old Celtic heaven was to the West, and called "the land of the ever young" this might be close
Marianne McCann: ever young? Hmn
Torley Linden: I like thinking, hearing about where mythologies put their afterlifes.
Daedalus Young: I've often joked I'm forever Young
Xayvien Rau: Sylver made my Avatar for me before I Transfered, being that we were Mate's it was a great gift. I love her so much. I have watched her drawings from the first moment I met her, years & years ago. She's very talented.
nik385 Doesburg: Syl's weird though, she learns too fast. It scares me. The moment you show her how to do something, she learns it, then can do it ten times better and faster than you just did.
nik385 Doesburg: Like the one prim hexagon.
Frappi Latte: That sounds a lot like me. O.o
Xayvien Rau: Haha, she might have gotten that from me. I did it a lot on Furcadia and it bugged her to pieces. XD
Torley Linden: nik385: Sounds kind of like a superpower, mimetic prim-ism!
Shockwave Plasma: Thats how our minds should work
nik385 Doesburg: Yeah, Syl's a Prim Mage.
Caladaen Zehetbauer: From what I've seen of her art galleries online, she does the same thing with drawing, too. @_@
Torley Linden: I encourage sharing and giving of ideas... some people hoard them but that only sets communities back.
nik385 Doesburg: She can cast those supposedly nonexistant level ten prim spells.
Torley Linden: I believe someone really creative can keep coming up with good ideas, surpass idea droughts and writer's block, and press on!
Frappi Latte: I was building really great stuff after my first week. Everyone said I learned so fast, it's crazy.
nik385 Doesburg: I used to prim torture lots.
Frappi Latte: I wanna cast prim spells. O.o
Torley Linden: Sometimes, the most important part of applying knowledge is just getting started.
Torley Linden: A lot of people have skills they haven't tapped into yet because they've only thought about doing stuff, and haven't actually DONE it.
nik385 Doesburg: Like I discovered how to make a one prim hexagon... with a sphere.
Torley Linden: I apologize if I have to leave a bit early because there's a Linden company trivia game happening in a few minutes.
Xayvien Rau: Prim Teardrop and Heart's, here.
Torley Linden: nik385, how'd you do that?
Daedalus Young: yeah, that's how it works, you have to do something to learn it
Torley Linden: *curious*
Summer Seale: \o/ trivia
Daedalus Young: teehee
Daedalus Young: lol
Summer Seale: \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/
Marianne McCann: Trivia? Man, *dat* would be fun
Daedalus Young: categories are hippos, prims and melons
Torley Linden: Yeah, there are different philosophies, but along the lines of what Daed said, I'm a big believer in empirical knowledge... being practical by doing, observing, transferring that knowledge to future things I do, and working it like a cycle.
Marianne McCann usuaally can't get people to play trivia games with her
Torley Linden: Haha well Second Life trivia is part of it... I'm not playing tho because I wrote some of the questions.
Daedalus Young: ah ok
Multi Prim: Torley is good at trivia.
Spaghettee Oh: aaaar
Torley Linden: I am going to be there to cheer other Lindens on.
Daedalus Young: fun :)
Torley Linden: :-)
Xayvien Rau: Everything you say is poetic with that piano.
Spaghettee Oh: damn you second life
Multi Prim: He used to win everything.
Frappi Latte: Trivia scares me. O.o
Torley Linden: Multi, haha, how do you know this? ;)
Torley Linden: That goes wayyyy back to 2004.
Multi Prim: <.<
Torley Linden: Hehe.
Multi Prim: >.>
Summer Seale: if qarl linden is there, tell him that his groupies really miss him.
Xayvien Rau: And if you see Blue Linden, tell him I said Hi.
Daedalus Young: TV Linden should broadcast
Summer Seale: we *really* miss him
nik385 Doesburg: Lol, I remember Cornfield..
Summer Seale: and congratulations on the baby
Frappi Latte: Torley, when are you going to make another video tutorial?
nik385 Doesburg: Why did they bring down cornfield?
Daedalus Young: next week :P
Torley Linden: I will Summer! Heck, I'll let him know that even if I don't see him there... who else is a groupie of his?
Torley Linden: Frappi: Next week!
Summer Seale: Al Sonic
Frappi Latte: Awesome.
Summer Seale: we go to this meetings all the time
Torley Linden: And thanx for watching 'em!
Summer Seale: he actually camet o see the sim i built before christmas
Torley Linden: Sorry Multi I don't take friendships on this account, but my alt, Torley Olmstead, does. =)
Summer Seale: he loves my sculpties <3
nik385 Doesburg: Torley, It's been really fun meeting you. I plan on coming to future office hours.
Al Sonic: Just to get this comment in, I've had to concede that my JIRA issue about the water is one of lesser importance, as any fixes to it I imagine could be a feature added in later on.
Torley Linden: I'll pass it along for sure, Summer.
Daedalus Young: I only had Iridium as friend :/
Torley Linden: And you too, nik! Good to see you inworld.
Summer Seale: thanks =)
Torley Linden: Which one, Al?
Summer Seale: i'm gonna bampf now. i got an innauguration party to go to as an admin for the french sims
Daedalus Young: have fun
Marianne McCann: Time f'r me to run to. Back to work with me
Torley Linden: I will too, Xayvien!
Summer Seale: see you all!
Daedalus Young: bye
Al Sonic: The water fog doesn't change brightness with lighting changes of brightness.
Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
Summer Seale: thanks for the great time everyone and torley =)
Xayvien Rau: I'm going to vanish myself, I got Ninja things to do. :o
Summer Seale: here's hoping that TP works.
Xayvien Rau: And thanks, Torley. :D
Frappi Latte: Heh heh.
Torley Linden: Al: Ah yes that one that you noticed with Ice-like.
Summer Seale thinks 'there's no place like home! there's no place like home! there's no place like home...'
Daedalus Young: just believe the tp will work, it'll be fine
Spaghettee Oh: omfg
Spaghettee Oh: sl is so fuuuuucked up
Shaun Altman: Is this just starting or almost over?
nik385 Doesburg: TPs usually work fo rme, it's a matter of weather everyone's clothing layers will render as alpha on my end when I arrive.
Torley Linden: Yeah, as good as shader water has gotten over the main viewer, there's still a ways to go... our graphics gurus are relentless.
Torley Linden: Spaghettee: Oh dear, what happened!
Spaghettee Oh: look at my guys head
Spaghettee Oh: building is impossible
Spaghettee Oh: shit gets resized and replaced as soon as you link it
Frappi Latte: Go to a low-no alg sandbox.
Frappi Latte: lag
Xayvien Rau: Well, when swearing is involved, I vanish.
Frappi Latte: Works for me.
Xayvien Rau chuckles.
Torley Linden: Hmmm I will try that later... I've seen oddities on occasion.
Torley Linden: Pardon I've got to go for now! Thanx to each and all of you for coming to my office hour!
Torley Linden: Have a lovely weekend. :D
nik385 Doesburg: What's with the latest version of WindLight?
Daedalus Young: thanks Torley
Xayvien Rau: You too. :D
Caladaen Zehetbauer: You too. :3
nik385 Doesburg: It won't save preferences
Daedalus Young: see you later
Shaun Altman: Guess it was almost over :D
Frappi Latte: I will be back again and again! :D
Shaun Altman: See u Torley.. will try to be early next time.
Torley Linden: *waves and smiles*
Al Sonic: Yep, goobye!
Al Sonic: Nice seein' ya!
Frappi Latte waves.
Shockwave Plasma: Torley will need a bigger office soon