User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-02-08
6 AM
ROMSEY Homewood: Friday already!!!
Sami Luukkanen: Hi all
Torley Linden: Sorry I'm one minute late!
Torley Linden: Time sure flies!
ROMSEY Homewood: hey Torley!
Torley Linden: Friendly greetings!
Torley Linden: :D
Qie Niangao: Greetings, Torley! :)
Daedalus Young: hi Torley
ROMSEY Homewood gave you TOTORO AVATAR.
Chase Marellan: Hi, Torley!
Ryder Dryke: hehe greetings torley
Sami Luukkanen: Nice AV
Torley Linden: Oh freakin' awesome, thanks for Totoro avatar Romsey, I need to wear this soon...
ROMSEY Homewood: :O)
Torley Linden: Haha thans! Glad to see you all here, Qie, Daed, Chase, Ryder, Sami, all!
Daedalus Young: good to be here
Ryder Dryke: we were just talking about lately updates
Torley Linden: What is happenin'!
Torley Linden: Lately updates?
Ryder Dryke: theres incredibble much of them
Daedalus Young: yeah, 1.19 :D
Ryder Dryke: H4, mono, rc1
Torley Linden: Ahhh yes!
Torley Linden: Lots of longtime projects coming to fruition.
Torley Linden: I know Mono dates back to... hmmm... 2005.
Torley Linden: Havok improvements, even longer.
Ryder Dryke: wow
Ryder Dryke: when did you start with WL ?
Torley Linden: The kind of things we've wanted to get out for a long time, and they do go hand-in-hand with performance & stability.
Torley Linden: WindLight started several years back with Windward Mark, and Linden Lab acquired them.
Torley Linden: So now, the Windward Markers are all Lindens.
Torley Linden: Hey Prospero!
Daedalus Young: hi Prospero
Prospero Linden: Howdy!
Qie Niangao: Havok appears closer to deployment than Mono, but I must say, some amazing progress in short time Mono has been on the beta grid
Ryder Dryke: hey prospero
Torley Linden: But the actual thoughts of better weather/atmospherics and such in Second Life date back to at least 2003, I remember OLD forum threads.
Prospero Linden: My favorite thing in Windlight is the water.
Torley Linden: Qie: I know Babbage is so very happy Mono is out, he's very close to it/knowledgeable.
Ryder Dryke: true
Torley Linden: Mmmm yes sparklies water!
Torley Linden: I like looking at the sun and seeing that line of shimmery light.
Ryder Dryke: i still want the water effects for my own prims!
Prospero Linden: I've already bugged BigPapi to look into making it possible to set a "special" texture on prims that gets replaced with Windlight Water...
Prospero Linden: Heh :)
Daedalus Young: ah, my fave thing about WL is the huge amount of customizability
Prospero Linden: Ryder and I are on the same page there
Torley Linden: Yeah Prospero, that'd be great for "matching" content up...
Chase Marellan: /man, gotta get used to the "stand up" button being where "IM received" used to be!
Ryder Dryke: woot!
Torley Linden: Nice timing, hahaha!
Torley Linden: GMTA.
Qie Niangao: hehehe
Torley Linden: Chase, yeah, our Resident Experience Team has been talking about how to improve that usability/design for those status/notifications.
Torley Linden: In some cases using icons may be better than words.
Torley Linden: But muscle memory, you can't help it!
Torley Linden: <.<
Daedalus Young: best thing I like about all software is when stuff is open for users to play with
Ryder Dryke: btw ... those items on TOP of screen are hardly to see IMO
Torley Linden: Has anyone else seen the weird bug where the Stand Up/Release Keys/IM Received button keep getting higher and higher?
Ryder Dryke: yeah
Torley Linden: Daed: Oh totally, and I do encourage that playing around a lot!
Daedalus Young: re arranging buttons or even deleting buttons
Chaos Mohr: Morning Everyone :)
Ryder Dryke: the XXX is online was tripple high
Prospero Linden: I'm often confused by icons. The monitoring package we use internally for systems (Nagios) Has a whole set of icons that I find completely inpenetrable.
Torley Linden: I wonder if it's a known issue (buttons getting higher) already, I haven't searched but it befuddled me. I don't have a repro yet tho.
Daedalus Young: I have not one button in my browser, only uses up space
Prospero Linden: Torley, I haven't seen that one.
Torley Linden: Prospero: Oh, maybe that's lousy iconography. :|
Prospero Linden: Torley : it is. :)
Qie Niangao: oh, it's fun when you get a lower-right notification while you have a volume control expanded... lots of blue back there, hehehe
Torley Linden: Prospero, great posts lately on the Official Linden Blog amidst the craziness!
Prospero Linden suspects that good iconography is very culturally dependent....
Daedalus Young: I do think the no-push icon is better too
ROMSEY Homewood: Q. can i make my screen nametag higher than it is????
Torley Linden: Qie: HAHA yes, I saw that. Problem for me was, I collapsed volume control and... I still saw stretched blue notifications.
Ryder Dryke: i was playing with debug settings .... is there a way to INCREASE the font of the script editor?
Gwendolyn Cassini: uhoh... no office hours?
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: YES OFFICE HOURS! =)
Gwendolyn Cassini: hello there :)
Daedalus Young: hi
Chaos Mohr: Torley, sorry about the notecard spam today, don't know if you looked at it but I just had to share :)
Prospero Linden: Gwendolyn is wearing camoflague
Moard Ling: Cheerleaders uniforms optional
ROMSEY Homewood: :O)
Torley Linden: Prospero: Yeah, there are a few things which are "universal language" I think tho, like red circle with a diagonal slash through it. Or a red X over something.
Chase Marellan: Hi, Gwendolyn
Torley Linden: Chaos, I haven't checked it yet, but thanks.
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, nice colors!
Qie Niangao: Ryder, you can change the whole scale of the GUI, dunno a way to change just the script editor by itself
Gwendolyn Cassini: just wanted to send you a gift :) After seeing your Melon Snow song, i got inspired :)
Torley Linden: Awww thanks, hahah!
Ryder Dryke: i have a high resolution screen and the editor font is way to small for me
Daedalus Young: Torley is a known source for inspiration
Torley Linden: I think there's a way to change script editor font size... hmmm this sounds like a forum thread Strife Onizuka started long ago.
Gwendolyn Cassini gave you Happy Valentine Torley Linden.
Chaos Mohr: well when people complain about SL viewer hardware issues, that goes to show with a little tweaking just about anything is possible :)
Torley Linden: Why thanks Gwendolyn! I shall enjoy it soon.
Gwendolyn Cassini: :)
Ryder Dryke: i only want a nice menu item in the editor ... increase decrease font :)
Daedalus Young: that would be a good addition
Prospero Linden: I have been known to run Second Life on a PIII laptop with a 16MB ATI Mobility M6 card in it.... with settings all low, I get about 1-2 fps :)
Daedalus Young: I'd say open an issue for it :)
Torley Linden: That is so hardcore, Prospero. Haha.
Moard Ling: It would be nice to offset the centre of the screen, so if you are on 1.5 screens like me your av is in the centre of one
Chaos Mohr: well Prospero, I got SL running via Terminal Service Remote Desktop yesterday ;)
Prospero Linden: nice
Daedalus Young: Moard, I've seen issues on PJIRA about changing the default cam positions
Torley Linden: Ryder, I found an old thread re: script editor font size...
Torley Linden: The instructions are kind of confusing but see if it works.
Chase Marellan: when somebody gets SL running ontheir coffee maker, I'll be impressed. :)
Torley Linden: That's more for changing the font than size tho.
Qie Niangao: I also see a debug setting for FontSizeMonospace... but don't wanna relog to test it out.
Randal Kline: portable SL
Moard Ling: ty D now Torley has shown me how to search i can :)
Prospero Linden: Randal : since we already have pornable SL? :)
Torley Linden: OH! Ryder, try Client menu > Debug Settings' "FontSizeMonospace".
Spiral Walcher: hiya peoples
Chase Marellan: Hi, Spiral
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Qie Niangao: pornable SL?
Ryder Dryke: yes i did ... but it didnt change ... and i didnt relog to try
Chase Marellan: hahahaha
Torley Linden: Oh. :\
Moard Ling: SIUnderShirtsNoDraw = FALSE
Torley Linden: I'd try relog at least Ryder.
Daedalus Young: I think it's this one:
Ryder Dryke: ok let me try now :)
Ryder Dryke: brb
Torley Linden: Hehe Moard, glad you're searchin'!
Moard Ling: All 3 ways !
Torley Linden: FollowCam is one of those things that badly needs an easier GUI functionality...
Moard Ling: thanks D
10K's Magic Wand V2.10 whispers: Ich erwarte Deine Befehle, Meister.
Daedalus Young: very welcome
Spiral Walcher yawns and tries to wake up
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol its early over there isnt it :)
Prospero Linden: Spiral, where ae you?
Ryder Dryke: OMG its ALL big now ... i played to much with the settings *LOL*
Daedalus Young: everybody heard about SLang Life?
Torley Linden: HAHAHAH RYDER!
Torley Linden: HUZZAH!
Torley Linden: SLang Life, what's that?
Torley Linden: *wants to know*
Prospero Linden: Halleluiah!
Spiral Walcher: kinda... 9 am for me... and it's been a really, REALLY late night. lol
Object: Hello, Avatar!
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Daedalus Young: it's a RL magazine, sent out for free to anybody who wants a subscription
Qie Niangao: I just saw SL'ang life this morning, or an ad for it
Spiral Walcher: Hello, Object!
Gwendolyn Cassini: its 3:15 pm here
Ryder Dryke: ok ... even blind people can script now
Daedalus Young: see
Daedalus Young: I got the 1st issue last month
Moard Ling: Bob's house ?
Torley Linden: *peruses the URL*
Maniko Manamiko: hello:)
Daedalus Young: it's so fun to receive it by snail mail :P
Daedalus Young: hi
Torley Linden: Maniko, crazy av!
Prospero Linden: Wow, a *printed* magazine about Second LIfe.
ROMSEY Homewood: hey!
Torley Linden: I like all the awesome avatars I have at my office hours.
Spiral Walcher: so torley, nice to finally meet you
Randal Kline: anyone played with the second inventory software here yet?
Maniko Manamiko: lol made it myself
Torley Linden: And so nice to meet you inworld too Spiral! I saw pictures of your art, like your flower.
Chase Marellan: Why not? :) Lots of other media are printing things about it, we might as well have something that comes from us. :)
Torley Linden: Randal: What's it called specifically?
Gwendolyn Cassini: nope havent tried it. although it would be nice though having almost 20k items in my inv
Gwendolyn Cassini: and i keep cleaning my inv everyday
Spiral Walcher: i dunno. i dont really name my stuff. lol
10K's Magic Wand V2.10 whispers: Ich erwarte Deine Befehle, Meister.
Spiral Walcher gave you Windlight Rose Top Hat by Spiral.
Ryder Dryke: wow i was lost in giant letter world
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Object: Hello, Avatar!
Maniko Manamiko: hey torley i just wanted to say thankyou for your helpful sorta new here so i need all the help i can get
Torley Linden: Oh you're soooo welcome, Maniko!
Torley Linden: Any particular topics you'd like to see a video on? :D
ROMSEY Homewood: yeah! thx Torley , watching the selling one earlier!!
Gwendolyn Cassini: well im not that new but i just LOOOVEE the video tuts :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: im so in love with Torley's voice :)
Spiral Walcher: so anyways... i have been specializing in windlight building. but my biggest question today is... will glow ever be able to be controled by scripts?
Ryder Dryke: torley ... i'm going to update your video tut wiki page with that debug setting :)
Torley Linden: :D :D :D Aww well that's good because I love talking and sharing knowledge with you!
Maniko Manamiko: hmmm give me a moment to think of somethin crazy:)
Gwendolyn Cassini: besides the fact i still learn something new everytime i watch it
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: Spiral, GREAT GREAT question and ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR WINDLIGHT questions. :) The answer is yes, we hope to get to that eventually when mor epressing priorities are done.
Torley Linden: *more pressing
Moard Ling: is the distribution of letters in alphabety spagetti the same as scrabble, its hard to make words
Torley Linden: Right now Team WindLight is focusing on stability/bugfixing of the viewer before adding in new features.
Chase Marellan: Yes, we had a huge issue with that in Parsec
Spiral Walcher: awesome... im working on a very elabortate light show with a very good scripter. so i will tell her to hold off for a bit
Prospero Linden: Also, adding features to the scripting language may collide with Mono -- I know that the focus with scripting is getting Mono scripting to work the same way as classic scripting
Qie Niangao: speaking of shiney new stuff in releases... question came up in Resident Answers yesterday about Physical Avatar / Expressive Puppeteering... wonder where that stuff resides in the list of Future Attractions.
Torley Linden: Oh interesting Prospero.
Torley Linden: Qie: That, for now (and has been for several months) is on hold.
Chase Marellan: The center solution was too big to rez when the puzzle was solved, so we were just turning it invisble, but we had to keep the glow in place. Changed the whole look, but for the better, methinks.
Moard Ling: lol Classic scripting
Ryder Dryke: yeah i think thats why not many LSL commands were added lately
ROMSEY Homewood: made that watching \Torley!
Karlis Kwak: By the way ... talking bout Windlight issues and bugs ... i found one - as im making some objects suddenly all textures got messed up, but as i go in Weather editor everythings back to normal
Torley Linden: WindLight: Make glow scriptable - and we'll update that when work gets done.
Qie Niangao: thanks, Torley... it's not like there's nothing else new to play with :p
Prospero Linden muses about whether we can add new physics after Havok4 goes live... quantum mechanics, general relativity.....
Chase Marellan: :)
Spiral Walcher: ty, torley
Torley Linden: Qie: Heh, but yeah, what happened was during the time that was worked on, there was a big transition to emphasizing performance & stability, and it was decided to be not a big a priority as a number of other projects.
Moard Ling: shroedigners cat and a neutron flow to reverse the poalrity of
Qie Niangao: Prospero, there's plenty of uncertainty in Havoc 1 ... Heisenberg would be happy here
Ryder Dryke: torley there are rumors that the sculpty prims will be updated, what is true?
Torley Linden: Prospero, have you seen that "Super Mario World Explores Quantum Physics" video?
Prospero Linden: And we have time dilation already! :)
Prospero Linden: Torley, I haven't... is it on YouTube?
Qie Niangao giggles
Torley Linden: Ryder: Updated how? :) I haven't heard of an upcoming project with that, beyond bug fixes.
Moard Ling: i canna take it, it 10cm
Torley Linden: Prospero: It sure is!
Ryder Dryke: ermmm WILL BE updated :)
Torley Linden:
Torley Linden: Ryder, I think further improvements are inevitable down the line... but perhaps not for awhile.
Gwendolyn Cassini: after bugfixes, is it possible to expand flex to the other prims too like tori, spheres and sculpts?
Daedalus Young: flexi sculpties would be cool :D
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: I don't know, but there was a planned "Phase II" for flexiprims that hasn't come to light yet.
Prospero Linden: Torley : that's pretty funny :)
Spiral Walcher: LOL noobs and griefers will have a field day with flexi sculpties
Prospero Linden: It's the "relative states" formulation of quantum mechanics.
Prospero Linden: O.o flexi sculipties?
Prospero Linden: Say goodbye to your viewer frame rate! :)
Daedalus Young: hehe
Gwendolyn Cassini: yes and flex tori for hair making purposes
Torley Linden: Hahaha...
Torley Linden: the hair that lagged a continent!
Daedalus Young: that's what I say about the fixing of the alpha transparency z-buffer bug
Gwendolyn Cassini: oh sculpties already do that. it takes like 2 mintues before they rez on my newly bought dualcore laptop
Spiral Walcher: like my hat. 674 prims and counting. :P
Maniko Manamiko: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: ok better not then hahaha
Gwendolyn Cassini: 674 prims? you need to attach that to 3 seperate attachpoints? O_o
Moard Ling: perhaps you coudl have glithc pants for scultpties
Spiral Walcher: lol yeah
Sami Luukkanen: Well, I gotta go it was nice to see you all, bye
Moard Ling: shwo then as a until b i sready
Chase Marellan: bye Sami
ROMSEY Homewood: byeee
Daedalus Young: bye
Spiral Walcher: take it easy, sami
Ryder Dryke: bye sami
Object: Hello, Avatar!
Maniko Manamiko: wow spiral i just noticed..your hat is awsom::D
Spiral Walcher: Hello, Object!
Gwendolyn Cassini is listsening to Melon Snow atm. LOL
Spiral Walcher: thank you
Chase Marellan: At least the objects are polite. :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol objects with newly created scripts are
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Spiral Walcher: i have some for sale at Nomine. in the main room. off the side. </shameless plug>
Ryder Dryke: btw ... while i see here at manikos AV ... is there any chance that this totally invisible texture might be fixed someday?
Gwendolyn Cassini: spiral got a lm?
Torley Linden: Invisiprims, you mean, Ryder?
Torley Linden: BigPapi Linden hates those with a vengeance.
Ryder Dryke: there is this special texture
Prospero Linden: heh
Torley Linden: Hehe Gwendolyn.
Ryder Dryke: i dont mean full invisible
Daedalus Young: transparent skins :)
Maniko Manamiko: yes it hides the mesh
Ryder Dryke: the "hide texture"
Gwendolyn Cassini: ohhhh great idea, better than invisi script prims
Torley Linden: We think it may make more sense to make your avatar mesh invisible when you're wearing a small or "crushed" prim av.
Chase Marellan: why does he hate them, Torley?
Torley Linden: Because invisiprims are a hack, a clever hack sometimes, but nonetheless they have visual side effects.
Maniko Manamiko: i wish you could scale the avatar to such sice without the ao and you wouldnt have to hide its parts
Maniko Manamiko: size*
Chase Marellan: ah
Gwendolyn Cassini whispers to Spiral: Nine Inch Nails are cool!
Spiral Walcher: :D
Chase Marellan: I never realized that; I thought they were a great idea. :)
Torley Linden: We unfortunately have to "support" invisiprims because of the large amount of content created using them.
Spiral Walcher <3s NIN
Prospero Linden: ...but there are some devs who hate flexiprims too, because of what they do to viewer frame rate :)
Maniko Manamiko: yeah like sudenly you cant see transp textures through em
Torley Linden: Haha Prospero, yeah, not enough people know those can be toggled.
Daedalus Young: avatar-in-a-prim
Gwendolyn Cassini: the biggest problem about invisiprims is that you dont see them using ctrl alt t
hanged animal rabit choker2: Prokofy Neva is ONLINE
Spiral Walcher: yeah. they get lost easy
Gwendolyn Cassini: uhuh
Daedalus Young: yeah, that's nasty
Maniko Manamiko: wer theyr not realy transparent
Torley Linden: With any feature, there's often many, many opinions that don't take into consideration BOTH benefits/drawbacks.
JetZep Zabelin: u have to window around them in edit mode
Chase Marellan: wait a minute, maybe we're not talking about what I think we're talkinga bout
Maniko Manamiko: theyre just made to hide
Gwendolyn Cassini: if that could be fixed it would mean the world to my prim allowance on my land LOL
Marianne McCann: Hiya
Torley Linden: Chase, oh, do you have an example of what you're referring to?
Qie Niangao waves at Mari
Torley Linden: Hey Mari!
Chase Marellan: When you say "invisiprims" what are you referring to? Prims set to transparent?
Torley Linden: Space outfit!
Ryder Dryke: often used for tiny_AVs
Moard Ling: perhaps thy end up on you @ss, tahts wher emy Lost and Folder is
Gwendolyn Cassini: let me ffind a shoe ;)
Marianne McCann: yups!
Chase Marellan: I thought we were talking about prims with a transparent texture
Torley Linden: Chase: Oh no, prims with a special texture applied so they appear to hide things, like... an avatar's mesh, or the heel of a shoe.
Marianne McCann: Been *loving* the privateer space sim
Chase Marellan: right, ok, that's what i thought.
Torley Linden: Not the same as a "regular transparent 100% alpha" texture.
Torley Linden: :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: yes invisi script prims
ROMSEY Homewood: is it possible to make a 4 legged AV, as in on four legs on the ground???
Torley Linden: Privateer is what it's called Mari? Gotta landmark? :D
Maniko Manamiko: yes theyre noy transparent..atleast not intirely
Torley Linden: ROMSEY, not elegantly beyond, say, attachments that *look* like that.
Prospero Linden: ROMSEY : you can find some at various places.
Marianne McCann: Diggin up the LM now. Privateer Space
ROMSEY Homewood: hmm! someone wnat a baby elephant av
Marianne McCann: Content up to 2000m in the sim
Torley Linden: Grendel's Children has a lot of fantastic creature avatars...
Torley Linden: that look like they're quadrupedal or more.
Marianne McCann gave you Explore the reaches of space, Privateer Space (142, 117, 649).
Torley Linden: Thx!
Marianne McCann: You're welcome! :-)
Torley Linden: "Explore the reaches of space", that's great.
ROMSEY Homewood: cool! ill have a peek
Spiral Walcher: yeah. Flea Bussy rocks
Torley Linden: Wow, that looks... like some classic games I used to play.
Torley Linden: Wing Commander!
Gwendolyn Cassini: wing commander rulez
ROMSEY Homewood: Amiga CD32?
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Ryder Dryke: god thats old
Ryder Dryke: WC2 :)
Torley Linden: I had an Amiga 500, not a CD32 tho.
Prospero Linden used to be a huge Amiga nerd
Marianne McCann: It is eventually going to be a game sim, of sorts. Space Privateer sorta thing
Torley Linden: :D
Moard Ling: lol amig with 68040
Prospero Linden: At one point I think I had 5 Amigas
Torley Linden: Prospero, which were your fave Amiga apps and games?
Gwendolyn Cassini: hahaha
Prospero Linden: 500, two 2000's, a 3000, a 1200
Torley Linden: Haha I had a Mac Quadra 660AV with 68040!
Moard Ling: DPaint
Torley Linden: WOW Prospero, that's a lot.
Prospero Linden: My favorite Amiga game was probably Frotier.
Torley Linden: DeluxePaint for sure, mmmm.
ROMSEY Homewood: shame the CD32 bombed, cost my bro a bomb!
Spencer Dharnen: good morning
Moard Ling: SAS C++
Prospero Linden: Favorite ap : SAS C
Torley Linden: Good morning Spencer!
Prospero Linden: hee hee
Daedalus Young: hi
Prospero Linden: But also ImageFX
Prospero Linden: Aladdin 4D
Marianne McCann: I alwaya wants the Quadra, but I was a performauser
Moard Ling: POV
Torley Linden: I wanted to get into Video Toaster but never did.
Moard Ling: Rainbow islands
Torley Linden: Rainbow Islands, wasn't that a sequel to Bubble Bobble?
Gwendolyn Cassini: ohhh there is actually a table under the melons.... god I hate the alpha bug LOL
Prospero Linden: I lived in So. Cal., and there was a small Amiga store I used to visit every so often.
Moard Ling: yeah but v hard
Spiral Walcher: LOL i loved bubble bobble
Marianne McCann worked on the manual for a video toaster related product
Prospero Linden: The first time I saw a Toaster Flyer, I was blown away.
Ryder Dryke: bubble bobble was a legend
Torley Linden: Yeah Gwendolyn, it's kinda ethereal... can only be seen from some angles.
Moard Ling: and Pang
Ryder Dryke: flying toasters you say?
Gwendolyn Cassini: i have it on my Nintendo 8 bit
Ryder Dryke: wand on
Ryder Dryke: flying toasters
Maniko Manamiko: i cant see the table too oO
Ryder Dryke: haha
Prospero Linden: hee hee
Torley Linden: HAHAHAHAHA.
Marianne McCann: Prospero - I had friends who you prob'ly saw there
Marianne McCann laughs
Torley Linden: Ryder, what wand is that again? The 10K one?
Torley Linden: Or another?
JetZep Zabelin: flying toasters?
Ryder Dryke: yes
Prospero Linden: Marianne McCann : KJ computers?
Ryder Dryke: 10ks wand
ROMSEY Homewood: quick get out your crumpets
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Torley Linden: I was reading the documentation for the 10K one and didn't see anything about a "toaster" command. Maybe I missed it.
Prospero Linden used to hang out on MIke's Video House, an Amiga BBS in Glendale CA
Marianne McCann nods
Maniko Manamiko: tea enyone?
Marianne McCann gave you ~All Dolled uP~ Doll avatars, Bu, Salutaris 2 (131, 57, 411).
Ryder Dryke: its in the pending update
Spencer Dharnen: yes, please
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmm nice
Ryder Dryke: i have a beta wand
Spencer Dharnen: *cough cough*
Torley Linden: Prospero: Ooh, wow, BBSes before the World Wide Web...
Prospero Linden: Actually, this was in the early days of the Web, the 1990's :)
Moard Ling: BBS always in norway for some reason
Gwendolyn Cassini is thinking of scripting a sclice of water melon later today
Torley Linden: That sounds like an intriguing place, Mari... (the "All Dolled uP"), will have to check that out too.
Prospero Linden: It was a nice communiyt, though. We used to get together for pizza every so often, have a picnic once a year.
Torley Linden: Ahh Prospero haha.
Torley Linden: I have nostalgia about that.
Ryder Dryke: broken toaster
Torley Linden: I remember waiting to download text files, then graphics, then motion video as the years went by and bandwidth got bigger.
Ryder Dryke: oh stuck in the ceiling
Marianne McCann: Prospero - back in the days when I was first makin web pages, but did't have enough computing power to really go out and see the web
Moard Ling: upsta eyour kickstart and your work bench roms
ROMSEY Homewood: hehe!
Prospero Linden: My best Amiga was an A3000 with a 68060 accelerator card and a Picasso II
Daedalus Young: I used to be online only at weekends for one hour max
Prospero Linden: Does anybody remember the Guru that was on Babylon 5?
Daedalus Young: which was just about enough to download 2 songs
ROMSEY Homewood: 'workbench' god i must be getting old
Torley Linden: I remember when I wasn't on the Net 24/7, and had to dial in...
Gwendolyn Cassini: amiga that wa like ages ago. When i was really really young (im 27 now)
Torley Linden: Prospero, I don't remember that one... which was it?
Gwendolyn Cassini: my cousin had one
Prospero Linden: One of the people on the Amiga BBS that I frequented worked at Foundation IMaging and confirmed that itw as a deliberate reference.
Marianne McCann: Daedalus. I should have done dat. I used to rack up some terrible bills back when AOL was an hourly charge
Daedalus Young: yeah, dial-up, that's why only in the weekends, phone rates were cheaper then
Chase Marellan: I used to sell Amigas in high school
Prospero Linden: It was the episode where Ivanova is misusing the Gold channel to talk to her father, and Girabaldi is trying to track down who's doing it.
Prospero Linden: HIs console gurus at one point.
Torley Linden: Haha I think Babylon 5 used Video Toaster for visual effects.
Moard Ling: AOL .. you wil be assimulated .. I think thats oen for us Locutuus
Ryder Dryke: i feel so bad ... i only had a C64
Prospero Linden: The first few seaons of B5 used LIghtwave on Amigas for their CGI
ROMSEY Homewood: i hope we dont start on Sinclair... :OP
Prospero Linden: Ryder : I had a C128 at the same time :) I was a multi-commodore computer nerd
Moard Ling: Oh Devpack was exceellent
Marianne McCann: Oh ya, Moard. the visual implant still tingles
Ryder Dryke: ah ... i feel better now :))
Daedalus Young: fun thing is, I play in a band now and we play some songs I wrote on an old MSX computer :P
Spiral Walcher: wow i feel young. i have no idea what you guys are talking about. :P
Torley Linden: Isn't Commodore making PCs now or something?
Prospero Linden: hee hee
Prospero Linden: Commodore went belly up in the mid-1990's.
Moard Ling: AOL memeber only content pages *shake shead*
Prospero Linden: Somebody may have bought the name. I lost track
Gwendolyn Cassini remembers that it took ages to load a game on the commodore. You could easily make yoursel a sandwich while loading LOL
Torley Linden:
Prospero Linden: Gwendolyn : the 1541 disk drive?
Moard Ling: AOL hav edifferent search words to every one else
Torley Linden: They're still using that same logo.
Gwendolyn Cassini: no cassette
Ryder Dryke: i still love the c64 games on the emulators
Prospero Linden: Torley : somebody must have bought the name and trademarks.
Daedalus Young: hehe, start the load in the evening, go to sleep, your game will be ready to play when you wake up
Gwendolyn Cassini: commodore was bought by appla after they went bankrupt
Gwendolyn Cassini: *apple
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Flight Band ( Wear ): All Go
Torley Linden: "Same name, different innards!"
Prospero Linden: The Amiga was kicked around quite a bit.
Prospero Linden: Gateway had it for a while.
Prospero Linden: Some other companies.
Prospero Linden: Eventually, I lost track.
Marianne McCann remembers once taking an hour of time to get a 1MB hypercard stack.
Gwendolyn Cassini: hahaha
Moard Ling: Now we have the emauyltros for it
Gwendolyn Cassini: I remember apple being bought by IBM right?
Marianne McCann: Ya know, these kinda stories is or generations "walk to school inna snow"
Torley Linden: Haha Mari, I remember HyperCard too!
Chase Marellan: HA!
Prospero Linden: After the Amiga died out, I became a LInux nerd, which I still am. Even got a job as a Linux nerd :)
Torley Linden: Oh gosh, I want to find an archive of old stacks and emulate 'em.
Marianne McCann: How cool would that be, Torley?
Gwendolyn Cassini: im sure you can find them Torley
Torley Linden: Prospero: All that experience adds up... :D What appealed to you about Linux?
Marianne McCann: I think all of mine are somewhere on floppies. Which does me no good
Spencer Dharnen: does anyone remember PLATO?
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Daedalus Young: the philosopher?
Spencer Dharnen: the computer system
Spencer Dharnen: or the philosopher
JetZep Zabelin: Torley, heres a picture for you
Spiral Walcher: i remember play-doh
Spencer Dharnen: either one
Ryder Dryke gave you Wand Help EN.
Marianne McCann: Not a bad character, but I prefer Mickey or Oswald
ROMSEY Homewood: Micke mouse's dog?
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Flight Band ( Wear ): All Go
Spencer Dharnen: huge boxes with big orange dots for pixels?
Prospero Linden: Spencer, how old do you think we are???
Gwendolyn Cassini: thats Pluto
ROMSEY Homewood: hehe! i know!
Torley Linden: Ryder, it looks like this has newer documentation than the one I saw for sale.
Ryder Dryke: yes
Gwendolyn Cassini is a Disney freak
Spencer Dharnen: well, this was mid to late 80's, precurser to the internet
Torley Linden: HAHAHA.
Ryder Dryke: an update is pending
Torley Linden is a Pixar freak
Marianne McCann is a major disney freak
Gwendolyn Cassini: :)
Spencer Dharnen: man, i fell REALLY old now
Gwendolyn Cassini: Pixar is Disney nowadays
Prospero Linden: The internet was around in the 1980's :)
Moard Ling: ANd Kick Off is now out again
Gwendolyn Cassini: how old are you Spencer?
Chase Marellan: No, Pixar and Disney split
Spencer Dharnen: 114
Maniko Manamiko: torlay linden is not the only one like that
Spencer Dharnen: ok, 40
Gwendolyn Cassini: disney BOUGHT Pixar
Chase Marellan: When?
Moard Ling: lol
Moard Ling: not quite
Gwendolyn Cassini: last year
Chase Marellan: ah, I missed that
Torley Linden: Wow, thanks to who gave me a picture of myself at the Orange Summit.
Torley Linden: I saw Ratatouille and it blew my mind.
Gwendolyn Cassini: right after that guy left Disney
Gwendolyn Cassini: cant think of his name anymore
Prospero Linden hasn't seen Ratatouille yet
Marianne McCann: Eisner?
JetZep Zabelin: Torley, I did some graphic tweaks on it =)
Maniko Manamiko: me too its such a nice stry
Gwendolyn Cassini looooooves Ratatouille
Maniko Manamiko: story*
Moard Ling: is it sutiabel for vegetarians ?
Gwendolyn Cassini: Paris in that film looks just like the real Paris
Torley Linden: Anyone who's a Pixar or fan of computer animation NEEDS to see
Torley Linden: It's funny how old that webpage looks, but the papers are quite good and visually illustrated.
Torley Linden: JetZep: Oh thanks!
Marianne McCann: I hafta see dat one. I jes got the Pixar shorts collection the other day. Great for nostalgia *and* for the laughs
Torley Linden: JetZep, it does look greener in the background...
Torley Linden: It suddenly got so silent!
ROMSEY Homewood: hehe!
Maniko Manamiko: scary oO
Marianne McCann: Whew! Thought I;'d crashed or someting
ROMSEY Homewood: calm b4 the storm
JetZep Zabelin: I use layering and tweak each layer with colors & other effects
Gwendolyn Cassini: yep Michael Eisner, Pixar hated him. But disney fired him and after Michael left, they bought Pixar
Ryder Dryke: it also became dark
Spiral Walcher: so torley, i'd love to give you a tour of my work sometime. i think you would appreciate what i've done with windlight.
Spiral Walcher: if/when you have time
Marianne McCann: A lot of people did't like Eisner. he so badly managed the parks, IMO
Torley Linden: Spiral: Thanks for the offer! Have you also let other WindLighters know?
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: hi torley :)
Torley Linden: Mari, I didn't like his style.
Torley Linden: I thought he wasn't terribly adept about creative artistry.
Marianne McCann: Me neither. He's a money man, not a dreamer
Torley Linden: Haha glad we agree on that. :-)
Spiral Walcher: some, yes. but i've been focusing on a windlight SIM build which isnt open to the public yet
Gwendolyn Cassini: Uuhuh he nearly bankrupted Disneyland Resort Paris :/
Torley Linden: My brother went so far to say that Eisner looks like a sweaty pig.
Spiral Walcher: cogsworth linden saw it a week or so ago and loved it
Torley Linden: I had to laugh about that.
Paul Cryotank: !stand Jei
Marianne McCann prefers the dreamers
Torley Linden: Spiral: Oooh.
Torley Linden: I like the dreamers who are doers. <3
Moard Ling: i went to eurodisney when they tel a tla onm stage its in 5 langaugaes they say teh sam eline 5 differen ttiem s
Daedalus Young: I dream about doing :P
Marianne McCann: I'm with yer brother
Spiral Walcher: lol. i have lots to show
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol good riddence though. May he never return to the Disney Compagny
Marianne McCann: Heck, he about killed Disneyland (Anaheim)
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol he killed about all except for Florida
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Prospero Linden wonders how big his severance package was
Torley Linden: If Disney himself could rise from the grave... !
Torley Linden: "Please leave, you're crushing our souls!"
Gwendolyn Cassini: he will be eternally missed
Moard Ling: shall i switch int he defroster
Gwendolyn Cassini: Our Lindens, who art in the Labs,
Qie Niangao: Walt? hmmm... I think I like him better in the grave
Gwendolyn Cassini: Hallowed be thy prims.
Gwendolyn Cassini: Thy Grid-dom come, thy will be done,
Gwendolyn Cassini: On sims, as it is in The Preview.
Gwendolyn Cassini: Give us this day our daily crash,
Gwendolyn Cassini: And forgive us our Spammery.
JetZep Zabelin: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: As we forgive those, who greif against us
Gwendolyn Cassini: And lead us not, into private parcels.
Daedalus Young: no, it's Hollowed be thy prims :P
Torley Linden: HAHAHA.
Gwendolyn Cassini: Amen.
Gwendolyn Cassini: oops wrong gesture
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Randal Kline: @@
Prospero Linden: The Grid's Prayer?
Spencer Dharnen: but deliver us from the sandboxes?
Gwendolyn Cassini: to bad the Lindens cant revive Disney
Spiral Walcher: lol i love that one
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol its a freebee
Gwendolyn Cassini: who wantes it?
Torley Linden: We could have an animatronic prim Disney. =)
Torley Linden: WHOA!!!!
Torley Linden: Thunderstorm!
Spiral Walcher: and here i thought the lindens could do anything. :P
Ryder Dryke: sorry i'm bored
Ryder Dryke: :->
Marianne McCann: I'd be all over dat, Torley.
Spencer Dharnen: cover the'll
Moard Ling: Thunder only happens when its raining
Torley Linden: =)
Gwendolyn Cassini gave you /llPray W/ Anim.
Ryder Dryke: well there is a BIG version of stom inside
Torley Linden: Those sorts of gestures that play on our culture crack me up a lot.
Daedalus Young: extra juicy melons
Ryder Dryke: it will cover the hole place
ROMSEY Homewood: ty :O)
Daedalus Young: where's the beef?
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: Our Lindens, who art in the Labs,
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: Hallowed be thy prims.
Spencer Dharnen: Our Lindens, who art in the Labs,
Marianne McCann: THankoo, Gwendolyn
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: Thy Grid-dom come, thy will be done,
Daedalus Young: isn't that an 80s sample? :P
Spencer Dharnen: Hallowed be thy prims.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: On sims, as it is in The Preview.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: Give us this day our daily crash,
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lol too funny
Moard Ling: Halel Berry was good as storm but Rogue was miscast
Torley Linden: Who do ya think Rogue shoulda been, Moard?
Gwendolyn Cassini: who made that storm lightning thingy?
Moard Ling: Jeniifer jason Leigh ...
Marianne McCann: Torley - when you do visit Privateer Space, think vertically. There are additional worled above and below the asteroid level you come in on, and much great content to see
Torley Linden: I think it's pretty awesome how we flow through topics here.
Marianne McCann: worlds*
JetZep Zabelin: remember "Wheres the beef?" =D
Torley Linden: Mari: I'll keep that in mind! Thanks!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: did you make privateer marianne?
Gwendolyn Cassini needs to go shopping. is nice durong nights in a tropical sim
Marianne McCann: Nope
Prospero Linden liked Anna Paquin as Rogue, but then, he never read the comic books, so....
Marianne McCann: Nope
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: its a really interesting and inspiring build
Randal Kline: privateer space is by aley arai
Maniko Manamiko: hey marinne you can take my seat im gonna stand:)
Marianne McCann: Aley Arai made Privateer Space. I was overjoyed to meet her the other day an find her to be a kid like me
Torley Linden: Oooh.
Marianne McCann: Thankoo Maniko.
Marianne McCann: Gonna hafta zip out soon as it is
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Moard Ling: can you have sound poofers ?
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i was inspired this week to make a boat similar to the one of apocalypse now
Jei Desoto: Hit [CNTRL] [P]
Prospero Linden: heh
Moard Ling: i wanna hear a who song everytime i tp in CSI land
Marianne McCann: Oh, I gave you another LM, Torley. A Dolls Place. A store, but a VERY innovative build
Torley Linden: Ahh OK!
Torley Linden: LOL Moard.
Torley Linden: That's hilarious.
Torley Linden: I find good music does make Second Life travels more exciting.
Torley Linden: I remember long ago when I was flying over a bunch of houses and Vanessa Carlton's "White Houses" came on.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i was talking to someone whos messing with midi into sl
Moard Ling: *Cannot perform teleport you have not said something witty*
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: id love to see that, jamming inworld
Torley Linden: If latency can be lessened, I'm for it too.
Marianne McCann: Oh ya. Has anyone listend to the stream in Avaria?
Moard Ling: White Houses not White Horses, now there was a cool song
Gwendolyn Cassini: about sounds thanks for yesterdays tutorial Torley.
Gwendolyn Cassini: i always wanted to mute sounds coming from props
Marianne McCann still has to send in tutorial ideas
Gwendolyn Cassini: but there were to many sliders to choose from
ROMSEY Homewood: white horses by.......Jacki
Torley Linden: Oh you're very welcome Gwendolyn... !
Moard Ling: yeah
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol about how to make a video of sl yourself ;)
Torley Linden: Yeah, all those sliders, hence why I wanted to explain 'em.
Gwendolyn Cassini: it would be nice to actually record big events
Moard Ling: id like to see snapshjots of ppl inventories
Gwendolyn Cassini: whahaha
JetZep Zabelin: hmm i missed that tutorial its on the blog right?
Torley Linden: Moard, that might make a neat art project.
Torley Linden: JetZep: Yes!
Sami Luukkanen: Why did you make "tomorrow you'll forget all this i promise you"?
Marianne McCann: Ugg... the "I" word
Torley Linden: Sami: Oh, that's a weird one, that was inspired by PKD, Dark City, sinister stuff like that.
Daedalus Young: ooh, I nearly forgot that one
Sami Luukkanen: :)
Ryder Dryke: alright people ... have a nice day and a great weekend - see you soon!
Moard Ling: dark city rocks
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: dark city is a great movie
Torley Linden: Sort of freakish nightmarish noir vibes.
ROMSEY Homewood: tata!
Randal Kline: i went to a sim, SUN, earlier. there is nothing much there except lot of solarpanels!
Prospero Linden: I need to head out too... have fun all.
Marianne McCann: See ya Ryder
Daedalus Young: bye Ryder
Torley Linden: Yeah, I really like Dark City, I saw it again the other day with my wife.
Ryder Dryke: byebye
Torley Linden: Take care Prospero, thanks for coming!
Torley Linden: Have a good one Ryder!
Marianne McCann: See ya Prospero
JetZep Zabelin: =) hehe
Moard Ling: gret reveals
Chase Marellan: Bye Prospero!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: blade runner is my all time fave sci-fi dark moview
Spencer Dharnen: im sorry....i crashed
Chase Marellan: bye ryder
Torley Linden: I wonder if anyone's made a Dark City Stranger avatar... the whole city was amazing. I think the closest I've seen to that in SL is prolly Suffugium.
Marianne McCann: Handmade - got the latest edition?
Torley Linden: Blade Runner is definitely near on my alltime faves too.
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmmm do you have a landmark Torley
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: yes the delux tin
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: oops sorry for the emotes
Torley Linden:
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i think the end 'ive seen things you people wouldnt believe' was add libbed
Torley Linden: Blade Runner was a whole mix of emotions.
Marianne McCann: Great ending, really
Gwendolyn Cassini: it was so weird, when i first came into sl. I stayed like 3 days on help island, trying to learn it all. i even wrote my first script there.
Torley Linden: The part that freaked me out is when Tyrell loses his eyes!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: its like the mona lisa blade runner,,,,,well to me
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: a perfect work of art
Torley Linden: First time I watched Blade Runner was on a blurry VHS tape.
Gwendolyn Cassini: but i learned about mentors and such like 3 months after i came to sl
Moard Ling: saw a film i cant remeber, turns about thr whole world was bxoes and everone lived in a kind of Vr reality
Daedalus Young: the matrix?
JetZep Zabelin: lol i stayed on help island for weeks until someone tp'd me to an infohub
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: oooh i saw the cube the other week that twisted my melons
Gwendolyn Cassini: the video tuts are like having a mentor right next to you
Moard Ling: abotu 10 years be4 the matrxi
Torley Linden: Hmmm I wonder Moard. Not Thirteenth Floor, right?
Moard Ling: i thoguht it was the 13th floor
Daedalus Young: ah ok Moard :P
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, that's so nice of you. :)
Moard Ling: but i dont think it was
Torley Linden: I started doing video bug reproductions a long time ago out of frustration because it was hard to describe some stuff in words/pictures alone...
Torley Linden: and that gradually evolved to video tutorials.
Gwendolyn Cassini notices that she starts to sound like a groupie hahaha
Marianne McCann: Looks like you still find bugs on video, too
Moard Ling: i sarted filimg in SL cos ppl didnt beleive snapshots
Torley Linden: Mari, ha, yes I do.
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, fine with me. =^_^=
Gwendolyn Cassini: hahaha
Torley Linden: LOL Moard, how did they not believe 'em?
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Marianne McCann: That reminds me. where did I put that video link
Moard Ling: they dont believe their client lies
Moard Ling: i went aroudn all of yesterday in a pinball animation
Moard Ling: no one told me
Torley Linden: Awww.
Moard Ling: its was acamper pinball of STeel Wheels
Marianne McCann:
Gwendolyn Cassini: i was wondering. sometimes (at least once a day) my pc gives a C++ runtime error and then something with my graphics crashing. My laptop still continbues to work, but SL crashes on me. But then I can still start seond life again. Would that be a hardware problem ( i did check my drives and all were good) or is it a bug i need to report in the Jira?
Marianne McCann: A longish video from last week's camp
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i get that 'out of memory' :(
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: but only once a day now
Moard Ling: lol wait til lthey port to c#
Gwendolyn Cassini: "one time, at band camp, when we went there..."
Torley Linden: Those "out of memory" errors/leaks are known about... I believe Steve Linden is working on a process to address them.
Marianne McCann giggles
Marianne McCann: Not at the one I went to!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: cool torley
Moard Ling: hannigans rocks, she could have played Rogue
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: has anyone else had objects delink on them when they are linking?
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Haha!!! Alyson Hannigan's one of my fave actresses.
Torley Linden: She has a great voice.
Moard Ling: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: :) yes she has :)
Torley Linden: Handmadeandroid: I've heard scattered reports of that before, but haven't had a solid repro.
Moard Ling: yucant tell from Once More With Feeling
Maniko Manamiko gave you Torley_002.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: it only started yesterday
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: lasted an hour
Torley Linden: I liked Alysson Hannigan as an evil vampire in two episodes of Buffy, I think it was.
Spiral Walcher: i think thats just lag, handmade
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: oh
Torley Linden: Whoa Maniko, that picture is dramatic.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Maniko Manamiko: lol
Spiral Walcher: it happens to me a lot when building in laggy places
Moard Ling: like serena in bewitched
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: btw my friend got badly phished this week
JetZep Zabelin: I've had those kinds of linking bugs usually when theres some kind of lag
Marianne McCann: whappened?
Torley Linden: Ugh that's horrible Handmadeandroid. :(
Gwendolyn Cassini: well things like hippiepay are ultimate phishing tools in sl...
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: he signed into sl found himself in a skybox with 'your _____D' written on the wall and some questionable adult images on the wall, all his invent gone and cash
Gwendolyn Cassini: they sho0uld be banned
Moard Ling: Phising is going to get alot worse as work closes access to webmail and you have to use proxys
ROMSEY Homewood: better go and do some stuff
ROMSEY Homewood: nice to see you all again
ROMSEY Homewood: byeeee Torley!
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: luckily the lindens sorted it out for him :D
Torley Linden: Byeee ROMSEY and thanks for the av!
Gwendolyn Cassini: :) bye Romsey
Daedalus Young: bye Romsey
Maniko Manamiko: take care romsey
Torley Linden: That's good to hear, Handmade.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: bye romsey
Gwendolyn Cassini: yay to the Lindens then :)
Torley Linden: There are so many awful phishing schemes, I keep getting the "URGENT PAYPAL" ones.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: they couldnt trace the inventory just yet, reckon 1-2 weeks
Marianne McCann: Oh, Torley? The WL team rocks. I jes hadda say so.
Daedalus Young: I got that once
Torley Linden: Thanx Mari, I'll share that onwards! :D
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: hes working on some stuff for me, but i never send my objects full perms
Marianne McCann grins
Marianne McCann: good!
Spiral Walcher: someone send me an IM. i want to test something
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: he was ever so upset, gave me my deposit back, thought id sack him
Spiral Walcher: ty
Spiral Walcher: ummm
Gwendolyn Cassini: Torley do you know about hippiepay? they are handing out " free" cash when you logh onto their website and fill in some questionary. I know new residents using their SL pass words and such to log onto Hippiepay
JetZep Zabelin: I set my firewall so that I have to manually allow any program that starts
Spiral Walcher: IMs shouldnt be showing in my chat log
Spiral Walcher: its turned off
Spiral Walcher: and i dont get the little IM recieved button
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, I've heard of them and visited their builds, as a general guideline we recommend using a different password when using any Resident-run services.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: that makes sense
Gwendolyn Cassini: ofcourse. but still how many not so smart people would user their sl info to log on other webpages
JetZep Zabelin: don't use those questions for when you lose your password.. People can find out your mother's maiden name pretty easily btw
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, yeah, it's not really a SL-specific problem but a general computer security precaution.
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i think as a noob your more trusting and starry eyed
Gwendolyn Cassini: im even hesistant to log on the jira because im too carefull LOL
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: how would you know as a new player that hippy pay were not connected to sl?
Gwendolyn Cassini: yep thats true Hand
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Understandable! Yeah, I'd like a single login to automatically log into the public Issue Tracker too.
Marianne McCann: I do wish the JIRA would remeber me a bit better
Torley Linden: Yeah, and there are some outright scams that've professed to be part of Linden Lab when they're infact NOT.
Gwendolyn Cassini: that would be great
Torley Linden: I'd like to thank each and all of you for coming to my office hour, I'm going to go for now, but will be back here at 2 PM for my next office hour!
Gwendolyn Cassini: :)
Daedalus Young: ok Torley
JetZep Zabelin: I've seen resi's wear a LL or Mentor or other tag then they try to trick newbies into a ripoff
Marianne McCann: Have fun, Torley!
Gwendolyn Cassini: im so glad to have met you Torley
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: nice to see you torley :D
Daedalus Young: see you later
Torley Linden: JetZep: Yeah, that's happened, shame on them!
JetZep Zabelin: Thanks Torley
Torley Linden: So glad to see you inworld too, Gwendolyn. :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: try to get some sleep before actually going into office
Spiral Walcher: take it easy, torley
Torley Linden: Thanks for visiting with me and have fun on the weekend!
Gwendolyn Cassini: or are you in office now?
Maniko Manamiko: good luck torley
Torley Linden: *waves and smiles*
Marianne McCann: Time f'r me to get to work too
Gwendolyn Cassini: have fun with your dress ;)
Marianne McCann: ugg
Handmadeandroid Zenovka: i love your piano music cd cover painting btw
2 PM
Torley Linden: Friendly greetings!
Squirrel Wood: YAYZERAMA!
Jason Swain: hehe I am still waiting on my ear Squirrels ^^
Marianne McCann: Hey Torley. Looks like you had fun in Privateer Space 9an with zombie avvies!)
Torley Linden: EEk stuck in gray. @_@
Gwendolyn Cassini: Hi everyone
Torley Linden: I sure did Mari! Thanks again for the recommendations!
Drew Dwi: its going the wrong way xD
Jason Swain: Hello Torley
Torley Linden: Well i had fun in Privateer Space, not so much with those camping zombies.
Marianne McCann: You're welcome! :-)
Squirrel Wood gave you Squirrels Steal my Sanity.
Gwendolyn Cassini: sorry for my bad flight skills
Torley Linden: Good to see you all here.
Wilma Philbin: Hello
Danni Ohara: Hi everybody!!! :D :D :D
Marianne McCann: Ya, I dun like the gaming of traffic with them, but what can ya do?
Gwendolyn Cassini: Hello Torley :D
Marianne McCann: Danni!
Torley Linden: *is listening to Philip Glass' "Lightning" right now, it needs a drum 'n' bass remix*
Torley Linden: Mari: Make fun of them!
Torley Linden: Haha!
Drew Dwi: before I forget, can you add to your list of things to take a look at later?
Danni Ohara: Mari!
Joachim Waydelich: hi torley, love your video tutorials
Squirrel Wood: BUG REPORT!
Squirrel Wood: Tools > Bug Reporting..
Squirrel Wood:
Marianne McCann: Oh ya. Mock them!
Torley Linden: The ironic thing is, even though they might be gaming traffic... the regions I saw were pretty much empty aside from those bots.
Torley Linden: So it seems like the bots aren't really attracting traffic.
Torley Linden: Why thanks Joachim, I appreciate ya letting me know!
Marianne McCann: Ya. It seems to have the opposite intende effect. While place like Privateer Space are gonna be more an more popular
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: Drew, ah yes... change is still pending for that one.
Marianne McCann: I picked a good time to wear my camp shirt, eh Danni?
Gwendolyn Cassini: Oh Torley I found your post about how to create video's, im going to download that program leter
Jason Swain: Thats a nice request Drew
Torley Linden: Drew, OK, I'll try to get an update on what's going on.
Drew Dwi: well it says, change was goin into 1.18 RC6
Danni Ohara: yuppers :D
Squirrel Wood: non moving avatars should not count for traffic :)
Drew Dwi: but were on 1.19 RC1 so yea D:
Drew Dwi needs his green and red bars of understanding
Gwendolyn Cassini: well why not stop using traffic anyway or only count the amount of unique avi's per day?
Torley Linden: Drew, yes, sorry it got missed!
Torley Linden: I'll check with James and Samuel about that.
Drew Dwi: np just figured would poke :)
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: We're moving away from traffic in the future, and towards better search.
Torley Linden: Much appreciated. :)
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Gwendolyn Cassini: :) nice
Joachim Waydelich: hmmm perhaps taking my AO off would be wise
Joachim Waydelich: /ao off
Gwendolyn Cassini: yes i detached my mystitool too
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Al Sonic: Is Search glitching up? All of a sudden it seems the Watermelinden Land of Happiness isn't listed (directly) in the search results.
Marianne McCann: I've been doin dat a lot lately. Darn "Release Keys"
Gigs Taggart: hi all
Wilma Philbin: I'm running Windlight and have to relog - to laggy
Jason Swain wonders if this might affect any scripters here, " "
Gwendolyn Cassini: oops forgot to remove all scripts from my hair...
Torley Linden: Al: Arghhh if it's not listed there, then that's a mistake.
Torley Linden: Thanks for the heads-up.
Torley Linden: hey Gigs!
Gwendolyn Cassini: ok gone :) saves 40 scripts *ducks*
Gigs Taggart: Jason, I don't believe that's a bug
Marianne McCann: Wow
Marianne McCann: 40?
Torley Linden: Al: Hmmm, somehow my parcel got unlisted. :\ I don't recall having unchecked "Show Place in Search".
Torley Linden: I've rechecked it and hope it does come back.
Torley Linden: Holy crap, the Stand Up button is so high on my screen.
Torley Linden: @_@
Torley Linden: It's like, 7 lines above the chat bar.
Joachim Waydelich: i had that happen on my own land a fews times when subdividing, the parcel listing sometimes unchecked
Gwendolyn Cassini: yes i make my hair no mod, so there is a script inside each prim to resize move and rotate each prim. after editing you delete the scripts because it isnt needed any more.
Al Sonic: Never had that button-positioning glitch happen to me yet.
Jason Swain: That was brought up at Benjamin Lindens hour yesterday Torley
Marianne McCann: It's a bug in current WL. I dun recall which # it is on the HIRA. Lower blue boxes do it sometines too, Torley
Gigs Taggart: 1.19 linux voice works pretty great btw
Marianne McCann: Prob'ly also in RC
Gwendolyn Cassini: Linux got voice now too?
Please Stoop: torley
Gigs Taggart: yes
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmm then i will switch to Linux then
Torley Linden: Jason: Haha, i reckoned it would be!
Torley Linden: Yes Please? Funny name. :)
Danni Ohara: ooh... I don't have to use Wine anymore?
Danni Ohara downloads
Please Stoop: Torley, I tried out the Windlight client and I noticed you can't turn off the typing anim
Please Stoop: >:(
Gigs Taggart: voice even works if you compile your own, it's in the libs package :P
Torley Linden: Please: Why not? Oh, the boolean Debug Settings not working bug?
Please Stoop: yeah
Please Stoop: I can't set it to false
Gwendolyn Cassini is not that good of a programmer, thats more somethinig for my genius husband LOL
Torley Linden: And that's known about and gonna be fixed soon.
Gigs Taggart: Torley I'm porting my snapshot as jpeg and png to 1.19 and soft said he'll merge it for 1.19.1 most likely! :P
Please Stoop: thx
Please Stoop: <3
Torley Linden: :)
Torley Linden: OH GOOD Gigs, I'd like to have your terraform force slider too...
Marianne McCann: Great Gigs!
lufpleh Obstreperous: lol boolean not working in software!!
Gigs Taggart: yeah thats the other one I want to try to get soft to put into 1.19.1
Marianne McCann: Terraform forse slider?
Torley Linden: and it's nice to see SLJiraStats links on !
Please Stoop: torley i like your youtube videos
Torley Linden: Thanks Please, I'm glad you too!
Torley Linden: I'm glad to have ya with me here today.
Gigs Taggart: hehe Thraxis changed that template, though Jira hasn't been quite as slow lately it's good to have a backup
Squirrel Wood wants more videos :)
Please Stoop:
Gwendolyn Cassini: it was an early morning for you.
Please Stoop: what's up with this?
Torley Linden: - Terraform tool variable "strength"
Tegg Bode: Hi Luphpleh, long time no see :)
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: It tends to be, I start work at 4-5 AM.
Gwendolyn Cassini: wow
Squirrel Wood: variable strength is not settable through scripts though... :p
lufpleh Obstreperous: :)
Gigs Taggart: I want to make that slider logarithmic when I port it forward
Gwendolyn Cassini: and how many hours do you make?
Torley Linden: Please: What are you wondering about that one?
Gigs Taggart: right now it's linear
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Too many! ;) Hehe.
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol its addicting hahaha
Torley Linden: Work and play blur for me, really.
Torley Linden: It's good working at Linden Lab.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I'll bet.
Gwendolyn Cassini: i go to bed at 2 am my time (+9 SLT) and sit behind my lappie at 9 am my time LOL
Marianne McCann: You sound like me, Gwen
Gwendolyn Cassini: to bad I have to do a lot outside SL :) Gimping and such
Jason Swain: It sounds like you have the idea job Torley
Danni Ohara changes her group title as she's just spilt Dr Pepper everywhere
Torley Linden: Jason: It's pretty good, yeah. :-D
Torley Linden: Always hoping to get better tho!
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I am looking for a job so for the moment I get to play full-time.
Jason Swain: ^^
Marianne McCann: I was off at 11pm, back up at 4, an was here for morning office hours
Gwendolyn Cassini: id love to work at linden labs... that means San Francisco: always nice weather close to Disneyland Anaheim :DDD
Marianne McCann is starting a job that will lead to a 40+ hour SL work week
Danni Ohara: I had a very early night last night- was in bed for 11pm- normally Im up until 5amish
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Squirrel Wood: Daylight is bad for you.
Squirrel Wood: Avoid it at all costs :p
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Simon Kline: is it hard finding subjects for tip of the week each week Torley? :D
CeeJay Tigerpaw: What is
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, even better, we have multiple offices worldwide. I actually work from home.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: daylight'?
Danni Ohara: Sunlight is evil
Torley Linden: Simon, terribly not. Many many subjects! Have any suggestions? :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: you do? oh thats cool :) never have to leave your wife at home when you go to work
Torley Linden: Yes, she works too so we have midday hugs. <3
Torley Linden: She works in SL, I mean.
Gwendolyn Cassini: but still living close to Disneyland Anaheim is cool too
Squirrel Wood: Oooo! Torley you could do a vidtut on how to find good clothing or avatars :)
CeeJay Tigerpaw: My cats would complain if I went to work too often.
Simon Kline: hhah no you've covered them all alreadY, and just when i think you've covered them all i see another one appear ..oooOO(ohh why didn't i think of that!) haha
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Squirrel Wood: though with classified search dominated by whoever pays most for the ad and by misusing keywords that have nothing to do with the advertised content....
Torley Linden: Squirrel, haha yeah, "discovery" and "how to find" stuff is coming up, maybe as part of a series.
Torley Linden: Simon: Awwwe!
Torley Linden: I love getting ideas.
Gwendolyn Cassini: well i found a videomaking mini tut at your blog. but there are hundreds of unused buttons and options we never use. So lots of inspiration for a new blog
Gwendolyn Cassini: ehm tut i mean
Gwendolyn Cassini: hahaha
Marianne McCann: A "release keys" vidtut!
Tegg Bode: hmm perhaps one on how huds can be wornin different locations andshifted around
Please Stoop: brb pals
Gwendolyn Cassini: wow a girl on tv, she is 17 but looks like a 2 year old o_0
Jason Swain: How about how to avoid the release keys button Marianne
Marianne McCann: good one, Tegg. It took me a long time to know I could mod the location
Gwendolyn Cassini: there is a HUD tut on Torleys blog
Danni Ohara: What are you watching, Gwen?
Gigs Taggart: release keys moved in 1.19 to a bad spot :(
Torley Linden: Tegg, I did one on HUDs... did you see that? I could always expand and cover more topics...
Torley Linden: Yes, those darn Release Keys!
Squirrel Wood: Mayhaps a vidtut on office hours ? ^^
Tegg Bode: LOL release key button, is apain, I never used that button more than once to see what it did :)
Bit: Bit v0.05 initialized
Bit: Greetings, Rinse Concord
Simon Kline: hehe yeah i'd just above the local chat button! OMG! hehe
Danni Ohara: what does it do? I've never pressed it :p
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Gigs Taggart: heh it's pretty technical and probably doesn't need to be a button
Jason Swain: I think that Benjamin had a great solution for the release keys button... Really worth checking that out Torley
Tegg Bode: It relases all your inventory into the sim around you Dannie :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: itll detach all attachments that gives you an animation
Gigs Taggart: it could be a menu option
Danni Ohara: ahh
Al Sonic: It functions like some kind of emergency get-this-controller-off-of-me button.
Gwendolyn Cassini: to bad it doesnt help with the Pandora HUD when someone else owns one
Marianne McCann: Gigs - that seems to be the odds on favorite in the JIRA
Torley Linden: Which one, Jason? It may've been one he previously discussed with me.
Simon Kline loved the other explanations for release keys *writes them down*
Torley Linden: I think for the short-term, we're going to revert Release Keys back to its prior position...
Torley Linden: longer-term, better notifications.
Gwendolyn Cassini: yay
Jason Swain: The Release keys button, moving it to a slide out menu
Torley Linden: I haven't 100% confirmed that, but it's what was discussed yesterday internally.
Torley Linden: Jason: AHH yes, the flyout menu idea.
Tegg Bode: Hmm you're just too good Torley, stumped me, hmm how about one on where to get best XP :)
Torley Linden: And being able to Release Keys for specific objects.
Jason Swain: I love that idea
Torley Linden: Tegg: Haha, kill the swamp rats and move up to the wyrms!
Al Sonic: Not just stuff that gives you an animation, but anything that responds to your key presses (and possibly stops you from walking/flying/otherwise-moving properly).
Gwendolyn Cassini: what i would like to see is a resizable communicatipn window, because in the smallest non minimized size it still covers almost 25% of my tiny laptop screen
Tegg Bode: Damn that's why the wyrms have been squashing me :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Gwendolyn Cassini: Tegg :) i remember you from my newbe days :) you used to pick my moneytree when i first started sl :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: first started my shop i mean LOL
Torley Linden: Wow, paths cross!
Tegg Bode: Lol, wow thought the name seemed familiar :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Simon Kline: hehe it's a big....but small world!
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, what resolution are you running at? In 1.19 RC I find I can resize the Communicate window pretty small... let me check dimensions...
Gwendolyn Cassini: bit having fun?
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmmm doesnt work like that?
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Marianne McCann: A grid the size of Kansas, if I 'member what I read correctly
lufpleh Obstreperous: new communcicate window is smaller on latest versions
Joachim Waydelich: from what i heard its only the siz of NYC includingall the outer boroughs
CeeJay Tigerpaw: The comm window wastes a lot of pixels on border stuff.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: It would be nice if there were a way to switch the border stuff on and off.
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Looks like I can resize Communicate to approx. 430 x 270 at UI size of 1.000.
Marianne McCann: Joachim - it used to be, ya
Al Sonic: Hm? what stuff now?
Gwendolyn Cassini: great idea Ceejay
Marianne McCann: I guess I've gotten used to the communicate window
Gwendolyn Cassini: well if you resize your window the communication window stays the same
Torley Linden: CeeJay: Which border stuff? I'm not seeing any border stuff that's particularly extrusive compared to other windows?
Tegg Bode: Hmm my bigest pain is still having to split off IM's from Local Chat, or I find I am ignoring local chat people
lufpleh Obstreperous: UIset to minimum is good for laptops
Gwendolyn Cassini: not sure what my resolution is
CeeJay Tigerpaw: They all have border stuff.
Wilma Philbin: Why a line that tells me it's local chat when I have an active button for that?
Al Sonic: Like torley said, what border stuff?
CeeJay Tigerpaw: A switch-off feature would be good for all of them.
Gwendolyn Cassini: well you have: communicate
Gwendolyn Cassini: and then residents near me
Gwendolyn Cassini: and then gestures show muted text
CeeJay Tigerpaw: My comm window is now set to minimum size, and about 30 percent of the area ia
Gwendolyn Cassini: seems a bit much
Tegg Bode: I have a "Name in chat" HUD/Script that strife wrote makes a noise when my name is mentioned in local chat
CeeJay Tigerpaw: things like its title, the gestures box, tabs and assorted buttons.
Al Sonic: I DO agree that it could be resizeable a bit narrower.
Danni Ohara: brb- gonna try the new viewer
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Getting rid of that (optionally) would make a big difference.
Gwendolyn Cassini: there is a gesture menu below the screen. why in the cummunication window too?
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I was running on a Macbook 13 till yesterday, and sometimes it seemed that the windows would cover up almost everything
Gwendolyn Cassini: ehm on the bottom of the screen
Gwendolyn Cassini: sorry for my weird english sometimes LOL
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, that thing's bugged Ben and I... it's like, why have an additional chat bar for Local Chat in the Communicate window, too.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I'd like to be able to look at a panel of *just* chat history -- nothing else.
Jason Swain thinks that we should have invited Ben and Mal
Gwendolyn Cassini: you can do that Ceejay
Torley Linden: But on the other hand, you can hide the chat bar atop the toolbar and just use the Local Chat one.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: With a keyboard shortcut to provide the border stuff on demand.
Torley Linden: Haha Jason, I'll be sure to post my transcript so they can see it.
lufpleh Obstreperous: you can resize the window yourself if you want to change floater_my_friends.xml file
CeeJay Tigerpaw: It would help if the line where I type chat only appeared when I was typing into it, too.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Torley, is that sufficient explanation?
lufpleh Obstreperous: Ceejay, Chat History is detachable from Comms window
Tegg Bode: He's still writting all that down :)
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I know, but then it is yet *another* window.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Folks with small screens want few windows, each parsimonious with screen real estate.
lufpleh Obstreperous: easy to open close chat history, ctrl + H
JetZep Zabelin: hi
Gwendolyn Cassini: i love current chat window so far, the only thing is that its to big. But i can drag single conversations out of that window when i want to
Torley Linden: Ceejay: Yes, that does... so you don't want the "Gestures" dropdown at the top, nor "Show Muted Text", nor the "<<" that also sits parallel near the top of the window?
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I want to be able to turn them off when I am not using them.
Squirrel Wood: BUG REPORT!
Squirrel Wood: Tools > Bug Reporting..
Squirrel Wood:
Gwendolyn Cassini: show muted text culd be in the line above that.
Squirrel Wood: hmm
Squirrel Wood: BUG REPORT!
Squirrel Wood: Tools > Bug Reporting..
Squirrel Wood:
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Most of the time, all I need to see is the literal text of the history, and nothing else.
Joachim Waydelich: is there a reason why the 2nd life client eats up more an dmore memory as time goes by? it starts out using about 300, and after a few hours exceeds 1gb, even as high as 1.7
Danni Ohara: oh wow, this viewer is different
Jason Swain thinks Squirrels on a mission ^^
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Marianne McCann: Whichen, Danni?
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Gwendolyn Cassini: on the other hand the << is very interesting when you dont have a mystitool or something simular with a rada
Gwendolyn Cassini: r
Danni Ohara:
Wilma Philbin: It can't use that much memory I don't have that.
Squirrel Wood: People need to make use of the pjira and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE so things can be prioritized better.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I like "<<", too, but don't need to see it all the time.
Marianne McCann: I think the folks I hang around with are gettin sick of hearin me say "put it on the JIRA"
Torley Linden: Joachim: We have memory leak bugs! Those bother me too!
Joachim Waydelich: i figured it was a leak
Lyndsey Forager: helloes :)
Torley Linden: Joachim: One thing you can do is reduce graphics card memory if you have a graphics card that uses, say, 512 MB or more.
Tegg Bode: Thre's a Pjira as well as the Jira?
Torley Linden: PJIRA = public Issue Tracker.
Torley Linden: Lindens sometimes say "LLJIRA" for the internal JIRA system we use.
JetZep Zabelin wags his tail
Torley Linden: So for your purposes, PJIRA/JIRA are effectively the same, if you're referring to
Torley Linden: =)
Joachim Waydelich: im using my laptops 224mb shared memory intel gma 950 card, but SL only allows 128
Jason Swain: I will tell you what Squirrel... You round up the voters and I will send them to the best bugs hehe
JetZep Zabelin: i was looking at a bug today
Torley Linden: I think Squirrel's very good at promoting issues!
JetZep Zabelin: lovebugs
Jason Swain: hehe
Jason Swain: <-- For scripters
Squirrel Wood grins
Jason Swain: <-- For voice users
Joachim Waydelich: i thought the recent tutorial about sound sliders was funny, finding a bug while doing it
Squirrel Wood: Oh yes. things that get lots of votes are looked at first. and fixed sooner :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: Torley is very good in finding bugs
Torley Linden: I like to find stuff!
Torley Linden: Better to be lost than found.
Lyndsey Forager: Happy afternoon/evening everybody
Torley Linden: Hahaha yes Joachim, that's not atypical to me.
Gwendolyn Cassini: about bugs. 50% of my teleports fail :/
Torley Linden: I leave the bugs in both to educate awareness that YES, there's a problem, and hopefully encourage them to be fixed.
Gwendolyn Cassini: and itll disconnect me from the sim
Torley Linden: Also to advocate for use of our Issue Tracker.
Joachim Waydelich: i get many failed teleports, it sits there for a few minutes and logs me out
Jason Swain: hehe I can always find your home Torley, its watermelon coloured ^^
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, that sounds like SVC-972, from the top of my memory.
Gwendolyn Cassini: smart Torlehy ;)
Gwendolyn Cassini: wow you are smart hahaha
Marianne McCann: Really, I tink anyone who uses any program regularly is gonna fid the bugs easier
Marianne McCann: find*
Tegg Bode: I used to have a lot of TP fail when my ISP throttled me to diallup speeds after download limit
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Aw, a lot of it really just has to do with practice and experience...
lufpleh Obstreperous: cant wait for the stats on failed teleports!!
Torley Linden: learn by doing. =o)
Torley Linden: We have some Lindens working on those teleport metrics, it might be very worthwhile to have them in our Service Metrics.
Danni Ohara: I have a lot of TP fail at peak times- too many people, too little bandwidth
Torley Linden: I don't know if those plans have been discussed yet.
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol you have a download limit? we pay 20 euros (30 USD ) per month for unlimited access :)
JetZep Zabelin: I found a small "cosmetic" bug.. minimize the map, then drag that "World Map" bar away from the edge.. you can see Events o.O =D
Torley Linden: JetZep: Good catch.
Squirrel Wood: statistics on failed or disconnect tps would be very interesting
Danni Ohara: ooh
Torley Linden: I wonder if that's because Events (M) mysteriously went missing in 1.18.6 RC but it's now back.
Squirrel Wood: even the average time it takes to tp would be of interest
Torley Linden: JetZep, wanna report that bug? I'll make sure it gets to the right people.
JetZep Zabelin: i found it by mistake when trying to duplicate the chatbar / mouselook causing the buttons to move up
Gwendolyn Cassini: maybe the grid is punishing me for wearing way to many huds
JetZep Zabelin: Ok I will
Tegg Bode: Well I changed to a bigger plan, they gave you unlimited but shrottled you after a certain limit, now I have bigger limit and pay more over the limit, but never get that far
Lyndsey Forager: ao on
Torley Linden: Thanks JetZep, let me know what the # is when done, just need to keep track and make sure it gets fixed.
Al Sonic: Well I had a high rate of being disconnected while trying to accept people's TPs. Dunno if that's faded.
Torley Linden: We have a lot of great conversation today...
Gwendolyn Cassini: nope my connection stays the same :) no buts
Bit: Bit v0.05 initialized
Bit: Greetings, Rinse Concord
Torley Linden: I've had a pretty high rate of teleport disconnection failure in recent memory.
Joachim Waydelich: this is totally unrelated, but do you have a linden bear torley? I am starting a collection of them
Torley Linden: Wow, we got a love panda here. *looks over at Jingyi*
Gwendolyn Cassini: yep and world maps not loading
Bit: Goodbye, program
Squirrel Wood: chatbar buttons moving up may be vwr-4541 methinks
Torley Linden: I sure do Joachim! I'll give you one... anyone else want my Linden bear? Just say so! =)
Torley Linden: Squirrel, thanks, keeping an eye on that too.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I would.
Joachim Waydelich: cool, thanks
Gwendolyn Cassini: or unable to create slurl of trget destination
Torley Linden: 1.19 was so laden with these UI quirks! *shakes paw*
Jingyi Davies: dope
Danni Ohara: ooh, yes please Torley :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: because the world map doesnt want to update after tp
Al Sonic: "Linden bear"? I never heard of that but it sounds nice ^_^
Squirrel Wood:
Joachim Waydelich accepted your inventory offer.
Joachim Waydelich accepted your inventory offer.
lufpleh Obstreperous: anyone else notice mini-map drifts location on log out/in
Lyndsey Forager: Torley, I liked your nessie av - but as I live near the real Loch ness, I can tell you the secret of how to see the monster
Jingyi Davies: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: lindenbear? I have one of Trinity and Trick or Treat ::D
CeeJay Tigerpaw accepted your inventory offer.
Torley Linden: Oh, gosh darnit, the blue notifications in the lower-right are REALLY TALL for me right now.
Joachim Waydelich: 3 now i got, leo linden, colton linden, and torley
CeeJay Tigerpaw accepted your inventory offer.
Torley Linden: Like, freaky tall!
Marianne McCann someday will have to get a *lot* of land to rez her bear collection in
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Torley, you had better spell that right ... :-)
Marianne McCann: Torley - ya. Likely the same bug as the bouncing button
Torley Linden: Search is stalling for me...
Squirrel Wood: torley, that is connected to the buttons moving up
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol i already disabled my friends notification
Tegg Bode: Hmm there were stories of a Nessie in Ahern Lake along time ago :)
Lyndsey Forager: he he
Squirrel Wood: the blue notifications that is
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Oh, cool!
Al Sonic accepted your inventory offer.
Al Sonic accepted your inventory offer.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I have a good build of the Jules Verne "Nautilus" on my land, and of course I put in a giant squid too...
Torley Linden: JetZep, I'll delete your "Chatbar.jpg" too.
Torley Linden: No worries.
Lyndsey Forager: the only way to see nessie is to take a whisky bottle and put the neck to your eye and look throught it at the loch - you just have to drink the contents first
Gwendolyn Cassini: oh cool CeeJay, landmark? ;)
JetZep Zabelin: ok cool.. I just made the new one.. I'll put the screenshot in there
Gwendolyn Cassini: whahaha then i would see my grandmother too i guess hahaha
Torley Linden: "Release keys button etc slowly creeps up the screen on multiple uses of mouselook" was internally fixed already.
Torley Linden bare: **** Torley Linden BARE ****
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: 14X RAM SYSTEM 2086 YOTTABYTES FREE
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: READY.
Torley Linden: FIX PENDING on that!
Gwendolyn Cassini: isnt the screenshot your land image?
Marianne McCann: Nice, CeeJay! I know Arcadia Asylum was workin on one befoere she left
Gwendolyn Cassini: awwww
Joachim Waydelich: i remember arcadia, i met her a few times
Gwendolyn Cassini: *puppyeyes to Torley* your bear is cute...
Joachim Waydelich: she made the best freebies
Marianne McCann: Oh ya. Arcadia was a purty good inworld friend t'me.
Gwendolyn Cassini: thanks CeeJay, btw the pic wont rez ;) probably not full perms in your inv
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Yes (to Gwendolyn)
Torley Linden: Thanks! Hehehe.
Torley Linden: =^_^=
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Neither build is my work, I just have good taste and sufficient Lindens...
Gwendolyn Cassini is cheap: i hardly ever spend any ld inworld except when i buy land or to pay tier, but then i convert my ld to USD to do so
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.
Danni Ohara: I spend a lot of lindens
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol love the fortune cookie :)
JetZep Zabelin: hehe
Marianne McCann: Squirrel makes the best fortune cookies
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I think in L$ when I get any, and in US$ when I spend.
Please Stoop: did the teen grid get banned in france
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Gwendolyn Cassini: thanks squirrel
Kerry Giha: hehe
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Here's some wisdom for you:
Squirrel's Fortune Cookie: Given my druthers, I'd druther not.
Gwendolyn Cassini: so what do you think of my " I love water melons" outfit?
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, I think it is AWESOME.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I thought you were Torley at first.
Torley Linden: :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Torley Linden: Oh lemme get a picture of us sitting here too...
Gwendolyn Cassini: I saw Torley's Melon Snow film and I was in love hahaha
Joachim Waydelich: i love watermellons too, i eat them almost every day in RL
Gwendolyn Cassini: i just wanted to make an Torley outfit :)
Torley Linden: Awwwwe hahaha.
Tegg Bode: Looks good was a bit confused on who was who for a bit, any proposals floating about for our lips moving?
Torley Linden: I had so much fun making that video.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: In the US, the chain grocery "Safeway" has a watermelon-flavored soft drink.
Gwendolyn Cassini:
Marianne McCann: Tegg - look into "Motor Mouth" I tink
Tegg Bode: Not that it works for furries :)
Torley Linden: Tegg: Have you seen Geuis Dassin's Motor Mouth? It's for voice chat but moves lips when talking.
Squirrel Wood: Oooo! Vidtut idea: How to make a Torley Clone ^^
Torley Linden: Like Mari said.
Gwendolyn Cassini: that video is awesome
Lyndsey Forager: must admit to something, its like a crime, i dont really like the taste of watermelons - perhaps they get stale by the time they reach scotland
Joachim Waydelich: i really like your building style too torley, its very.... energetic
Marianne McCann: Jinx! You owe me!
Joachim Waydelich: i think is the word
Torley Linden: :D
Gwendolyn Cassini: my kids are even singing that song with you LOL
Danni Ohara thinks watermelons are scrummy
Torley Linden: Haha hmmm you know, I wish "Active Participants" also included those who are in-progress typing.
Marianne McCann: Anyone had melon flavored Ramune? good stuff
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Yes.
Torley Linden: Especially since I have typing anim turned off.
Tegg Bode: Water Melons are great in Aussie summer :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: :)
Danni Ohara: They must hang around the A1 for ages then- I'm near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and they're fine here :p
Joachim Waydelich: and they are very popular here in the southern USA
Gwendolyn Cassini: my husband is a keyboard player too :)
Torley Linden: Oh really Gwendolyn, cool!
Gwendolyn Cassini: you and him got simular playing style
Torley Linden: I like all the many sounds that synths can make.
Joachim Waydelich: they have a melon festival every year not too far from here
Torley Linden: So many possibilities.
Marianne McCann: Typing anim off always throws me. When people are typing a lot, an they're jes stanging there
Torley Linden: I've been trying to get the US National Board of Watermelons turned onto Second Life.
Please Stoop: thank you
Squirrel Wood: eep... that was meant to go to torley.. :p
Lyndsey Forager: oh well Danni, i suppose, like everything, its down to personal taste
Marianne McCann works best with visual cues
Please Stoop: oops
Squirrel Wood gave you Vocalizer v1.0.
Please Stoop: sorry
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I should have known that we have a board of watermelons.
Danni Ohara: yup
Torley Linden: Thanks Squirrel!
Gwendolyn Cassini: my husband got a Korg Triton, trinity, ms2000, SP500
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: he loves korg
Gwendolyn Cassini: and he got a oberheim
Torley Linden: Oooh I recognize some of those model numbers!
Gwendolyn Cassini: trinity and the ms2000 are rackversions
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I play a little electric guitar, and have avoided the temptation to route my SL audio through a guitar amp.
Torley Linden: CeeJay: Why have you avoided it?
Gwendolyn Cassini: ive send you an IM Torley where to find my husbands music
Jei Desoto: (^o^)
Torley Linden: Thanks I got it!
Please Stoop: torley what's your favorite hobby outside of second life
JetZep Zabelin: hehe it can be done
CeeJay Tigerpaw: The neighbors would call not only the police, but also the insane asylum.
Tegg Bode: I thought it would be great to jam into SL som guitar rifts but, besides, not having the connections or guitar, I also can't play guitar :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: eating watermelons ofcourse hahaha
Torley Linden: Please, hmmm... I have a whole lot. I like playing music... I like classic video games a lot.
Torley Linden: Also, browsing bargain sites for good deals.
Joachim Waydelich: imagine if someone droped one of those annoying screaming griefer boxes, and your amp made it ultral loud
Gwendolyn Cassini: like Nintento 8 bit?
Joachim Waydelich: might give you a coronary
CeeJay Tigerpaw: And with distortion.
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Yes, and Commodore 64 and such.
Jingyi Davies: lol
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I have a pretty good Mesa tube amp.
Squirrel Wood: griefer toys are useless on havok 4 sims ^^
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol will you marry me Torley hahahaa
Jingyi Davies: wow
Tegg Bode: I have a working Atari woodgrain edition :)
Torley Linden: I was on for awhile (free trial), there's a lot of fun PC classics there as well.
Gwendolyn Cassini: joking
Torley Linden: ;)
Marianne McCann peferred INtellivision
Jei Desoto: My first system was Atari 2600...
Torley Linden: I never was on an Intellivision, but Mari, the Privateer Space did bring back lots of classic gaming memories.
JetZep Zabelin: i used to play a lot of ROMs
Gwendolyn Cassini: i think my husband wouldnt want that :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: hahaa
Danni Ohara: The Commodore 64 was the first computer I owned
Torley Linden: I don't think my wife would either, Gwen! ;)
JetZep Zabelin: mostly classic arcade kiosk games
Gwendolyn Cassini: with the tapes right?
Torley Linden: Hahaa.
Gwendolyn Cassini: like 30 minutes of game loading
Torley Linden: I'm tripped out that once upon a time, cassettes were used for games.
Please Stoop: torley do you have a game emulator that you play while you are at work
Gwendolyn Cassini: enough time to take a shower when loading a game
CeeJay Tigerpaw: There is a simulator you can get for Macintoshes, that runs an Apple II.
JetZep Zabelin: hehe i had a "casset computer"
Torley Linden: Please: No, I don't play games at work ;) but insofar as emulators, I've used a lot of them over history.
JetZep Zabelin: cassette
Torley Linden: I used to frequent a lot.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: So you can load Apple II games and play them.
Gwendolyn Cassini: they even had radioshows that broadcasted Commodore games LOL
Torley Linden: Now there's nothing there tho.
Gwendolyn Cassini: but that was like 20 years ago
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Torley Linden: I also like making art.
Al Sonic: Our family had a Commodore 128. Kept it until Mom got sick of carrying it around to every home we move to.
Jei Desoto: i'm guilty of going to myself <: )
Torley Linden: There's this awesome program with a free version, ArtRage... and I really recommend it.
Please Stoop: who is your favorite linden
Torley Linden: Jei, ooh I've been there before.
Squirrel Wood: - You want to vote for this one :) It stops happy griefings really quick like :)
Torley Linden: Please: No one favorite, I have so many I sing praises about.
JetZep Zabelin: whats ArtRage?
Joachim Waydelich: is that painting on your home page an actual painting torley? wit the pink rabbit thingy
Jei Desoto: It's very seldome they don't have a classic game you look for : )
JetZep Zabelin goes to look
Torley Linden: ArtRage is a natural media painting program.
Jason Swain: Thats going to be a great anti-griefing feature Squirrel
Torley Linden: Joachim: That was made in ArtRage, and bitcrushed to ressemble old-skool videogamestylestuff.
Torley Linden: Squirrel, I'll make sure the GTeam knows about that too.
Please Stoop: artrage is cool for making comics and things too
Joachim Waydelich: do they have photoshp plugins?
Please Stoop: Iridium linden was my favorite linden because she is pretty hot
Gwendolyn Cassini: Yeti you have the most beautifull avi of us all :)
Jason Swain: Is the GTeam like the SL A-Team ;)
Joachim Waydelich: im always on the lookout for good photoshop plugins to use at work
Torley Linden: Iridium and I worked very closely, I think we shared a lot of passion.
Torley Linden: She's so enthusiastic.
Please Stoop: and hot
Torley Linden: Hahaha, hotness helps.
Yeti Bing: :) thank you, Gwendolyn!
Torley Linden: IT HELPS TO BE HAWT
Torley Linden: @_@
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Torley Linden: It's funny how temperature extremes are compliments.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: It wins arguments, too.
Torley Linden: "That's hot" AKA "Paris Hilton".
CeeJay Tigerpaw: If you can't convince 'em, distract 'em.
Gwendolyn Cassini: may I ask where your famili is from Torley? China?
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, sure, roots in China and Thailand for the most part.
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Gwendolyn Cassini: :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: im indonesian myself although my grandparents were
Please Stoop: iridium is pretty much in love with me
Please Stoop: you can ask her yourself
Jason Swain thinks that a very interesting observation about hot and cold
Please Stoop: just don't ask her boyfriend
Al Sonic: Ah, SVC-1134? Yeah I voted for that one a long while back it seems.
Tegg Bode: helps for griefers to by extending the lenght of the freeze option
Please Stoop: why would you need a longer freeze option unless you wanted to just freeze them and grief them
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmmm why a longer freeze if one can eject and ban too
Squirrel Wood: that link won't quite work :)
Please Stoop: yeah that's what i mean
Torley Linden: Jill was the first Linden who froze me.
Squirrel Wood: longer freeze so you can talk to them without them being able to grief
Torley Linden: I wanted to find out what it was like.
Marianne McCann: I've actually never used freeze.
Torley Linden: Squirrel, that's a very good point.
Please Stoop: Spike was the first linden to spam teleport me to his position
Danni Ohara: I've never used freeze either
Tegg Bode: Well, if you freeze them you can then have time to get hold of a Linden to kick them, ban eject just sends them off to fill another persons land with replicating cubes
Gwendolyn Cassini: well i never froze someone, i always tried talking to them
Jason Swain: Is that why your so cool Torley? ^^
Torley Linden: Hahaha Jason.
SLurlchatter v0.12: Touch me for a SLurl to the current location, or say '/121 <sim name>,<x>,<y>,<z>' to get a SLurl to a given point. '/121 show' or '/121 hide' will show or hide the HUD.
SLurlchatter v0.12: Touch me for a SLurl to the current location, or say '/121 <sim name>,<x>,<y>,<z>' to get a SLurl to a given point. '/121 show' or '/121 hide' will show or hide the HUD.
Voice not available at your current location
Jason Swain: That is a really cool guesture Gwen
Torley Linden: Oh freakin' A, I crashed.
Tegg Bode: you can always unfreeze them too if they see reason, unfreeze is an option that never gets used because it is so short
Jei Desoto: heh hirelings... i still have misstles, bullets and plane parts from people who'd profiles say they're hirelings, hahaha
Gwendolyn Cassini: its a freebee
Gwendolyn Cassini: you want it?
Torley Linden: Wow Yeti, cool flowerpot...
Gwendolyn Cassini doesnt combat in sl
Jason Swain: That would be most kind of you Gwen
Jei Desoto: they're just kinda stuck on the outter side of the wall.
Marianne McCann saw that one a lot last week, but saw the Camp Hardknock song more
Torley Linden: Please, I hope you're not too uncomfortable stuck in the floor!
Please Stoop: i'm stuck under your chair
Yeti Bing: Thank you, Torley! My newest av... :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: i hae a mystitool but i only grieve my husband just for fun, but then he grieves me back LOL
Please Stoop: but thanks for your concern sir
Danni Ohara resists the temptation to play the camp hardknock gesture :)
Torley Linden: Yeti, I definitely like how your avatar is animated.
Marianne McCann grins
Jason Swain: Thanks Gwen
Yeti Bing: :) thanks!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Tegg Bode: Damn my movement and camera controls keep moving to the middle right hand side every time I login
Marianne McCann: Gotta run everybuggy!
Danni Ohara: bye bye Marianne!
Marianne McCann: Have a good weekend!
Torley Linden: Tegg: Sounds like that's pretty reproducible? I remember they're supposed to persist!
Joachim Waydelich: i got to run too, need to cook dinner
Al Sonic: Goodbye then.
Torley Linden: Have a good one Mari and thanks again for the kewl landmarks!
Marianne McCann: Tegg - I've seen that mentioned somewhere
Marianne McCann: You're welcome! :-)
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmmm that weird tegg, ae you sure youre not using move lock somewhere? that can work really bad sometimes
Danni Ohara: Bye Joachim :)
Gwendolyn Cassini: oops bad emote
Gwendolyn Cassini: sorry
Squirrel Wood: banananas :)
Tegg Bode: Cool I will try find it aan dvot on it it's in Windlight 19.0
Squirrel Wood: Oh my...
Squirrel Wood: time for the mono hours on the beta grid
Al Sonic: I just remembered... is there a way for avatars to "whisper"?
Squirrel Wood: shift-enter methinks
Please Stoop: torley is my avatar considered 'naked' if i am wearing plywood clothing and plywood skin
Torley Linden: Al, through scripted devices.
Tegg Bode: I would really love to be able to use joystick for camera
Gwendolyn Cassini: well no nipples or bits are shown right?
Torley Linden: Tegg, do you know about Joystick Flycam?
Shockwave Plasma: does anyone complaoin about yeti being naked ?
Gwendolyn Cassini: there even exists a SL bike :) the you just ride your bike in rl instead of walking LOL
Torley Linden: Please: I ain't a Governance expert so I'm no authority on that, but since you're in a Mature region right now and I'm eclectic, plywood clothing and skin is cool with me!
Torley Linden: Hahaha.
Yeti Bing: ?
Tegg Bode: Yes can't seem to get it to work on my 2 axis joystick not integrated wih movement anyway
Torley Linden: Hmmm that's too bad, Tegg. Which joystick do you use?
Tegg Bode: Saltteck ST90 a cheapie
Al Sonic: Well I'm just sayin'... For those who thing the new Say button menu should include a Whisper, there's VWR-3434.
Torley Linden: I like my Saitek T2600.
Gwendolyn Cassini: oh yeah whisper is cool
Torley Linden: Er, P2600.
Tegg Bode: Yes I regret not spending for more axis
Gwendolyn Cassini: then alt enter for whisper as a short cut
Torley Linden: How far would "whisper" go?
Torley Linden: 5 m?
Gwendolyn Cassini: isnt a joystick difficult for building and cam controls?
Gwendolyn Cassini: 10 meter Torley
Squirrel Wood: alt-enter is to toggle fullscreen
Jason Swain: Whisper would be really cool
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Hmmm good question, I haven't done that extensively, but I do like Joystick Flycam for machinima.
Torley Linden: I like wobbling the camera and tilting it, because...
Al Sonic: Heheh, good point Squirrel!
Torley Linden: it's hard to naturally make the horizon go un-level.
Torley Linden: So many shortcuts, so little time.
Gwendolyn Cassini: lol
Gwendolyn Cassini: shift enter then?
Jason Swain: be warned that there is a small bug in alt enter I believe
Shockwave Plasma: Torley do you keep a list of the hot keys you introduce in your tutorials somewhere?
Torley Linden: Shockwave, no I don't, but it'd be a good idea to have a SL hotkey "cheat sheet".
Gwendolyn Cassini: a list would be awesome
Jei Desoto: ALT ENTER can either crash me or makes some textures display incorrectly.
Torley Linden: *makes a note*
Squirrel Wood: Torley,
Torley Linden: I know some apps have very elegant cheat sheets for their shortcuts.
Shockwave Plasma: That's it exactley Torley, thanks
Torley Linden: And Shockwave, which shortcuts were you thinking of... ? Just any I show?
Torley Linden: Wow, Endless Camera Zoom... Squirrel... hypnotic!
Danni Ohara: okay, pressing Alt + Enter crashed me
Gwendolyn Cassini: nice :)
Tegg Bode: Yeah when I try joystick my camera just wanders off to the far coener of the sim with some up and down movement and looking around but I can't control the camera, would like to be able to lock it to my AV or an object
Jason Swain: heheh did warn you ^^
Shockwave Plasma: asm many as you can remember :-) ... I certainly can't
Squirrel Wood: ye... the camera did it on its own... no joystick or keyboard controls used at all
Torley Linden: I thought the windowed-fullscreen crash bug was supposed to be fixed in WindLight... are you in WL, Danni?
Gwendolyn Cassini: what i would want to see is a way to build with tiny prims better or being able to actually zoom in on your avi
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn, do you ever use View menu > Zoom In?
Danni Ohara: nope
Jei Desoto: i use windlight and crash sometimes...
Jei Desoto: With ALT ENTER i mean...
CeeJay Tigerpaw: I have a friend who does jewelry, she is always fussing with tiny prims.
Squirrel Wood: I can switch to fullscreen in WL but it uses a really low resolution instead of using the desktop resolution by default...
Torley Linden: Those people who're skilled with tiny prims have a gift.
CeeJay Tigerpaw: Too bad the sizes of regular prims don't go down another couple of orders of magnitude.
Squirrel Wood: and I must be off now to the beta grid...
Gwendolyn Cassini: the steps are to big with zooming
Torley Linden: Squirrel: What happens when you input the desktop resolution, then apply that?
Kerry Giha: yes
CeeJay Tigerpaw: (That might be construed as a hint.)
Squirrel Wood: have to make mono run really sloooow like .)
Jason Swain: HAve fun Squirrel
Kerry Giha: Ok have fun with MonoSquirrel
Torley Linden: Gwendolyn: Yeah, I can see why you'd want an easier way... that's where Joystick Flycam comes in handy.
Torley Linden: *easier/smoother
Squirrel Wood: have to try that torley
Tegg Bode: Joysic for movement would be great to for building to be able to vary speed of movement
Gwendolyn Cassini: hmmm
Torley Linden: Joystick Flycam has a Zoom that can be mapped, and it's silky smooth on a decent joystick/joypad.
Al Sonic: Heh... I still think it's mainly experience with how prims trim.
Gwendolyn Cassini: then its pretty cool then...
Squirrel Wood: except I cannot seem to find the setting in prefs...
Torley Linden: Squirrel, Preferences > Graphics', uncheck "Run SL in a window".
Torley Linden: I'm actually not sure how useful Alt-Enter is... how many people alternate back and forth?
Squirrel Wood: Yes! WL client does *not* let you set a screen resolution in preferences... just lets you tick a checkbox to run SL in a window
Tegg Bode: Overall a key mapping option like many games have would be great
Torley Linden: Squirrel, when that's unchecked, you should be able to set a Resolution.
Squirrel Wood: alt-enter has long been the way to toggle fullscreen.
Torley Linden: Tegg, ahhh that's been a longterm hope.
Danni Ohara: key mapping would be so useful!
Danni Ohara: meant I wouldn't have to map my OS's commands to get SL working right
Torley Linden: Haha Squirrel, in your SL Bug - Particles I see Ben and me!
Torley Linden: :D
Squirrel Wood: Ooo! Aspect ratio does NOT have 16:10 for 1680x1050 resolutions
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Danni Ohara: No, it doesn't
Torley Linden: Hmmm Squirrel, "Auto-detec ratio" *should* still work tho
Torley Linden: "Auto-detect ratio" I mean.
Squirrel Wood: autodetect does 8:5
Danni Ohara: Auto detect ratio detects the ratio for the wrong monitor here
Shockwave Plasma: Oh nearly forgot, Happy Year of the Rat
Al Sonic: Heh, yep, that's 8:5.
Torley Linden: Danni: I think it depends which you have set to be your primary monitor.
Danni Ohara: yeah
Torley Linden: Happy Chinese New Year!
Torley Linden: =)
Torley Linden: Well, it's been a joy... and great to be chatting here with each and all of you. I'm going to head off now but hope you have a lovely weekend!
Jei Desoto: (^.^)
CeeJay Tigerpaw: CUL Torley
Jason Swain: Thanks for the Office Hour Torley, Have a great weekend ^^
Danni Ohara: problem is- I want Second Life on my secondary monitor (as it's bigger, and I don't play SL and watch MythTV at the same time)
Al Sonic: Great to see you too!
Yeti Bing: thanks for meeting, torley!
Shockwave Plasma: Bye Torley
Danni Ohara: thanks Torley :)
Torley Linden: Friendly goodbyes for now! *waves and smiles*