User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-10-02

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[2008/10/02 12:00] Torley Linden shouts: FRIENDLY GREETINGS!
[2008/10/02 12:01] transmitter: sync started
[2008/10/02 12:01] Mako Magellan Mail Server: Dear friends and customers - Please see the accompanying notecard for details of 15 new shoe styles. Regards, Mako Magellan.
[2008/10/02 12:01] Tobe Usher: torley
[2008/10/02 12:01] Torley Linden: OH HAI
[2008/10/02 12:01] Tobe Usher: hello
[2008/10/02 12:01] You decline 'New oxfords and wingtips' ( ) from Mako Magellan Mail Server.
[2008/10/02 12:01] feeli0 Mubble gave you A thank you gift for Torley.
[2008/10/02 12:01] Tobe Usher: hai2u
[2008/10/02 12:01] Inara Marquette: Yay!!!!!!! Toralicious :D
[2008/10/02 12:01] Inara Marquette: HAI2U!!!1!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Squirrel Wood: Hellos Torley!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Jaymes Kjeller: Hello Torley!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Curtise Bailey: Hello!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Torley Linden: omg i need to sit down, or something
[2008/10/02 12:01] Torley Linden: thar we go
[2008/10/02 12:01] Torley Linden: heya Tobe, Inara, Squirrel, Jaymes, Curtise, everyone!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Squirrel Wood: Did you get to try out my little dark sky preset yet?
[2008/10/02 12:01] Inara Marquette: Well hello!
[2008/10/02 12:01] Pharen Mayako: smoothe criminal
[2008/10/02 12:01] Torley Linden: not yet Squirrel, sorry, i admittedly forgot about it -- wish it was easier to exchange and install presets
[2008/10/02 12:02] Squirrel Wood: heh
[2008/10/02 12:02] Torley Linden: you know how suck i am with notecards
[2008/10/02 12:02] Torley Linden: i'll save it to disk now tho
[2008/10/02 12:02] Tobe Usher: o.o
[2008/10/02 12:03] Torley Linden: so what's new and fantasticalicious?
[2008/10/02 12:03] Torley Linden: i was filming a lot of footage this week for the Discovery Channel...
[2008/10/02 12:03] Inara Marquette: I was waiting on you to tell us :D
[2008/10/02 12:03] Pharen Mayako: noice
[2008/10/02 12:03] Torley Linden: NextWorld is going to feature Second Life
[2008/10/02 12:03] Pharen Mayako: didnt it already?
[2008/10/02 12:03] Inara Marquette: Oh how cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[2008/10/02 12:03] Pharen Mayako: i saw something on SL on one of those channels
[2008/10/02 12:03] Torley Linden: they are a pretty awesome show, i've seen one episode but great people to work with
[2008/10/02 12:04] Geneko Nemeth: Aww... don't have a TV.
[2008/10/02 12:04] Pharen Mayako: maybe even the sci fi channel
[2008/10/02 12:04] Squirrel Wood: Mmm. Discovery Channels ^^
[2008/10/02 12:04] Torley Linden: there are ways to watch it on the Internet i think ;)
[2008/10/02 12:04] Torley Linden: i don't have cable either
[2008/10/02 12:04] Geneko Nemeth: Wonder where can I see it?
[2008/10/02 12:04] Pharen Mayako: i lub next world
[2008/10/02 12:04] Inara Marquette: yeah Pharen told me about NextWorld a while back and got me into it.
[2008/10/02 12:04] Squirrel Wood: too bad they don't broadcast it in my country
[2008/10/02 12:04] Torley Linden: the other day i was hanging out with sean Voss of Landmark Island and we were taking people on a tour of various places
[2008/10/02 12:04] Torley Linden: Inara, cool you already know about it
[2008/10/02 12:04] Torley Linden: i've also been working on my Machinima help guide @ , how to record movies in SL :)
[2008/10/02 12:04] Inara Marquette: I'm excited to see that then :D
[2008/10/02 12:05] Squirrel Wood points at landmark ^^ If you can find the teleporter, even a tron styled "world" awaits you
[2008/10/02 12:05] Pharen Mayako: i am making the tron inspired daft punk outfits and helmets wewt
[2008/10/02 12:05] Tobe Usher: wow nice
[2008/10/02 12:05] Pharen Mayako: all bendy light deals
[2008/10/02 12:05] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/10/02 12:06] Squirrel Wood gave you Noosphere Prime - Spire Forest.
[2008/10/02 12:06] Inara Marquette: so Torley now that you finished with filming for NextWorld what are your other projects?
[2008/10/02 12:06] Torley Linden: <3 those daft punk helmet stylee...
[2008/10/02 12:07] Pharen Mayako: yah - i gooded on yours torley - forgot the resize portion of the helmets. ill get you the correct versions soon enough.
[2008/10/02 12:07] Pharen Mayako: goofed*
[2008/10/02 12:07] Torley Linden: Inara, i also did filming for CNBC, there are more top secret things coming up too ;D but as for what i can share now, i'm getting more involved with social media stuff, to solve everyday problems... like on Flickr, promoting SLURLs so people can find places in SL earlier
[2008/10/02 12:07] Squirrel Wood: How to: draw straight lines using space navigator ?
[2008/10/02 12:07] Inara Marquette: Hey Torley are you replacing Catherine? :D
[2008/10/02 12:07] Inara Marquette: taking over PR lol
[2008/10/02 12:08] Torley Linden: no Inara, lol, i'm not Marketing/PR Dept but a lot of what i actually do could be labeled as such
[2008/10/02 12:08] Inara Marquette nods
[2008/10/02 12:08] Torley Linden: if "getting the word out about cool stuff" is marketing, so be it
[2008/10/02 12:08] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/10/02 12:08] Inara Marquette: incidentally, where has she been? She no longer has OH.
[2008/10/02 12:08] Torley Linden: i'm anxious for the new blogs/revamped forums, i will make plenty of use of them
[2008/10/02 12:08] Torley Linden: Inara, last i chatted she was very very busy, try emailing her at and ask =)
[2008/10/02 12:09] Geneko Nemeth: OH?
[2008/10/02 12:09] Inara Marquette: kk
[2008/10/02 12:09] Torley Linden: Office Hours
[2008/10/02 12:09] Geneko Nemeth: Oh.
[2008/10/02 12:09] Torley Linden: for me (personally, can't speak for anyone else), i like to keep a great balance between being visibly busy and behind-the-scenes busy
[2008/10/02 12:09] Torley Linden: otherwise, you wouldn't know if i didn't share
[2008/10/02 12:09] Torley Linden: "oh THIS is what i'm working on, THIS is what you can expect next, etc."
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden: not all jobs @ LL are like that; some deal with more confidential info than others, but i've always been involved publicly with our communities
[2008/10/02 12:10] Squirrel Wood: This world needs more Torley ^^
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden bare: I'd like to give a gracious thankyou to all the Resis and to the Linden family for making Second Life what it is yesterday... and today... and tomorrow...
[2008/10/02 12:10] Dizzy Banjo: hi gang
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden bare: and the day after tomorrow.
[2008/10/02 12:10] Inara Marquette: I love hearing about your projects :D SL deserves some good press too and not just new articles but getting a segment on NextWorld is awesome.
[2008/10/02 12:10] Tobe Usher: eek
[2008/10/02 12:10] Inara Marquette: Hi Dizzy!
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden: awe, haha, well these clones i'm trying to figure out are hard to do but i keep setting an example to inspire others to share their unique awesome
[2008/10/02 12:10] Geneko Nemeth: Nyahaha nosebeep!
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden: Inara, the NextWorld peeps were SO kewl to work with, total pros...
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden: heya Dizzy!
[2008/10/02 12:10] Dizzy Banjo: :D
[2008/10/02 12:10] Torley Linden: sometimes i've worked with producers and such (won't name them, obvious) who BUMBLED
[2008/10/02 12:11] Torley Linden: but this one guy, Bruce Kennedy (look for him in the credits of NextWorld), had GREAT convos, he had many engaging ideas and thoughts of his own. it wasn't just "we are here to make show", but he got into a lot of philosophical badassery with me
[2008/10/02 12:11] Dizzy Banjo is tired and enjoys the restful environment of Here
[2008/10/02 12:12] Inara Marquette: haha badassery
[2008/10/02 12:12] Torley Linden: and the other day i worked with another producer, Barbara (RosePearl Braveheart, say hi, hehe), and she was so fun and patient, even if her laptop crashed on SL...
[2008/10/02 12:12] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/10/02 12:12] Squirrel Wood: sl and crashes unfortunately depend on each other it seems
[2008/10/02 12:12] Pharen Mayako: lol @ "philosophical badassery"
[2008/10/02 12:13] Squirrel Wood: but we are seeing less crash and more experience as of late ...
[2008/10/02 12:13] Inara Marquette: I upgraded to a new laptop recently and while the graphics and now fantastic and I can run on Ultra settings 100% of the time, I do get a lot of memory crashes.
[2008/10/02 12:13] Pharen Mayako: yeah same. more memory issues with the latest viewer download.
[2008/10/02 12:13] Squirrel Wood: I recommend setting draw distance to no more than 128m
[2008/10/02 12:13] Dizzy Banjo is considering a new machine, even though his current one isnt that old, graphics cards seem to have come on a long way recently
[2008/10/02 12:14] Torley Linden: oh, there was so much fun backstory when we were consolidating the Graphics tab into a single 1... some of you may remember when there were 3 graphics tabs before the current single slider.
[2008/10/02 12:14] Torley Linden: and i was like, "Ultra? like an easy setting in a game?"
[2008/10/02 12:14] Pharen Mayako: yep - well i remember 2 actually. only been here a year.
[2008/10/02 12:14] Dizzy Banjo: i run at 320Mb 8800 GTS now, but I feel like I want some nice dual SLI beast :D
[2008/10/02 12:14] Torley Linden: hehehe.
[2008/10/02 12:14] Squirrel Wood: "My card is worth two cars and a half" ^^
[2008/10/02 12:14] Torley Linden: yeah i'd like a 280 GTX or whatever those newfangled ones are...
[2008/10/02 12:14] Torley Linden: so many model names, they don't make sense to me
[2008/10/02 12:14] Squirrel Wood: gtx 280 is not performing that well on SL
[2008/10/02 12:15] Torley Linden: oh?
[2008/10/02 12:15] Squirrel Wood: I get the same framerates as with a 7950GT
[2008/10/02 12:15] Torley Linden: oh :(
[2008/10/02 12:15] Squirrel Wood: because the SL graphics engine can't take advantage of the advanced features :(
[2008/10/02 12:15] Geneko Nemeth: I think I joined around the time the graphics options got changed into one...
[2008/10/02 12:15] Dizzy Banjo: i think i get slightly lower framerates, because i run this 3 monitor set up
[2008/10/02 12:16] Squirrel Wood: most other games I get twice if not triple the framerates on the gtx-280
[2008/10/02 12:16] Torley Linden: i really want to see some widespread, hardware-accelerated audio & video encoders.
[2008/10/02 12:16] Torley Linden: yeah that sounds disappointing, Squirrel.
[2008/10/02 12:16] Squirrel Wood: cuda?
[2008/10/02 12:17] Squirrel Wood: and, oh! The world needs more squirrels! ^^
[2008/10/02 12:17] Torley Linden: there's that Badaboom one out in beta, but... it only supports limited formats.
[2008/10/02 12:17] Tobe Usher: well gotta run, be well everybody ;)
[2008/10/02 12:17] Torley Linden: take care Tobe!
[2008/10/02 12:17] Tobe Usher: byeez
[2008/10/02 12:17] Pharen Mayako: cheers
[2008/10/02 12:17] Tobe Usher: c ya laterz
[2008/10/02 12:18] Torley Linden: whoa... animal babies...
[2008/10/02 12:18] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/10/02 12:18] Squirrel Wood: 18 pages of squirrely goodness
[2008/10/02 12:19] Torley Linden: that's very thorough documenting.
[2008/10/02 12:19] Dizzy Banjo: i was trying out Crysis Warhead yesterday
[2008/10/02 12:19] Torley Linden: how was it?
[2008/10/02 12:19] Mayumi Fride: hiya :)
[2008/10/02 12:19] Torley Linden watches a cat holding onto a balloon hover overhead...
[2008/10/02 12:19] Dizzy Banjo: the work they put into that stuff is crayz
[2008/10/02 12:19] Torley Linden: heya Mayumi!
[2008/10/02 12:19] Dizzy Banjo: very slick
[2008/10/02 12:20] Dizzy Banjo: it uses a nice gestural interface for changing weapons and suit mode
[2008/10/02 12:20] Torley Linden: ooh, first time i heard of that
[2008/10/02 12:20] Dizzy Banjo: holding down the middle mouse and swiping gestures
[2008/10/02 12:20] Torley Linden: i still remember the ol' press number keys to switch between weapons in DOOM ;)
[2008/10/02 12:20] Dizzy Banjo: means you can be uber ninja
[2008/10/02 12:20] Torley Linden: hahahaha
[2008/10/02 12:20] Torley Linden: mouse gestures are truly something you need to use to understand the benefits of
[2008/10/02 12:20] Torley Linden: and through repeated use, too
[2008/10/02 12:21] Dizzy Banjo: i was sneaking up behind someone in cloaked mode, then changing to maximum strenth and punching them out.. really quick
[2008/10/02 12:21] Torley Linden: HAHAHAHA
[2008/10/02 12:21] Dizzy Banjo: lol
[2008/10/02 12:21] Torley Linden: oh that sounds hilarious
[2008/10/02 12:21] Dizzy Banjo: yeh its fun stuff
[2008/10/02 12:21] Torley Linden: i remember in the old game Marathon, how if you run and punch, it has more strength than a standing punch
[2008/10/02 12:21] Torley Linden: it's funny to see what sorts of techniques crop up in games
[2008/10/02 12:22] Dizzy Banjo: the rendering distance the engine achieves is incredible.. it must be kilometers
[2008/10/02 12:22] Torley Linden: like "shoot the ground with the grenade launcher to fly over enemies, then blast them as you sail by!"
[2008/10/02 12:22] Dizzy Banjo: haha
[2008/10/02 12:22] Dizzy Banjo: yeah
[2008/10/02 12:22] Willow Halfpint: OMG OMG
[2008/10/02 12:22] Dizzy Banjo remembers many many allnighters on quake 3 arena with rocket jumps
[2008/10/02 12:22] Torley Linden: OMG hi Willow!
[2008/10/02 12:22] Willow Halfpint: its taken me like 3 months lol
[2008/10/02 12:22] Willow Halfpint: but i now meet you lol
[2008/10/02 12:22] Torley Linden: =D
[2008/10/02 12:22] Torley Linden: glad you have!
[2008/10/02 12:23] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'
[2008/10/02 12:23] Willow Halfpint: loved your new Video
[2008/10/02 12:23] Geneko Nemeth: Aww nuts?
[2008/10/02 12:23] Squirrel Wood: borken ao!
[2008/10/02 12:23] Torley Linden: oh which one Willow? WeGame?
[2008/10/02 12:23] Squirrel Wood: AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'
[2008/10/02 12:23] Damani Roadster 0.50 - watermelon: You are not the owner...
[2008/10/02 12:23] Willow Halfpint: that helped, but i liked your one on scripting
[2008/10/02 12:23] Torley Linden: ahhh yes
[2008/10/02 12:23] Willow Halfpint: with 3greeneggs
[2008/10/02 12:23] Torley Linden: "U A Leg Up Sit" reminds me of a rap lyric
[2008/10/02 12:23] Squirrel Wood: o.o!
[2008/10/02 12:23] Torley Linden: yeah Hilary Mason's AutoScript is wonderful
[2008/10/02 12:24] Torley Linden: such a tool like that, everyone should know about
[2008/10/02 12:24] Willow Halfpint: you dont look very torley like
[2008/10/02 12:24] Willow Halfpint: lol
[2008/10/02 12:24] Torley Linden: hahahahaha well this is sort of my conservative business outfit
[2008/10/02 12:24] Willow Halfpint: if fact your normal
[2008/10/02 12:24] Jaymes Kjeller: I wonder, does the WeGame Recorder have support for the RC builds? Last time I remember, it didn't.
[2008/10/02 12:24] Torley Linden: HAHAHAHA
[2008/10/02 12:24] Torley Linden: "normal" doesn't include watermelon ties tho
[2008/10/02 12:24] Torley Linden: Jaymes, they fixed that awhile back, i asked them too
[2008/10/02 12:24] Willow Halfpint: i was worried i would have to change in to a watermelon avi
[2008/10/02 12:24] Miralin Dunheved: The tie is a nice touch
[2008/10/02 12:25] Torley Linden: but if it doesn't work with latest RC, email they are pretty kewl about it
[2008/10/02 12:25] Torley Linden: =)
[2008/10/02 12:25] Torley Linden: the tie was a lucky match, i never expected to find a classy suit with a tie in my colors
[2008/10/02 12:26] Torley Linden: i am still getting used to SL Exchange being renamed XStreet
[2008/10/02 12:26] Miralin Dunheved: It's been renamed? Is this recent?
[2008/10/02 12:26] Torley Linden: yes, see the news there
[2008/10/02 12:26] Pharen Mayako: yeah - and brought to you by virtua something or other
[2008/10/02 12:26] Miralin Dunheved needs to read more.
[2008/10/02 12:26] Pharen Mayako: looks like there was a sale
[2008/10/02 12:26] Torley Linden: portmanteaus!
[2008/10/02 12:27] Willow Halfpint gave you governor linden.
[2008/10/02 12:27] Torley Linden: Willow, are you named after the buffy character?
[2008/10/02 12:27] Willow Halfpint: i am Torley
[2008/10/02 12:27] Torley Linden: cool, she's my fave character on that show
[2008/10/02 12:27] Torley Linden: i've seen just about every episode of Buffy and am looking forward to Dollhouse
[2008/10/02 12:27] Willow Halfpint: only cos she is crazy like me
[2008/10/02 12:27] Torley Linden: i like her strange non sequiturs and way of looking at the world :)
[2008/10/02 12:28] Torley Linden: the Doppelgangland episode was one of the bestest, with Vamp Willow
[2008/10/02 12:28] Willow Halfpint: hehehe, you been to greenies
[2008/10/02 12:28] Willow Halfpint: freaked me out
[2008/10/02 12:29] Willow Halfpint: im going to try and sit over there with torley so you guy dont think im trying to do things to him when i land on his head lol
[2008/10/02 12:29] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'.
[2008/10/02 12:29] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'
[2008/10/02 12:29] Miralin Dunheved laughs.
[2008/10/02 12:29] Willow Halfpint: errr. maybe not
[2008/10/02 12:29] Torley Linden: hahahaha
[2008/10/02 12:29] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'.
[2008/10/02 12:29] Torley Linden: merger!
[2008/10/02 12:30] Torley Linden: i crack up every time at a Linden meeting where people haven't rezzed,
[2008/10/02 12:30] Torley Linden: and they try to sit in each other's seats
[2008/10/02 12:30] Torley Linden: so they sit on top of them
[2008/10/02 12:30] Dizzy Banjo: gosh
[2008/10/02 12:30] Willow Halfpint: smile mr Linden lol
[2008/10/02 12:30] Miralin Dunheved: The mentor meetings are like that a lot, too. All kinds of mergy weird fun.
[2008/10/02 12:30] Torley Linden: :D
[2008/10/02 12:30] Miralin Dunheved chuckles.
[2008/10/02 12:31] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/10/02 12:31] Torley Linden: mergy is a funny word too.
[2008/10/02 12:31] Miralin Dunheved: I dunno that it's actually a word but meh. I tend to create my own when it suits me.
[2008/10/02 12:31] Pharen Mayako: sounds like a word they would have used in the LOTR books
[2008/10/02 12:31] Inara Marquette: I like conundrum.
[2008/10/02 12:31] Willow Halfpint: i will send you them when there done :-)
[2008/10/02 12:31] Torley Linden: GO! BANG ON YOUR CONUNDRUM!
[2008/10/02 12:31] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'
[2008/10/02 12:31] Inara Marquette: lol
[2008/10/02 12:31] Miralin Dunheved laughs.
[2008/10/02 12:31] Torley Linden: CONUNDRUM the BARBARIAN
[2008/10/02 12:31] Pharen Mayako: i practice safe slx by using conundrums
[2008/10/02 12:31] Dizzy Banjo: lol
[2008/10/02 12:31] Inara Marquette: oh good lord
[2008/10/02 12:31] Torley Linden: wordplay and puns are so fun
[2008/10/02 12:32] Torley Linden: omg
[2008/10/02 12:32] Willow Halfpint: Chuck Norris
[2008/10/02 12:32] Inara Marquette: I lvoe wordplay :)
[2008/10/02 12:32] Torley Linden: hahahaha Pharen
[2008/10/02 12:32] Miralin Dunheved: Point to Pharen!
[2008/10/02 12:32] Inara Marquette cackles
[2008/10/02 12:32] Torley Linden: what about Chuck Norris?
[2008/10/02 12:32] Miralin Dunheved grins.
[2008/10/02 12:32] Willow Halfpint: I bring you LOVE...
[2008/10/02 12:32] Willow Halfpint: It's bringing love, Don't let it get away!
[2008/10/02 12:32] Willow Halfpint: BREAK IT'S LEGS!!!
[2008/10/02 12:32] Curtise Bailey: How many nuns does it take tobang on a conundrum?
[2008/10/02 12:32] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/10/02 12:32] Torley Linden: how many, Curtise?
[2008/10/02 12:32] Torley Linden: hahaha Willow where's that from? that's certifiably crazy.
[2008/10/02 12:32] Curtise Bailey: ou would ask!
[2008/10/02 12:32] Pharen Mayako: lol
[2008/10/02 12:33] Miralin Dunheved: 3 - one to hold it, one to hit it, and one to break the habit.
[2008/10/02 12:33] Willow Halfpint: heheh may more
[2008/10/02 12:33] Willow Halfpint: many*
[2008/10/02 12:33] Willow Halfpint gave you /bringlove.
[2008/10/02 12:33] Curtise Bailey: laughting
[2008/10/02 12:33] Torley Linden: thanx, oh yes, gestures are a great social currency to spread the insanity
[2008/10/02 12:33] Miralin Dunheved chuckles.
[2008/10/02 12:34] Willow Halfpint: one of my favs is this
[2008/10/02 12:34] AV Puli Neko ZHAO: Could not find animation 'U A Leg Up Sit'.
[2008/10/02 12:34] Willow Halfpint: > . >
[2008/10/02 12:34] Willow Halfpint: < . <
[2008/10/02 12:34] Willow Halfpint: never happend
[2008/10/02 12:34] Pharen Mayako: benny hill right?
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: that was nutty
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: hahahahaahha
[2008/10/02 12:35] Inara Marquette: I like that Torley "social curency" :)
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: Benny Hill sax music makes horror movies laughable
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: thanx Inara, i've been using that more recently
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: i once was watching Phantasm, you know the one with the killer silver orbs, and played Benny Hill yakkity sax
[2008/10/02 12:35] Torley Linden: music really changes the mood, needless to say
[2008/10/02 12:35] Pharen Mayako: is that like listening to pink floyd and watching 2001 space odyssey?
[2008/10/02 12:35] Pharen Mayako: echoes wewt
[2008/10/02 12:35] Miralin Dunheved: You can't take anything seriously when Yakety Sax is playing
[2008/10/02 12:36] Torley Linden: only not so synchronized, Pharen
[2008/10/02 12:36] Torley Linden: Pink Floyd doesn't like Andrew Lloyd Weber because they think Phantom of the Opera rips off from "Echoes"
[2008/10/02 12:36] Willow Halfpint: have you done a video on parseling ?
[2008/10/02 12:36] Willow Halfpint: spelt right lol
[2008/10/02 12:36] Pharen Mayako: bwhat bwhat what?
[2008/10/02 12:37] Willow Halfpint: you know SIM Lines,,for Media
[2008/10/02 12:37] Pharen Mayako: i heard kubrick asked floyd to make the soundtrack and they declined. saw the movie after and thought they made a mistake..... and then wrote echoes synched up to the ending.
[2008/10/02 12:37] Willow Halfpint: its one thing i dont know
[2008/10/02 12:37] Torley Linden: yes i have done that Willow :) on how to subdivide/join parcels
[2008/10/02 12:37] Willow Halfpint: thats it
[2008/10/02 12:37] Torley Linden: i heard something like that, Pharen... not sure if that's true but it's a good story
[2008/10/02 12:37] Pharen Mayako: well, i made it up
[2008/10/02 12:37] Pharen Mayako: jkjk
[2008/10/02 12:37] Miralin Dunheved chuckles.
[2008/10/02 12:38] Torley Linden: Willow -- :)
[2008/10/02 12:38] Squirrel Wood: Ooo! How to dress like Torley ^^
[2008/10/02 12:38] Pharen Mayako: my dad walked in when i was doing that - lets just say he was convinced i was on acid or something.
[2008/10/02 12:38] Squirrel Wood: How to navigate a labyrinth/maze made by me :p
[2008/10/02 12:39] Torley Linden: hahahaha
[2008/10/02 12:39] Dizzy Banjo: gosh id better go work :( nice to see you all :) bai
[2008/10/02 12:39] Torley Linden: i like synchronicity, when events line up
[2008/10/02 12:39] Torley Linden: bai Dizzy, cheerio!
[2008/10/02 12:39] Willow Halfpint: torley you just got invited to a party at Darkrefuge lol
[2008/10/02 12:39] Willow Halfpint: hahahaaaaa
[2008/10/02 12:40] Willow Halfpint: [12:39] Linda Paine: if he wanna come here? we startet party ^^
[12:39] Willow Halfpint: lol
[12:39] Linda Paine: can be sure that we greet him with all honor
[2008/10/02 12:40] Willow Halfpint: lol
[2008/10/02 12:40] Torley Linden: awwww that's so nice, when is the paray?
[2008/10/02 12:40] Torley Linden: partay
[2008/10/02 12:40] Willow Halfpint: now for like 2 hours or so
[2008/10/02 12:40] Willow Halfpint: i know you carnt make it
[2008/10/02 12:41] Torley Linden: nice of you to think of me in any case :D
[2008/10/02 12:41] Willow Halfpint: there only joking
[2008/10/02 12:41] Willow Halfpint: owwwwwwww
[2008/10/02 12:41] Willow Halfpint: i atually have a question
[2008/10/02 12:41] Torley Linden: sure, please ask!
[2008/10/02 12:41] Willow Halfpint: its something thats bugging me
[2008/10/02 12:42] Willow Halfpint: and its not easy lol
[2008/10/02 12:42] Willow Halfpint: let me show you
[2008/10/02 12:42] Torley Linden: oh the suspense is killing me!
[2008/10/02 12:43] Willow Halfpint: ok the objects are linked
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: heya Ganesha!
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: ok...
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: holy moly strategically placed paint
[2008/10/02 12:43] Willow Halfpint: is there away to make the top one move with the fexi prim
[2008/10/02 12:43] Ganesha Xi: I saw your tweet, Torley :)
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: kewl =)
[2008/10/02 12:43] Willow Halfpint: can it be done?
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: alas no, Willow, that was something we hoped for Phase II of flexiprims but haven't gotten to it yet
[2008/10/02 12:43] Torley Linden: like adding a ball at the end of a rope and swinging it
[2008/10/02 12:44] Torley Linden: another prim can't be on the "free end" of the flexiprim
[2008/10/02 12:44] Willow Halfpint: just think of the things you can make
[2008/10/02 12:44] Willow Halfpint: earings example
[2008/10/02 12:44] Torley Linden: yeah, it'd definitely open up a lot of creative possibilities!
[2008/10/02 12:44] Torley Linden: hiya Muse!
[2008/10/02 12:44] Ganesha Xi: The best way I've found to combat that problem is to make a full texture of what you want.
[2008/10/02 12:44] Muse Carmona: Greetings Torley! you're quick on the draw!
[2008/10/02 12:44] Torley Linden: Ganesha, i think you have the new record for least clothes at one of my office hours
[2008/10/02 12:45] Muse Carmona: Greetings, everyone else.
[2008/10/02 12:45] Ganesha Xi: \o/!
[2008/10/02 12:45] Willow Halfpint: i thought they was maybe a follow script to make it. track the top prim
[2008/10/02 12:45] Torley Linden: there may very well be some workarounds Willow
[2008/10/02 12:45] Torley Linden: they wouldn't be the most fluid, but... workable (as the name implies)
[2008/10/02 12:46] Curtise Bailey: If your are in immersive reality and see people naked... there may be a script somewhere causing it
[2008/10/02 12:46] Willow Halfpint: so im not mad, its atually not possable YET
[2008/10/02 12:46] Torley Linden: haha Curtise
[2008/10/02 12:46] Ganesha Xi: Or maybe they are just wearing my paint splat outfit :D
[2008/10/02 12:46] Ganesha Xi: Or perhaps they are at Burning Life XD
[2008/10/02 12:46] Miralin Dunheved nods to Ganesha
[2008/10/02 12:46] Miralin Dunheved: That's the point I wasgonna make
[2008/10/02 12:46] Willow Halfpint: i think you sould do a video on alpha textures ..or have you done it
[2008/10/02 12:47] Ganesha Xi: Save as .png, done and done :)
[2008/10/02 12:47] Willow Halfpint: i know how to make them, but some people dont
[2008/10/02 12:47] Torley Linden: what aspect of alpha textures? :)
[2008/10/02 12:47] Torley Linden: yeah, as Ganesha sez...
[2008/10/02 12:47] Torley Linden: PNG makes it a lot easier
[2008/10/02 12:47] Willow Halfpint: hummm, clothes would be a good one
[2008/10/02 12:47] Miralin Dunheved: the leeks!!
[2008/10/02 12:47] Torley Linden: YESSSSSSS THE LEEKS!
[2008/10/02 12:47] Jaymes Kjeller: I've seen quite a few things at Burning Life. I have a few pictures up on my Flickr Photostream.
[2008/10/02 12:47] Ganesha Xi: That whole alpha channel .tga hack blows.
[2008/10/02 12:47] Miralin Dunheved: \o/
[2008/10/02 12:47] Ganesha Xi: Burning Life is great. :)
[2008/10/02 12:47] Willow Halfpint: dam right
[2008/10/02 12:47] Ganesha Xi: It's also an officially sanctioned Burning Man burn :D
[2008/10/02 12:48] Torley Linden:
[2008/10/02 12:48] Ganesha Xi: \o/!
[2008/10/02 12:48] Miralin Dunheved chuckles.
[2008/10/02 12:48] Jaymes Kjeller: Speaking of which, I tried sending a picture of a Spore Creature by e-mail to Flickr, but it didn't work.
[2008/10/02 12:48] Willow Halfpint: that partical video confused the hell out of me
[2008/10/02 12:48] Ganesha Xi: SPORE IS EBIL!
[2008/10/02 12:48] Torley Linden: hm, i haven't played Spore, but you were using your special Flickr address for uploading, Jaymes?
[2008/10/02 12:49] Torley Linden: looks like Flickr basically looks at an email and extracts whatever pictures are in it, then includes those in your photostream
[2008/10/02 12:49] Jaymes Kjeller: Yeah, but as it turns out, it sends a link, not an attachment like postcards do.
[2008/10/02 12:49] Torley Linden: ahh.
[2008/10/02 12:49] Ganesha Xi: Curious.
[2008/10/02 12:49] Ganesha Xi: Can you follow the link and put it in directly?
[2008/10/02 12:49] Willow Halfpint: im going to be a bad girl in the video where you show them how to make videos like you, your using another avitar
[2008/10/02 12:49] Torley Linden: at that stage it may be easier to use one of those right-click-and-upload-to-Flickr add-ons for Firefox, or something to that effect
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: am i right lol
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: one with a weard name
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: very small name
[2008/10/02 12:50] Torley Linden: explain more, Willow? :)
[2008/10/02 12:50] Ganesha Xi: ?
[2008/10/02 12:50] Jaymes Kjeller: Not really, but an alternative is doing it manually, but I tend to use the Uploadr application to uplod pictures manually, as well as videos.
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: your last video, when your video yourself to show how to video
[2008/10/02 12:50] Jaymes Kjeller: *upload
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: your avitar isnt torley
[2008/10/02 12:50] Willow Halfpint: its just one name
[2008/10/02 12:51] Torley Linden: oh, okay Jaymes.
[2008/10/02 12:51] Torley Linden: Vidtuts :)
[2008/10/02 12:51] Willow Halfpint: thats it
[2008/10/02 12:51] Willow Halfpint: :-)
[2008/10/02 12:51] Willow Halfpint: see
[2008/10/02 12:51] Willow Halfpint: i watch your videos close
[2008/10/02 12:51] Torley Linden: i'm glad you do!
[2008/10/02 12:51] Torley Linden: better than watching them far, i suppose
[2008/10/02 12:51] Ganesha Xi: Holy macaroni, Torley are you now in the land of one-name avatars?
[2008/10/02 12:51] Torley Linden: no, it's still Vidtuts Linden
[2008/10/02 12:51] Willow Halfpint: give me bad eyes thow
[2008/10/02 12:51] Ganesha Xi: XD
[2008/10/02 12:52] Torley Linden: hehe
[2008/10/02 12:52] Ganesha Xi: I HAZ NO EYES!
[2008/10/02 12:52] Ganesha Xi: Oh wait...
[2008/10/02 12:52] Ganesha Xi: >.>
[2008/10/02 12:52] Torley Linden: Muse those are pretty kewl ears and tail
[2008/10/02 12:52] Jaymes Kjeller: Just goes to show that in-world postcards are the forefront of sending pictures to Flickr, at least to me. :)
[2008/10/02 12:52] Torley Linden: wow, nice tea pot too
[2008/10/02 12:52] Muse Carmona: Thank you! I seem to be having tail issues at the moment, I'm not sure how it got at the angle it's at
[2008/10/02 12:52] Torley Linden: you're fully accessoried!
[2008/10/02 12:52] Willow Halfpint: so do we get to see, the famus Avitar?
[2008/10/02 12:52] Muse Carmona: the teapot is from Grendels!
[2008/10/02 12:53] Torley Linden: Grendel's has great bargains!
[2008/10/02 12:53] Willow Halfpint: that manga thing lol
[2008/10/02 12:53] Ganesha Xi: It would be nice to be able to have an email address book for uploading postcards.
[2008/10/02 12:53] Muse Carmona: it was very cheap. the only thing that makes me sad is that because the blue color is set in the locked hide/show script, I ccan't tint it to match my outfit.
[2008/10/02 12:53] Willow Halfpint: with big ears lol
[2008/10/02 12:53] Torley Linden: Ganesha, yeah, or an autocomplete... an easier way...
[2008/10/02 12:53] Ganesha Xi: Aye
[2008/10/02 12:53] Torley Linden: right now i use a shortcut keystroke w/PhraseExpress to paste in the addresses every time
[2008/10/02 12:53] Torley Linden: ohh Muse, if you ask them they're really nice about customization
[2008/10/02 12:53] Muse Carmona: the tail and ears are arilicious, but i'm having some tail issues. it goes funky with certain skirts
[2008/10/02 12:54] Muse Carmona: oh i never thhought of that -- I've always customized my own things from them because most of them are editable
[2008/10/02 12:54] Torley Linden: aye, yup, but good customer service helps so much :) never hurts to ask, like they say!
[2008/10/02 12:55] Torley Linden: i don't see a lot of neko-type avatars with whiskers!
[2008/10/02 12:55] Muse Carmona: true!
[2008/10/02 12:55] Torley Linden: wow you've even got whiskers
[2008/10/02 12:55] Jaymes Kjeller: Guess I have quite a few things to add to my to-do list. Use WeGame, try sending inworld pictures to places like Koinup, blogHUD...and I've really got to make more inworld videos for Flickr...
[2008/10/02 12:55] Muse Carmona: yes, well, I thought I was unique for a while, but then I met Glitter. Second Life is a big enough world now for TWO pink nekos, who knew?
[2008/10/02 12:55] Torley Linden: :D
[2008/10/02 12:56] Torley Linden: Jaymes, that's a fun list, lemme know how it turns out for you. =)
[2008/10/02 12:56] Muse Carmona: that does sound like a fun list!
[2008/10/02 12:56] Torley Linden: run lots of little experiments and build on the ones you find most rewarding!
[2008/10/02 12:56] Jaymes Kjeller: Hehe, I will, Torley.
[2008/10/02 12:56] Willow Halfpint: torley just kicked me lol
[2008/10/02 12:56] Willow Halfpint: we all see you
[2008/10/02 12:56] Miralin Dunheved chuckles.
[2008/10/02 12:57] Rock Pond Pose ball: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: heya Jason :) good to see you inworld. that's unique hair!
[2008/10/02 12:57] Muse Carmona: That is really nice hair!
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: i think it's cause my gesture for "fun" has me do a little kick.
[2008/10/02 12:57] Ganesha Xi: Blah Ima have to format soon.
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: fun
[2008/10/02 12:57] Jason Wright: Hey Torley! I finally had a chance to stop by!
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: hahahaahahahaha
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: oh kewl!
[2008/10/02 12:57] Torley Linden: glad you could make it
[2008/10/02 12:58] Jason Wright: HAHA - yea at least I have some hair in ONE life of mine ;-)
[2008/10/02 12:58] Ganesha Xi: XD
[2008/10/02 12:58] Miralin Dunheved: LOL Jason
[2008/10/02 12:58] Squirrel Wood: All your prims must be acorn shaped! :p
[2008/10/02 12:58] Ganesha Xi: I read that as bacon shaped :o
[2008/10/02 12:58] Muse Carmona: mmmm. bacon.
[2008/10/02 12:58] Miralin Dunheved: Mmmmmmm bacon .......
[2008/10/02 12:58] Ganesha Xi: Sheesh.
[2008/10/02 12:58] Willow Halfpint: mmm cheese
[2008/10/02 12:58] Willow Halfpint: what?
[2008/10/02 12:58] Willow Halfpint: > . >
[2008/10/02 12:58] Willow Halfpint: < . <
[2008/10/02 12:59] *PX* bacon strip : NOM NOM BACON!
[2008/10/02 12:59] Ganesha Xi: Bacon, anyone? :)
[2008/10/02 12:59] Willow Halfpint reaches over an pokes torley
[2008/10/02 12:59] Torley Linden: whaaa?
[2008/10/02 12:59] Miralin Dunheved: Yes please
[2008/10/02 12:59] Willow Halfpint: he is alive
[2008/10/02 13:00] Al Sonic: I forgot to log on and got here late. Did I miss anything dramatic? *shrug*... ooh, cute kitty in the car :D
[2008/10/02 13:00] Torley Linden: i saw a funny picture showing a bacon lover's paradise
[2008/10/02 13:00] Torley Linden: lol nice of you to notice, Al
[2008/10/02 13:00] Torley Linden: my wife is good with touches like that
[2008/10/02 13:00] *PX* bacon strip : NOM NOM BACON!
[2008/10/02 13:00] Ganesha Xi gave you *PX* bacon strip.
[2008/10/02 13:00] Miralin Dunheved: \o/ bacon
[2008/10/02 13:00] Torley Linden: HAHAHA
[2008/10/02 13:00] Squirrel Wood: You missed
[2008/10/02 13:00] Ganesha Xi: :D
[2008/10/02 13:00] Squirrel Wood:
[2008/10/02 13:00] Torley Linden: "nom nom" is hilarious
[2008/10/02 13:00] Muse Carmona: where's the kitty?
[2008/10/02 13:00] Ganesha Xi: \o/!
[2008/10/02 13:00] Miralin Dunheved: in the car
[2008/10/02 13:00] Ganesha Xi: Uranus?
[2008/10/02 13:01] *PX* bacon strip : NOM NOM BACON!
[2008/10/02 13:01] Curtise Bailey: the cat is looking for bacon
[2008/10/02 13:01] Ganesha Xi: Normally you EAT the bacon, but this sit animation overrides it :P
[2008/10/02 13:01] Muse Carmona giggles at Ganesha
[2008/10/02 13:01] *PX* bacon strip : I do believe I need another piece...
[2008/10/02 13:01] Ganesha Xi: XD
[2008/10/02 13:02] Miralin Dunheved: Oh I love it, thank you Ganesha. Everyone needs bacon .... well almolst everyone anyway
[2008/10/02 13:02] Ganesha Xi: I'm vegan RL :D
[2008/10/02 13:02] *PX* bacon strip : I do believe I need another piece...
[2008/10/02 13:02] Willow Halfpint: i will be ok with some tea
[2008/10/02 13:02] Muse Carmona: giant bacon!
[2008/10/02 13:02] Torley Linden: Ganesha, what does "Communications" have to do with that fruit plate? :)
[2008/10/02 13:02] Ganesha Xi: NOM NOM NOM
[2008/10/02 13:02] Miralin Dunheved: my seats went all weird
[2008/10/02 13:02] Torley Linden: oh, wouldn't that be interesting...
[2008/10/02 13:03] Miralin Dunheved: and I got bounced!
[2008/10/02 13:03] Ganesha Xi: It's a Burning Life hat :)
[2008/10/02 13:03] Torley Linden: hey Malarthi, still in a snoopy av! :)
[2008/10/02 13:03] Miralin Dunheved laughs.
[2008/10/02 13:03] Torley Linden: i like bizarre hats
[2008/10/02 13:03] Malarthi Behemoth: Yus
[2008/10/02 13:03] Miralin Dunheved: Ah well I need to go back to work anyway. Nice chatting with everyone!
[2008/10/02 13:03] Muse Carmona: I like silly hats too
[2008/10/02 13:03] Torley Linden: take care Miralin!
[2008/10/02 13:03] Ganesha Xi: People with certain roles within BL get hats.
[2008/10/02 13:03] Muse Carmona puts one on
[2008/10/02 13:03] Ganesha Xi: I'm the one that gets yelled at when the music dies :)
[2008/10/02 13:04] Ganesha Xi: No, I can't just start singing "Bye Bye, Miss American Pie" either :(
[2008/10/02 13:04] Willow Halfpint: lol
[2008/10/02 13:04] Muse Carmona: by the way, this hat? 223 prims. I had to buy it just because of that!
[2008/10/02 13:04] Ganesha Xi: Holy lagbomb hat!
[2008/10/02 13:04] Ganesha Xi: That is an amazing hat though :D
[2008/10/02 13:05] Muse Carmona: yes indeed! i'm from Caledon though where we're used to lag.
[2008/10/02 13:05] Torley Linden: wow, that IS a great hat!
[2008/10/02 13:05] Torley Linden: what detail!
[2008/10/02 13:05] Ganesha Xi: YAY LAG
[2008/10/02 13:05] Willow Halfpint: anyone for sqwashed mellon
[2008/10/02 13:05] Torley Linden: it also seems to have done away with your whiskers!
[2008/10/02 13:05] Ganesha Xi: :o
[2008/10/02 13:05] Muse Carmona: isn't it amazing? I got it at some pirate place, I forget where. I was shopping for a Serious Pirate Outfit for roleplay.
[2008/10/02 13:05] Ganesha Xi: SQUASHED MELON??
[2008/10/02 13:05] Torley Linden: it's very flamboyant
[2008/10/02 13:05] Torley Linden: WHERE BE SQUASHED MELON
[2008/10/02 13:05] Ganesha Xi: Brb bus
[2008/10/02 13:05] Muse Carmona: oops! most of my hats are mouth attachments, I forgot this one was nose.
[2008/10/02 13:05] Squirrel Wood: Mellon colored spider ^^
[2008/10/02 13:06] Al Sonic: It looks kinda like a cake too.
[2008/10/02 13:06] Willow Halfpint: Pirate Island Of Jabberwock
[2008/10/02 13:06] Willow Halfpint: thats a cool place
[2008/10/02 13:06] Muse Carmona: (you see how far I usually get with "Serious Outfit" shopping)
[2008/10/02 13:06] Malarthi Behemoth: That's a lie Al
[2008/10/02 13:06] Pharen Mayako: hahaha muse
[2008/10/02 13:06] Muse Carmona puts on Serious Hat.
[2008/10/02 13:06] Muse Carmona: it does look kind of like a cake. it's marketed as "attractive to mermaids"
[2008/10/02 13:07] Pharen Mayako: do you have to be under water for it to work?
[2008/10/02 13:07] Torley Linden: it does look like a coral reef and shells on top
[2008/10/02 13:07] Al Sonic: What kind of hats even work underwater?
[2008/10/02 13:07] Muse Carmona: I'm not sure about that, Mr Mayako
[2008/10/02 13:07] Pharen Mayako: the ones that attract mermaids, Al
[2008/10/02 13:08] Muse Carmona: I got thrown out of a pirate RPing sim for wearing this hat, even though they sold it there.
[2008/10/02 13:08] Muse Carmona: they liked their pirates Serious.
[2008/10/02 13:08] Squirrel Wood: Hmm
[2008/10/02 13:08] Torley Linden: who says colorful isn't serious?
[2008/10/02 13:08] Torley Linden: i'll make them walk the plank!
[2008/10/02 13:08] Squirrel Wood: Torley, I dare you to find your way through my maze :p
[2008/10/02 13:08] Jaymes Kjeller: They did that? That doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to me, personally.
[2008/10/02 13:08] Torley Linden: and then shoot them in the back!
[2008/10/02 13:08] Torley Linden: what's the SLURL, Squirrel?
[2008/10/02 13:08] Muse Carmona: well they were trying to enforce a period, lol.
[2008/10/02 13:08] Al Sonic: Heheh.
[2008/10/02 13:09] Willow Halfpint: Ok torley i have to ask, whats with the video about the Phone lol
[2008/10/02 13:09] Jason Wright: HAHA! I'm with you on the color issue Torley -
[2008/10/02 13:09] Squirrel Wood: no slurl yet :p
[2008/10/02 13:09] Torley Linden: i'd totally crack up if a group of ninjas showed up to duel with pirates
[2008/10/02 13:09] Muse Carmona: hahaha
[2008/10/02 13:09] Squirrel Wood: I can rez it though
[2008/10/02 13:09] Torley Linden: Willow, David Lynch fan. that's why.
[2008/10/02 13:09] Muse Carmona: well we are having an Airship Pirate ball in Caledon
[2008/10/02 13:09] Willow Halfpint: thats so messed up lol
[2008/10/02 13:09] Muse Carmona: there will be a full battle
[2008/10/02 13:09] Willow Halfpint: your voice and you dont go,
[2008/10/02 13:09] Muse Carmona: there will also be zombies on a seaship which my Dread Pirate and I are donating.
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: zombies and pirates are exciting :-)
[2008/10/02 13:10] Willow Halfpint: i carnt put your voice to your face its weard
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: you mean Torley's face and his av?
[2008/10/02 13:10] Torley Linden: i liked the depiction of pirates in Stardust, that was a great movie :)
[2008/10/02 13:10] Willow Halfpint: in RL
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: buh
[2008/10/02 13:10] Torley Linden: Robert De Niro in a rather unexpected role!
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: torley's voice and his av
[2008/10/02 13:10] Willow Halfpint: torleys voice to his RL self
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: hmm
[2008/10/02 13:10] Willow Halfpint: just dont fit lol
[2008/10/02 13:10] Muse Carmona: that's interesting
[2008/10/02 13:11] Pharen Mayako: his RL voice has an alt
[2008/10/02 13:11] Pharen Mayako: they combine forces
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: see that it
[2008/10/02 13:11] Torley Linden: what voice do you expect me to have?
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: lol
[2008/10/02 13:11] Muse Carmona: can be even weirder about that.
[2008/10/02 13:11] Jason Wright: ;-)
[2008/10/02 13:11] Torley Linden: higher pitched, lower pitched, what? :D
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: dont know, but not that
[2008/10/02 13:11] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/10/02 13:11] Pharen Mayako: just.... work on it, Torley. okay?
[2008/10/02 13:11] Muse Carmona: it's very weird because everyone talks, but all the avatars are very similar
[2008/10/02 13:11] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/10/02 13:11] Torley Linden: some people say i have a Scottish or East Indian accent.
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: i recon you have a stand in voice man
[2008/10/02 13:11] Muse Carmona: so you hear sixty year olds and seventeen year olds talking out of the same sort of body
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: :-)
[2008/10/02 13:11] Willow Halfpint: Lives in your office
[2008/10/02 13:12] Willow Halfpint: and you feed him mellons
[2008/10/02 13:12] Muse Carmona: is he a tiny? can you keep him under the desk?
[2008/10/02 13:12] Jason Wright: Aren't you Canadian?
[2008/10/02 13:12] Torley Linden: yeah, the There avatars all have a more plasticky flavor... not as much customizability
[2008/10/02 13:12] Malarthi Behemoth: A mellon a day keeps... ?
[2008/10/02 13:12] Torley Linden: and the way they all emote... and turn their heads
[2008/10/02 13:12] Jaymes Kjeller: No-one sounds like they are their avatars. That seems to be a core rule of voices. To me, anyway.
[2008/10/02 13:12] Torley Linden: yes, i'm Canuck
[2008/10/02 13:12] Torley Linden: :D
[2008/10/02 13:12] Malarthi Behemoth: I can't sound like snoopy
[2008/10/02 13:12] Jason Wright: I knew it! ;-)
[2008/10/02 13:12] Malarthi Behemoth: It's just not possible
[2008/10/02 13:12] Torley Linden: i went to a camping chair place yesterday and started reciting rap lyrics for the fun of it ;D
[2008/10/02 13:12] Pharen Mayako: well - if you didnt say anything at all you would Mal
[2008/10/02 13:12] Muse Carmona: hahahahah
[2008/10/02 13:12] Pharen Mayako: :)
[2008/10/02 13:12] Willow Halfpint: infact, looking round torley your the normalist person here
[2008/10/02 13:13] Willow Halfpint: whats up with that??
[2008/10/02 13:13] Torley Linden: irony?
[2008/10/02 13:13] Malarthi Behemoth: I'm normal!
[2008/10/02 13:13] Willow Halfpint: owww and you,, :-)
[2008/10/02 13:13] Torley Linden: normal compared to what, too eh?
[2008/10/02 13:13] Torley Linden: ha ha ha
[2008/10/02 13:13] Muse Carmona: does anyone else follow that blog of that guy who has made it his personal mission in life to find camping bot farms and cause havoc?
[2008/10/02 13:13] Muse Carmona: i'll have to see if I can find the link to it
[2008/10/02 13:13] Torley Linden: no, Muse, where's it at?
[2008/10/02 13:13] Torley Linden: camping chair vigilante?
[2008/10/02 13:13] Muse Carmona: let me see if I can find the link
[2008/10/02 13:13] Muse Carmona: someone showed it to me a while ago
[2008/10/02 13:14] Muse Carmona: and it's probably the sort of thing I twittered but didn't save in a more permanent archive
[2008/10/02 13:14] Torley Linden: i think camping chairs have low gains for the high amount of time invested in them... there are so many more rich, creative opportunities
[2008/10/02 13:14] Muse Carmona: yes indeed
[2008/10/02 13:14] Muse Carmona: but they're good for newbies, i guess
[2008/10/02 13:15] Muse Carmona: this is amusing however, in place of the camping bots: (large picture of imaginary customized for SL keyboard)
[2008/10/02 13:15] Torley Linden: *checks*
[2008/10/02 13:15] Squirrel Wood: maze is rezzing ^^
[2008/10/02 13:15] Torley Linden: HAHAHAHAH
[2008/10/02 13:15] Torley Linden: OMG
[2008/10/02 13:15] Torley Linden: i gotta fave that
[2008/10/02 13:15] Torley Linden: that's brilliant
[2008/10/02 13:15] Muse Carmona: that's my latest favorite SL joke.
[2008/10/02 13:16] Muse Carmona: also Shopping Cart Disco is doing SL Secret Fridays
[2008/10/02 13:16] Muse Carmona: (like Post Secret)
[2008/10/02 13:16] Torley Linden: i wonder how many of those Post Secret things are made up to see if they get in...
[2008/10/02 13:16] Torley Linden: we may never really know
[2008/10/02 13:17] Muse Carmona: yes indeed.
[2008/10/02 13:17] Al Sonic: Yeah unfortunately I gotta be left wondering that.
[2008/10/02 13:18] Torley Linden: it would be kind of a guilty pleasure to see someone being batman vs. camping bots
[2008/10/02 13:19] Torley Linden: it got so quiet
[2008/10/02 13:19] Torley Linden: :)
[2008/10/02 13:19] Muse Carmona: via a friend of mine: The Sanity Patrol Is Out to Get You, whimsical verse and live music on the psychology of SL and first life -- 2 pm SLT
[2008/10/02 13:19] Al Sonic: Oh. How odd.
[2008/10/02 13:19] Torley Linden: i like that title, Muse
[2008/10/02 13:19] Muse Carmona: for those of you hanging out at burning life.
[2008/10/02 13:19] Torley Linden: i am going to visit Burning Life more on the weekend
[2008/10/02 13:20] Torley Linden: for now tho, i am going to go... thanx each & all for visiting me! :D
[2008/10/02 13:20] Muse Carmona: I like the title too and I've never made it to one of her performances! always so busy!
[2008/10/02 13:20] Willow Halfpint: its massive
[2008/10/02 13:20] Al Sonic: Yes, good time to go.
[2008/10/02 13:20] Muse Carmona: thank you for having us, Torley!
[2008/10/02 13:20] Malarthi Behemoth waves
[2008/10/02 13:20] Al Sonic: Great to stop by ya again.
[2008/10/02 13:20] Jason Wright: See ya Torley - great putting a SL name to a SL face!
[2008/10/02 13:20] Muse Carmona: /wave
[2008/10/02 13:20] Torley Linden: you too Jason!
[2008/10/02 13:20] Squirrel Wood: Maze is ready
[2008/10/02 13:21] Torley Linden: bye Al, Muse, Malarthi, Squirrel, everyone -- thanks, hope to check it out soon =D