User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-09-18
Torley Linden shouts: i am SO SORRY to be SO LATE
Torley Linden: OMG
Torley Linden: i have no excuses
Torley Linden: i am SO sorry to keep you waiting
bunny Chaffe: Heya torley
RawMilk905 Kline: no problem
Squirrel Wood: don't worry ^^
Melody Paperdoll: YAY!
RawMilk905 Kline: it's ok
Torley Linden: i will be here for an hour now if you can still stay... please accept my apologies
RawMilk905 Kline: I'm glad you made it
Jaymes Kjeller: Hey Torley!
bunny Chaffe: i will
Torley Linden: if you wonder why i look like Philip Linden, founder of Linden Lab, it's because i was doing a test earlier...
Solo Mornington gave you [GRADIENT] Simple Stripes (vertical) after Torley.
bunny Chaffe: can i use my mic?
Squirrel Wood: perhaps you do
Torley Linden: bunny yes but i'm in text chat for now... i will hear you but reply in text
Torley Linden: thanks so much for being patient with me
Torley Linden: oh my, someone got blasted out of the cannon
Torley Linden: that's just crazy!
Torley Linden: awww thanx
Torley Linden: :)
Squirrel Wood: OSSM? ^^
Squirrel Wood gave you WrongParcelTitleAfterTeleport.
Squirrel Wood: OSSM can hardly describe the vidtuts ^^
RawMilk905 Kline: he declines all
Torley Linden: that's so nice
Torley Linden: :)
RawMilk905 Kline: he can't keep track otherwise
RawMilk905 Kline: he is a SL Celeb
Torley Linden: oh what did i miss?
Torley Linden: was that about friendships?
Torley Linden: feel free to send friendship to Torley Olmstead, sorry i can't accept on this account
Torley Linden: not because i don't wanna be friendly ;D
Torley Linden: T. Olmstead is my alt
Torley Linden: i hear voices in the background
Torley Linden: ;)
Torley Linden: oh hi bunny's husband!
Torley Linden: lol
Torley Linden: i wish SL had better contacts management but it doesn't yet -- too hard for me alone to keep track of all, I NEED CLONES LIKE CRAZY
Torley Linden: ;D
Detox Watanabe: Hiya
Detox Watanabe: open mic?
Detox Watanabe: cool xD
Torley Linden: before i was a Linden i had 1,000s on my friends list, but it got very hard (this was before privacy controls) to come on and do stuff quietly, i'd get flooded in pings
Torley Linden: hahahahaha
Torley Linden: yes Here is a funny name
Torley Linden: even today on this account i often get many IMs, alas i can't keep up with them all =)
Detox Watanabe gave you Watermelon Bunny Slippers (Boxed).
Torley Linden: thanx Detox!
Torley Linden: ahhh the FaceLight 3000 has served us well
WyldRabbit Chaffe: hello
Detox Watanabe: XD
Detox Watanabe: Other kind of enlightment ;)
Torley Linden: so there's this wacky bug where avatar skin is the same color as hair... happens with newest NVIDIA drivers,
Squirrel Wood: facelight 3000?
Torley Linden: and that's why i'm all messed up
Squirrel Wood: I prefer the nonexistant facelight 9000+ :p
Torley Linden: older NVIDIA drivers don't do it, so they work fine
Torley Linden: but it's a hot bug on the Issue Tracker
Squirrel Wood: because its over 9000 :p
Jaymes Kjeller: I can see it.
Torley Linden: i was looking at an archive of my old avatar the other day, and that's what happened... i thought assets were damaged
Torley Linden: haven't heard of flowerpower 2... yet
Torley Linden: tell me more about it bunny =)
Torley Linden: if it's awesome i MUST know, hehe
RawMilk905 Kline: Torley I know it might be out of your official juristiction to comment, but how concerned should we be about UIGEA?
Jaymes Kjeller: UIGEA?
Torley Linden: RawMilk, sorry, i can't comment on that -- not my area of expertise
Jaymes Kjeller: What's UIGEA?
Torley Linden: ohh i'd have to see that in action bunny
RawMilk905 Kline: anyone curious can google it
Torley Linden: RawMilk, i like how when you're typing, looks like... ESP
WyldRabbit Chaffe: Back in the BBS days when 300 bps was the maximum speed on the apple 2e, A guy was born in the electronic age. Me
Squirrel Wood: Torley, bookmark ^^ Its teh awesome to watch :)
WyldRabbit Chaffe: lol
RawMilk905 Kline: you can get that at Grendel's
Torley Linden: thx Squirrel will do
RawMilk905 Kline: it's a psionics typer
Torley Linden: i've been impressed by Vimeo's quality recently, they lack batch upload but overall they're very well designed
Torley Linden: hehe
Torley Linden: the name makes me think of hippies, bunny :)
RawMilk905 Kline: is there a Linden I can ask about UIGEA?
Torley Linden: RawMilk, not that i know of firsthand... that'd likely be something legal needs to look over first, but they're not usually inworld.
Torley Linden: hahaha yes i got this alien av as a gift
WyldRabbit Chaffe: i'll let her have her mic all to herself
Torley Linden: i was totally tripping out, it's by Coke Supply (funny name i know)
Torley Linden: Spruce!
Torley Linden: i'm so sorry i was late!
Torley Linden: hahaha
Asha Sweetwater: I am glad you were late cause i was, thought I had missed you another week
Jaymes Kjeller: Why would we need to be worried, may I ask? I thought in-world gambling was banned already.
Nattyboozer Halcali: oh
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley's here now
WyldRabbit Chaffe: wife kept you up late, dog ate your homework?
Detox Watanabe: I enjoyed you being late, that cannon is fun, a pity that I couldnt manage to hit the flying cat with myself XD
Torley Linden: lol those voice blurbs would be great for a soundboard
Torley Linden: Detox, those cats sure are lively around the island
RawMilk905 Kline: it could affect thelindex I hear
Trickster Andel: hey
Nattyboozer Halcali: what'd i miss?
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: i <3 being creative in many ways
RawMilk905 Kline: the entire economy if backs refuse the transactions
RawMilk905 Kline: because of the law
Torley Linden: heya Nattyboozer, not much so far, i just got here recently as i was late
Nattyboozer Halcali: i know
RawMilk905 Kline: best to google it
Detox Watanabe: I mean the one flying with the ballon, it nearly crosses the flight path of the rocketball ;)
Nattyboozer Halcali: i was originally 4th person here
Torley Linden: i always encourage others to pursue whatever they have passion for, whether it's piano or visual art or literary ones
Torley Linden: haha Detox
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: i wonder...
Squirrel Wood gave you DDR Sounds.
Detox Watanabe: its just by 1° or so, I think
RawMilk905 Kline: there is info to be found, better that explaining it
Torley Linden: oh that's nice of your husband, kewl =)
Torley Linden: hehe
Torley Linden: i like parodies in Second Life... if it was a Nikon it'd prolly get removed for trademark infringement
Torley Linden: you sure are all in watermelon Nattyboozer, that's a great costume :)
Asha Sweetwater: There was a discusion about that on RA
Asha Sweetwater: about that very name
Nattyboozer Halcali: hehe
Nattyboozer Halcali: ty
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: i've seen a coke parody called SLoke too
Torley Linden: SLoca-SLola
Asha Sweetwater: never be a hit with that title
Torley Linden: yeah, seems kind of... SLuggy
Nattyboozer Halcali: grrr - my cape wont attach
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: i see your cape, or at least part of it, Nattyboozer...
Nattyboozer Halcali: ah
Torley Linden: i remember before we had flexiprims
Nattyboozer Halcali: call me natty
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: sure thang Natty
Detox Watanabe: OMG there was a time before flexi? ;)
Torley Linden: surprisingly yes, Detox
Torley Linden: and facelights
Torley Linden: hahahaha
Asha Sweetwater: I wish I had been here then, when things were still new
Detox Watanabe: lol haha
Detox Watanabe: lmao XD
Torley Linden: and then when capes were introduced, we had all these superheroes on the beta grid
Detox Watanabe: Oh yes makes sense lol
Detox Watanabe: even before hair? XD
Torley Linden: Esprite Xavier made this awesome scythe and i wielded it with a cape, and kept chopping away
Torley Linden: just to see the scythe's ribbons wave
Torley Linden: hahahaha before prim hair was popular, yes
Torley Linden: prim skirts have made a long-term comeback
Asha Sweetwater: I remember when the grid crashed at 14k concurrence.. we made a lot of progress
Torley Linden: it's funny because they were unpopular for awhile but with flexis, they became very useful again
Detox Watanabe: a friend of mine told me she joined a week after flexi were introduced and she couldnt figure out what the heck everyone was so excited about xD
RawMilk905 Kline: it will be interesting to watch trends evolve
Torley Linden: yes Asha, i remember when we had difficulties at 3.5k and below :)
Asha Sweetwater: wow
Detox Watanabe: they had non flexi superman capes? XD
Nattyboozer Halcali: hehe
Asha Sweetwater: who said we couldnt scale.. we are scaling
Torley Linden: hahahahaha Detox yeah, getting used to stuff... some people had makeshift animated texture capes but... not the same
Detox Watanabe: omg lol
Torley Linden: very funny to see the doomsayer proverbs of way back :)
Detox Watanabe: the rest alpha? XD
Detox Watanabe: omg these must have been ARC killers XD
Torley Linden: ARC killer sounds like some star wars weapon
Torley Linden: i'm thinking of the Sun Crusher, or when he was called Luke Starkiller.
Asha Sweetwater: speaking of doom though.. can i ask when your tutotrials are coming back Torley? if its not been asked before this session?
Asha Sweetwater: I misse them so
Torley Linden: oh i don't have CDs right now, just those MP3s =)
Tillie Ariantho: Is there a fix for the nvidia driver bug in the queue? ,) Half my wardrobe is broken for me...
Detox Watanabe: torley watch my "arc" - sidewinder fell for it lol xD
Torley Linden: Asha, i have a new one out today! on the blog!
Evil Titler: Spruce Canning needs a new title! To set it, anyone may say the text on /13. Spruce is not able to change it.
Torley Linden: Asha, =)
Asha Sweetwater: oh wow.. i havent seen it... wish they would advertise them on the login screen again
Asha Sweetwater: thanks torley
Torley Linden: also... i'm going to upload more QUICKTIPS tonight and they'll be linked from and i'll blog about it
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley - ty
Evil Titler: Tillie Ariantho has set a new title for Spruce Canning! Spruce will have to live with this until the next chance for it to be changed.
Torley Linden: you're welcome, and i agree, we need better advertising for a number of things including video tutorials
Torley Linden: "what's a computer?!!?"
Asha Sweetwater: thank you... whats the news on the revamping of the forums etc?
Torley Linden: "you're on one!"
Torley Linden: <.<
bobbob666 Avro: Torley ?
Torley Linden: Asha, i think Katt's better to ask about that than i... it's still underway...
Torley Linden: bobbob666, yes? :)
bobbob666 Avro: You know some good shops ?
Asha Sweetwater: ok , thank you
bobbob666 Avro: =P
Torley Linden: i used to like ghetto blasters, big boomboxes
Torley Linden: their design and all that
Detox Watanabe: when I was in kindergarten I called my brain an "air computer", I think because I didnt see it Oo.
bobbob666 Avro: kk ^__^
Asha Sweetwater: thats cute Detox
Torley Linden: bobbob666, yes, many, see my Flickr stream for ongoing adventures and SLURLs, links so you can TP them
bobbob666 Avro: Btw i love your video's =P I watch them all
Torley Linden: "air computer" sounds nifty, almost like some cyberpunk term
Torley Linden: kewl beans bobbob, glad to hear that!
RawMilk905 Kline: you can always inspect things to see where someone shops
Detox Watanabe: steampunkerish a bit too
Torley Linden: good tip RawMilk, yeah...
Detox Watanabe: if it had valves
Torley Linden: yeah Detox, or airpunk
Detox Watanabe: XD
Torley Linden: oh great, bunny
Torley Linden: those textures were a lot of fun to make in subsequent rounds, one batch after another as dreams came to me and inspired their forms
Nattyboozer Halcali: thats a great av btw torley
Torley Linden: their influences stem from many sources
Torley Linden: thanks Natty! Coke Supply made it
Torley Linden: i like when things... just work out :)
bobbob666 Avro: Well g2g cyaa everyone
Nattyboozer Halcali: cya bobob
Torley Linden: oh thanks bunny :)
Torley Linden: i can hardly believe it's been 4 years
Asha Sweetwater watches herself get closer to the watermelon
RawMilk905 Kline: is it?
Torley Linden: i remember my very first few days fondly, i sound like such an oldtimer tho when i tell those tales
RawMilk905 Kline: That's great!
Torley Linden: and how things have changed ;D
Detox Watanabe: time in sl feels like a lot longer to me, and not linear.
Torley Linden: i remember it seemed like FOREVER for my 7-day trial to finish (back when basic accounts weren't free)
Torley Linden: HAHAHA yes it's funny to compare your noob avatar to how you evolve
WyldRabbit Chaffe: how do you make a 4xx40 cylender? do you have to make it in sections or is there an easier way?
WyldRabbit Chaffe: sorry 40x40
Torley Linden: Wyld, i'm thinking that sounds like a megaprim? unless it's a mathematical, scripted object which constructs things like that? e.g., ShapeBlock?
Torley Linden: megaprims by themselves can be used responsibly (as i do here) but problems (social and technical) occur when they're, for example, physical and crash into people's houses, causing many collisions and exerting some toll on the physics engine
WyldRabbit Chaffe: linden doesnt like them i heard
Torley Linden: and in addition, that distresses your neighbors :o
RawMilk905 Kline: my earlier avatar was much as it is now, I just have better clothes and I'm not bright green
Torley Linden: yes, megaprims can be used nicely... =) key thing is as long as they don't violate Community Standards
RawMilk905 Kline: not that theres anything wrong with bright green of course :-)
Nattyboozer Halcali: i gotta say, when i entered this sim for the first time earlier today - i had to put shades on ^^
Detox Watanabe: Yes, dont make them pink and glowy. ewww. XD
Torley Linden: haha Natty :)
Torley Linden: i'm so biased towards green and pink. well i figure, someone had to choose those!
Torley Linden: i have inspiration on that from different sources, i like seeing green + pink neon products when i'm out shopping
Squirrel Wood: Ooo! Torley! I got a sky template for you :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: its a good combination
Torley Linden: in the comic books, i like the Joker a lot... he's green and purple mostly
Asha Sweetwater: you do have great style.. and its simply YOUR style
Nattyboozer Halcali: makes a good superhero costume aswell iv found
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Detox Watanabe: well I prefer 255,0,128 over 255,0,255 xD
Torley Linden: Heath Ledger (RIP) did a great Joker, but that lip-licking thing he did, wasn't just for his Joker character... i've seen him do that in other interviews
Torley Linden: awww thanks :)
Torley Linden: hehe
Torley Linden: yes Detox, i do.
Torley Linden: that's the correct RGB values
WyldRabbit Chaffe: you dont make your own clothes?
Torley Linden: 255,0,128 and 0,255,0
WyldRabbit Chaffe: lol
Torley Linden: i make some, but i get so many nice gifts and customs
Torley Linden: so i wear those usually out of delight, esp. with limited time
Detox Watanabe: 255,0,255 I dislike strongly. wrong kind of pink.
Torley Linden: i used to have more time to build and create stuff
Torley Linden: Detox, yeah, that's too magenta/purple
Squirrel Wood gave you Labyrinth.xml.
Torley Linden: thx Squirrel for da sky
Torley Linden: i'd say my alt is on SL more nowadays
Torley Linden: usually go exploring with my wife
Torley Linden: we spend quality time in SL together, we met in SL
Torley Linden: :)
Asha Sweetwater: its fantastic
Torley Linden: and i have some other accounts i use for testing, whatever works best
Torley Linden: yes that's right, we live together
Torley Linden: she's upstairs
Torley Linden: =)
Squirrel Wood: be aware that this sky preset will make things look quite dark but is perfect for skyline shots where there is glow and fullbright prims... ^^
Nattyboozer Halcali: :O
Nattyboozer Halcali: coolio
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Detox Watanabe: she IMed me a while ago, lucky you! ;)
Torley Linden: dry humor indeed, ha ha
Detox Watanabe: very nice and sweet person ;)
Nattyboozer Halcali: trley, can u give me a link to the site which is shown behind squrrel please
Torley Linden: Detox, so are you going to make another riff on SL cultural memes?
Torley Linden: Natty, you mean?
Torley Linden: or you should be able to click on that square to load the webpage
Nattyboozer Halcali: im guessing so
Torley Linden: it's just a preview image
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Nattyboozer Halcali: ty
Torley Linden: hahahah
2B Aeon: torley if u ever have the time u are invited to explore to my home. tea is always on the table
Torley Linden: ah, to rez a prim
Detox Watanabe: Torley, I'm currently working on some sculpted Trees. Have been out in the woods today, took some nice oak textures ;)
Torley Linden: "it all begins with a cube"
RawMilk905 Kline: I watched the "You Suck at Photoshop" tutorials last night, they are funny, it's a great aproach to a tutorial
Torley Linden: thank you so much 2B! what's the SLURL again? i don't think i have it handy
Squirrel Wood: remember the famous boxing days when newbies wore boxes on their heads? ^^
Torley Linden: yeah RawMilk, Donnie Hoyle is great
Torley Linden: humor makes things more memorable
Detox Watanabe: ahh the you suck at ps tutorial is so sad xD
Torley Linden: OH TOTALLY Squirrel
2B Aeon: it's in my picks
Asha Sweetwater: photoshop defeats me.. you need a tutorial for the tutorial
Torley Linden: kk thanx 2B!
Squirrel Wood: if you find photoshop too complex, stay away from the Gimp
Torley Linden: is a fun and easy web image editor
Asha Sweetwater: i can do alphas in gimp.. anything else i pay for
Torley Linden: very nice design
Torley Linden: be willing to try out a lot of tools and stay with what works for you... =)
Torley Linden: the most useful stuff will naturally incline towards your usage in the long-term, anyway
Asha Sweetwater: i do my signs and stuff in paint... good old easy peasy paint
Squirrel Wood: Oooo!
Squirrel Wood:
Torley Linden: "friendly greetings" has become my catchphrase =oD
Detox Watanabe: well, to me blender feels like a glove now, but one I had to stumble through a dark room to find it for a few hours XD
Torley Linden: i've been saying it for years
Squirrel Wood: paint? upgrade to the free
Torley Linden: if you google, you'll find matches going back to 1999 and before on various forums
Squirrel Wood: you get layers and transparency for free
Torley Linden: whooosh... ding!
Asha Sweetwater: ok.. i will take a look squirrel
Torley Linden: microsoft paint? i've even seen some incredible stuff made in that even
Torley Linden: yeah, it's composite SL UI sounds
Torley Linden: teleport reversed + IM ding
Asha Sweetwater: i know how to use all of it, thats makes it ok with me
Torley Linden: and something else i think
Torley Linden: TRIVIA ;D
Torley Linden: Ryan Linden designed those sounds originally
Squirrel Wood:
Torley Linden: i have done some sound design @ LL but the projects aren't out yet... we'll see, or hear, rather
Asha Sweetwater: thanks squirrel
Torley Linden: i was watching Tim + Eric Awesome Show and they actually used the SL teleport sound in one skit
Torley Linden: i laughed so hard, because i thought it was coming from SL but then i replayed it
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley - do you have watermelon textures available?
Torley Linden: Natty, what are you looking for specifically? in Torley Textures i have quite a few...
Torley Linden: if you mean a realistic, seamlessly tiling one, yes...
Nattyboozer Halcali: where can i find that?
Torley Linden: Natty, there's a sign outside this office, and also in the ranch over there :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: thanks
Torley Linden: click on the cubes to get the textures
Nattyboozer Halcali: ill have a cam-zoom around
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: 1.20 has higher build height, yes :)
Torley Linden: 1.19 was limited to 768 m
Torley Linden: (without tricks applied)
Asha Sweetwater: i love the new height
Torley Linden: this coincided with upgrading to Havok 4
Torley Linden: because it allows for greater height precision
Asha Sweetwater: you can really be private now
Asha Sweetwater: yep...
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley, specifically id like a texture like the melon in the centre of us
Torley Linden: when i was new to SL, i was like "where's the moonbase!"
Squirrel Wood: I think you will like Torley :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Asha Sweetwater laughs
Torley Linden: ohhh that Natty, i didn't make that texture, Phyzz Fizz does
Nattyboozer Halcali: ah
Nattyboozer Halcali: i see
Nattyboozer Halcali: thanks
Asha Sweetwater: my skybox is at 1750
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Detox Watanabe: I made a small planetary system with a sun at 2001m, the planets are the right scale but not right distances, and you can drift around them in a space walker ball. its way cool xD
Nattyboozer Halcali: i might try to photoshop it
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Asha Sweetwater: i was scared to go highter because people said the last 2000 were more unstable still
Asha Sweetwater: and i wantd to use megas
Torley Linden: i've seen some incredible workarounds for sky/space atmospheres, e.g., people that make a megaprim all black or with star patterns, and put megaprim spheres inside as planets
Torley Linden: haha meaning in numbers
Torley Linden: i like 4444
Torley Linden: the number, that is
Asha Sweetwater: is that the phone code?
Asha Sweetwater: right
Torley Linden: area codes makes me think of that song... is it by Snoop Dogg...
Asha Sweetwater: ahhhhh plywood suffocation
Detox Watanabe: with particles and glow for the sun. feels *warm* XD
Asha Sweetwater sputters
Torley Linden: yes, put all those elements together Detox, that's the way to go :)
Torley Linden: combining all those techniques for richer visuals
Torley Linden: e.g., i like seeing shiny + glow a lot
Torley Linden: or shiny + sculpted
Torley Linden: hiya Perefim :)
Perefim Cao: yo torley!
Torley Linden: hello Lloyd, welcome to Here
Detox Watanabe: have you tried glow behind alpha prims? you can get pretty neat effects when you stand in front of the glowy one XD
Torley Linden: there are some simple programs for beginning with sculpties, like Sculptypaint (have a tutorial for that)
Torley Linden: yes Detox, and using them on shadow-draft
Nattyboozer Halcali: so torley - i see uate some crab, was it tasty?
Detox Watanabe: right! :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: it definitely was Natty but it was a real labor to eat
Torley Linden: the crab shell doesn't just give up the meat, you have to fight for it
WyldRabbit Chaffe: they need a teach yourself visually book on SL building
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Nattyboozer Halcali: sounds fun
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: ongoing challenge is keeping that updated to be relevant, WyldRabbit -- our documentation needs to be so live, altho i do know the basics of building haven't changed in years
Nattyboozer Halcali: ~*~ FAINTS ~*~
Asha Sweetwater: Ivory tower is great.. and the tutorials by torley,
Asha Sweetwater: i got lots of help from those
Perefim Cao: any important topics in the process or is this a good time to raise a new one torley?
Asha Sweetwater: but the thing that inspired me to build was the making of Susanne Vegas guitar
Detox Watanabe: torley I have to thank you for that old megaprim tutorial, it really got me started in building. Did you know that it did the same for AM Radio? he just said that last weekend xD
Detox Watanabe: tiny prim* oopsy XD
Squirrel Wood: the ivory tower and the particle lab are a must for building tips
Torley Linden: ;D
Asha Sweetwater: I dont remember that one
Torley Linden: Perefim feel free to add ideas if you have some!
Torley Linden: oh, it was more of a "miniprim" tutorial
Perefim Cao: ah cool.. thank you.. give me a sec to type it all out.. lengthy :(
Torley Linden: how to make really small prims by cutting/shaping
Asha Sweetwater: oh i saw that one
Detox Watanabe: last night I made a Jupiter steam loc with a lot of small prims
Detox Watanabe: XD
Torley Linden: for jewelry and stuff
Detox Watanabe: teagan has rezzed it on some guys collar... the old version though
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha - i searched "watermelon texture" in google images - 2nd or thirsd page i saw the coloured pink nd green torley picture
Torley Linden: jewelry has gotten really intricate inworld, i've seen some necklaces that make top of the line graphics cards cry! but they're so pretty and precise. zooming in can be painful, as an alternative, sometimes i use Ctrl-0 to zoom
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Asha Sweetwater: oh the camera moving around is a pain
Asha Sweetwater: it flips
Torley Linden: hahaah Natty oh that's good to know
Asha Sweetwater: is that the new version? will it stop
Nattyboozer Halcali: hehe
Perefim Cao: It is about intergrid travel... and what are linden labs policies with it? cause anyone on any other grid could grab out name right.. but how wierd is it to take and find your name on another grid.. and if they grief someone with your name could you get banned etc. etc. what are the issues we could run into with going intergrid with our avatars?
Torley Linden: Asha, did you try adusting Camera Options sliders too?
RawMilk905 Kline: anyone ever seen a mega that's nice and flat? so one could make a movie theater screen?
Asha Sweetwater: no torley.. didnt know about those being a help... i will look at that
Torley Linden: Perefim, right now, since things are in the early stages, a lot of that hasn't been decided yet but we have Lindens discussing with owners of other grids, as it were, about shared interoperability and things like OpenID (for trust).
Torley Linden: RawMilk, hm, like the big one i'm using here? :)
Squirrel Wood: pyogp?
Jaymes Kjeller: I think on a test run, they had "_EXTERNAL" next to their names. I saw it on one of Torley's videos.
RawMilk905 Kline: I don't know
Perefim Cao: I see, but what dangers are there.. with security issues to items... umm.. content rights.. and the possible unforseen mishaps and glitches that could occur from.. " doppliganger" avatars?
RawMilk905 Kline: I haven't looked around
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley - may i ask what you use to record images and movies from sl?
Torley Linden: Zero Linden and some other devs would know a lot more about InterOperability technical details.
RawMilk905 Kline: this is a new place for me
Detox Watanabe: you can also apply tiny prim torturing techniques to megaprims, try it ;)
Perefim Cao: mmm... I see
Torley Linden: Perefim, yup -- re: content rights, like we mentioned in the earlier announcement blog post, we aren't allowing asset transport to external grids yet for that very reason.
RawMilk905 Kline: much more room here
RawMilk905 Kline: than the other parcel
Asha Sweetwater: a lot of people are scared about content theft
Torley Linden: Natty, i use Camtasia mostly. for machinima, FRAPS sometimes. WeGame is fun and free.
Torley Linden: Asha, exactly. that's why we won't be rash about that sort of stuff.
Asha Sweetwater: its good to hear
Nattyboozer Halcali: thanks torley - ill check out the free 1
Torley Linden: "what about my IP rights?" always, always gets asked as a followup question
Torley Linden: i'll be on here until about 2 PM :)
Torley Linden: then i shall work on my latest QUICKTIPS video tutorials and hope to get those up tonight
Nattyboozer Halcali: i remember recording directly off sl once - but u could only recrd about a minute
Torley Linden: hehe
Torley Linden: Natty, that was very, very buggy.
Nattyboozer Halcali: indeed
Nattyboozer Halcali: i only used that function about twice
Torley Linden: oh sure, i'd like a demo shortly after bunny. that's cool. so say, nearing 2 PM or so.
Perefim Cao: I gotta go guys
Perefim Cao: thanks torley
Perefim Cao: catch you later.. nice aseeing you
Asha Sweetwater: be well perefim
Torley Linden: take care Perefim
RawMilk905 Kline: have a good day
Torley Linden: that's why we removed the built-in movie recorder. there are times when integrating some functions makes total sense.
Torley Linden: but other times, a 3rd-party app already does it much better.
RawMilk905 Kline: oh, that's gone?
Nattyboozer Halcali: i usually wudnt download things which record my screen - but as its torley-recommended im downloading the wegame client
Torley Linden: the labyrinthine mix of video codecs is a HORRIBLE nightmare. whoever helps simplify that stands to make a lot of money, because the market still has many holes for opportunities.
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: recently, BadaBoom (by Elemental) is stepping up for that, they're working with NVIDIA to do GPU-based encoding.
Asha Sweetwater: i hate getting that 'no codec' notice
Torley Linden: should be much much faster. i'd try them firsthand but, they only have a limited amount of input formats.
Torley Linden: Apple's QuickTime presets are also pretty good. good presets go a long way towards usability.
Asha Sweetwater: i changed computers, and half the videos i had on HD became unusuable
Torley Linden: most people want easy settings to work off of when they get a new program.
Asha Sweetwater: lost a huge amount
Torley Linden: yeah Asha, sux when that happens. i've had to use mega-codec packs at times, like the K-Lite one.
Torley Linden: there are so many variations over the ages, and although they are standards, they are certainly not universal.
Asha Sweetwater nods
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley- this wegame client is safe isnt it? - im very cautious
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: general rule for playing movies in SL is: if they work in an unmodded QuickTime Player, they'll play inworld.
Torley Linden: Natty, yes, i've found it to be safe.
Torley Linden: haven't had any dastardly problems.
Nattyboozer Halcali: thanks
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Asha Sweetwater: fortunately my own movies were ok
Torley Linden: they are 3rd-party so keep that in mind, but their help/support is pretty good.
Asha Sweetwater: made in moviemaker
Nattyboozer Halcali: 3rd - party?
Torley Linden: yes Natty, made by an external company. not Linden Lab.
Nattyboozer Halcali: hmm
Squirrel Wood: I can has no videoz in SL ^^
Squirrel Wood: but that's because I do not allow quicktime on my machine :p
Torley Linden: Asha, cool. Windows Moviemaker? that likely uses Microsoft's own WMV.
Torley Linden: which will play on any Windows setup (i'd hope).
Asha Sweetwater: yes, i can use that
Torley Linden: not even QuickTime Alternative, Squirrel?
Asha Sweetwater: simple and clean
Squirrel Wood: nope ^^
Asha Sweetwater: i have a couple on YouTube about second life
Asha Sweetwater: just slideshows really
Asha Sweetwater: set to music
Squirrel Wood: aohell? just about true :p
Asha Sweetwater laughs.. we used to call it A**holes on Line
Torley Linden: lol
Torley Linden: hahahaahah
Asha Sweetwater: in the old IRC days
Asha Sweetwater: because they were always the idiots
Torley Linden: i used to BBS a lot too
Torley Linden: "Eternal September"
Asha Sweetwater: AOL used to only provide half a service
Squirrel Wood: Oh teh days!
Asha Sweetwater: so anyone using AOL was putting up with half of the rest of us
Torley Linden: i remember when "flat rate Internet" sounded SO appealing
Torley Linden: used to have to pay per minute
Torley Linden: or in hourly blocks
Squirrel Wood: back when phone calls still did cost two fortunes and half of both your arms and legs...
Asha Sweetwater: yes Torley...
Torley Linden: oh no bunny, google for it tho
Torley Linden: lol
Asha Sweetwater: i remember that a penny a minute...
Asha Sweetwater: my phone bills were awesomely huge
Torley Linden: it's a not a BBS
Torley Linden: google =)
Squirrel Wood: oogle oogle :p
Asha Sweetwater laughs
Nattyboozer Halcali: "if you type google into google you could break the internet" ^^
Torley Linden: recursion is hilarious
Nattyboozer Halcali: hehe
Torley Linden: i remember typing "the root of all evil"
Torley Linden: and getting Bill Gates
Nattyboozer Halcali: who on mic? i needa turn em up
Asha Sweetwater laughs
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Torley Linden: he seems to have a pretty good sense of humor with Seinfeld tho
Torley Linden: bunny rockin' tha mic, y0
Nattyboozer Halcali: ty bunny
Torley Linden: hahaha
Nattyboozer Halcali: :)
Torley Linden: two turntables and a microphone :D
Squirrel Wood: yum!
Nattyboozer Halcali: so torley
Asha Sweetwater: baaaaaad man
Asha Sweetwater laughs
Nattyboozer Halcali: what is your most water-melon-looking avatar/costume then?
Torley Linden: it's like that Cardigans song, "Lovefool". it's very catchy.
Torley Linden: Natty, i have many that i'd consider a tie.
Asha Sweetwater: ohh ohh dont take it off yet
Torley Linden: i have literal watermelon avatars, with vines.
Asha Sweetwater: i havent taken a picture
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Torley Linden: but i have 70+ that are in these colors.
Squirrel Wood: Gregorian chants - properly done they are just OSSM to listen to
Torley Linden: very few don't have pink/green
Asha Sweetwater: ok.. got the piccy
Torley Linden: e.g., i have one named Torange that is blue + orange.
Torley Linden: or rather, she died on the beta grid.
Torley Linden: Squirrel, have you heard the music to Anathem?
Torley Linden: i think you'd like that...
Torley Linden: this was in Second Life 1.6...
Torley Linden: way back (re: Torange)
Squirrel Wood: hmm.. not that I recall Torley
Torley Linden: when we first got the ability to play movies inworld
Asha Sweetwater: i havent been on Beta since the day of the naked ruths
Torley Linden: ha ha ha
Asha Sweetwater: that was so funny
Nattyboozer Halcali: naked ruths?
Torley Linden: oh bunny! want to show off Flowerpower? we can go out to the lawn...
Asha Sweetwater: hundreds of them
Torley Linden: new people won't ever see a Ruth :)
Torley Linden: just glowing clouds
Asha Sweetwater: everyone was a naked ruth
Asha Sweetwater: no.. they wont...
Nattyboozer Halcali: ill watch
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Evil Titler: Spruce Canning needs a new title! To set it, anyone may say the text on /13. Spruce is not able to change it.
Torley Linden shouts: i hear gregorian chants
Torley Linden: wow nice fall bunny
Torley Linden: hahaha
Squirrel Wood shouts: Yes!
Nattyboozer Halcali: i see--- GIANT TORLEY!
Evil Titler: Hathornefer Gaea has set a new title for Spruce Canning! Spruce will have to live with this until the next chance for it to be changed.
Torley Linden: yes, GIANT TORLEY is HONGRY for MELONS
Torley Linden: hahaha
Torley Linden: woot woot flower power!
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Torley Linden: let's check it out!
Hathornefer Gaea: damn i read that wrong
Hathornefer Gaea: sorry sprice
Hathornefer Gaea: spruce
Nattyboozer Halcali: whats flower power?
Spruce Canning: I Hey no problem
Holly Hesse: TORELY
Holly Hesse: YAY
Squirrel Wood: Torley! Have a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat weekend :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: lol
Torley Linden: thanx Squirrel, i hopes you do too =D
Squirrel Wood: ^^
Nattyboozer Halcali: whats it like having this much of an effect on people torley?
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: Natty, it is very nice.
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Nattyboozer Halcali: i bet it is
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Holly Hesse sees grey people
Nattyboozer Halcali: i kinda have this effect, but on a smaller scale
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Holly Hesse: lol
2B Aeon: u could start a cult? hahahaha
Holly Hesse: HEHE
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Nattyboozer Halcali: yay me!
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Holly Hesse: i lubs you to just to make you feel specail
Holly Hesse: yay
Holly Hesse: hihi taryn
Taryn London: My girl
Nattyboozer Halcali: what is "flower power"?
Detox Watanabe: holly your avatar is way cute :))
Torley Linden: whoaaa
Nattyboozer Halcali: ahhh
Holly Hesse does the taryns girl happy dance
RawMilk905 Kline: you don't need lindens to have fun in SL
RawMilk905 Kline: you should try building
Holly Hesse: flower power was a movement of peace and enviromentolizem invented in the 1960s
Nattyboozer Halcali: i see
Torley Linden: haha Holly
Holly Hesse: to support peace and the pull out from nam
Holly Hesse: :)
RawMilk905 Kline: it is great to support people when you admire their work
Nattyboozer Halcali: hold on
Torley Linden: it's like you're doing a live video tutorial, bunny :)
Holly Hesse child prodigy
Nattyboozer Halcali: *puts a builders hat on*
Nattyboozer Halcali: safety first
RawMilk905 Kline: or appreciate their efforts
Torley Linden: hmmm not really on here bunny
Torley Linden: the land on the ground is hilly
Holly Hesse: did i crash
Asha Sweetwater: rezz a flat prim first
Holly Hesse: ops nope torely is still there
Torley Linden: hmm i have a sky platform but that's way up higher
Torley Linden: lemme get the SLURL...
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley, check my tag
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: secondlife://Here/25/25/4001
Torley Linden: lol near the 4096 m limit :)
Nattyboozer Halcali: shall we all go there?
Holly Hesse pokes taryn and hangs onto her pant leg
Detox Watanabe: ohh looprez demo? cool xD
Taryn London fixes holly's hair
Nattyboozer Halcali: iv just realised
Holly Hesse: careful i habs fleas
Nattyboozer Halcali: torley's naked
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: i like that floating turtle
Holly Hesse: woot for nakie lindens
Torley Linden: i think it's making googly eyes on me
Nattyboozer Halcali: hehe
Holly Hesse: the onlu naked thats kid freindly
Holly Hesse: lol
Torley Linden: this is my freakin' carapace! i don't need clothes, i'm a freakin' alien! >:-D hahahahaahha
Nattyboozer Halcali: haha
Holly Hesse: well depending on what avie there in
Torley Linden: we can try up therre :)
Torley Linden: let's go to that SLURL
Nattyboozer Halcali: my little pnie
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: secondlife://Here/25/25/4001
Torley Linden: see you all there!
Nattyboozer Halcali: ponie*
Torley Linden: WHEEEEEEEE
Torley Linden: pile
Nattyboozer Halcali: hi
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Torley Linden: hii
Torley Linden: i hope this works better up here
Asha Sweetwater: wow mega tut
Torley Linden: SLURL pile lawlz
Torley Linden: so yeah this, we're standing on a megaprim
Melody Paperdoll: are we in heaven?
Torley Linden: not quite Melody, but we're close
Torley Linden: hahahaa
Melody Paperdoll giggles
Holly Hesse: lol
Holly Hesse: dont tp into the middle of no where it sucks
Nattyboozer Halcali: whats the limit where avatars become deformed and stuff?
Torley Linden: Natty, that's like a few million yup
Nattyboozer Halcali: its way up iv heard
Nattyboozer Halcali: lol
Holly Hesse: lol paracute and find out
Holly Hesse: totaly fun
Nattyboozer Halcali: wonder how long it takes
Squirrel Wood: ...
Detox Watanabe: I've been to 250,000 and only my eyes were deformed XD
Nattyboozer Halcali: :O
Torley Linden: lol eyes deformed sounds like a horror movie to me
Nattyboozer Halcali: fun
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Asha Sweetwater: sit on a prim and just zooom
Nattyboozer Halcali: lol
Asha Sweetwater: i love doing that
Torley Linden: umm lemme see what happened to bunny
Torley Linden: brb
Torley Linden shouts: bunny we're all up there!
Sheera Lunasea: oh joy heh , more space to lose prims in!
Torley Linden: ok back
Torley Linden: i don't know where bunny went!
Torley Linden: <.<
Detox Watanabe gave you (92, 140, 242327).
Squirrel Wood: teleport? ^^
Torley Linden: lol yeah i could force TP her
Asha Sweetwater: shhh dont tell everyone... at the moment people dont know and its great :)))))
Asha Sweetwater: joking torley
Torley Linden: OMG UFO
Torley Linden: hey bunny!
Holly Hesse: llol
Torley Linden: there we go
RawMilk905 Kline: :-)
Asha Sweetwater: beam me up.. take me to the mothership
Holly Hesse: torely the came to bring you home
Torley Linden: hahaha Holly
Torley Linden: the bright lights!
Holly Hesse: let me get my resses pieces
Torley Linden: somehow i suspect these aliens are of a different species
Torley Linden: how did they get the caramel in the Caramilk bar? XD
Torley Linden: Detox i like the little town w/train
Torley Linden: that's adorable
Holly Hesse: little faries
Holly Hesse: with tiny tubes
Nattyboozer Halcali: wow
Nattyboozer Halcali: ickle village
Torley Linden: bunny are you having probs rezzing it?
Torley Linden: Natty nice T
Asha Sweetwater: sweet!!!
Nattyboozer Halcali: :D
Sheera Lunasea: will teh flower power tool work up here?
Holly Hesse: o.o
Holly Hesse: lol
Holly Hesse: omg you were serious about flower power
RawMilk905 Kline: they are my freebies
RawMilk905 Kline: any one that likes them you can buy the little one there for 0L
Brett Dumont: Hey Torley
Torley Linden: heya Brett
Holly Hesse: pfft
Brett Dumont: Taryn....hi
Holly Hesse: evil
Detox Watanabe: oops sorrry xD
Taryn London: Hi Brett :)
Holly Hesse: kicking a kids
Holly Hesse: lmao
Holly Hesse: its otay
Holly Hesse: i forgive you just cause the slippers
Holly Hesse: :)
RawMilk905 Kline: it's got my alien shape and skin and UFO
Taryn London: Holly be nice to detox or i'll put you to bed :P
Nattyboozer Halcali: wow
Nattyboozer Halcali: thats cool
Nattyboozer Halcali: ^^
Holly Hesse: NOOOO
Detox Watanabe: nah taryn, I pushed her off of your head, I was the meanie
Taryn London: hahah ok
Taryn London: :P
Torley Linden: yes i can
Torley Linden: keep going =D
Detox Watanabe: originally I had planned to stand on hers, so we build a tower, but it pused her off :(
Detox Watanabe: +h
Sheera Lunasea: you can also save linked peices in the contents of the fp prim and rez very complex shapes all at once
Nattyboozer Halcali: so whole made this "flower power" device?
Sheera Lunasea: liek a 3 part arch for example
Torley Linden: i always like watching sets of prims move together
Holly Hesse: damn poofer
Detox Watanabe: lol
Holly Hesse: sorry
Jessica Lyon: oo heights!
Jessica Lyon: i r afraid!
Holly Hesse: JESSICA
Jessica Lyon: ohai!!!
Jessica Lyon: holy people
Holly Hesse: OHHAI YOU
Nattyboozer Halcali: that took a long time for me to jump
Jessica Lyon: fraid to move.. cuz ima push someone off by accident
Jessica Lyon: huggers!
Nattyboozer Halcali: wowzers!
Torley Linden: clones!
Nattyboozer Halcali: muhahaha
Nattyboozer Halcali: lol
Asha Sweetwater: can you move themin and out too?
Taryn London: Jess! ohai again!
Jessica Lyon: ohai again!
Torley Linden: i like "soforth and so on" hehe
Sheera Lunasea: /if you make the prims phantom, and put yoruself on a pose stand you can sand in teh middle of it and build a skirt around yourself
Asha Sweetwater: its a shoal!
Sheera Lunasea: *stand
Torley Linden: starts to look hypnotic
Torley Linden: kewl
Brett Dumont: :)
Torley Linden: i've seen some similar tools like LoopRez, i wonder what happened... or if someone has a compilation of these types of tools (would be handy!)
Torley Linden: yeha how strange
Torley Linden: i would think they proliferate!
Torley Linden: ok!
Torley Linden: oh yes, Camtasia puts an auto-dot
Torley Linden: it's great recording software
Torley Linden: you can set it to do that, and change the color and size
Torley Linden:
Torley Linden: =)
Torley Linden: ah no, and Camtasia also shows the clicks
Torley Linden: in colors
RawMilk905 Kline: are they free and copy and transferable?
Torley Linden: well, thanks so much each and everyone for being here with me... and thanks for sharing this, bunny! i need to go for now.
RawMilk905 Kline: the gadget
Jessica Lyon: holds down Torley
Jessica Lyon: noooo
Jessica Lyon: i jus got here
Jessica Lyon: u gotta stay for an hour at least
Torley Linden: awww Jessica, i'll be here next week!
Jessica Lyon: cuz i said so lol
Sheera Lunasea: bye
Torley Linden: i was already late for my office hour today
Jessica Lyon: huggers!
Torley Linden: we're huggy!
Torley Linden: *hugz*
Torley Linden: hehe
Asha Sweetwater: TAke care and be well Torley
Jessica Lyon: yes you were!
Torley Linden: thanx SO much
Jessica Lyon: i waited!
RawMilk905 Kline: good to see you
Torley Linden: friendly goodbye each & all for now!!
Asha Sweetwater: thanks for the answers
Torley Linden: YAYZERAMA! =^_^=