User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-08-21

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CheUnit Fizzle: bbWE WANT TORLEY
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Torley Linden: TORLEY IS HERE!
CheUnit Fizzle: OMGGGGG
Jueno Baxton: XD
Melody Paperdoll: whooooooo! Torley!!!!!!!!!!
Catelin Clary: Ask and you shall receive
CheUnit Fizzle: TORLEYYY
Torley Linden: Torley griffin, actually. muhahaha!
Catelin Clary: Hi Torley
sonoma Beatty: *GIGGLES* :)Torley 13:42, 15 September 2008 (PDT)
CheUnit Fizzle: WE LOVE YOUU
Allison Widdershins: Hi Torley
Torley Linden: ummm so i gotta let you guys know how glad i am to see you, and also, i apologize i'll be leaving a bit in advance because i have a meeting after this
Torley Linden: that being said, let's rock and roll
Harleen Gretzky: Hi Torley
Torley Linden: AWRRRRR
CheUnit Fizzle: i dont see him
Orzga Aabye: hello ...
Melody Paperdoll: oooh glad I got here early /me giggles :)
Torley Linden: i is griffin sitting on chair!
Jueno Baxton: Marvelous
Catelin Clary: That's cos he looks like a watermelon griffin
Catelin Clary: LOL
Dakota Schwade: Look for something resembling a watermelon. That will narrow it down.
Courageous Adamczyk: am I late?
CheUnit Fizzle: OMG TORLEY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!
Catelin Clary: blends in ... protective coloration
Torley Linden: hahaha Dakota
Jueno Baxton: lol fan club
CheUnit Fizzle: yes we all love you!!
CheUnit Fizzle: but me more!!
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Jueno Baxton: lol
Torley Linden: gosh you are so nice, so nice!
Dakota Schwade: Uh oh, a Torley groupie.
Torley Linden: so what's new and exciting!?!? ideas, observations!
Catelin Clary: Early birds get full advantage then...
Allison Widdershins: he's only PART bird Cate
Catelin Clary: LOL
Torley Linden: i'm a humanoid avian, i walk on my hind legs... and can grasp things!
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Kazuhiro Aridian: ♥
Catelin Clary: Whoda thunk it!
Cruzin' Cooler Weird Shit whispers: Need a beer? Click my cooler.
CheUnit Fizzle: i like ur costume
CheUnit Fizzle: its nice
Jueno Baxton: Actually yea... im not sure if this is happening to anyone else but all the rounded objects in SL around very jagged to me, not smooth at all. any thoughts?
Dakota Schwade: Torley, GTeam video, saw it, liked it. Went to their Office Hours. Wow, tense place. Everybody hates them.
Orzga Aabye: no my view is smooth
Catelin Clary: I watched it too, nicely done
Courageous Adamczyk: So I'm new to these meetings, can we ask you anything Torley?
Torley Linden: thanks Dakota, i wasn't at the last GTeam office hours but, they have a tough job.
Torley Linden: Courageous: anything i can answer, yes =) hehe, mainly Resident Enlightenment stuffs
Dakota Schwade: Indeed. I met Socrates. He's OK.
Torley Linden: if i can't answer, i'll let you know
Torley Linden: Catelin, thanks!
sonoma Beatty: i would say they do
Orzga Aabye: but i think SL has gone beyound what the old mac's can do.
Torley Linden: glad you did
Torley Linden: "How to report abuse" was the first big collaboration i did with a team like that
Courageous Adamczyk: oh, well then would you happen to know when sim border crossing will become a stable thing? I crash almost every time I cross into one in a vehicle.
Allison Widdershins: *I'm just here to watch Cate get all brainy and stuff*
Rei Hax: Hello everyone.
Catelin Clary: o m g! you'll make me blush
Rei Hax: Why do I hear stomach noises coming from everywhere..
Torley Linden: i likey blushing
Catelin Clary: I think it's the dragon wings
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley
Courageous Adamczyk: its torley's plumbing you fool rei.
HeyHeyHey Andel: I am your biggest fan irl
Catelin Clary blushes all the more
Torley Linden: Courageous, i don't know definitely when. but that sounds exceptionally bad for you -- it shouldn't be that unstable. by "crash", specify more?
HeyHeyHey Andel: You are so awesome
Kazuhiro Aridian: Torley, I've been visiting the San Francisco area lately, and my partner and I have walk past the LL headquarters, just wondering if you knew how I might get a tour? ^^
Torley Linden: i experience slight delays/rubberbanding/jerkiness when region crossing, being disconnected from the simulator should be comparatively rare.
Courageous Adamczyk: Well, more like flying into the ground, into the sea, forever.
Courageous Adamczyk: yes. thats more accurate
Rei Hax: So mono comes out today, im so excited!!
Torley Linden: Courageous, yeah... what is your packet loss? does the Lag Meter show anything?
Hathornefer Gaea: hello everyone
Torley Linden: Rei, yeah... and 1.21 RC to follow =)
Courageous Adamczyk: my huwha?
Torley Linden: Kazuhiro, oh! i don't know if the process has changed, but call the main office number :) and ask
Kazuhiro Aridian: oh goodness! that easy?
Catelin Clary: I don't know if it's just me, but logins in the last two days have been nightmarish... bunch of us rezzing in farflung places
Torley Linden: Help menu > Lag Meter... your packet loss should be as close to 0% as possible. if it's like, 5%, then you'll sadly have a lot of teleport/region cross problems.
Rei Hax: Any other exceptional changes coming out today along side mono
Torley Linden: with any bugs/troubles i always emphasize having solid reproductions for them
Torley Linden: i think so Kazuhiro
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: well Rei 1.21 RC has A LOT OF NICE FEATURETTES (mini features)
Kazuhiro Aridian: I've heard alot of stories about having to get a Linden who works there to give a tour... that's kind of hard as you Lindens are all such busy people ^^
sonoma Beatty: AARUG
Rei Hax: I love thoes
Rei Hax: Like the latest voice sync beta
Courageous Adamczyk: oh I see. my client is in the red
Courageous Adamczyk: or yellow.
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley what is your opinion on Ratcloner Stoop?
sonoma Beatty: what would stop you from uploading
Orzga Aabye: is something like 1.21 just a viewer rev? or are there server rev's as well?
CheUnit Fizzle: wow im lagging bad
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Catelin Clary: My client gets very red when there is a lot in the area... it helped to adjust my draw distance some
Catelin Clary: and adjust bandwidth a bit
Vector Hastings: the latest voice sync beta?!? How is it changing?
sonoma Beatty: i have my band with at 1500
Torley Linden: HeyHeyHey: no opinion
sonoma Beatty: and draw a 128
Torley Linden: 1.21 is viewer rev, but MONO comes with server version 1.24
Allison Widdershins: See? There she goes getting all technical...
HeyHeyHey Andel: sorry to ask torley but are you familiar with him
Torley Linden: Hey: no :)
Catelin Clary only plays techie on TV
Rei Hax: Torley, can you go over some of the new featuretts coming out in this 1.21 update
HeyHeyHey Andel: he apparently is a new griefer who has been leading alot of attacks on the grid
Ranos Brumer: holy lag monster Batman.
Torley Linden: i can't comment on specific accounts re: discipline. if there are problems i recommend filing an abuse report from Help menu so our GTeam can check it out.
Ranos Brumer waves.
Catelin Clary: I went to the GTeam tutorial after the "filling the Shelter full of buses" incident...
Hathornefer Gaea: they are really fast the g team - i have still been in places when they turn up
Catelin Clary: I had to return each one by hand... ;-)
Courageous Adamczyk: Is Harry Linden ever in his inworld office?
sonoma Beatty: Torley do you know why i am not able to upload pic to second and i can not down load them in less i do it the old school why
Torley Linden: Courageous, i'd ask him :)
Torley Linden: Rei, oh... off the top of my head... GROUP/VOICE CHAT MODERATION
Courageous Adamczyk: I would, but I'm afraid I would lose this account too.
Torley Linden: better color options for chat
Rei Hax: Oh that sounds good
Torley Linden: ability to save PNG/JPG to hard drive...
Rei Hax: Im looking for the release notes on the SL website, but I cant find it
Orzga Aabye: so something like 1.20 applies to both viewer and sim softare?
Torley Linden: there are a BUNCH more, should only be a few days before release notes are out
CheUnit Fizzle: Torley just curios do have time to play SL like the others?build,drive,shop?
Torley Linden: Rei, 1.21 RC isn't out yet, there are nightlies if you compile your own viewers
Torley Linden: sonoma, what's the specific pic you're trying to upload?
Torley Linden: CheUnit: yes, as much as i can, on the weekends :)
Torley Linden: Orzga: 1.20 is the current viewer version, the server version is 1.23
Al Sonic: s
CheUnit Fizzle: Nice!!
Al Sonic: (whoops, just testing chat.)
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley you are typing very fast is everything ok??
Jueno Baxton: poor Torley, so much to type lol
CheUnit Fizzle: /i know
Hathornefer Gaea: and damn good at it too ;)
CheUnit Fizzle: my poor torley
Kazuhiro Aridian: it's okay, Torley has an extra arm and 2 extra fingers on each hand.
Torley Linden: i often type very fast, lol :) it's important to keep up here!
Catelin Clary's carpal tunnel hearts Torley's carpal tunnel
sonoma Beatty: torley may i ask a qu on voice my speeling in not the batter
Torley Linden: anyone familiar with Tim & Eric Awesome Show? i have that song "Sports" in my head.
Al Sonic: If anything his fingers are surprisingly limited.
Torley Linden: sonoma, go for it... :)
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Torley Linden: oh sorry sonoma, i thought you meant a Q ABOUT voice.
Jueno Baxton: I hate that show T_T it makes me cry from my butt =/
Torley Linden: pardon, i don't have voice on right now
Courageous Adamczyk: how repulsive
sonoma Beatty: aww ok
Jueno Baxton: lol
sonoma Beatty: it ok
Torley Linden: my audio subsystem channel is set to my mixing app
Al Sonic: Most lindens like being able to keep chat transcripts.
sonoma Beatty: i try to type out
Dakota Schwade: Vote for me, kinda sorta, if you wish:
sonoma Beatty: do you know what would stop some one for being able to up uin to sl
Courageous Adamczyk: oh yeah, and one more thing I wanted to ask, I almost forgot
CheUnit Fizzle: Torley do you like watermelons in rl?
sonoma Beatty: up load in to second life
Jueno Baxton: Torley, how long are these get togethers?
Torley Linden: sonoma, i'd make sure the picture you're trying to upload is a compatible format. :)
Rei Hax: So Torely I just took a look on the mono wiki and it said..
Rei Hax: " How long until scripts can be compiled to Mono?
ease candidate should be available on Wednesday, 20 August."
Torley Linden: if you're not sure, one way to find out is... save a texture to your hard drive, and try to re-upload it.
Rei Hax: :[
Torley Linden: Rei, it was delayed.
Orzga Aabye: thanks for pointing out Transmigration ..
Courageous Adamczyk: will the new script update make smaller scripts run smoother, as in with less lag between functions that don't have a defined pause between them?
Torley Linden: that wasn't updated, sorry. someone should update that!
sonoma Beatty: every time i try i creash
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley are we ever going to see a guide to SL relationships??
sonoma Beatty: crash
sonoma Beatty: even if i try to take from sl to my hard drive i crash
Torley Linden: Courageous, MONO primarily benefits calculation-intensive scripts with a lot of number crunching. it won't HUGELY speed simple scripts. but across MANY simple scripts, it makes an aggregate, combined difference.
Torley Linden: sonoma, what graphics card do you have?
Courageous Adamczyk: alright. That's good too.
Jueno Baxton: id like to see more on combining multiple action scripts n_n
Torley Linden: there've been some historic snapshot crash bugs
Torley Linden: Orzga, i <3 that game.
Torley Linden: such a wonderful way of audiolizing the music.
sonoma Beatty: nvidia geforce 8500 256
Rei Hax: Wont mono encourage griefers to come up with better scripting now that the server can handel them better, also does mono require LL to buy more equpitment or something?
Ranos Brumer: Nvidia Geforece 9800 GTX here
Orzga Aabye: yes and there is this neat sense of being up in teh air then under the sea and so forth.
sonoma Beatty: i wish i had that
CheUnit Fizzle: vvvvlol
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Ranos Brumer: I love it
Ranos Brumer: lol
CheUnit Fizzle: rano so u dont get lagg?
Kazuhiro Aridian: oh that's sounds interesting ^^
Torley Linden: yeah sonoma, that should be fine. make sure you're updated to newest stable drivers and try taking snapshots to disk at different window resolutions.
sonoma Beatty: and i am on vista
Ranos Brumer: lol I do
Melody Paperdoll: I has de evil 8600 gt waitin for it to asplode lol
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley do you have a steam account?
Ranos Brumer: but I run at ultra settings most times
Courageous Adamczyk: Tizzers? I didn't know you came to these
sonoma Beatty: ok
sonoma Beatty: will try
Tizzy Teardrop: When the mood strikes.
Tizzy Teardrop: Plus I love watermelon!
Master Nestler: graphic card doesnt matter as much as the processor
Ranos Brumer: not really true there
Torley Linden: Rei, i'd ask Babbage and Scouse about equipment, i don't know. but its overall benefits outweigh negative possibilities (which are always there, that's just how it is... same thing with more realistic physics).
Master Nestler: played on a Quadcore its a lot better then single core
Courageous Adamczyk: well, I'm going to jet. much work to be done
Ranos Brumer: Its a combination, you can't have a weak processor and a great graphics card just like you can go with a weak graphics card and a great processor
Torley Linden: mmm melons =)
Ranos Brumer: Core 2 Duo here
Torley Linden: yes, i'd agree that you'll want a cohesive computer. the problem is when you're badly bottlenecked.
Allison Widdershins: Hey LOL
Torley Linden: when fast components do no good because slower ones are jamming them.
Ranos Brumer: right now I'm at roughly 13 fps
Ranos Brumer: but I'm running maax settings
Master Nestler: how much RAM
Torley Linden: your overall system should be "harmonious". Second Life is historically very processor-intensive but now as we go into the future with richer graphics, of course a good graphics card counts for a lot, too.
Emilylo Mayako: hi orty
Ranos Brumer: 2gig
Melody Paperdoll adores the idea of a "harmonious" system /me giggles
Orty Wei: Hey Ems
HeyHeyHey Andel: Torley, when we go on a date can I buy you a rae japanese square watermelon for us to share :3
Jueno Baxton: Ok sorry guys I gotta go, this place is too crouded with text =/
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
Torley Linden: i wouldn't recommend less than 2 GB on a modern system if you do multitasking a lot... on some configs and laptops, you can squeeze by with 1 GB... but if running SL and a web browser and image editor all at the same time is important to you, that consumes more total ram
Torley Linden: sorry if there's too much to read, take care Jueno!
Master Nestler: i got xp
Torley Linden: hehe HeyHeyHey that's one of my life's dreams
Master Nestler: vista sucks lol
Jueno Baxton: n_n
CheUnit Fizzle: lol
HeyHeyHey Andel blushes
Ranos Brumer: I hold around 18 fps at low settings
Hathornefer Gaea nods in agreement with Nestler
Ranos Brumer: but there are alot of high detail avatars here
Lars Donardson: turn the PC around then Vista blows ;)
Rei Hax: Torley, does LL plan to give better graphics options to product developers -- and not just shadows and bitmapping, but better particle engine controls and shaders as well
Rei Hax: Or importing 3dsmax models
Ranos Brumer: Hey Torely I was wondering.
Rei Hax: As well as, their hitboxes
Master Nestler: i played Second Life on my friend powerful PC and it was like 30fps on max settings
Ranos Brumer: You use png to upload most textures right?
CheUnit Fizzle: torley do you think LL will improve the grass on sims textures?
Rei Hax: I have seen some "SL like" games in the development that have insane graphics
Torley Linden: Rei, I can't definitively comment on that. may want to ask some of our graphic gurus. =)
Melody Paperdoll: ooh importing models would be nice rei :) I only know obj though lol
Al Sonic: better meshes always seem to be a sorta distant future plan.
Emilylo Mayako places pennies into Ortys crown.
CheUnit Fizzle: ok
Torley Linden: some of what you mention is our "hope" but that's not the same as "we've committed to making it happen".
Torley Linden: Ranos, yes.
Rei Hax: I see
Ranos Brumer: what debth?
CheUnit Fizzle: torley do you think LL will improve to swim on sim water?
Catelin Clary: ^_^ *Nahm Nahm Nahm!* ^_^
Allison Widdershins: One question this time, Torley, I've noticed that some sims are upating very slowly on the Map function. I understand that SL is growing at a huge pace, but I know some sims in my neighborhood that haven't changed in almost a month
Rei Hax: It would be nice if I could cross a sim without turning inside out and upside down for a few seconds inbetween!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Al Sonic: Heh, funny question... as of yet, scripted devices have handled that instead.
Al Sonic: The swimming that is.
CheUnit Fizzle: ya but poseball isnt the same
CheUnit Fizzle: or scripts
Torley Linden: re: these "do you think" about future features, i can only share if i have confirmed info.
CheUnit Fizzle: ok
Torley Linden: there's a lot of "ideas" we have and things we've wanted to do for a long time, but haven't put forth project resources to do them.
Torley Linden: YET.
Rei Hax: Thats too bad
Torley Linden: WindLight and Havok 4 and Mono are all good examples of longer-term projects.
Rei Hax: That is what can make or break giood things
Lars Donardson: oh..I can confirm that the coalesced problem had a happy ending Torley :)
Spruce Canning: Would there any improvement to the Mac Viewer? I run SL on an iBook G4 with 1GB RAM on Tiger 10.4.11. Would SL be developed exclusively for the Intel Macs?
Al Sonic: And yay for the recent Mono announcement ;D
Al Sonic: :D
CheUnit Fizzle: ya i like windlight
Torley Linden: Rei, reason why is because we're focused on upfront priorities like the new user experience...
Catelin Clary: Good questions Spruce
Torley Linden: stability is always an obvious priority.
Ranos Brumer: The reason I ask. Is I've recently figured out that you can save file size massively by using save for web instead of save as and saving as a png-8. Which reduces size.
CheUnit Fizzle: ok i gtg nice meeting you torley
Rei Hax: Well stability is always expected to be unperfected in my opinion.
CheUnit Fizzle: bye bye TORLEY I LOVE YOU!!!!
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Rei Hax: Other "SL like platforms" are moving up in the ranks with not so good stability but better features -- and they get more recognition.
Catelin Clary watches as avies run for the empty seat
Kazuhiro Aridian: oh, it's because PS develops the file info and the preview image and saves that with the image itself, which slightly increases file size
Vector Hastings: (ha, beat 'em ;-))
Catelin Clary: haha
Lars Donardson: and will die rapidly when the number of users reaches higher levels Rei
Melody Paperdoll learned to bring her own heheh
Rei Hax: Oh a side thing -- it would be very nice if the SL inventory library was updated again with many scripts, textures, and common objects that are well made -- perhaps users can have a place to submit their work for the public instead of having freebie infested areas.
Lars Donardson: without stability it's all made out of clay
Catelin Clary: I thought that earlier about you Melody
Rei Hax: I didnt say the stability was horrible - it would be on par with SL stability
Torley Linden: take care CheUnit!
CheUnit Fizzle: ty torley you too
Torley Linden: whenever i mention something, even if i do my best to simplify, it shouldn't be considered alone. there's always MUCH richer surrounding context.
Orzga Aabye: Invetnroy is hard to work with ...
Hathornefer Gaea: yes the library does seem a little limited - and sorting the good from the bad in the freebie world is beyond a nightmare
Gojirlla PC (TORLEY MOD) whispers: To use this gun, take it (right-click and choose 'Take'.)
Gojirlla PC (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Then, drag it from your inventory onto yourself.
Rei Hax: Absolutley, thats what I am saying Hath
Torley Linden: i've long wanted a more flexible Library, and there were some Resident-forwarded initiatives to improve it awhile back. but again, we must consider resource usage like: if people submit stuff to the library, then we need to spend time on a system. who will work on it? and what will we take them away from to work on this?
Orzga Aabye: I don't know if there is an pen API to manipulate inventory from a non-viewer account.
Catelin Clary: Torley, where would we look for "plans" for Mac client?
Orzga Aabye: .. or a non-viewer login i man
Vector Hastings: I have a how-to question -- I'm a machinmator, and I want to film without the swirling lights on scripted objects. Can you turn it off without turning off all particles.
Lars Donardson: there was a contest a few weeks ago about a new UI for the viewer and most participants did suggest vast improvements in respect to inventory management
Orzga Aabye: *mean*
Torley Linden: if there is some broadly beneficial result which clearly trumps other projects in progress, then maybe it's more likely.
Torley Linden: it takes way more of my time than i'd like, even with tricks.
Dakota Schwade: Heck! :-)
Angel Slocombe: AMEN!!
Rei Hax: A "Cut" option would be nice
Catelin Clary: Everybody light candles for the beleagered asset servers
Kazuhiro Aridian: I solved that problem: don't pick up junk you'll delete later anyway!
Kazuhiro Aridian: >: D
Torley Linden: Vector: oh, i think that's reported on the Issue Tracker but hasn't been done yet.
Rei Hax: So I dont have to sift through a hundred folders collapsing in on themselves.
Hathornefer Gaea: yes - decent scripts and textures in the library for example would reduce the size of my inventory considerably
Al Sonic: I think the inventory leaves open a folder or so too many after searches.
Torley Linden: Vector: i think more people should vote for that to up priority, it seems relatively minor but i know what a frustration it is for moviemaking.
Orzga Aabye: right they reopen on a DnD ...
Vector Hastings: Do you know the Jira?
Dakota Schwade: Yes, and if it's not voted on, it doesn't get looked at. Zero votes means bottom of the list.
Lars Donardson: let's see what Grant comes up with
Torley Linden: not offhand Vector, i'd search :)
Kazuhiro Aridian: there needs to be filter buttons ON the inventory window
Rei Hax: Perhaps the "resident library inventory collaboration" could be runned by our SL mentors?
Vector Hastings: will do. Thanks.
Torley Linden: i'd like to have an easy pack of utility scripts in the library. but that's not as flexible as, say, AutoScript
Kazuhiro Aridian: I didn't know there even WERE filters until about a week ago
Rei Hax: Heres the thing
Catelin Clary: The filters are magic... but it's important to reset them....
Rei Hax: If everyone had access to well produced scripts, textures, and objects
Catelin Clary: ortherwise the searches in inventory get bolluxed
Ranos Brumer: its Magic!
Torley Linden: i totally, totally agree about quality starter content.
Rei Hax: I beleive that the SL economy would highly benefit from it -- and in turn LL would benefit
Allison Widdershins: you said bolluxed :*
Torley Linden: i totally, totally agree it helps people get off the ground.
Ranos Brumer: Moonanite
Lars Donardson: there were nice approaches in the favorites and copy-to-folder
Catelin Clary loves all things magical
Torley Linden: things like CLICK ACTIONS, CUSTOM COLLISION SOUNDS, and more.
Hathornefer Gaea: i agree rai
Torley Linden: PEOPLE DON'T USE CLICK ACTIONS ENOUGH... this is sad. :(
Catelin Clary: Yep... it's a great word... underused in my opionion.. LOL
Torley Linden: whenever i go to a store and the vendors don't use click actions, they're missing out.
Rei Hax: It would put secondlife on a fast track to better development for all.
Torley Linden: they're making it harder to buy stuff.
Ranos Brumer: lol
Ranos Brumer: you kno wwhat
Ranos Brumer: I can't type
Torley Linden: we're working on Phase II of click actions/discoverable objects.
Lars Donardson plugs ears cuz Torley shouts a tad loud for his liking
Angel Slocombe: oooh!
Torley Linden: but for anyone who doesn't know, General tab > When left-clicked. always, always use them to enhance your content.
Torley Linden: pardon all-caps, i'm too excited.
Catelin Clary: It's a griffin thing...
Kazuhiro Aridian: tehe
Catelin Clary: LOL
Kazuhiro Aridian: BWAAARK
Torley Linden: the main benefit of click actions is: instead of needing to right-click and choose something from pie menu, a single left click works.
Knildrig Aabye: greetings :)
Torley Linden: this is immensely easy for newcomers and older Resis alike.
Orzga Aabye: adjust meds till <25% caps
Torley Linden: friendly greetings Kazuhiro
Torley Linden: oops
Orzga Aabye: rule of thumb
Torley Linden: i mean Knildrig
Torley Linden: :)
Kazuhiro Aridian: hahaha.
Torley Linden: but always friendly greetings for Kazuhiro's awesome creations =D
Kazuhiro Aridian: : }
Torley Linden: oops more caps, i'm crazy
Kazuhiro Aridian: glooooooooow!
Emilylo Mayako: IN the new release of the viewer so the minimized windows arent half way in the way of the chat text on the screen of the viewer?
Orzga Aabye: HeHeHe
Lars Donardson: I can't hear you Torley
Kazuhiro Aridian: ♥
Catelin Clary thumbs through the book on griffin psychotropic solutions
Catelin Clary: ;-)
Emilylo Mayako: I hope I ask that right :/
Torley Linden: Emilylo, don't know for sure. but anyone who wants to try out an earlier 1.21 RC can do so on the Beta Grid via , things are subject to change
Torley Linden: yes, i understand what you're saying Emilylo, that's been a bit of a sore point for a long time
Torley Linden: the Beta Grid currently has mono running on select regions
Emilylo Mayako: Thank you Torley
Melody Paperdoll: does 1.21 have a neural interface yet ?? XD
Dakota Schwade: Only now it's called the "Preview Grid" :-)
Angel Slocombe: Torley, do you know if there are any plans to add a "Save as LM" option to the TP popup you get when you click on a SLURL ... sometimes I don't wanna go straight away but save it for later.
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: oh crap, name change! thanks Dakota, forgot about that
Dakota Schwade: Heck! :-)
Melody Paperdoll wants 3D goggles + iso tank for her SL experience lol
Lars Donardson: that's wouldn't work Melody...there is a vast number of users without the "thing" between the ears in SL
Lars Donardson: ;)
Melody Paperdoll: rofl lars :)
Melody Paperdoll: that's cool they would just stand still and not do anything stupid then :)
Orzga Aabye: so no more setting through the Beta's of upcoming movies before the feature?
Torley Linden: Angel, we used to have a feature like that. it wasn't restored because it wasn't as easy to add back after we changed how we did global map coordinates i think.
Torley Linden: but it's been awhile.
Kazuhiro Aridian: Torley, could you possibly IM me with the phone number for LL's office? I can't find it on the website... might be on purpose though ; D
Torley Linden: Orzga, how do you mean?
Al Sonic: The interesting thing is that as of yet it's not possible to make landmarks without being at the location, and this would change that.
Angel Slocombe: :( Bah .... that's a shame
Orzga Aabye: The use of the word Beta to mean, or not mean, Preview
Torley Linden: Angel, i want to have many landmarks saved before going to them too.
Orzga Aabye: no one ever says a Movie Beta, its a Movie Preview.
Torley Linden: so i feeel... yourrrr... painnnn
Angel Slocombe: hehe *hugs*
Nerio Yoshikawa: Or at least save the LM's from people's profiles...see interesting places in people's profiles but can't go to them all at once
Torley Linden: Orzga, i'm still not clear on the distinction there, sorry.
Torley Linden: Nerio, i agree. that's anothe thing i used to do.
Lars Donardson: or the silly software used for the KB...which doesn't allow deep linking all the time
Torley Linden: Lars, yes, there's the workaround needed. inelegant.
Lars Donardson: I wonder if LL got that on e-bay
Torley Linden: our Documentation Team doesn't like that either.
Torley Linden: i'd like to find some clearly-better KB software, one that has Web 2.0 aesthetic niceness.
Dakota Schwade: This:
Lars Donardson: yup
Torley Linden: yes Dakota, that's the one!
Torley Linden: you're quick on the draw!
Dakota Schwade: Yup. Use it a lot.
Lars Donardson: I know
Lars Donardson: but's a PITA
Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
Torley Linden: yeah. it's very discouraging when you seek help... and the tools work against you.
Lars Donardson snickers
Dakota Schwade: Hey, who you calling a tool? :-)
Catelin Clary: Love the hat Rei...
Rei Hax: Thanks
Rei Hax: I get that a lot beleive it or not
Catelin Clary: ;-)
Lars Donardson: or the support people who send "standard replies" without even reading beynd the first paragraph of the ticket
Torley Linden: incidentally, this is related to why i started
Torley Linden: info-aggregation is an underrated ability
Catelin Clary: I can't even imagine what a nightmare the SL help desk is...
Allison Widdershins: "I can't find my pants!"
Lars Donardson: to be honest..the problem solvers KB -> support -> JIRA locks VEY patchy Torley
Lars Donardson: VERY
Catelin Clary: I know I'm greatly appreciative of all that the LL people like Torley do to make SL amazing
Catelin Clary: hahaha, Allison
Torley Linden: the big challenge here is, of course, sometimes, better tools don't exist (yet)
Torley Linden: there are plenty of market opportunities
Allison Widdershins: no, I mean it. I can't find them
Catelin Clary smirks
Lars Donardson: the ones we have atm don't interact very well Torley
Melody Paperdoll: lost & found folder Allison? :)
Lars Donardson: that's one big downer
Catelin Clary: haha
Allison Widdershins: soembody else's most likely
Catelin Clary: woohoo....
Torley Linden: Lars, i'm always open to finding better tool suites, but whenever i've asked on this thread, no one has come up with a clear answer.
Melody Paperdoll: ooh btw vvvvvvvvvvv grateful to LL for returning my pink bear finally last weeek /me giggles I sorely missed him :)
Torley Linden: some things are promising BUT... still new and really untested by fire.
Torley Linden: thanks Catelin :)
Torley Linden: e.g., ZenDesk looks a lot easier than Parature. but i don't know if it can handle the same load.
Torley Linden: before Parature, we used Lore as a KB. it wasn't as expandable.
Catelin Clary: Counting goodnesses are important. ;-)
Catelin Clary: is?
Catelin Clary: LOL
Torley Linden: i can't find a better form manager than tho ;)
Torley Linden: Icebrrg is kind of an awkward copycat
Hug & Kiss NX Attachment: M&P Hug & Kiss NX Animations ready.
Free Radar HUD v1.1 by Crystal Gadgets
Torley Linden: it's kind of like when there's a product like Google that satisfies most people's needs, they won't bother with anything else.
Allison Widdershins: wasn't me
Torley Linden: (i'm specifically referring to Google and Search)
Allison Widdershins: Hellllo there
Lars Donardson: well..the JIRA interfaceis not encouraging to use unless you have a certain level of nerdness Torley
Hathornefer Gaea: some crash - lol
Allison Widdershins: points at Cate
Catelin Clary: Particle blindness
Torley Linden: Lars, it's true it gets more comfortable with time. there could be a friendlier front face to it, a "skin" or something. but no one i've come across knows a better bug-tracking system that meets our needs.
Catelin Clary: No way... I'm sitting here contemplating better mousetraps
Torley Linden: we used to use bugzilla internally before.
Lars Donardson: or simple ting to pick the system specs automatically for example...
Torley Linden: yeah Lars, i wish that could automatically and intelligently be "read"
Torley Linden: so you didn't have to enter the same data
Vector Hastings: speaking of difficult interfaces, what do you call the "swirling script lights" so I can find it in searching JIRA.
Torley Linden: that is a fine example
Torley Linden: Vector: they're just particles as a result of the selection beam mostly
Torley Linden: as much as i adore simplicity too, there are times when the mechanics (not the concepts) of something can't be simplified further. it's specific to every context one comes across.
Lars Donardson: indeed
Vector Hastings: so is the jira to have the "turn off selection beam" include the script swirl lights?
Torley Linden: i like new tools that make it easier and friendlier to get started, like Scratch for SL and scripting...
Lars Donardson: but just the external vs internal JIRA
Catelin Clary: I think there's a Law about that, but can't remember what it's called
Catelin Clary: ;-)
Torley Linden: i don't think that's quite the same Vector, let me see...
Lars Donardson: creates quite a bit confusion
Allison Widdershins: The Mann Act
Catelin Clary: nah, nah, nah... LOL
Catelin Clary: Not that kinda law
Angel Slocombe: LMAO
Catelin Clary: hehe
Torley Linden: Vector,
Torley Linden: oh apparently i reported it
Allison Widdershins: Occam's razor?
Torley Linden: looks like you posted there before too Vector
Vector Hastings: hee, hee, I'm on the voting block.
Lars Donardson: see...that's a classic example of not following up on your own JIRAs
Lars Donardson: shame on you Torley
Catelin Clary: Something quantum... how small can you get before it ceases to be
Torley Linden: Lars, ha, it got too difficult after 2,000
Torley Linden: last i checked there was nothing for me to share re: progress on that. let me ask some of our featurette devs tho... they'd be interested.
Lars Donardson: but that's the key..following up..stepping on toes repetively
Catelin Clary: I know Allison ... it has something to do with the nature of complex systems
Torley Linden: and if you can get anyone else to vote for it, that'd help.
Hathornefer Gaea: ok so where are we talking about voting guys?
Torley Linden: i need to be reminded about followup too :)
Torley Linden: Hathornefer,
Hathornefer Gaea notes
Lars Donardson: there is a "follow issue" box Torley
Angel Slocombe: LOL could you imagine the sea of daily emails?
Lars Donardson: no pain - no gain
Lars Donardson: :D
Torley Linden: yes, that's what happened, i had too many internal and external emails.
Torley Linden: was swamped in them, plus all my social networking stuff
Torley Linden: had to streamline
Torley Linden: and eventually my own job duties moved away from the Issue Tracker too
Torley Linden: as much as i'd like to, i just don't have clones... yet!
Vector Hastings: I'll post on the machinima board.
Torley Linden: i'm going to re-propose VWR-4232 to engineerign and see what they say
Vector Hastings: (I already voted for it once upon a time)
Lars Donardson: I discussed the coalesced issue with Prospero yesterday...
2B Aeon: bye ty for the interesting sit in!
Lars Donardson: no solution yet but needed
Allison Widdershins: damn lost Cate
Vector Hastings: Thanks Torley. Just to be clear, if there was some way to simply turn off scripted swirling lights, like you can turn off the select beam, it'd be a huge help.
Torley Linden: yes, Vector. or simply have particles behave as they do when the UI is on.
Al Sonic: I don't seriously use this feature, yet the glitch seems so contrary to the very point of the feature, and machinima such a valuable part of SL that I'm throwing my vote in.
Torley Linden: that would be consistent.
Allison Widdershins: wb CC
Catelin Clary: Yikes... the ever popular "SL crashes the Mac"
Catelin Clary: LOL
Vector Hastings: Well, there's two issues. One is the persistence with UI off, and the other is that the swirling lights ruin any sense of reality versimilitude unless you can suppress them. But the draconian step of suppressing all particles means your foaming bubbles disappear just because you want to use a scripted prop.
Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
Spruce Canning: What type of Mac do you have Cate?
Torley Linden: Vector: oh, that's a fine distinction, and good point. i'd suggest reporting the "swirling lights toggle on/off" as a seperate but related issue.
Vector Hastings: Will do.
Catelin Clary: Macbook Pro two plus years old
Torley Linden: but wait, let me check...
Orzga Aabye: is it the debug settings?
Torley Linden: hmmm...
Torley Linden: i think people still show swirling lights when they TP in/out
Allison Widdershins: Cate's got moons
Torley Linden: Vector, did you already test if disabling Show Selection Beam hides those swirling lights?
Vector Hastings: Yes, and that's possibly separate code?
Vector Hastings: I did try disabling Show Selection Beam.
Catelin Clary: o m g... not THAT! ;-)
Spruce Canning: Strange, I have a iBook G4 and I crash less?
Allison Widdershins: no not that
Allison Widdershins: LOL
Vector Hastings: I thought it was going to inclue the script lights, but was surprised whend it didn't.
Allison Widdershins: I'm on a slightly newer version of what Cate's on
Catelin Clary: It's been a bit perturbable since I got it
Melody Paperdoll astonished her macbook had its first week solid uptime since buying it a month ago recently lol did anything change in SL to make that hapen?
Torley Linden: Vector, yeah... hmmm that is a fine distinction.
Allison Widdershins: I seize up accasionally but it's temporary
Catelin Clary: Will love upgrading
Kazuhiro Aridian: I'm on a Dell Inspriron 1720 with two extra monitors hooked up and PS and Maya open and it runs like a dream
Spruce Canning: Same here
Lars Donardson: umm...did you leave it shut off Melody?
Kazuhiro Aridian: >: D
Melody Paperdoll: 'cos I as freezing like Mr Frosty before lol
Catelin Clary: I think I have an open memory slot though... rarely look at the hardware list
Al Sonic: Well that isn't the first comment I've heard recently about SL running more stably lately.
Vector Hastings: What's interesting is that it seems to be touch related. I think many of my scripted props do not cause the problem. But I'm working on a camera system where I have to touch it to start the action, and a cloud of lights surrounds my cameraman. :-}
Torley Linden: thanks each and all for being with me at my office hour, i've got to go for now but next office hour will be same time! i appreciate you indulging your curiosity... stay tuned for the next Video Tip of the Week this Saturday! it'll appear here on Here ;) and also on =)
Allison Widdershins: get the extra GB of memory cate
Allison Widdershins: makes a big difference
Dakota Schwade: Bye Torley
Catelin Clary: Thank you Torely! You are a gem!
Vector Hastings: Thank you soo much torley!!
Hathornefer Gaea: ok as we are talking about lights..... I have seen some lights that have been created which only come on when you get close.... guessing this is scripted? any suggestions as to the script?
Ewan Mureaux: bye torley
Allison Widdershins: See you later Torley
Kazuhiro Aridian: byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Torrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrley~
Angel Slocombe: Bye Torley
Vector Hastings: We're all huge fans.
Melody Paperdoll: bye bye torley!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rei Hax: Bye torley
Al Sonic: Ah okay then. Goodbye!
Kazuhiro Aridian: ♥♥♥♥♥
Allison Widdershins: my awesome goes up to 11
Rei Hax: You should hand out your linden bear!!
Rei Hax: Haha
Lars Donardson: bye and thanks for your help with the coalesced issue
Hathornefer Gaea: bye torley thank you
Catelin Clary: For sure Allison... as soon as I can get my butt off the couch.. LOL
Allison Widdershins: LOL
Melody Paperdoll: I been meaning to ask on Mac forums about other abominous GT owners if they had less of the nightmarish glithces lately 'cos I haven't seen a single one and I haven't been using anything ,even SL, any differently
Torley Linden: YAYERAMA AWESOME!!!!