User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-07-24
Torley Linden shouts: OMG FRIENDLY GREETINGS!
Walden Mannonen: Torley, yaaaay!
Ewan Mureaux: howdy
Geneko Nemeth: Welcome, Torley!
Torley Linden shouts: THE BENCHES, THEY ARE REZZING!
Squirrel Wood: Hello Mr. Enlightenmentor!
Akimo Jaxxon shouts: YAY TORLEY!
Geneko Nemeth: ... why did I just say that?
Akimo Jaxxon shouts: Torley where are you?!
Torley Linden: hahaha hi hi to all of you!
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Harleen Gretzky: Hi Torley
Torley Linden shouts: TORLEY IS AT
Torley Linden: :D
Walden Mannonen: Yaaay I gots it :)
Torley Linden: oh yeah 1.20 out, woot...
Jonstud Baxton: hi torley
Harleen Gretzky: Nice island :)
Torley Linden: that's what my Video Tip of the Week is going to be on, showing off the new features
Torley Linden: thank you!
Akimo Jaxxon: Hi torley!!!!
Squirrel Wood: My oh My! Torley! Where is your pink and greenness today?
Torley Linden: and WELCOME TO HERE!
Torley Linden: Squirrel, it'll be back, ha ha ha!
Imnotgoing Sideways: Konnichiwa <Hi> (^_^)
Walden Mannonen: Awesome!
Geneko Nemeth has been on joystick since 1.20 RC
Ewan Mureaux: hey immy
Harleen Gretzky: Suprised you didn't call it Watermelon Island though, lol
Yoa Ogee: hi all
Torley Linden: spacenavigator or otherwise, Geneko?
Imnotgoing Sideways: Hii~iiii~iiiii (^_^)
Master Nestler: Friendly Greeting :)
Torley Linden: Harleen, well LOL, someone else took Watermelon
Torley Linden: and someone else took Enlightenment
Akimo Jaxxon: Hey torley, why dont u have ur watermelony things on?
Harleen Gretzky: ahh
Akimo Jaxxon: Ooooh watermelons!
Torley Linden: Akimo, no particular reason aside from being ADD about switching through avatars
Torley Linden: i will have watermelons again soon enough
Geneko Nemeth: Just a plain 4-axis joystick.
Torley Linden: Walden haha nice colors THERE ;D
Torley Linden: you look more like me than me
Torley Linden: kewl Geneko
Walden Mannonen: I notice your new your av looks a bit like you now, Torley... as I recall from the Torrant videos. Nice look for ya :)
Akimo Jaxxon: I'm a LOVER of watermelons!
Torley Linden: hahahah Walden, yes... sometimes this avatar wears watermelon clothes
Squirrel Wood:
Torley Linden: i <3 watermelons too
Torley Linden: but not at the moment
Akimo Jaxxon: D:
Walden Mannonen: Not at the moment?
Imnotgoing Sideways: Heh.. You're still in fanshirt mode. (^_^)
Torley Linden: this island is going to feature more video tutorials and in-context creativity
Torley Linden: FANSHIRT MODE!? i like that
Imnotgoing Sideways: How many shirts did you get after that video? (^_^)
Squirrel Wood gave you tf_face_me.
Akimo Jaxxon: Wow!
Harleen Gretzky: Still has watermelon eyes
Torley Linden: i got over 40, thanks a blessing to each and everyone who sent me on
Torley Linden: SHARP, Harleen
Torley Linden: very good observation
Master Nestler: hehe
Walden Mannonen: So this is your island now? It's great :)
Torley Linden: a bunch of loose threads came together and i decided to get an island, yes
Torley Linden: thanks for coming!
Torley Linden: like, i needed a place to research/test content
Imnotgoing Sideways: I already tooled around in your boat. (^_^)
Torley Linden: and i also needed a place to show video tutorials inworld
Akimo Jaxxon: Hey Torley, i liked that GIANT piece of watermelon up there! It made me feel like i was biting into a watermelon!
Torley Linden: and i was making a mess in other Linden regions
Akimo Jaxxon: Mmmm...
Torley Linden: hahahaha Akimo, yes it is sure deliciousness
Akimo Jaxxon: :3
Torley Linden: *looks at the terraform-textured box* mmmm good
Geneko Nemeth: Biting into, or being bitten by one?
Squirrel Wood: hehe
Akimo Jaxxon: Biting into.
Squirrel Wood: turned out surprisingly well
Geneko Nemeth: Nyahaha, that box
Omegadon Aeon: Hi torley
Torley Linden: i'm eager for Mono to come out soon... server version 1.24 and we're a-rollin'!
Akimo Jaxxon: Who's Mono?
Torley Linden: then i'll do a video on that too, for people who don't understand the underlying significance
Walden Mannonen: Torley as you can see I custom-colored a Grendel's av to pay tribute to you... but the tail is no mod, probably because of an SL glitch :/ But it's okay.
Draco Laval: CAW! CAW!
Torley Linden: i'm sorry i don't exchange friends on this account (see my info-page) but thanks for asking
Torley Linden:
Akimo Jaxxon: oh
Walden Mannonen: Mono is a scripting method that helps scripts run about four times faster :)
Ewan Mureaux: need 1.23 first :D
Walden Mannonen: right? :)
Geneko Nemeth: Almost.
Akimo Jaxxon: oh.
Imnotgoing Sideways: When should we expect to see a Shadows Client First Look? (^_^)
Geneko Nemeth: It'sz a new virtual machine based on Microsoft .NET framework,
Imnotgoing Sideways: I'm soooo wanting to see that. (^_^)
Squirrel Wood:
Omegadon Aeon: Hey torley do you give our your Linden Bear
Geneko Nemeth: but is open source and Free Software.
Ewan Mureaux has some nice photos from shadows client
Imnotgoing Sideways: Me too. (^_^)
Torley Linden: Imny, don't know on that one
Torley Linden: yes Omegadon! want one?
Omegadon Aeon: Yea
Imnotgoing Sideways: Awwes. (T_T)
Geneko Nemeth: Does this mean LSL will also be optimized on Mono?
Squirrel Wood: LSL scripts will compile to mono cil code.
Imnotgoing Sideways: Nice! (^_^)
Squirrel Wood: if you so choose
Squirrel Wood: you can test on the beta grid
Squirrel Wood: with the appropriate viewer
Akimo Jaxxon: lol
Geneko Nemeth: Alas, I'm no scripter.
Draco Laval: Torley, when are you going to push the devs to add an option to NOT render your avater mesh and just render skeleton sticks or something
Master Nestler: lol
Lars Donardson: non mono will be standard setting though if I understood it correctly?
Lars Donardson: so you'd actively have to switch to mono?
Torley Linden: Draco, some of our devs already know :) BigPapi in particular cares about it, if you're wearing a furry avatar or something
Akimo Jaxxon: btw torley, I LOVE THE NEW WINDLIGHT
Draco Laval: Tinies, ftw
Akimo Jaxxon: It's so.... advanced :3
Squirrel Wood: Werkkzeug 3 ^^
Walden Mannonen: Tinies sure do rock :)
Torley Linden: I AM GLAD YOU DO... altho technically we don't use "WindLight" as a term anymore, it's "atmospheric rendering" but "WindLight" is just too darn catchy
Draco Laval: Seriously, I'm sick of using the invis prim scripts to dance around the graphics engine :d
Akimo Jaxxon: Oh.
Torley Linden: totally agree, Draco. ugly hack. talk to BigPapi, he'll be glad to hear from you...
Akimo Jaxxon: Hey Torley? Why was there HUGE food plates back there?
Draco Laval: Torley, will there be better sculpty prim support for Lightwave?
Akimo Jaxxon: and HUGE FOOD?
Torley Linden: Akimo, experiment.
Torley Linden: ha ha ha ha
Akimo Jaxxon: oh.
Angel Slocombe: :) Is hugely hungry now
Akimo Jaxxon: well, i like it!
Torley Linden: Drago, don't know about that
Lars Donardson: look terribly vanilla today Torley :p
Torley Linden: there are parts of this island that will be shuffled around
Akimo Jaxxon: I agree.
Draco Laval: It's Draco.
Torley Linden: Lars, i can totally blend in at a club
Torley Linden: Draco sorry =)
Draco Laval: :d
Torley Linden: and then it went oddly quiet after that
Jonstud Baxton: torley do u use talk? on here
Torley Linden: those HUGE FOOD PLATES are a great deal
Draco Laval: The last time I came here, it was like 5 months ago before the client refused to connect stablely anymore, works fine now. Don't ask me
Torley Linden: Jonstud, voice chat? time to time. usually on my alt when i am relaxing.
Torley Linden: i haven't done a voice chat office hour yet tho :)
Lars Donardson: pls don't !!!
Draco Laval: Chaos
Angel Slocombe: oh goodness ... sounds potentially very confusing
Akimo Jaxxon: I liked that vid tut where u told us how to make objects that has light
Walden Mannonen: Your voice fills me with inspiration Torley :) I love to hear it
Akimo Jaxxon: I'm deaf irl. >.<
Torley Linden: aw :)
Draco Laval: Hey Torley, how is puppetering via LSL coming along?
Ozzy Wozniak: hi :)
Torley Linden: well that is why i trained to be a fast typer and talker :)
Torley Linden: heya Ozzy!
Jonstud Baxton: will u ever evel do a tutorial about Blender?
Akimo Jaxxon: puppetering?
Geneko Nemeth: Puppetering? I thought that was discontinued...
Imnotgoing Sideways: Voice ain't a pot-o-gold solution... I'm a partial mute myself. (=_=)
Torley Linden: Draco, what's that? details?
Geneko Nemeth: My voice sounds really bad.
Draco Laval: Controlling your bones thru LSL script
Ewan Mureaux: i have tourettes
Walden Mannonen: Puppeteering as in manipulating avatars thrugh scripting?
Ewan Mureaux: so not great :D
Akimo Jaxxon: ooo
Geneko Nemeth: Mainly the accent...
Lars Donardson: I fully mute most voice chats I'm one step ahead ;)
Omegadon Aeon: Torley you and your wife take some awesome photos in SL, i follow both of you on Flickr
Torley Linden: thanx Omegadon, we have a lot of adventures inworld
Walden Mannonen: SL can definitely have some beautiful things.
Torley Linden: it's so important to be in-touch with the Second Life experience
Akimo Jaxxon: Hey Torley, why is there a Library in the inventory?
Draco Laval: Torley, you know you pronouce "folder" really funny...Open the FODER
Draco Laval: :D
Geneko Nemeth: And SLURL as "Slurrel"...
Squirrel Wood: Yum. Watermelons
Torley Linden: Draco, and "also" i pronounce as "ohso"
Torley Linden: yes, i haev a very funny Canadian accent
Al Sonic: How else to pronounce it?
Geneko Nemeth: Es-el-you-are-el.
Torley Linden: Akimo, i did a video on that :) but the reason is to easily provide stock/premade content like avatars
Omegadon Aeon: i love that sword you have torley
Walden Mannonen: Okay... gonna have to cut off early
Al Sonic: Haha, that'd be sillier to me.
Akimo Jaxxon: Oh.
Master Nestler: lip sync u prononce lip stick
Walden Mannonen: Good luck guys and as always Torley wonderful
Ewan Mureaux: see ya walden
Lars Donardson: rofl....then you better never get a person from New Joysee doing Vidtuts
Lars Donardson: hehe
Draco Laval: Doing sculpties in Blender is the equivlent of using a dull knife to slowly kill oneself..
Torley Linden: oh this sword is by Perefim Cao
Lars Donardson: I visited 3 Linden bear museums/displays...very much fun stuff and reccomended
Akimo Jaxxon: oh
Torley Linden: Lars, which one? landmarks?
Akimo Jaxxon: YAY
Torley Linden: i've found Blender to be very unintuitive but i know some people who've mastered it.
Angel Slocombe loves Linden Bears ... great idea
Draco Laval: Maybe I should jump back into my Psuedo Toroto avater
Torley Linden: hahahah To to to TOTORO
Lars Donardson: looking in the holy mess called inventory
Geneko Nemeth: People on basic accounts like me could really benefit from such stock content like the Library.
Ewan Mureaux: i stuffed my bears in a cube and left them with no food or water i'm bad :(
Imnotgoing Sideways giggles.
Omegadon Aeon: Ill have to get your linden bear from you when your not busy torley :)
Angel Slocombe: Me too *the bear thing*
Draco Laval: Torley, I believe you pink seats are not tiny 2.0 compatable :D
Torley Linden: oh yes let me send you my Linden bear! NEW in 1.20... click on names in chat tabs... they're hyperlinked to profiles!
Torley Linden bare: **** Torley Linden BARE ****
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: 14X RAM SYSTEM 2086 YOTTABYTES FREE
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: READY.
Draco Laval: Bear with me
Angel Slocombe accepted your inventory offer.
Master Nestler: torley u and ur wife should goto Loco Pocos
Angel Slocombe accepted your inventory offer.
Omegadon Aeon accepted your inventory offer.
Ewan Mureaux: slipping in at volunteer appreciation day is a good way to get some bear action
Omegadon Aeon accepted your inventory offer.
Angel Slocombe: YAYA TY Torley ..
Torley Linden: har har har Master we have :) not most recently but maybe again this weekend
Geneko Nemeth: I ffink he did.
Torley Linden: Ewan, so true, so true
Akimo Jaxxon: Tada!
Omegadon Aeon: yay thx torley :)
Jonstud Baxton: what's the best program to do sculpties with
Torley Linden: you're welcome, enjoy!
Akimo Jaxxon: I made a watermelon-rotating clock!
Geneko Nemeth: Woot!
Imnotgoing Sideways: There is no one best sculptie maker. (^_^)
Draco Laval: Here comes Toroto's rival
Torley Linden: "best" is variable; i'd like to gear up on Modo eventually (Teeple likes it a lot, as do others) but haven't had a chance
Torley Linden: Sculptypaint is very nice and free FWIW
Torley Linden: you can't do things like bake textures but it's super-simple to learn the basics
Akimo Jaxxon: Hey torley
Akimo Jaxxon: want a copy of my watermelon-rotating clock?
Torley Linden: sure please :)
Akimo Jaxxon: yay!
Torley Linden: hahah Draco that's so cute :)
Akimo Jaxxon: 5L$ please.
Imnotgoing Sideways: Lawl ^-^
Geneko Nemeth: D:
Akimo Jaxxon: i'm kidding!
Akimo Jaxxon: It's free
Lars Donardson: The Guflers, The Gufler's Virtual Bear Museum, Nonantum (146, 34, 28)
Lars Donardson: can't find doo-doo atm
Lars Donardson sighs
Akimo Jaxxon gave you Watermelon Clock (rotating).
Akimo Jaxxon: Yay!
Imnotgoing Sideways: Gah! What kind of prim count is needed to put Linden bears on display?... Some are loaded. (>_<)
Akimo Jaxxon: My first item sold! (sorta)
Torley Linden: eventually i would hope that sculpties have an easy inworld editor or a way to convert non-sculptie linksets into sculpty approximations, like a "freeze" mode
Ewan Mureaux: temp rez them and kil the sim
Master Nestler: YAY! (yay!)
Lars Donardson: yes..they are....that's a PJira idea
Torley Linden: Imny, yeah, it's true... my Linden bear is horribly primmy
Akimo Jaxxon: Can I see ur linden bear?
Lars Donardson: oh is it..I can't tell cuz I still don't have it
Lars Donardson: lolol
Al Sonic: One option: hold as attachment.
Imnotgoing Sideways: Heh... There are so many temp rezzers in the region I'm on that you almost can't fire a weapon there. (^_^)
Draco Laval: Torley, should well yell at people who reach an ARC of over 4000 :d
Torley Linden bare: **** Torley Linden BARE ****
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: 14X RAM SYSTEM 2086 YOTTABYTES FREE
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: READY.
Imnotgoing Sideways: I have a feather outfit that goes over 10K. (^_^)
Draco Laval: O_O
Angel Slocombe: OMG that Bear rocks
Torley Linden: Imny, haha, lateral side benefit?
Omegadon Aeon: its cool
Torley Linden: "peace! no shooting! this is a Linden Bear museum!"
Ewan Mureaux: where is the bear part?
Ewan Mureaux: :P
Squirrel Wood: 4000 is not over 9000!
Torley Linden: Draco, ha, i once had an ARC of 400,000+
Lars Donardson: btw...for those Linden bear hunters...*hint* snoop around Linden Village ;)
Jonstud Baxton: whats that "bare"?
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Al Sonic: Haha, I sowmetimes wondered that too.
Akimo Jaxxon: what's ARC?
Geneko Nemeth: Avatar rendering Cost.
Imnotgoing Sideways: Avatar Rendering Cost. (^_^)
Al Sonic: (sometimes)
Akimo Jaxxon: :O
Lars Donardson: it's true fun and you'll find quite a few....if you don't get griefed that is
Torley Linden bare: Sometimes, I get this good vibe that what's 'random' really isn't, and there is an inherent order of the chaos itself. That's where I come in.
Torley Linden: i got a video tutorial for that too! =D
Torley Linden: hahahahahaha oh my gosh i remember writing that
Akimo Jaxxon: ya mean ARC?
Torley Linden bare: i love watermelons; sometimes at night i wonder what it'd be like to sleep in a watermelon patch. please accept this watermelon as a token of my gratitude.
Imnotgoing Sideways: Cute!!! XD
Draco Laval: yay...This avater only does 369...I'm primficient
Omegadon Aeon: lol
Imnotgoing Sideways: \(^_^)/
Akimo Jaxxon: I WANT A WATERMELON!!!!!
Torley Linden bare: Be fun. Be you.
Torley Linden bare: I'd like to give a gracious thankyou to all the Resis and to the Linden family for making Second Life what it is yesterday... and today... and tomorrow...
Torley Linden bare: and the day after tomorrow.
Torley Linden: i like that word too, primfficient ;)
Angel Slocombe: Awwww it talks just liek Torley
Lars Donardson: I want a bear...keep the
Akimo Jaxxon: lol
Geneko Nemeth: So cute and only 369...
Torley Linden: hahaha Angel, yes, it's the real deal... virtually speaking
Torley Linden bare: Be fun. Be you.
Akimo Jaxxon: hey Torley!
Torley Linden bare: i love watermelons; sometimes at night i wonder what it'd be like to sleep in a watermelon patch. please accept this watermelon as a token of my gratitude.
Akimo Jaxxon: Torley!
Torley Linden: YES!
Jonstud Baxton: a tutorial on linden bare?
Akimo Jaxxon: Can I have a linden bear?
Angel Slocombe is gonna remove all her furntiure and just hhave a torley bear in her house
Imnotgoing Sideways: Good job!!! XD
Torley Linden: you sure can, Akimo! anyone else want my bear?
Torley Linden: awwwwwe
Akimo Jaxxon: Yay!
Draco Laval: Are shadows coming in this new CORE thing
Akimo Jaxxon: Where's my bear? D:
Angel Slocombe: Torley you inspired my sim name ..... It's called Inspiration
Imnotgoing Sideways: Hey... Torley... Do you collect resident bears like Mia does? (o.o)
Akimo Jaxxon: YAY
Angel Slocombe: *is such a fangirl*
Torley Linden: oh really Angel! i'm so glad to hear that!
Lars Donardson: Bri actually has 1/3rd of a sim for his bear collection reserved O_O
Akimo Jaxxon accepted your inventory offer.
Akimo Jaxxon accepted your inventory offer.
Angel Slocombe: :D
Torley Linden: Imny, no, but i still like to look at them
Torley Linden: i didn't know Mia was collectin' 'em
Torley Linden: i have seen some kewl Resi bears
Lars Donardson: she does?
Imnotgoing Sideways: She's put it in her profile. (^_^)
Torley Linden: i'd be more than happy to receive 'em tho
Akimo Jaxxon: How do i get other linden bears?
Quantum Robonaught: I do
Torley Linden: usually ask the Linden for them, Akimo :D
Lars Donardson: O_O...sum bears on the way then
Akimo Jaxxon: oh
Omegadon Aeon: You go ask Lindens for there basre
Akimo Jaxxon: YAY
Omegadon Aeon: bare*
Torley Linden: send an IM or email or talk inworld (depends how they prefer to be contacted)
Squirrel Wood: Niko Lindens bear :p
Torley Linden bare: **** Torley Linden BARE ****
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: 14X RAM SYSTEM 2086 YOTTABYTES FREE
Torley Linden bare:
Torley Linden bare: READY.
Jonstud Baxton: how do i setup a one on one meeting with you torley?
Imnotgoing Sideways: Auction? (^_^)
Draco Laval: Sell a kidney
Lars Donardson: I asked you a few times but I'll work my way there Torley *plans about poisoning watermelons*
Dizzy Banjo: howdy peeps :D
Dizzy Banjo: Howdy !! :D
Torley Linden: Jonstud, i usually don't do those due to lack of time, sorry, but what did you have in mind to meet about?
JetZep Zabelin: i only have one bear =)
Torley Linden: interview requests usually go through my Web tab contact form :)
Torley Linden: howdyyyy Dizzy!
Akimo Jaxxon: hey torley, ur bear's.... strange.
Draco Laval: Your going to have to go to Torleys house and stalk him
Imnotgoing Sideways gave you Imnotgoing Sideways Bear MidDriff (^_^).
Torley Linden: oh great i got an Imny bear
Imnotgoing Sideways: \(^_^)/
Torley Linden: i need a lot of clones
Ewan Mureaux: you could log on 99 alts and fill the sim at office hours
Torley Linden: Akimo, strange, like Dr. Strange? Or Hugo Strange?
Dizzy Banjo: ah Yoa that avi is great i got one :D.. black of course
Akimo Jaxxon: Dr Strange.
Imnotgoing Sideways: I just crossed 8k on my inventory... That was heck to find. (T_T)
Al Sonic: Strange, but, I wouldn't expect any less of him ^_^
Torley Linden: hahahah Ewan but that would be sad... camping bots... me!? no thanks, i'm tired of seeing gray asses in the sky!
Imnotgoing Sideways giggles.
Torley Linden: camping/traffic bots rather
Imnotgoing Sideways: Sounds like a song. (^_^)
Ewan Mureaux: no resis to get 1on1 torley action
Torley Linden: reference to
Angel Slocombe: YAY Sooo glady ou hate them too Torley
Jonstud Baxton: about using Dragon NaturallySpeaking with SL
Ewan Mureaux: ooh sounds naughty
Omegadon Aeon: Hey torley you never put up last weeks chat transcript
Torley Linden: Ewan: only my wife, lol...
Lars Donardson: I'm tired of summers Torley
Ewan Mureaux: hahahhahaa
Angel Slocombe snorts at photo
Torley Linden: Omegadon you're sharp, i eventually do them 2-3 weeks later in batch mode
Omegadon Aeon: ok
Master Nestler: gotta goto scion city
Torley Linden: you're the first person to ever observe that tho, Omegadon :)
Torley Linden: for that, be proud!
Lars Donardson: all those flying "attachments" and cubes shouting "rape" when the kiddos are onlie
Lars Donardson: *online
Imnotgoing Sideways: Heh.. Gotta love the griefers. (^_^)
Geneko Nemeth: That drives off a lot of would-be resis.
Lars Donardson: yes...especially on Linden Islands
Lars Donardson: hehe
Dizzy Banjo: gosh
Imnotgoing Sideways: Sometimes... Really H4 got rid of the worst orbiting problems... Now all that's left is spamming. (^_^)
Lars Donardson: like that?
Imnotgoing Sideways: Exactly. (^_^)
Torley Linden: FETT?
Dizzy Banjo looks around.. 15000 prims worth of watermeloness
Ewan Mureaux: hahaha
Geneko Nemeth: 8236 prims really.
Lars Donardson: or that => [2008/07/23 22:23] MystiTool HUD 1.0.23: Collision with "BIG BAD BEETLE BORGS", Owner: Admiral Bookmite [2008/07/23 22:23] MystiTool HUD 1.0.23: Collision with "BIG BAD BEETLE BORGS", Owner: Admiral Bookmite
Dizzy Banjo: well 8236 so far.. but my gosh
Ewan Mureaux: imagine star wars foodstuffs like bobba fetta cheese, lucas missed a trick with that one
Omegadon Aeon: Torley my friend couldnt make it but was wondering if you would send him a Torley Linden bare?
Torley Linden: i wonder if anyone feels this island looks less, uh, formal than what they'd expect from a Linden Lab island
Angel Slocombe: Oh not 6756 prims of potetial watermeloness still available
Torley Linden: sure Omegadon, what's his name?
Angel Slocombe: now*
Omegadon Aeon: Dirk Klees
Dizzy Banjo: hahaha torley
Imnotgoing Sideways: Torley? Informal? Heh! (^_^)
Torley Linden: i'm certainly not a griefer ;p but i do like creative chaos
Lars Donardson: hehe
Dirk Klees accepted your inventory offer.
JetZep Zabelin: i think its great you have your own sim now
Dirk Klees accepted your inventory offer.
Geneko Nemeth: Hmm.. the ground texture is a bit more vivid than what I would expect...
Lars Donardson: is there a vidtut about ARing out Torley?
Torley Linden: thanks JetZep, it seemed ventual
Ewan Mureaux: no wthat would be a good back story to a new continent, torleys evil twin escaped, make it all dark and scary
Torley Linden: Lars -- i plan to do one with our GTeam. that's... still forthcoming.
Torley Linden: Geneko, grass is greener, and sketcherly here.
Geneko Nemeth: But it's what you would expect from Torley really ^_^
Imnotgoing Sideways: Totally. (^_^)
Torley Linden: ha ha, i wanted to show the benefits of custom terraform textures
Lars Donardson: good..I don't mind walking them neewfies through it but...
JetZep Zabelin: maybe you can plant purple grass
Torley Linden: it is really, first and foremost, about highlighting Second Life's creative potential
JetZep Zabelin: grass & bushes
Imnotgoing Sideways: Oop.. End-of-lunch. (>_<)
Imnotgoing Sideways says Bai Baii!!! (^_^)y
Torley Linden: and i'm definitely considering seasonally changing the ground, maybe next winter we'll have PINK SNOW
Torley Linden: bai Imny!
Ewan Mureaux: see ya immy
Lars Donardson smacks Jet with his teddy upside da head...don't you plant such ideas.....
Torley Linden: my wife continues to landscape this place and do some floating islands
Al Sonic: And it does just great at that Torley =)
Angel Slocombe: woots for pink snow
Lars Donardson: bye Immy
JetZep Zabelin: i dont know why but purple is one my fav colors =D
Lars Donardson alreadu sees hundreds of plots with pink grass once Torley made the texture...ugggh
Saijanai Kuhn: Torley can I pick your brains for a sec?
Torley Linden: Sai, please do ask =)
Saijanai Kuhn: Metanomics is doing a show with zero and Zha on the 4th about that SL <=> OpenSim TP and they've asked me to help set up a 3-4 minute video introducing OpenSim to the audience
Torley Linden: ooooh!
Torley Linden: exciting times for interoperability
Saijanai Kuhn: so I was wondering if you had any ideas on what that might entail
Al Sonic: *looks around* "Terraform here!" *tries* 0.0 Whoa, it works.
Draco Laval: So Torley I don't think you answered me on the puppeter project, AKa Moving your avatar bones with LSL
Torley Linden: (sorry i can't reply to IMs right now due to being occupied in the open)
Geneko Nemeth: But is hard, isn't it?
Torley Linden: hahaha Al :D feel free to totally mess that up
Lars Donardson: your brain Torley...that's your nose you're picking right now
Torley Linden: Draco, afaik that would've been part of a project that was put on hold long ago, general avatar puppeteering
Angel Slocombe: I used that to try to dig for Torley but he wasn't there
Geneko Nemeth: Hey look another Linden!
Saijanai Kuhn: There's a puppeteering group and website for folks that want to try to jumpstart the project
Angel Slocombe: *waves* Hey Bradford
Bradford Linden: hola :) us lindens are fans of torley's office hours too!
Torley Linden: Saijanai, hmmm in addition to the one i've done, i'm not immediately sure. why does it have to be 3-4? i'd think, what do you enjoy most about OpenSim and who's the target audience here? who's mostly gonna be watching?
Torley Linden: heya Bradford!
Ewan Mureaux: bradford has choons
Angel Slocombe: You know you're gonna get bugged for a bear now right?
Torley Linden: hahah Bradford's got tha boombox
Saijanai Kuhn: I guess the Metanomics regulars for the live show, but they replay it on the website so anyone, eventually
Bradford Linden: haha i did see that coming angel. sadly i'm completely unprepared
Geneko Nemeth: Nyahahah...
Angel Slocombe: Oh noooes
Draco Laval: I'm going to get toroto a run for his money :d
Draco Laval: give*
Lars Donardson: worried Bradford...we take rainchecks
Dizzy Banjo: is that an avatunes box Bradford ? :D
Torley Linden: ah okay Sai -- well certainly one thing i'd strive to clarify are DIFFERENCES between Second Life and OpenSim (cause some say, "hey, they look the same!")
Torley Linden: (of course that is an inaccurate first impression)
Jonstud Baxton: bye ev1 nice meeting you Torley thank you
Torley Linden: take care Jonstud :)
Saijanai Kuhn: well you're supposed to be able to make OpenSIm behave sorta like a SL clone as the default
Ewan Mureaux: open sim- 40k mega prims niceness
Angel Slocombe: Bye Jonstud
Torley Linden: Sai, see, there, with saying that, you're onto something :) so show how it can be extended/changed... i'm not a guru at this, but sounds like realXtend could be part of it?
Geneko Nemeth: It can behave *otherwise*?
Torley Linden: also, since it's metanomics, seems like people will be interested in economic aspects
Dizzy Banjo: indeed
Saijanai Kuhn: ah, true. Good point
Torley Linden: like "how can i set up a business in opensim? what are the rules of intellectual property there?"
Dizzy Banjo: and IP id say
Dizzy Banjo: yeah
Torley Linden: aye *nods to Dizzy*
Saijanai Kuhn: That's s up in the air its not visible (IP)
Torley Linden: *nods*
Dizzy Banjo returned from Ren Reynolds "Virtual Policy" conference in London yesterday
Torley Linden: a lot of people have the base question "how do i make money", lol
Saijanai Kuhn: neat
Dizzy Banjo: very interesting to see how all this may be regulated
Torley Linden: also questions about trust/ID/authentication
Lars Donardson: that surely is the next point...the TPing from and too is nice but unless there is a common "currency" of some kind..OS will more or less stay a playground
Saijanai Kuhn: right. I think most of those will be answered by Zero and Zha though
Torley Linden: ok
Geneko Nemeth: Or maybe just have exchange rates between different grids.
Saijanai Kuhn: I hope
Bradford Linden: it seems like regulation is the wildcard with all this
Torley Linden: hmmm so some visual aspects, since it'd be a video... like different looking avatars from what you see in SL (likely related to realXtend or... is there another project i don't know about?)
Saijanai Kuhn: dunno ;-)
Bradford Linden: realXtend does mesh avatars right?
Saijanai Kuhn: right. They have a custom mesh definition thats pretty slick
Saijanai Kuhn is hoping to get that ported in to SL at some point
Torley Linden: also good to show, if possible, how setting up land (e.g., bringing a region online) is different
Dizzy Banjo: incidentally if anyone would like to watch the video from the conference, which dealt with potential UK and global policy strategies for much of this stuff it will eventually be here :
Torley Linden: than for the link, Dizzy
Torley Linden: people are always interested in the "how do i start my own grid/server?" questions
Saijanai Kuhn: thats another good point, Torley. Never done land in SL or OpenSIm so need to get someone else to show the differences
Omegadon Aeon: I have played with Opensim a bit
Omegadon Aeon: its quite interesting
Torley Linden: hahaha, it cracks me up how Metanomics has a slogan of "Virtual Worlds are Serious Business"... i wonder if that's a goon reference
Lars Donardson: yes..would allow for ONE day w/o having to explain that child avatars are NOT children in little as squirrel avatars are squirrels in RL
Angel Slocombe: hehe
Lars Donardson sighs
Dizzy Banjo: howdy AM
AM Radio: Heya Dizzy
Angel Slocombe: oh do not get me started on how poor child avs are treated *sighs*
Torley Linden: Lars, so true!
Angel Slocombe: Oh my AM Radio AND Torley *dies fangirl death*
Torley Linden: hahahaah
Lars Donardson: forget it..I got used to throw the link to the official blog entry by LL in ppls faces
Lars Donardson: lol
AM Radio: lol
Torley Linden: heya AM! been enjoying your new Miracle HUD :) very kewl effects
AM Radio: excellent torley !
Torley Linden: even with the utmost advanced technology, emotions take over
Draco Laval: Hey torley, do you "friendly greetings" into the Mic one last time
Torley Linden: Draco lol i'm not setup to do that right now but i'm glad you wanna hear it... actually i should tell you a funny story...
Torley Linden: from time to time i appear in random places
Torley Linden: full of people
Torley Linden: like welcome areas and clubs...
Torley Linden: and say "friendly greetings!" to see if anyone notices
Dizzy Banjo: haha
Angel Slocombe: hehe
Draco Laval: You never show in Mauve :D
Saijanai Kuhn: anyway thanks for the input guys
Angel Slocombe: A Torley style hit and run
Torley Linden: no i haven't been to Mauve in awhile. i used to go there a lot to visit Chip Poutine building the Infohub.
Torley Linden: yer you're welcome Saijanai.
blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
Dizzy Banjo: i still think you should get a giant Watermelon airship and do a big journey across the grid Torley.. like 80s days around the world.. :S or maybe longer.. :S
Torley Linden: hahahah Dizzy, OH MY GOSH i'm glad you brought that up
Angel Slocombe: it'd take 80 years to lag accross the mainland
Torley Linden: some Lindens were talking about gridwide tours... i mean, everything old is new again or something...
Dizzy Banjo: it may need super powered boosters
Torley Linden: when i was new to Second Life in Sept. 2004, i took balloon tours from the Ahern Welcome Area at the time
Torley Linden: there were often helpful Mentors who'd take me on a journey and explain what happened
AM Radio: I noticed there are some sailing clubs (via google) that attempt to sail the grid.
Torley Linden: i eventually tried to go on some epic journeys and ran into region crossings :( but... it was worth a go
Dizzy Banjo: yeh i tried for a while to go quite far.. but.. ahem.. crashed alot.. lol
Ewan Mureaux: some continent joining open spaces would be loverly
Torley Linden: Oz Spade once walked through EVERY region on the mainland... i joined him for part of the jaunt
Al Sonic: If SL is anywhere near as dynamic as it has the potential for, everything old is indeed new again... and I need to get around to visiting it.
Dizzy Banjo: yeh i think Hamlet did that too early on
Dizzy Banjo: across 20 regions.. lol
Torley Linden: yeah i remember Hamlet's early story... such a thing is nigh improbable now, but i celebrate explorations
Saijanai Kuhn: Dale Glass sent a mapping bot through ever sim in the grid. Took 2 weeks, I think
Torley Linden: wow!
Torley Linden: Dale is a crafty one, yes he is
Angel Slocombe: hehe
Torley Linden: i wish we could have camera views through objects; i know there are a boatload of monster worms with that, but it has a lot of creative potential too
Torley Linden: i mean, have an object remotely send back pictures
Torley Linden: (not just scripted FollowCam calls)
Torley Linden: some dude attached a camera to his cat and the pictures are beautiful
Saijanai Kuhn: There is that security camera thing that switches camera views from object to object
Al Sonic: XD Great idea.
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: ah yeah i've seen some kewl things like that Sai, i wish i could have a camera, like an inworld webcam on this island, even when i wasn't logged in ;)
Torley Linden: i suppose the Second Life version of Big Brother coulda benefited
Torley Linden: ha ha hHA
Omegadon Aeon: that would be amazing
Torley Linden: thanks Ewan ;)
Ewan Mureaux gave you When I'm Swimming In Your Ocean by Ewan Mureaux.
Ewan Mureaux: yw
Al Sonic: Ahahah!
Saijanai Kuhn: there's that cam bot thing SLCN-TV uses
Torley Linden: hm, i haven't seen that one Sai. tell me more about it?
Ewan Mureaux: SL™ big brother should be gridwide and the evictions should stick
Dizzy Banjo: :D coley
Lars Donardson: there is actually a tool that send images to a hud from remote cameras...and even "hidden cams"...don't like the idea
Saijanai Kuhn: but you'd still have to have an alt logged infor the bot
ColeMarie Soleil: raaadio
AM Radio: Hi Cole
Torleyite (CLICK ME FOR TIPS!) shouts: Interested in Second Life's 'power user' features? Press Ctrl-Alt-D (Opt-Ctrl-D on Mac) to enable the Advanced menu. Use it at your own risk!
AM Radio:
Draco Laval: Hey Torley, what about new shaders and stuff, like what if you could give surfaces refractrion
ColeMarie Soleil: =^.^= *Nahm Nahm Nahm!*
ColeMarie Soleil: /ma noms.
Dizzy Banjo: gosh
Torleyite (CLICK ME FOR TIPS!) shouts: To get info about land you're on, click the land name at the top-middle of the screen, or right-click the terrain and choose 'About Land'.
Torley Linden: Draco, i wish you had been at more of our WindLight office hours. a lot of what you're bringing up was discussed there. :)
Torley Linden: the "new shaders and stuff" may be part of a materials project eventually
Torleyite (CLICK ME FOR TIPS!) shouts: Are colored (red, green, blue) triangles cluttering your screen? Go to Advanced menu > Show Updates and turn them off.
Draco Laval: ...Me want shaders.....NOW
Torley Linden: but for now, see the transcripts @
ColeMarie Soleil: Sorry about the outfit. What do expect... =/ I was in hell.
Torley Linden: oh yeah, buddhist hell, ColeMarie?
ColeMarie Soleil: Yuuuuuuuus! sir.
ColeMarie Soleil: Jigoku
Angel Slocombe: THAT SIM ROCKS
ColeMarie Soleil: its actually based on a horror film
Torley Linden: YES IT DOES
ColeMarie Soleil: from the 1960s
ColeMarie Soleil: I was amazed they knew about it
ColeMarie Soleil: let alone remade it
Draco Laval: That was awesome I played 'Night on bald mountian' there
ColeMarie Soleil: I freaked I havent left
Torley Linden: uhh and i would hope the horror film was based on buddhist beliefs?
ColeMarie Soleil: Ive been there lik etwo days
Torley Linden: ColeMarie, which movie?
ColeMarie Soleil: XD
ColeMarie Soleil: Yuuuuuuuus!
ColeMarie Soleil: it was
Torley Linden: i was wondering why it felt kinda like Godzilla
Dizzy Banjo: lol
ColeMarie Soleil: Jigoku
Angel Slocombe: My photos from there
Torley Linden: oh i gota look that up
ColeMarie Soleil: it rocks
Torley Linden: it has become a tourist attraction now!
ColeMarie Soleil: the director was asked why heaven wasn't depicted in the film and he said jokingly he'd get to it during the sequel
Torley Linden: i found a strange comfort in it, because i visited one of those amusement parts for real
Torley Linden: hahahahaha
ColeMarie Soleil: I find it oddly calming
Torley Linden: these kind of amusement parks are popular in parts of Asia
ColeMarie Soleil: I like it ^_^
Torley Linden: yeah i found it calming too
ColeMarie Soleil: Maybe it's the japanese in me
ColeMarie Soleil: 8X
Dizzy Banjo wont reveal what coley has been up to there...
Torley Linden: i didn't know you are Japanese
Dizzy Banjo: lol
ColeMarie Soleil snickers and thinks all of flickr knows
Torley Linden: (sory i don't accept friendships on this account but thanks for asking :) )
Omegadon Aeon: Torley do you work for LL full time?
Draco Laval: :d
Torley Linden: i do, Omegadon
Uta Schism: aww i have to go to bed now :( up for work early tomorrow
Torley Linden: it is a wonderful job
Lars Donardson: hehe...macros are soo nice..ain't they Torley :p
Uta Schism: lucky clever talented Torley
Omegadon Aeon: Do you work from home? or are you near there office?
Torley Linden: Lars, well that wasn't macro'ed, but i actually was gonna make one for that
Uta Schism: you deserve it
Torley Linden: i work from home, aye
Torley Linden: thanks Uta!
ColeMarie Soleil waits for everyone rez.
Geneko Nemeth: It doesn'tseem to be a gesture... or it wouldn't have atypo in it. XD
Torley Linden: so i get to work very quickly after waking up
Torley Linden: i don't have to waste time in a commute
Dizzy Banjo listens to Torleys piano stream and likes how he flirts with modulations in a carefree improvisational way
Omegadon Aeon: Torley your to fast a typer :)
Torley Linden: haha thanks Dizzy, glad you noticed =o)
ColeMarie Soleil thinks dizzy thinks all music flirts.
Torley Linden: oh it's just practice, Omegadon, i don't even type "proper"... two fingers and thumbs
Dizzy Banjo: lol cole
Torley Linden: it helps to have this flat Apple aluminium keyboard too
Uta Schism: good night everyone
Torley Linden: g'nite Uta
Lars Donardson: both thumbs?
ColeMarie Soleil: GOod morning ^_^
Geneko Nemeth touch-types but still types slow...
Torley Linden: Lars, yes, on the space bar, depending how i'm feeling
Draco Laval: Where do you live torley...Psuedo Toroto is going to stalk you :D
Lars Donardson: wow..that's advanced typing
Torley Linden: i touch type... get better through experience
Jonstud Baxton: yes im back i was laggin a lot but how can one "get a mentor" like you Torley in SL?
Torley Linden: Draco, i'm a Washingtonian
Omegadon Aeon: Are you on a mac torley? or Apple keyboard on a PC lol that would be silly
Angel Slocombe would totally kill to work from home and get to be on SL all day
Geneko Nemeth: Go to Help Island Public or something?
Torley Linden: Jonstud, a great way would be to check out Second Life Volunteer Mentors =o) i was one in my earlier days... also to be familiar with and the resources and contributors within
Ewan Mureaux: be unemployed its like a more relaxed version of working from home
Torley Linden: Omegadon, i'm on PC. i have a blog post about it.
Draco Laval: I applied for a job for LL, but never got a response back :D
Omegadon Aeon: I figured you where
Torley Linden: when i started Second Life, i seeked out whatever i was interested in... and contacted people
Lars Donardson: yes..Torley...the chairman of the "we love dumb heaps" club
Geneko Nemeth: Nyahahaha...
Omegadon Aeon: If i would apply at LL it would be for something like Community Manager i see that was an oppening
Torley Linden: yes, i previously was a "Community Manager"
Omegadon Aeon: What was that likle?
Torley Linden: oh it was great, but the world was much smaller and different then
Torley Linden: so the job responsibilities are not the same
Draco Laval: I wanna be famous like you Torley, I just need to make like 40 video Tuts and talk in a funny accent
Torley Linden: back then i used to help plan Town Halls with Philip Linden and Robin Linden or whoever else was featured speaker
Geneko Nemeth: Is LL looking for Chinese-speaking interns? :P
Ewan Mureaux: there should be a bed guy position, pay someone to take all flak ever cos everything is their fault, like an SL™ villain maybe with a hadlebar moustache
Ewan Mureaux: bad guy*
Torley Linden: Geneko, not specifically sure but we have a variety of open roles for specialists in other languages.
Lars Donardson: what a nice freudian slip Ewan
Lars Donardson snickers
Torley Linden: Ewan, lol
Torley Linden: yeah like Snively Whiplash
JetZep Zabelin: there should be a Linden named Free Linden
ColeMarie Soleil: AHAHAH
Torley Linden: so Resis will burn him like Guy Fawkes
Geneko Nemeth: Nah, just joking XD but I would love it if I really ended up working for LL.
Torley Linden: Draco, ah, more like 200 video tuts
Torley Linden: but close ;)
ColeMarie Soleil: Welcome illybish.
June Trenkins: hello :)
Draco Laval: I didn't notice your eyes Torley...totally creepy
Ewan Mureaux: it would be a good idea "sorry folks we have to rolback cos evil linden unplugged all the computers"
Torley Linden: hey man! don't hate on me just because my eyes are a different color! j/k
ColeMarie Soleil: YAY!
ColeMarie Soleil: that reminds me of delerium from sandman.
Torley Linden: holy crap this Jigoku movie is real... are you big into J-Horror, Cole?
ColeMarie Soleil: 8X mmmmmmm
ColeMarie Soleil: I told you
Draco Laval: Opps LL have tripped over the inventory server power cord, be back "soon"
ColeMarie Soleil: yesh
Torley Linden: Sandman... that's like, NEIL GAIMAN
ColeMarie Soleil: I love all sorts of weird shit
Lars Donardson: I'm surprised they are not pink
Lars Donardson: :D
ColeMarie Soleil: my favorite fideogame you need to play it
Torley Linden shouts: NEIL FREAKIN' GAIMAN ROCKS... my wife likes Stardust.
ColeMarie Soleil: Shin megami tensei: Nocturne
ColeMarie Soleil: I know ravenelle is my friend XD
Lars Donardson: not entirely
Torley Linden: she made me a nice breakfast, thanks to her i was able to get work done faster
ColeMarie Soleil: I asked her to sing on flickr and she thought you had put me up to it 0,o
Torley Linden: hahahahaha
Ilyushin Tzedek: hey hey
Draco Laval: torleys sitting at a nice 266 avatar render cost :d
Torley Linden: i <3 seeing SL machinima with nice voiceovers
Ilyushin Tzedek: coley where art thou?? i cant see
Torley Linden: hey Ilyushin!
Omegadon Aeon: Ooh before i forget your Torley Wong on your webpage is awesome
ColeMarie Soleil: I are thou between radio and banjo
Ilyushin Tzedek: Hi Torley :)
Torley Linden: Omegadon, which thing... ? music?
ColeMarie Soleil: art*
Omegadon Aeon: The music
ColeMarie Soleil: *CENSORED*
Torley Linden: oh thanx!!! :D
Torley Linden: glad you like it
Omegadon Aeon: i am listening to it now
Dizzy Banjo: lol coley
Torley Linden: one of the reasons i like doing office hours is because of the awesome avatars who visit me
Torley Linden: yes, that means *you*
Ilyushin Tzedek: :3
Torley Linden: and then i find out about cool things, what's happening around SL...
ColeMarie Soleil goes "aw" and goes "he just got paid more shhh"
Angel Slocombe is bringing her ghost av next week :D
Al Sonic: What, Torley Wong's Ultimate Collection (of old techno-compositions)?
Omegadon Aeon: And you meet allot of interesting people
Angel Slocombe: it's on an alt right now
Torley Linden: it's been such a transformative experience... going from one thing to another...
Ilyushin Tzedek: Torley, is it me or do flexi prims behave nicer than a month ago? XD
Torley Linden: Ilyushin, behave nicer how? :)
Ilyushin Tzedek: I dont know if i'm going crazy
Ilyushin Tzedek: more flowy
ColeMarie Soleil: You iz... it's all a ploy
Torley Linden: i haven't noticed a change... there's still a bug where the Flexiprim Mesh Detail detail doesn't have a noticeable impact i think
Ilyushin Tzedek: not sticking up like a piece of cardboard
Draco Laval: Uhhhhh I see "parts"....cover your eyes Mauru!
Torley Linden: hmmm... Ilyushin, i'd have to see it comparatively; it's good you feel that way but, i know not of a specific improvement in that area
ColeMarie Soleil: I see cr parts too
Lars Donardson gets the idea and looks for his Yoji Biomehanika albums
ColeMarie Soleil: car*
Ilyushin Tzedek: Maybe I'm just seeig things
Torley Linden: i know that name, Lars... !
Bradford Linden: gotta run to a meeting. i enjoyed sitting in and hearing the conversation. take care everyone and see you later torley
Lars Donardson: Hardstyle Trance
Torley Linden: take care Bradford and thanx for coming by!
Claryssa Schmidt: bye Bradford
Lars Donardson: music for a harder generation
Lars Donardson: hehe
Ewan Mureaux: see ya bradford
Torley Linden: i think i'm spelling that wrong
Ilyushin Tzedek: i had to use an archaic version of SL for a while because my laptop died and i had to use a tiny umpc for SL that would only run pre windlight versions of SL
Torley Linden: i like going to concerts in Second Life too, especially when the musicians aren't just going through an animation loop but using additional visual enhancements like particle effects and light shows
ColeMarie Soleil: YAY!
ColeMarie Soleil: dizzys hat FINALLY loadded ffs
ColeMarie Soleil: YEAH LIKE ME!
Lars Donardson: always uses a 1.18.5 version when visiting Torley's office hours...
Dizzy Banjo: lol cole
ColeMarie Soleil: sorry
Ilyushin Tzedek: Coley i havent been to one of your shows in ages
Lars Donardson doesn't wantthe memory to go on strike
ColeMarie Soleil: I knoooow
Ilyushin Tzedek: it's terrible!
ColeMarie Soleil: you're *CENSORED* fired
Al Sonic: Funny thing I discovered while terraforming – the Roughen Land tool is acting rather like the Revert Land tool.
Ilyushin Tzedek: :(
ColeMarie Soleil: ahahaha <3
Torley Linden: Al, you know, i noticed that roughen doesn't seem to make things all that rough for me... hmmm...
Angel Slocombe: yeah it's rather frustrating
Rock Pond Pose ball: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
Dizzy Banjo needs to actually consider visuals when playing.. generally i like to think of people closing their eyes somehow though
Saijanai Kuhn: Torley this is an interview with the producer of SLCN-TV about the technical details :
Torley Linden: thanks Sai! *saves link*
Al Sonic: Yeah, seems to be reverting instead right now. ANd I've actually seen roughen work correctly before, long ago.
Torley Linden: *makes a note to check out roughen/revert later... hmmmmmmmm*
Ilyushin Tzedek: Oh Torley, btw, thank you so much on that article about the wood textures
Torley Linden: oh you are SO welcome Ilyushin =o)
Angel Slocombe: and YAY the "flycam" notification bug has been fixed in the new main viewer *can start making vids again*
Ilyushin Tzedek: Genetica is made of pure, solid, win
Torley Linden: i found Wood Workshop to be such a nice tool, and Genetica (its big brother) has so many great qualities
Torley Linden: lol i like that "pure, solid, win"
Ilyushin Tzedek: XD
Torley Linden: w00t Angel :D yeah, i'm looking forward to that for machinima
ColeMarie Soleil: YAY!
ColeMarie Soleil: for illy
Omegadon Aeon: Ok torley, i was reading teh "A guide to torley lives" where thiase accounts or all Avatars?
Torley Linden: that little "Flycam" text was so annoying!
Angel Slocombe: uh huh
Lars Donardson: need to step..thanks for another interesting hour Torley
Lars Donardson: bye all
Torley Linden: Omegadon, ah... all avatars in my old Torley Torgeson account
Torley Linden: you're welcome Lars!
Omegadon Aeon: ok makes sense
Ilyushin Tzedek: It's really wonderful. Art rage too, i still have to play it with my tablet though
Torley Linden: i <3 tools that can be used well with Second Life
Torley Linden: adds value and fun in both directions
Dizzy Banjo: ah yes that flycam thing was annoying
Ilyushin Tzedek: yeah
Draco Laval: I think AC3d is the best for sculpties
Dizzy Banjo: is it fixed in the RC yet ?
Dizzy Banjo: nope
Angel Slocombe: it's fixed in hte main viewer
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Torley Linden: yeah and 1.20 has become the main viewer now
Dizzy Banjo: oh really ?
Dizzy Banjo: wow
Angel Slocombe: the patch was added just before it got released :D
Dizzy Banjo: w00t
Torley Linden: mhmmm hot news on da blog! ROCK ON
Dizzy Banjo: congrats people ! :D
Draco Laval: Torley, I really though we we're going to see some lip-sync action from you today
Geneko Nemeth: You have to turn lip-sync on in your viewer...
Torley Linden: funny thing about that Draco, is, if you turn that on, you see others -- yeah like what Geneko said
JetZep Zabelin: must be a lot people d/l it mine d/l failed 3 times the 3rd try it froze with 99% d/l'd D=
Dizzy Banjo: wow, does this mean we might get a different first look now to play with ?......shadowzzzz ? :P
Geneko Nemeth: and it's only random babble only for now.
Ilyushin Tzedek: wait what,lip sync»
Torley Linden:
Ilyushin Tzedek: what did i miss?
Geneko Nemeth: Nothing really, yet.
Draco Laval: LipSyncing for owl avaters, next!
Dizzy Banjo: lol
Torley Linden: haha, owls crack me up... HOO... HOOOO!
Angel Slocombe: HAHA
Geneko Nemeth: So no Aahs, only Oohs?
Draco Laval: Laggity laggy
Ilyushin Tzedek: neeeeaaaaaaat
Torley Linden: whelp it sure has been fun... thanx to each and all for coming to visit me at this office hour. next office hour will be same day, same time... so Thursday next week @ 12 PM (noon) PDT too. take care and bye for now! =)
Ewan Mureaux: see ya later x
Claryssa Schmidt: bye Torley
Angel Slocombe: Awwwws *waves* Bye Torley
Omegadon Aeon: Bye Torley!
JetZep Zabelin: *byebye* !
Al Sonic: G'bye!
Sword Rotaru: Later torley
Dizzy Banjo: bai !
Mayumi Fride: bye Torley : )
Torley Linden: *smiles and waves*