User:Torley Linden/Office Hours/2008-12-04
[2008/12/04 12:01] Torley Linden: FRIENDLY GREETINGS!
[2008/12/04 12:01] Torley Linden: hey Jaymes!
[2008/12/04 12:01] Torley Linden: let's see who else we can get here :)
[2008/12/04 12:01] Jaymes Kjeller: Hey Torley!
[2008/12/04 12:02] Taurin Cuttita: rawr'
[2008/12/04 12:02] Torley Linden: hiya Taurin!
[2008/12/04 12:02] Torley Linden: we have some strikingly colorful avatars.
[2008/12/04 12:02] Torley Linden: oh dear, what happened with my seats!
[2008/12/04 12:02] Torley Linden: HOW AWKWARD
[2008/12/04 12:03] Jaymes Kjeller: I've noticed that hasn't been working right, I don't know why.
[2008/12/04 12:03] Torley Linden: it may need a script reset
[2008/12/04 12:03] Torley Linden: or many... just maybe... this is the end of an era of seats!
[2008/12/04 12:03] Torley Linden: hey Tyler, Crap!
[2008/12/04 12:03] Crap Mariner: hi
[2008/12/04 12:03] Crap Mariner salutes
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: OMG
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: is it fixed
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: *salutes back*
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: i'm on my Mac and getting used to different keys
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: how are each of you doing?
[2008/12/04 12:04] Taurin Cuttita: good
[2008/12/04 12:04] Crap Mariner: most well. thank you for asking. and you?
[2008/12/04 12:04] Ewan Mureaux: mornin
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: heya Ewan!
[2008/12/04 12:04] Jaymes Kjeller: You know, if my avatar was in a watermelon colour scheme, I could hide myself here! XD
[2008/12/04 12:04] Torley Linden: you totally could, Jaymes.
[2008/12/04 12:05] Torley Linden: and you're already halfway there
[2008/12/04 12:05] Ewan Mureaux: whats new mr T?
[2008/12/04 12:05] Taurin Cuttita: I pity the fool
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: hahahahaah
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: always something new and amazing
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: but don't confuse me with T Linden ;D
[2008/12/04 12:06] Ewan Mureaux: aint gittin on no plane
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: he's an awesome guy though, i chatted with him yesterday
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: he was wearing his super frog avatar
[2008/12/04 12:06] Tyler Messenger: or Tyler Messenger
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: true true
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: Tyler, is that called a Messenger Bag?
[2008/12/04 12:06] Torley Linden: hiya slack and Allison!
[2008/12/04 12:07] Allison Widdershins: park it
[2008/12/04 12:07] Allison Widdershins: Hi there
[2008/12/04 12:07] slack7639 Gigamon: hi!
[2008/12/04 12:07] Allison Widdershins: no questions -- I'll stand
[2008/12/04 12:07] Torley Linden: it feels to me like my early SL days, in part because i don't have antialiasing turned on...
[2008/12/04 12:07] Tyler Messenger: lol its where i keep my laptop in
[2008/12/04 12:07] Torley Linden: i'm getting a graphics upgrade tho... and should be able to smooth jaggies again
[2008/12/04 12:07] Crap Mariner: nice
[2008/12/04 12:07] Tyler Messenger: ima wear my torley hat
[2008/12/04 12:07] Torley Linden: hahahah
[2008/12/04 12:07] Torley Linden: don't wear ME as a hat
[2008/12/04 12:08] Torley Linden: lol
[2008/12/04 12:08] Crap Mariner: gateway is releasing a nvidia 9800gtx 1gb version of the laptop i bought 3 months ago. always a shock.
[2008/12/04 12:08] Torley Linden: WOW!
[2008/12/04 12:08] Torley Linden: good gosh, graphics cards have gotten powerful in laptops
[2008/12/04 12:08] Torley Linden: there was a time when "gaming laptop" was a joke
[2008/12/04 12:08] Jaymes Kjeller: A Geforce 9 in a laptop? I never thought it could be possible.
[2008/12/04 12:08] Torley Linden: Tyler, that's a beautiful hat.
[2008/12/04 12:08] Ewan Mureaux glances over with nostalgia at his radeon laptop
[2008/12/04 12:08] Tyler Messenger: YAY! \o/
[2008/12/04 12:08] Allison Widdershins: wonder what kind of battery life that thing will get
[2008/12/04 12:08] Taurin Cuttita: Sorry phone rang
[2008/12/04 12:09] Allison Widdershins: or if it has a wind turbine attached or something
[2008/12/04 12:09] Crap Mariner: mine gets a bit over an hour and a half full drain and ultra sl
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: it's intriguing, Allison, the new MacBooks have dual graphics card, one of which is more of a power-sucker than another
[2008/12/04 12:09] Allison Widdershins: I need to look into that
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: that's prolly a mobile variant 9800GTX optimized and somewhat slower tho than the desktop one?
[2008/12/04 12:09] Crap Mariner: yes
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: hey daddy :)
[2008/12/04 12:09] Taurin Cuttita: Why OSX doesnt have SLI supprot
[2008/12/04 12:09] Tyler Messenger: im getting a PC for christmas since my PC is single core and i want quad lol
[2008/12/04 12:09] daddy Westland: hi torley
[2008/12/04 12:09] Crap Mariner: 9800M GTX
[2008/12/04 12:09] Allison Widdershins: surely does
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: Taurin, i don't know.
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: you can use SLI in Boot Camp tho
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: Tyler, fine move. do you multitask a lot?
[2008/12/04 12:09] Taurin Cuttita: bah!
[2008/12/04 12:09] Torley Linden: quad-core has done me a lot of good.
[2008/12/04 12:10] Tammy Nowotny: I need a new 'puter
[2008/12/04 12:10] Taurin Cuttita: SL needs to eb Mmulti threaded
[2008/12/04 12:10] slack7639 Gigamon: any tips for improving being able to watch youtubes in sl? i have a 768 kbps connection, 650 kbps actual, sometimes they stick, i think it's cause the videos are at a high quality, i've tried updating all drivers, putting graphics card on low setting - i think the only way to solve is to get a 1.5 MB ps connection
[2008/12/04 12:10] Torley Linden: Macs still don't compare to PCs for the gaming enthusiast experience, i'll admit.
[2008/12/04 12:10] Tyler Messenger: i run photoshop, filter forge SL and firefox at same time lol
[2008/12/04 12:10] Torley Linden: slack, makes links stick
[2008/12/04 12:10] Ewan Mureaux: i only just moved to dual core a couple of weeks ago and its made a world of difference cant wait to go quad
[2008/12/04 12:10] Torley Linden: paste in an URL there... it's a Japanese page but pretty easy to use.
[2008/12/04 12:10] Jaymes Kjeller: Or VMware Fusion, which is an alternative. It seems to remove the need to reboot into windows. I don't know about performance, though.
[2008/12/04 12:10] Torley Linden: Filter Forge is badass!
[2008/12/04 12:11] Taurin Cuttita: needs alot of ram
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: Jaymes, yeah, i'm using Parallels right now. VmWare fusion isn't as good for games, from what i've seen.
[2008/12/04 12:11] Allison Widdershins: have a seat Slack
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: I'm evaluating both of them.
[2008/12/04 12:11] Allison Widdershins: I use Parallels
[2008/12/04 12:11] Jaymes Kjeller: Alas, I'm still stuck with a single-core CPU!
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: Tyler, quad-core will DEFINITELY benefit you since you multitask
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: if you have several beefy apps open at once, multicore is the way to go.
[2008/12/04 12:11] Tyler Messenger: yea
[2008/12/04 12:11] Tammy Nowotny: do you have to hoist the video on yr own server if you use that website?
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: and it's so cheap now, i remember when Q6600 was like US$1000
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: Tammy, no.
[2008/12/04 12:11] Torley Linden: it's just a clever redirect link which persists.
[2008/12/04 12:11] Tyler Messenger: and im getting Geforce 9800GT 512mb
[2008/12/04 12:11] Taurin Cuttita: it was 250 when I bought one
[2008/12/04 12:12] Torley Linden: GeForce 9800GT is pretty much THE sweet spot for a mid-high-range graphics card
[2008/12/04 12:12] Torley Linden: prices on those have come down to US$100 in some cases
[2008/12/04 12:12] Taurin Cuttita: The GTX 260 prines arent bad
[2008/12/04 12:12] Torley Linden: don't let anyone ever tell you that graphics cards are more expensive than they actually are
[2008/12/04 12:12] Taurin Cuttita: prices
[2008/12/04 12:12] Tyler Messenger: i saw an 8800 for $95
[2008/12/04 12:13] Ewan Mureaux: 101 power ballads being advertised now on tv, screw the quad core I know what I want for christmas now
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: what've you seen them for, Taurin?
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: that sounds about right Tyler, considering the 9800 is an updated 8800GT basically
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: haha Ewan
[2008/12/04 12:13] Taurin Cuttita: Well I bought two for about 205 each
[2008/12/04 12:13] slack7639 Gigamon: i upgraded my video card driver for nvidia 9600GT 512 MB, now i can record two internet radio streams, run SL, open Google Earth, and watch a YouTube that's on Google Earth, all at the same time
[2008/12/04 12:13] Taurin Cuttita: that was at best buy
[2008/12/04 12:13] Rock Pond Pose ball: llStopAnimation: Script trying to stop animations but agent not found
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: that's great, slack.
[2008/12/04 12:13] Taurin Cuttita: im not sure what te etaler price is
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: i love good deals on cool tools!
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: hey hey Samantha!
[2008/12/04 12:13] slack7639 Gigamon: i think it was all in the updated video card driver - pays to keep those updated
[2008/12/04 12:13] Torley Linden: luv the title ;D
[2008/12/04 12:14] Samantha Poindexter: Hi, Torley! Thanks! :-)
[2008/12/04 12:14] Torley Linden: heya Sougent!
[2008/12/04 12:14] Sougent Harrop: Hey Torley...
[2008/12/04 12:14] daddy Westland: i got to go now torley bye
[2008/12/04 12:14] Ewan Mureaux: this might sound stupid but are computer parts like universal, they don't run differently in europe and the US, no?
[2008/12/04 12:15] slack7639 Gigamon: i set my nvidia anti-aliasing at 4X, i think the default is 2X, 4x is better, don't see much diff above 4x
[2008/12/04 12:15] Taurin Cuttita: Nope
[2008/12/04 12:15] Taurin Cuttita: they are teh same on the inside
[2008/12/04 12:15] Torley Linden: external power requirements may be different
[2008/12/04 12:15] Samantha Poindexter: Mostly. I would imagine the power supply would have to be specific to a given country's voltage...
[2008/12/04 12:15] Torley Linden: i'm not an expert in that tho
[2008/12/04 12:15] Torley Linden: what Samantha said
[2008/12/04 12:15] Ewan Mureaux: ah good, I might need to ask people to send me things and save some cash
[2008/12/04 12:15] Taurin Cuttita: well Torley its just based on the input
[2008/12/04 12:15] Crap Mariner smiles
[2008/12/04 12:15] Crap Mariner: yay another performer for the project.
[2008/12/04 12:15] Torley Linden: lemme guess, ugh, VAT?
[2008/12/04 12:16] Taurin Cuttita: as they have different currents vltages and what not
[2008/12/04 12:16] Vista Questi: most switching supplies can easily handle the different voltages, U'd just need to adapt the plug
[2008/12/04 12:16] Ewan Mureaux: down to only 15% now
[2008/12/04 12:16] slack7639 Gigamon: Tyler appears as a vapor to me, Edit Appearance fixes it
[2008/12/04 12:16] Torley Linden: slack, ah yes, the vapor is "Ruth 2.0" aka particle cloud
[2008/12/04 12:16] Jaymes Kjeller: Yeah, everyone's been talking about the VAT cut.
[2008/12/04 12:16] Samantha Poindexter: Ah, hadn't known that, Vista.
[2008/12/04 12:16] Tammy Nowotny: I call it "Casper"
[2008/12/04 12:16] Tammy Nowotny: sorry I crashed...
[2008/12/04 12:16] Allison Widdershins: I need a vapour av
[2008/12/04 12:16] Taurin Cuttita: hehe
[2008/12/04 12:17] Samantha Poindexter grins.
[2008/12/04 12:17] Samantha Poindexter: There are instructions for a vapor AV on the SL wiki's Ruth page. :-)
[2008/12/04 12:17] Taurin Cuttita: Torley you are the only one that made the gunblade pink
[2008/12/04 12:17] Taurin Cuttita: lol
[2008/12/04 12:17] Allison Widdershins: oh nice -- thanks!
[2008/12/04 12:17] Vista Questi: there'soften a swtich on the back fro 110/220 (for the compy) u have to be much more careful with external supplies such as for lcd's what it can handle will always be on the label, tho'.
[2008/12/04 12:17] Torley Linden: Taurin, yeah, mixes my love of final fantasy and watermelons :)
[2008/12/04 12:17] Tammy Nowotny: all these milennia, mysteic aspired become a being of pure spirit... now that we can do it, it's unsettling, much better to be ina human body
[2008/12/04 12:17] Torley Linden:
[2008/12/04 12:17] Taurin Cuttita: makes em hungray for games and food
[2008/12/04 12:17] Sougent Harrop: Heh, sometimes I think It'd be nice to just have a space navigator mode login and just fly around as a ghost with no physical form.
[2008/12/04 12:17] Crap Mariner: want a vapor av? get a really slow connection. ;)
[2008/12/04 12:18] Samantha Poindexter grins.
[2008/12/04 12:18] Allison Widdershins: ha -- I like the rest of the SL experience thank you very much :D
[2008/12/04 12:18] Torley Linden: SpaceNavigator isn't working right on my Mac... the #s look very different from my PC settings so i'm wondering what's up. anyone else use SN on Mac?
[2008/12/04 12:18] Torley Linden: most obvious statement: I LOVE IT WHEN THINGS REZ
[2008/12/04 12:18] Taurin Cuttita: hahaha
[2008/12/04 12:18] Allison Widdershins: god's not done rezzing me
[2008/12/04 12:18] Crap Mariner: using it with pc
[2008/12/04 12:18] Crap Mariner: and radar is not on... i know he uses it with a mac
[2008/12/04 12:19] Sougent Harrop: Was about to say, Radar would be the on to ask.
[2008/12/04 12:19] Torley Linden: hmmm yeah it works fine on my PC, i should check with Radar
[2008/12/04 12:19] Torley Linden: i plugged it in and it was all wobbly and askew, i had a real WTH moment
[2008/12/04 12:20] slack7639 Gigamon: if there are a lot of prims around a youtube tv, do those affect viewing the video? do they take up bandwidth?
[2008/12/04 12:20] Torley Linden: there should be a max of 15 seats here now so if anyone else wants to sit, ha ha
[2008/12/04 12:20] Crap Mariner: sometimes in my pc if i hotplg it, the readings are way off. a reboot helps.
[2008/12/04 12:20] Torley Linden: slack: it's negligible, it affects the usual rezzing time if they have lots of textures. better to keep a screen minimal and focus on the video in most cases.
[2008/12/04 12:20] Torley Linden: Crap, i've had readings way off and i go to the control panel to Calibrate it. you ever do that?
[2008/12/04 12:20] Torley Linden: hey Squirrel, Patchouli...
[2008/12/04 12:21] Patchouli Woollahra: wewt wewt!
[2008/12/04 12:21] Squirrel Wood: Hellos
[2008/12/04 12:21] Torley Linden: Patchouli, thx for pointer to Groboto, i've enjoyed it for awhile
[2008/12/04 12:21] Patchouli Woollahra: will you be using the discount coupon?
[2008/12/04 12:21] Crap Mariner: ahhhhh i have never done that. the "Edit Appearance" workaround of SpaceNav ;)
[2008/12/04 12:21] Vista Questi: Hi Squirrel! we meet again. :)
[2008/12/04 12:21] Patchouli Woollahra: wewt wewt.
[2008/12/04 12:21] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/12/04 12:21] Torley Linden: Patch, i didn't know there's one!
[2008/12/04 12:21] Crap Mariner: patch ;)
[2008/12/04 12:21] Torley Linden: i was on the trial awhile back, and then it came back to me through some other form
[2008/12/04 12:22] Torley Linden: haha yes Crap, and funny thing is if you hold your SN and push Calibrate, it'll glide in that direction(s) when you're back in SL
[2008/12/04 12:22] Crap Mariner: cool
[2008/12/04 12:22] Torley Linden: Patch, are those headlghts? speakers?
[2008/12/04 12:22] Patchouli Woollahra: emergency UFO engines.
[2008/12/04 12:22] Patchouli Woollahra: That's not an antenna on my head.
[2008/12/04 12:22] Torley Linden: oh i c
[2008/12/04 12:22] Crap Mariner: it's fun to multiple clients and get them going all funny with the spacenav at the same time.
[2008/12/04 12:22] Jaymes Kjeller: I've still to get a SN. I can get the Personal Edition, which is cheaper, but doesn't have any support, I think.
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: if you hate aliens, watch (there's one "naughty word" in it)
[2008/12/04 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm still waiting for the 1-bit alpha that people have been throwing around as an improvement on invisiprims.
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: Crap, i haven't tried it yet!
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: yeah Jaymes, it doesn't have tech support... you can ask in the forums
[2008/12/04 12:23] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: (3Dconnexion's forums)
[2008/12/04 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: because I think it'd be fun to spawn a slightly beaten up body on the ground and then go hovering around as a head.
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: i've long advocated for avatar decapitations
[2008/12/04 12:23] slack7639 Gigamon: is it possible to have a wall of tvs, and do live cam on each one? like, beam skype in here? skype audio quality is better than sl, and more stable
[2008/12/04 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: a head UFO.
[2008/12/04 12:23] Torley Linden: i was t hrilled to see some this past halloween
[2008/12/04 12:23] Crap Mariner: get the cheaper one, try it, if it doesn't work give it to a nephew or niece as a christmas gift and get the more expensive one for yourself
[2008/12/04 12:23] Patchouli Woollahra: btw, have I linked Stitch Witch to you Torley?
[2008/12/04 12:24] Torley Linden: slack, you could stream through Darwin streaming server... i don't know an easier way.
[2008/12/04 12:24] Torley Linden: not that i know of, Patch.
[2008/12/04 12:24] Squirrel Wood: decapitations are overrated :p
[2008/12/04 12:24] Patchouli Woollahra: Quicktime supports multiple streams per file, but I don't know if SL's implementation does it too.
[2008/12/04 12:24] Patchouli Woollahra: at least I managed the lop myself off at the bottom.
[2008/12/04 12:24] Squirrel Wood: ^^
[2008/12/04 12:24] Torley Linden: specifically what do you find better about Skype audio quality? i find there's less of a tendency to have dropouts/stutters.
[2008/12/04 12:25] Torley Linden: lol Squirrel, it's incredibly geeky
[2008/12/04 12:25] Squirrel Wood: Indeed it is
[2008/12/04 12:25] Torley Linden: XKCD is worth it for the alt-text too
[2008/12/04 12:25] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/12/04 12:25] Tyler Messenger: thx torley for the pic on flickr
[2008/12/04 12:25] slack7639 Gigamon: yes, skype doesn't break up, i think that's it mostly
[2008/12/04 12:25] Crap Mariner: yay press inquiry
[2008/12/04 12:25] Tyler Messenger: YAY! \o/
[2008/12/04 12:26] Torley Linden: i hate breakups of numerous kinds
[2008/12/04 12:26] Sougent Harrop: hmmm, my chat doesn't seem to be scrolling down with the newest RC...
[2008/12/04 12:26] slack7639 Gigamon: you can call up someone on skype, and run around sl at the same time
[2008/12/04 12:26] Crap Mariner: this project is going to totally get out of hand fast. heh.
[2008/12/04 12:26] Torley Linden: i've yet to try the newest 1.22
[2008/12/04 12:26] Patchouli Woollahra: here's the link :
[2008/12/04 12:26] Torley Linden: slack, it's what i do with my wife, actually
[2008/12/04 12:26] Tyler Messenger: i saw a video of Second Life 2.0
[2008/12/04 12:26] Torley Linden: Patch, that looks very compelling.
[2008/12/04 12:26] Torley Linden: Tyler, oh that was totally not official!
[2008/12/04 12:26] Patchouli Woollahra: it came out a month ago, and is meant more for texturing other types of clothing objects rather than SL.
[2008/12/04 12:27] slack7639 Gigamon: radio shack has a 1/8" Y adapter, so you don't have to unplug / plugin pc speakers and headset
[2008/12/04 12:27] Jaymes Kjeller: Speaking of that, I encountered a strange thing with the RC. It would still let me in despite not having the update.
[2008/12/04 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: but I managed to whip up this top in about five minutes after I purchased it just now :p
[2008/12/04 12:27] Torley Linden: as in "fake" =) what set it off for me was the bad typography, but the walkthroughs themselves weren't bad
[2008/12/04 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: well ,they're enforcing it now.
[2008/12/04 12:27] Tyler Messenger: damn i wish SL was like that
[2008/12/04 12:27] Tyler Messenger: lol
[2008/12/04 12:27] Patchouli Woollahra: and if anyone thinks this avatar is too creepy, let me know and i'll change over.
[2008/12/04 12:27] Torley Linden: *bookmarks Stitch Witch for later* great product name
[2008/12/04 12:28] Crap Mariner: it is not creepy enough
[2008/12/04 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra is enjoying the wierdness before she puts it in the U.R.G.E. at her office.
[2008/12/04 12:28] Jaymes Kjeller: Still, it wouldn't work well. It would say that I didn't put anything into the Recipiant field when posting photos to Flickr and that.
[2008/12/04 12:28] Jaymes Kjeller: Downloading the update fixed it. It was bizzare.
[2008/12/04 12:28] Torley Linden: when you think about what "creepy" literally means, it doesn't seem so scary after all.
[2008/12/04 12:28] Patchouli Woollahra: it's not bizzare. LL demands the latest update, you gotta get the update.
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: Jaymes, i had a problem with an earlier RC, that didn't allow me to send to multiple recipients
[2008/12/04 12:29] Patchouli Woollahra: unless you fake the channel it logs in as.
[2008/12/04 12:29] Squirrel Wood: (Masters Of Chant Chapter V - Limited Dark Edition) Gregorian - Lady in Black ^^
[2008/12/04 12:29] Patchouli Woollahra: and then, the ice woozls come.
[2008/12/04 12:29] Anderson Urqhart: wow two office hours in 24 hours Torley
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: Squirrel, i REALLY LOVE their song, "The Forest"
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: have you heard that one? it's like kind of Enigma-ish
[2008/12/04 12:29] Patchouli Woollahra is potentially going to be a lot closer to Linden Lab soon.
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torleyite (CLICK ME FOR TIPS!) shouts: Start some social fun and create a group! Click the Communicate button on your toolbar, click the Groups tab, then click the 'Create' button!
[2008/12/04 12:29] Tammy Nowotny: youre mostly grey to me Patchouli and obscured by a grey fog, so I am not creeped out :-)
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: oh yeah Patch?
[2008/12/04 12:29] Squirrel Wood: I has it Torley ^^
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: u can has
[2008/12/04 12:29] Torley Linden: hey Anderson!
[2008/12/04 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: Tammy: appanrently she hasn't seen the partial exposure.
[2008/12/04 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: I need to move home to Singapore. I'll be arriving about the 22nd of December.
[2008/12/04 12:30] Anderson Urqhart: whats the subject of discussion here?
[2008/12/04 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: I'll be relaxing for a fortnight, getting to know Singapore again after five years of being Australian.
[2008/12/04 12:30] Samantha Poindexter: Subject?
[2008/12/04 12:30] Torley Linden: Anderson, loose flow of consciousness ;D
[2008/12/04 12:30] Torley Linden: hahahahaah
[2008/12/04 12:30] Torley Linden: CHAOS!
[2008/12/04 12:30] Patchouli Woollahra: then I'll send in my resume to join up as a CSR.
[2008/12/04 12:30] Torley Linden: we usually go through all manner of oddities
[2008/12/04 12:30] Samantha Poindexter grins.
[2008/12/04 12:30] Torley Linden: Patch, did you know that Linden Lab has a Singapore office?
[2008/12/04 12:31] Torley Linden: or was that your reference...
[2008/12/04 12:31] Torley Linden: ;)
[2008/12/04 12:31] Patchouli Woollahra: certain lindens have advised me to resend it and make it specific to Singapore.
[2008/12/04 12:31] Torley Linden: AHA
[2008/12/04 12:31] Anderson Urqhart: Torley do you know how long the LL office takes to respond to employment applications?
[2008/12/04 12:31] Patchouli Woollahra: It's a lovely thing to have goodwill.
[2008/12/04 12:31] Torley Linden: i wish you a smooth move
[2008/12/04 12:31] Tammy Nowotny: I applied for that job too
[2008/12/04 12:31] Torley Linden: Anderson, usually a few weeks if we're interested. we can't reply to everything though.
[2008/12/04 12:32] Squirrel Wood: as far as I am aware you will be summoned to at least one inworld interview :p
[2008/12/04 12:32] Patchouli Woollahra has never deemed anything important enough to say anything potentially insulting or contradictory in public to any specific Linden and it's paid off.
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: i'm not involved in the hiring process. i used to be. ;)
[2008/12/04 12:32] Anderson Urqhart: ohhh so i guess i am not wanted
[2008/12/04 12:32] Jaymes Kjeller: You know, the box this avatar came in was far more different than most I've seen. The avatar I'm using, I mean.
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: Patch, same here!
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: ;D
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: yes, we do inworld interviews. i had a phone one, too.
[2008/12/04 12:32] Patchouli Woollahra: And then... GOM JABBAR!
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: that was the days before inworld voice.
[2008/12/04 12:32] Patchouli Woollahra: It Burns!
[2008/12/04 12:32] Torley Linden: lol @ Dune reference
[2008/12/04 12:32] Samantha Poindexter giggles.
[2008/12/04 12:33] Torley Linden: Anderson, there have been times when there wasn't a job yet for a particular talent. each case is different but don't be hard on yourself!
[2008/12/04 12:33] Anderson Urqhart: well there is a list of jobs for Brighton UK
[2008/12/04 12:33] Patchouli Woollahra: and I understand the pain continues:
[2008/12/04 12:33] Patchouli Woollahra: <contains funny visualisation of The Love Machine>
[2008/12/04 12:34] Anderson Urqhart: its not being hard on myself its needing a job in Internet 2.0 or social networking
[2008/12/04 12:34] Crap Mariner: heh someone using the gallery IMing me.
[2008/12/04 12:34] Torley Linden: that's your passion, Anderson?
[2008/12/04 12:34] Torley Linden: social media?
[2008/12/04 12:34] Squirrel Wood: behind torley.... the packaging for one of my products :p
[2008/12/04 12:34] Anderson Urqhart: yes
[2008/12/04 12:34] Patchouli Woollahra: erm, actually, Internet 2.0 still requires some basic skills :D
[2008/12/04 12:34] Anderson Urqhart: and SL has taken up a lot of my time
[2008/12/04 12:34] Patchouli Woollahra: beer and chikin anyone?
[2008/12/04 12:34] Anderson Urqhart: i have been involved with internet since 1994
[2008/12/04 12:34] Torley Linden: *looks behind myself*
[2008/12/04 12:35] Ewan Mureaux: luckily the government now play to pay SL‚Ñ¢ so all good
[2008/12/04 12:35] Geneko Nemeth: ddddd
[2008/12/04 12:35] Torley Linden: not just a crate, but a whole pallet!
[2008/12/04 12:35] Geneko Nemeth: Eep!
[2008/12/04 12:35] Squirrel Wood: unpacking and putting it together is the tough task. But if you can work based on ikea "manuals" you can do it :p
[2008/12/04 12:35] Torley Linden: "assembly is an adventure"
[2008/12/04 12:35] Anderson Urqhart: inverntor of the WWW was once my supervisor in a electronics firm
[2008/12/04 12:35] Tammy Nowotny: the way I see it, we are like the people who were messing around with talking pictures and TV in the 1930s, we may as well give this a try since the odl economy is collapsing anyway
[2008/12/04 12:35] Torley Linden: who was that, Anderson?
[2008/12/04 12:35] Anderson Urqhart: Tim Berners Lee
[2008/12/04 12:35] Allison Widdershins: hehehe what's on tap? LOL
[2008/12/04 12:35] Patchouli Woollahra: I believe the recession is good for SL qualitatively.
[2008/12/04 12:35] Torley Linden: oh yeah, good ol' TBL! my wife has a crush on him
[2008/12/04 12:35] Patchouli Woollahra: remember the last recession?
[2008/12/04 12:35] Torley Linden: ;D
[2008/12/04 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: it was 2002,2003 ish.
[2008/12/04 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: what happened when silicon valley went into meltdown?
[2008/12/04 12:36] Anderson Urqhart: he worked in my home town before he went to CERN
[2008/12/04 12:36] Ewan Mureaux: melty silicone?
[2008/12/04 12:36] Torley Linden: Patch, i feel the urge to roll some dice and slay some dragons because of your getup
[2008/12/04 12:36] Torley Linden: neat connection, Anderson
[2008/12/04 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: As I understand it, a lot of people whou would normally not deign to be in Second LIfe in its state then decided to give it a go.
[2008/12/04 12:36] Anderson Urqhart: we both worked for Plessey Traffic Controls
[2008/12/04 12:36] Torley Linden: Kevin Rose said something like, the best time to start a startup is during economic downturn
[2008/12/04 12:36] Patchouli Woollahra: we've had quite a bit of a boost from that.
[2008/12/04 12:37] Anderson Urqhart: i did he worked for group but in same factory
[2008/12/04 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: it's now pretty much up to the newer generation to do more of the awesome that used to come from people like Frances Chung and Starax and Hiro Prot et al.
[2008/12/04 12:37] Tammy Nowotny: assuming your burnthrough is very low
[2008/12/04 12:37] Arirael hidden beer dispenser (TT-Variant) whispers: Squirrel Wood has just... erm... grabbed a free Hangover-less Beer.
[2008/12/04 12:37] Anderson Urqhart: well i been involved with NASA 2.0 too
[2008/12/04 12:37] Patchouli Woollahra: and yes, there's a reason why there's a hatch on my tummy.
[2008/12/04 12:37] Torley Linden: Francis Chung will always have a legendary place in my heart
[2008/12/04 12:37] Geneko Nemeth: Voice is harder to log and moderate etc etc....
[2008/12/04 12:38] Tammy Nowotny: the Great Depression was actuallya time of great technical innovation... in the USA at least. Europe and Japan just went nuts instead.
[2008/12/04 12:38] Anderson Urqhart: throught NASA CoLab in SL
[2008/12/04 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: barring some of the imbroglio around the Dominus Shadow, yeah.
[2008/12/04 12:38] Torley Linden: she taught me about the extents of content creativity!
[2008/12/04 12:38] Geneko Nemeth: Not to mention that I can't even find you with voice.
[2008/12/04 12:38] Torley Linden: imbroglio what?
[2008/12/04 12:38] Taurin Cuttita: Well I need to pop off Sl for a bit see ya guys ina few
[2008/12/04 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: basically, the original scripter who did the Shadow had a falling out with Frances.
[2008/12/04 12:38] Anderson Urqhart: hey i have many ideas but need the readys to make it happen
[2008/12/04 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: that led to a prolonged situation where the most dynamic car in SL was kinda... static :(
[2008/12/04 12:38] Patchouli Woollahra: no updates or stuff.
[2008/12/04 12:38] Crap Mariner: all my ideas are quite deranged.
[2008/12/04 12:39] Patchouli Woollahra: I think he's either patched up or gotten the scripts replicated by someone else.
[2008/12/04 12:39] Torley Linden: original scripter? who was that?
[2008/12/04 12:39] Sougent Harrop: That's not the only thing Crap..
[2008/12/04 12:39] Torley Linden: i either have holes in my memory or i'm in a different timeline!
[2008/12/04 12:39] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm only noting what I've been hearing on random discussions.
[2008/12/04 12:39] Patchouli Woollahra: and Crap, don't think I can't outderange you on a good day.
[2008/12/04 12:40] Torley Linden: i love seeing influential inworld inventions...
[2008/12/04 12:40] Patchouli Woollahra: The Dominus tapped into a very big vein when it first came out.
[2008/12/04 12:40] Torley Linden: yeah, it put so many things together in a great package
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: THE first vehicle to use HUDs too
[2008/12/04 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: irregardless of what its history and eventual fate is, it's pretty much secured a position as one of several things that made early SL awesome.
[2008/12/04 12:41] Anderson Urqhart: Twitter and sl and NASA CoLab together have been major
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: it really was like the Ford Model T of our world
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: i like seeing how Tinies have evolved...
[2008/12/04 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: Ah, but could the Ford Model T fly?
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: to Loco Pocos
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: Patch, there's the SL touch for you... a bit of Delorean spice!
[2008/12/04 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: There's a song about it from The Goons.
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: hey Geneko :)
[2008/12/04 12:41] Geneko Nemeth: Not again, click actions T_T
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: where's the song?
[2008/12/04 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: "I Like Tineees, I Like Tineeees, They only come up to your knees..."
[2008/12/04 12:41] Torley Linden: hey Vanilla :)
[2008/12/04 12:41] Patchouli Woollahra: "But they're cute and they're cuddly and they're eager to please."
[2008/12/04 12:42] Samantha Poindexter: Oy.
[2008/12/04 12:42] Tammy Nowotny: no, but someone actually did make the VW Beetle fly :-)
[2008/12/04 12:42] Patchouli Woollahra: okay, so maybe the original song was quite racist.
[2008/12/04 12:42] slack7639 Gigamon: "We are small, but we are mighty!"
[2008/12/04 12:42] Patchouli Woollahra: as soon as I figure out what tinies love to eat, I'll write the rest of this song. :p
[2008/12/04 12:42] Torley Linden: ;)
[2008/12/04 12:42] Patchouli Woollahra: either that or have a mental breakdown a la Spike. No, not Linden.
[2008/12/04 12:43] Allison Widdershins: So are we Chinese LOL
[2008/12/04 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley and me are Chinese IRL.
[2008/12/04 12:43] Anderson Urqhart: ohhh wow
[2008/12/04 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: of course, there's been some insane divergence.
[2008/12/04 12:43] Allison Widdershins: I'm half, does that count?
[2008/12/04 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: that makes 2.5
[2008/12/04 12:43] Ewan Mureaux: depends which half
[2008/12/04 12:43] Torley Linden: ;)
[2008/12/04 12:43] Allison Widdershins: uh, um
[2008/12/04 12:43] Geneko Nemeth: Born in China but immigrated to Canada at 18 does that count?
[2008/12/04 12:43] Ewan Mureaux: left or right?
[2008/12/04 12:43] Anderson Urqhart: whats the age range here?
[2008/12/04 12:43] Torley Linden: Spike, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
[2008/12/04 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: like Torley only understands some Cantonese, and I only understand Beijing's official dialect.
[2008/12/04 12:43] slack7639 Gigamon: i've been studying string theory, that's the materialistic worldview
[2008/12/04 12:43] Patchouli Woollahra: 18+
[2008/12/04 12:44] Anderson Urqhart: highest i mean
[2008/12/04 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: anyone who's under 18 shouldn't really be on the half of the grid we're on.
[2008/12/04 12:44] Torley Linden: oooh new 256GB Solid State Drive
[2008/12/04 12:44] Samantha Poindexter: Let me rez in peace?
[2008/12/04 12:44] Anderson Urqhart: 43 here in rl
[2008/12/04 12:44] slack7639 Gigamon: it's all strings, photons, membranes, and force fields
[2008/12/04 12:44] Torley Linden: can't wait for that to go lower than US$300
[2008/12/04 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: you're never too old to get into SL.
[2008/12/04 12:44] Allison Widdershins: true enough
[2008/12/04 12:44] Anderson Urqhart: just interested in his group here
[2008/12/04 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: SSDs are based on memory. I'm still not too keen on using memory-based drives for anything that changes a lot.
[2008/12/04 12:44] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm 28 IRL if that helps.
[2008/12/04 12:45] Vista Questi: I put all that in my profile!
[2008/12/04 12:45] Vista Questi: I ain't proud. :)
[2008/12/04 12:45] Torley Linden: Vista oh did ya now!!
[2008/12/04 12:45] Tammy Nowotny: is this your own music we are listening to on the audio stream, Torley?
[2008/12/04 12:45] Patchouli Woollahra: disclose only as much information as you feel comfy about giving out, I say.
[2008/12/04 12:45] Torley Linden: wow that's really nice of you to say ^_^
[2008/12/04 12:45] Torley Linden: yes Tammy :)
[2008/12/04 12:45] Torley Linden: i like to play piano
[2008/12/04 12:45] Tammy Nowotny: it's lovely
[2008/12/04 12:45] Vista Questi: I want people to know who i am! that's fair isn't it? I sure like to get to know others. ;)
[2008/12/04 12:45] Torley Linden: thanks!
[2008/12/04 12:46] Patchouli Woollahra: he used to play the synth, but his autism decided it'd be wonderful to fubar the part of his brain that did that for fun.
[2008/12/04 12:46] Torley Linden: i really encourage filling out your profile... ;D with whatever you choose, but self-express what ye art comfy with
[2008/12/04 12:46] Ewan Mureaux: reminds me about straming I got back on the tutorial wagon and made a new one
[2008/12/04 12:46] Anderson Urqhart: they say that most if SL is based on serving the under 40s and i am having issues with getting projects funded as its thought to all be under 40s here
[2008/12/04 12:46] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm not happy about that. Some of his synth music was lovely.
[2008/12/04 12:46] Allison Widdershins: That's something newbies need to hear -- fill out your profile.
[2008/12/04 12:46] Torley Linden: Patch, you could be like, my biographer, you have a wonderful memory for trivia too... but actually twas hyperacusis that damaged my ears
[2008/12/04 12:46] Patchouli Woollahra: SL can be for anyone over 18.
[2008/12/04 12:46] Ewan Mureaux: - first post, how to stream with traktor, SAM and virtual DJ
[2008/12/04 12:46] Allison Widdershins: it's so basic but so damn helpful
[2008/12/04 12:46] Patchouli Woollahra: the trick is to determine what you want to convey, and how to convey it.,
[2008/12/04 12:47] Torley Linden: Allison, i feel we need to do more "SLetiquette" in the beginning, as part of the user experience
[2008/12/04 12:47] Allison Widdershins: Honestly right on
[2008/12/04 12:47] Patchouli Woollahra: a good metaversalist can guide you in this. LL provides a significant directory of such companies.
[2008/12/04 12:47] Torley Linden: there are many cultural aspects of Second Life
[2008/12/04 12:47] Tammy Nowotny: if you have a credit card, becoming "Payment Info required" makes a big difference in how others view you... even though there are many leadinbg SL residnets who are No Payment Info
[2008/12/04 12:47] Jaymes Kjeller: I like Torley's techno music, and I'm thinking about listening to his piano music too.
[2008/12/04 12:47] Torley Linden: yes, very true
[2008/12/04 12:47] Torley Linden: i like to make phat beats that rock the joint!
[2008/12/04 12:47] Patchouli Woollahra: which for some reason, I keep neglecting to register for even after two years of developing for SLB and about 600+ of this avatar sold.
[2008/12/04 12:47] Allison Widdershins: and we get waves of newbies all with no idea of how to interact
[2008/12/04 12:47] Vista Questi: u have to give them time, there's a lot of concepts to absorb
[2008/12/04 12:47] Patchouli Woollahra: Allison: That is not true.
[2008/12/04 12:48] Allison Widdershins: oh I see enough of them
[2008/12/04 12:48] Samantha Poindexter: There should be a notice if you select a name starting with a number... "WARNING: This name will hamper your ability to get anything out of a Lucky Chair."
[2008/12/04 12:48] Vista Questi: I like to go over to HI every once in a while, nab a newb and talk to them and tour them
[2008/12/04 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: they strap on a suspiciously shaped collection of prims more often than not and ask me for sex.
[2008/12/04 12:48] Vista Questi: i never leave there without a new friend on my list. ;)
[2008/12/04 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: Samantha: people are coding around it.
[2008/12/04 12:48] Allison Widdershins: and maybe because they're young
[2008/12/04 12:48] Torley Linden: hahahaha Samantha,
[2008/12/04 12:48] Allison Widdershins: I hear that
[2008/12/04 12:48] Samantha Poindexter: Ooh, good to know. :-)
[2008/12/04 12:48] Torley Linden: are there any Lucky Chairs that include numbers?
[2008/12/04 12:48] Anderson Urqhart: i have a totally seperate buisness account here fully paid up
[2008/12/04 12:48] Torley Linden: hey Simon :D
[2008/12/04 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: there are some good recent chairs that take the possibility of naming with a digit first into account.
[2008/12/04 12:48] Torley Linden: funny what sorts of adaptations happen over time...
[2008/12/04 12:48] Allison Widdershins: but there's a culture here even if it's a specialized amagamation of stuff
[2008/12/04 12:48] Patchouli Woollahra: Check Odda Bing's profile, his club has chairs that do it.
[2008/12/04 12:49] Simon Kline: Hi Torley!! great to see you
[2008/12/04 12:49] Torley Linden: inventive minds, they doth never cease to exist
[2008/12/04 12:49] Simon Kline: hi all *waves*
[2008/12/04 12:49] Tammy Nowotny: the new registration system has cerated a wave of members with numbers and other fugly stuff in their names
[2008/12/04 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: Torley: agreed. I think you've been here long enough to know that what Linden Lab proposes, Residents tend to twist, mangle and often mis-take. usually with very interesting results.
[2008/12/04 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: as well as some interesting ones.
[2008/12/04 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: we have Loompa Oompa in SL.
[2008/12/04 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: we also have Maxi and Mini Mumfuzz.
[2008/12/04 12:49] Torley Linden: yes...
[2008/12/04 12:49] Patchouli Woollahra: Terri Sciavo was around, but got banned after an attack on HIP
[2008/12/04 12:50] Anderson Urqhart: the magazine article that saidSL was all sex and not much else has bought all the wrong people here - lots of griefers
[2008/12/04 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: involving pictures of a certain fatally brain-damaged coma victim.
[2008/12/04 12:50] Torley Linden: i like very punny names
[2008/12/04 12:50] Samantha Poindexter: I met Vanity Fair the other day...
[2008/12/04 12:50] Torley Linden: Anderson, which magazine? recent article?
[2008/12/04 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: SL isn't only about sex.
[2008/12/04 12:50] Torley Linden: one of my alts is YanniLiveAtThe Acropolis and also Music Fan ;)
[2008/12/04 12:50] Patchouli Woollahra: sometimes, it's also about intellectual intercourse.
[2008/12/04 12:50] Samantha Poindexter giggles.
[2008/12/04 12:50] Simon Kline grins
[2008/12/04 12:51] Vista Questi smiiles. i like to think of it more as a sensual world than a sexual one, altho' that's certainly a facet. ^_^
[2008/12/04 12:51] Patchouli Woollahra: you'll notice the most boob exposure that's happening here right now is Vista Questi, and she's in a avatar that clearly justifies it.
[2008/12/04 12:51] Anderson Urqhart: ye i think it was last week - some of the mentors mentioned it when i was getting annoyed about the lag levels last week
[2008/12/04 12:51] Vista Questi: hey!
[2008/12/04 12:51] Vista Questi: wrong body shape omg hee hee
[2008/12/04 12:51] Patchouli Woollahra: a lot of these newcomers sadly don't realise the most important thing to get laid in Second Life is a good imagination and a sense of what to say.
[2008/12/04 12:51] Torley Linden: i'd like to see more stories on how Second Life improves people's sexuality, insteada of the generic tawdry stuff
[2008/12/04 12:51] Patchouli Woollahra: Tateru Nino once put it best to me: "The brain is the largest sexual organ ever"
[2008/12/04 12:52] Anderson Urqhart: lol
[2008/12/04 12:52] Squirrel Wood: proper manners. yes. many lack those
[2008/12/04 12:52] Vista Questi: yikes i have to fix that folder, my fems' for my skunky! :3
[2008/12/04 12:52] Ewan Mureaux: patch you should see my other bits, it puts that old saying to rest
[2008/12/04 12:52] Torley Linden: HAHAHAAHAHAH
[2008/12/04 12:52] Torley Linden: <.<
[2008/12/04 12:52] Allison Widdershins: there's plenty of terribly unimaginative sex to be had here
[2008/12/04 12:52] Patchouli Woollahra: oh really, if you don't mind, I have a pic that will scare you into submission.
[2008/12/04 12:52] Anderson Urqhart: i think from what i understand it was a comment made to a journalist that was taken far too literally
[2008/12/04 12:52] Allison Widdershins: I can get that in RL
[2008/12/04 12:52] Torley Linden: one of my first notecards here was a guide to cybersex, it was attrocious
[2008/12/04 12:53] Allison Widdershins: Here I aspire to a bit more
[2008/12/04 12:53] Anderson Urqhart: you cybersex or the card?
[2008/12/04 12:53] Torley Linden: the card
[2008/12/04 12:53] Marianne McCann always pickes the #1 best times to show up
[2008/12/04 12:53] Torley Linden: HAHAHA
[2008/12/04 12:53] Marianne McCann winks
[2008/12/04 12:53] Torley Linden: >,>
[2008/12/04 12:53] Jaymes Kjeller: People tend to jump to conclusions. I don't trust the media much, if at all.
[2008/12/04 12:53] Torley Linden: oh be mindful and polite, little ones are here!
[2008/12/04 12:53] Marianne McCann giggles
[2008/12/04 12:53] Torley Linden: that reminds me of Star Wars
[2008/12/04 12:53] Ewan Mureaux: I think way back the sex thing was more apparent in 06 it seemed to be everywhere when I looked in
[2008/12/04 12:53] Anderson Urqhart: hey i am a blogger on some serious sites but always blog good for sl
[2008/12/04 12:53] Geneko Nemeth: Bwah. I've seen enough dirty stuff in SL already.
[2008/12/04 12:53] Patchouli Woollahra: Here's a link to what I suggested just now, but if you're at work, or someone is peeking over your shoulder, do NOT open this link:
[2008/12/04 12:53] Vista Questi: u cannot know the worldfrom outside the world, it HAs t obe felt to be belived. ^>^
[2008/12/04 12:54] Marianne McCann: Ewan - true. Seems a lot less "wild" in that way now
[2008/12/04 12:54] Patchouli Woollahra: (extremely OMGWTFIWWSLFNSFW)
[2008/12/04 12:54] Squirrel Wood: If there is anything you have not yet thought of - you can surely find it somewhere in SL
[2008/12/04 12:54] Torley Linden: yes Vista, it's so important to experience things firsthand
[2008/12/04 12:54] Patchouli Woollahra: Clue: The Schwartz is insanely strong with this one.
[2008/12/04 12:54] Samantha Poindexter: As somebody whose home is a skybox above a brothel, I endorse dull unimaginative amateur sex. Makes the professionals who know what they're doing that much more sought after. ;-)
[2008/12/04 12:54] Allison Widdershins: Obi Schlong kenobi
[2008/12/04 12:54] Patchouli Woollahra: also: EYEBLEACH TIME
[2008/12/04 12:54] Torley Linden: lol @ eyebleach
[2008/12/04 12:54] Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[2008/12/04 12:54] Allison Widdershins: no, that's the Pillow Book
[2008/12/04 12:55] Squirrel Wood hands out soap for mouth washings.
[2008/12/04 12:55] Tammy Nowotny: LOL Samantha
[2008/12/04 12:55] Ewan Mureaux: I think withing a few hours of first rezzing some guy gave me a couple of hundred L$ took me to some huge cube mall to get pimped then I was to sell myself and give him 10%
[2008/12/04 12:55] Geneko Nemeth: Hi Marianne?
[2008/12/04 12:55] Crap Mariner: It keeps them busy and distracted from doing actual harm or damage.
[2008/12/04 12:55] Torley Linden: Samantha, oh that's definitely an "only in Second life" moment
[2008/12/04 12:55] Anderson Urqhart: too many people have serious businesses in sl to want it hurt
[2008/12/04 12:55] Jaymes Kjeller: Why are we even talking about this? How did we get to this topic?
[2008/12/04 12:55] Marianne McCann: Hi Geneko?
[2008/12/04 12:55] Ewan Mureaux: then an hour later he IM'd and said 25%
[2008/12/04 12:55] Torley Linden: my office hours, they doth have many bizarre transitions
[2008/12/04 12:55] Geneko Nemeth: Oh c'mon it's inevitable.
[2008/12/04 12:55] Simon Kline: anderson it's great you're blogging 'good' for sl, i think some good views from ppl IN sl are much more reliable than the rubbish the media writes on it by people who've never been here :))
[2008/12/04 12:55] Samantha Poindexter: Ewan: eww.
[2008/12/04 12:55] Patchouli Woollahra: Jaymes the same we we get into discussing the impact of Sigmund Freud on SL residents' mindsets.
[2008/12/04 12:55] Ewan Mureaux: no really christmas 06 my first av was more female than this one
[2008/12/04 12:55] Torley Linden: ohh the avatarmanity
[2008/12/04 12:56] Anderson Urqhart: i will blog against the griefers but thats only in the way of trying to educate them
[2008/12/04 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: yeah, as I understand it, you and Ravanelle were quite the lesbian love couple on NWN.
[2008/12/04 12:56] Crap Mariner: sometimes a wooden block is just a wooden block
[2008/12/04 12:56] slack7639 Gigamon: i've found a few people here with bi-polar, multiple personalities, on drugs, depression
[2008/12/04 12:56] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/12/04 12:56] Allison Widdershins: puh -- the uncarved block
[2008/12/04 12:56] Patchouli Woollahra: it's fascinating how malleable identity in SL is.
[2008/12/04 12:56] Allison Widdershins: and wonderful
[2008/12/04 12:56] Torley Linden: i like knowing when Second Life enriches and heals trauma and hurts, a form of therapy
[2008/12/04 12:57] Waldina Katar (Right) v1.2: releasing controls
[2008/12/04 12:57] Anderson Urqhart: one thing i found funny is that many people i know have alts that are not their real gender - its so cool
[2008/12/04 12:57] Vista Questi: i should start one of thosse ythings.. I could easily write a book on all the cool stuff that's happened to me, ( i travel a lot ), but THEN I'd not be inworld as much <sob>
[2008/12/04 12:57] Squirrel Wood: Only bad news is good ne.... SLs asset servers will go down momentarily for an unscheduled 72hour maintenance. :p
[2008/12/04 12:57] Torley Linden: i encourage people to explore themselves
[2008/12/04 12:57] Ewan Mureaux: in front of a mirror?
[2008/12/04 12:57] Torley Linden: Vista, it's a balance, eh? writing about stuff vs. doing it
[2008/12/04 12:57] Vista Questi: it's good therapy all right, if ur happy to start with, watch out u might get so happy ur fur will burst. :)
[2008/12/04 12:57] Anderson Urqhart: Virutal Ability INC are a health education org in sl
[2008/12/04 12:57] Torley Linden: Ewan, sometimes. ;D
[2008/12/04 12:57] Marianne McCann: Anderson. I've known folks who use avatars of different genders, different races, different abilities, an different ages, of course
[2008/12/04 12:57] Anderson Urqhart: VAI give access to health resources that many couldn't otherwise get
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: but srsly, to get to know thyself. self-awareness is so important to understanding the world around you.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Allison Widdershins: guilty as charged
[2008/12/04 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra graffitis Torley's table with her personal chibifox sticker.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: if you don't know yourself, how can you know someone else?
[2008/12/04 12:58] Vista Questi: I REALLYH wanna get my content creation skills better, but yes... it's all a balance.. and u can't possibly do or kknow it all
[2008/12/04 12:58] blogHUD Messenger: Your image post has arrived at []: see
[2008/12/04 12:58] Vista Questi: i tell the newbs: don't try to eat the whole world,, let it eat YOU instead! lol
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: pick what you're most passionate about first, and go for it. lead the way.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: Vista: nobody is asking you to.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: :)
[2008/12/04 12:58] Ewan Mureaux: on that whole health thing I'm going outside on Saturda6y for the second time in 14 months, I plan to use all my new found sl-given confidence
[2008/12/04 12:58] Geneko Nemeth: But... how do I know myself?
[2008/12/04 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: instead, make friends with the friendliest and the best.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Anderson Urqhart: Vista may i recommend the offical SL Mentors for help
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: Geneko: it never comes all at once.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Vista Questi: oh i ask this of myself i want to be at leaast familiar with it all as much as i can
[2008/12/04 12:58] Marianne McCann: Zactly. If anything, SL gives you the chance to follow your passions. Sometimes to a fault
[2008/12/04 12:58] Torley Linden: you ask yourself questions, then roam the world in search of answers.
[2008/12/04 12:58] Patchouli Woollahra: and honor their requests in as much as they honor yours.
[2008/12/04 12:59] Anderson Urqhart: i am working with one just now to learn to build
[2008/12/04 12:59] Vista Questi: u may :)
[2008/12/04 12:59] Patchouli Woollahra: \Ah yes, speaking of fault.
[2008/12/04 12:59] Anderson Urqhart: Till Peirce
[2008/12/04 12:59] Patchouli Woollahra: I have some recent news that I have to respond to with onyl one question: Why?
[2008/12/04 12:59] Vista Questi: i know more than im letting on, but im not here to brag, it's just knowing there's a basically infinite path to improvement
[2008/12/04 12:59] slack7639 Gigamon: sl is like IRC, but with graphics, IRC amazed me when i first saw that in the mid to late 90s
[2008/12/04 12:59] Vista Questi: which is good, u;ll ALWAYs have something new to do
[2008/12/04 13:00] Patchouli Woollahra: According to some vendors of teen and child skins, LL is backtracking and force-returning vendors of such skins even with underpants prepainted on and stuff.
[2008/12/04 13:00] Anderson Urqhart: well i know things that many don't but you never stop learning until you die
[2008/12/04 13:00] Torley Linden: i was on IRC a lot, too.
[2008/12/04 13:00] Marianne McCann: Patch - as you can guess, I know way too much about that
[2008/12/04 13:00] Geneko Nemeth: Oh yeah, I'm usually on 5+ IRC channels all time too!
[2008/12/04 13:00] Torley Linden: i've heard some about this, but i don't know how/why this happened, Patch and Mari. :|
[2008/12/04 13:01] Patchouli Woollahra: it's a terrible joke, and I'm guessing that GTeam is doing the job professionally.
[2008/12/04 13:01] Marianne McCann: I can fill you in with all the details, Torley. Still trying to get more answers out of some of the GTeam, though
[2008/12/04 13:01] Vista Questi: that plus collaboratoin, Anderson, and u can rezz some pretty mighty dreaams here. =^.^=
[2008/12/04 13:01] slack7639 Gigamon: i like it cause i meet a lot of interesting smart people
[2008/12/04 13:01] Patchouli Woollahra: Notice I said 'professionally', not 'with relish'.
[2008/12/04 13:01] Marianne McCann gave you M2 Skins Article.
[2008/12/04 13:01] Torley Linden: *nods*
[2008/12/04 13:01] Torley Linden: *reads*
[2008/12/04 13:01] Marianne McCann gave you Questions for the GTeam.
[2008/12/04 13:01] Marianne McCann: It's a ot to read, Torley
[2008/12/04 13:01] Natasha Burke: Hello!
[2008/12/04 13:01] Anderson Urqhart: Vista i am developing ideas professionally here with an idea for a project to start in april next year
[2008/12/04 13:01] Marianne McCann: Hi Natasha!
[2008/12/04 13:02] Geneko Nemeth: Hi Natasha, friendly greetings?
[2008/12/04 13:02] Patchouli Woollahra: and then there's this dreadful business with LL charging a Reuters' employee despite his payment info supposedly bveing deleted.
[2008/12/04 13:02] slack7639 Gigamon: i'm gonna go try out these tips, thx
[2008/12/04 13:02] Natasha Burke: :)
[2008/12/04 13:02] Torley Linden: mistakes do happen.
[2008/12/04 13:02] Patchouli Woollahra: they do.
[2008/12/04 13:02] Anderson Urqhart: hi slack
[2008/12/04 13:02] Patchouli Woollahra: but the way these mistakes are coming over all at once is disheartening even to me.
[2008/12/04 13:02] Torley Linden: in which case i'm of the personal opinion that when a mistake is made, an apology is in order. and then we can move forth.
[2008/12/04 13:02] Patchouli Woollahra: and a lot of people.
[2008/12/04 13:02] Vista Questi: That's wonderful! I hope i run into it wehen it's ready
[2008/12/04 13:03] Taurin Cuttita: me again
[2008/12/04 13:03] Torley Linden: i get asked about stuff i know little about or am not in a position to act on, and that's definitely frustrating.
[2008/12/04 13:03] Torley Linden: welcome back!
[2008/12/04 13:03] Patchouli Woollahra: the latest numbers, in particular, are bad. we've lost about 50,000 logins in the past 30 days , net.
[2008/12/04 13:03] Marianne McCann: I agree, Torley. I know some form of apology woud definitely help with at least one of those involved in that skin business
[2008/12/04 13:03] Crap Mariner woundn't mind buying the Reuters name ;)
[2008/12/04 13:03] Anderson Urqhart: SL and LL have sometimes got major communication problems with their customers - but i think its just done through not thinking it out properly
[2008/12/04 13:03] Jaymes Kjeller: Well, when you point one finger, there's going to be serveral pointing back at you. No-one's immune to it, Residents and Lindens alike.
[2008/12/04 13:03] Multi Chair Crate v1.0.42 (TORLEY MOD) whispers: Maximum number of chairs reached, please rez another Multi Chair table.
[2008/12/04 13:03] Torley Linden: i'd like to communicate more, but thati sn't going to happen until we have the new blogs up.
[2008/12/04 13:03] Patchouli Woollahra: ah yes, new blogs.
[2008/12/04 13:04] Marianne McCann: 3I've dreaded even being involved with it, but as one of the folks in question is a dear friend, I kinda hadda
[2008/12/04 13:04] Anderson Urqhart: social networking iss where we are learning most quickly as I now from my business
[2008/12/04 13:04] Patchouli Woollahra: funny how it used to be that separate lindens had separate blogs.
[2008/12/04 13:04] Simon Kline: are the blogs part of the big spaceship project too?
[2008/12/04 13:04] Ewan Mureaux: should start a new tradition and the lab can apologise for all the mishaps at the end of the year then we can start fresh next year
[2008/12/04 13:04] Patchouli Woollahra: I understand big spaceship was tasked only to improve the client viewer.
[2008/12/04 13:04] Torley Linden: Patch, i observed this too...
[2008/12/04 13:04] Patchouli Woollahra: it'll be interesting to see how it does against Imprudence.
[2008/12/04 13:04] Crap Mariner: It's a little odd, shutting off a portion of blogging activity because of a change in software. Why not allow blogging and then import the material into the new back-end and publishing site?
[2008/12/04 13:04] Patchouli Woollahra: Hamlet Au once said only an outsider could make the changes necessary to make SL newbie-friendly on the client.
[2008/12/04 13:05] Torley Linden: Crap, because it's not only a change of software, there's company restructuring changes and part of it is an emphasis on overall brand image.
[2008/12/04 13:05] Crap Mariner: Is it a matter of a editor/approval engine for the new software?
[2008/12/04 13:05] Jaymes Kjeller: Then insults are thrown, and then it degrades, normally, into a flame war. At least that's how I see it. Sorry, I'm typing a lot and losing track.
[2008/12/04 13:05] Geneko Nemeth: Actually I think LL should set up a "Planet Linden" which is a aggerator of all LL's employees and some Opensource developers.
[2008/12/04 13:05] Marianne McCann: Patchouli - there may be some truth to that. I think it might require a bit of both
[2008/12/04 13:05] Patchouli Woollahra: uh... Marianne? was SL around on Dec 31 1969?
[2008/12/04 13:05] Geneko Nemeth: And the official blog would be used for announcements.
[2008/12/04 13:05] Crap Mariner: ah ok
[2008/12/04 13:05] Torley Linden: but i've emphasized, "hey, we need to share more casual stories and fun stuff of what's going on..."
[2008/12/04 13:06] Patchouli Woollahra: and the Torley blog would be used for slightly more watermeloniness.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Patchouli Woollahra: is that a word? it must be.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Anderson Urqhart: Torley if the brand matters so much why does LL keep hurting it by not properly communicating with customers over changes?
[2008/12/04 13:06] Torley Linden: mmmm.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Allison Widdershins: it is now
[2008/12/04 13:06] Crap Mariner: i keep getting asked to write for my company's official blog. i just don't have the material for it.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Patchouli Woollahra: just like Slorddly
[2008/12/04 13:06] Torley Linden: some people have a gift for blogging, others don't give a damn.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Crap Mariner: curse. it's a curse for blogging.
[2008/12/04 13:06] Marianne McCann: I agree, Torley. I fear the most recent aim for "stores of" in the blug a week or so ago is going to be, simply "here's this companies big project."
[2008/12/04 13:06] Tammy Nowotny dusts herself off
[2008/12/04 13:06] Simon Kline: i think more theme based grid wide activities would make sl more of a community
[2008/12/04 13:06] Torley Linden: Anderson, that is a loaded question! not one i can answer in a sentence. specifically what are you referring to?
[2008/12/04 13:07] Marianne McCann: Sad to say, I don't think I'll be contributing to that, knowing that it would be most likely unwanted
[2008/12/04 13:07] Patchouli Woollahra: there's a million little projects in SL. it's not necessarily the big ones that are the best."
[2008/12/04 13:07] Anderson Urqhart: Torley i guess you know me a little better than i thought
[2008/12/04 13:07] Patchouli Woollahra: AM Radio keeps a field of corn for charity and sells jeeps that buy clean water for african villages."
[2008/12/04 13:07] Torley Linden: i like homegrown developments, and being close to the ground.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Patchouli Woollahra: Karuna sim is dedicated to the victims of AIDS in terms of getting through the days one day at a time and mourning when one of them goes.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Torley Linden: ongoing, i encourage Lindens to come inworld not for work, but for fun. experience Second Life firsthand. otherwise, there's no understnanding.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Torley Linden: and asking people for insights helps, but there's NO substitute for being hands-on.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Patchouli Woollahra: Svarga is great for picnics... and understanding how a simple ecosystem can run amok.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Patchouli Woollahra: not necessarily to negative effect. but when I was swarmed by bees once, I thought differently.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Torley Linden: these are all inspirational stories which more people would benefit hearing from, Patch.
[2008/12/04 13:08] Torley Linden: i stepped on a bee once and it hurt like a motherf@#$er!
[2008/12/04 13:08] Anderson Urqhart: Torley the harm done to LL over Opensims - there are still many angry people around
[2008/12/04 13:08] Ewan Mureaux: would be good if communications linden was hands on and actually communicated in office hours
[2008/12/04 13:09] Patchouli Woollahra: and Ruta Maya is another small project that has had a revival in recent weeks.
[2008/12/04 13:09] Torley Linden: Anderson, yes, i've felt much of the frustration.
[2008/12/04 13:09] Torley Linden: Ewan: Communications Manager Katt?
[2008/12/04 13:09] Ewan Mureaux: yes, well manager is a bit misleading, no?
[2008/12/04 13:09] Patchouli Woollahra: at one point, and I think it's safe to disclose this, the PR Agency in charge of Mexico Tourism had the funny idea that a virtual tourist destination was a waste of money...
[2008/12/04 13:09] Patchouli Woollahra: and wanted to shutter Ruta Maya.
[2008/12/04 13:09] Jaymes Kjeller: I've tried to say out of the OpenSpace mess, but I feel like I'm hated due to my apathy.
[2008/12/04 13:09] Torley Linden: Ewan, have you let her know you want to see more of her?
[2008/12/04 13:09] Crap Mariner: Anderson - I submitted an article to Prim Perfect about that, should be in December issue
[2008/12/04 13:10] Torley Linden: i started being more open in response to people bugging the heck out of me about it (i mean that in the BEST possible way)
[2008/12/04 13:10] Marianne McCann: Ya, AMs stuff is great, an how much he gives back to others is wonderful. Heck, I'd love to see things like Crap's SL rtists on iTunes stuff showcased or something
[2008/12/04 13:10] Anderson Urqhart: has there been a delibrate change in office hours or the way tat they are publicised? i have managed to get to 2 different office hours?
[2008/12/04 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: There was enough of an uproar at grassroots level that the Mexicans ordered them to keep their hnds off.
[2008/12/04 13:10] Torley Linden: i love it when Resis openly call me out, cause then i can show management, "Hey... see, it's valuable to our customers". =)
[2008/12/04 13:10] Sougent Harrop: Katt is fairly active on Twitter and Plurk
[2008/12/04 13:10] Marianne McCann: Anderson - I knwo the GTeam has shuttered theres for the rest of '08
[2008/12/04 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: the office hours have always been stapled to each Linden's personal wiki page.
[2008/12/04 13:10] Patchouli Woollahra: katt throws counter and parry with me regularly over Twitter.
[2008/12/04 13:10] Ewan Mureaux: well to be honest, after she announced her new job communication spiralled, lots of people made suggestions and about how we would like to recieve our updates and we were ignored
[2008/12/04 13:11] Torley Linden: Katt has been encouraging more Lindens to Twitter, and i've been alongside her in that effort...
[2008/12/04 13:11] Sougent Harrop: Fairly easy to communicate with her
[2008/12/04 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra: She's a good soul with a hard job.
[2008/12/04 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra: One of these days, if I ever become a linden... does the Love Machine accept cold beers?
[2008/12/04 13:11] Crap Mariner: Katt has been extremely active on Twitter and Plurk. Refreshing.
[2008/12/04 13:11] Ewan Mureaux: why move communication about a communication platform to another third party?
[2008/12/04 13:11] Anderson Urqhart: Twitter was how i got to kknow about Kates and Torleys office hours
[2008/12/04 13:11] Torley Linden: Ewan, it depends in part on what we get out of a communications platform.
[2008/12/04 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra: Ewan: because LL is apparently not the best at running a blog.
[2008/12/04 13:11] Patchouli Woollahra: Oh wait, wasn't the blog already on Wordpress?
[2008/12/04 13:11] Torley Linden: some functionality we can do ourselves, but others, we can gateway...
[2008/12/04 13:11] Torley Linden: yes Patch, it was.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Ewan Mureaux: thats like database linden saying the asset server would be better if we all used open simulator
[2008/12/04 13:12] Crap Mariner: But I can see the danger of letting it be mistaken for official correspondence outside the blog
[2008/12/04 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: which reminds me, the Knowledge Base is hard to access these days.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Torley Linden: Love Machine moolah can be used to buy cold beers.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Sougent Harrop: If one can't blog on the official site, I guess one is stuck with Twitter/Plurk..
[2008/12/04 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: having to have a valid session kinda stifles any attempt to directlink to any article.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Torley Linden: Crap, yeah, that's part of a difficult overall discussion of... how "casual" we can be...
[2008/12/04 13:12] Torley Linden: and what "professional" means... there are differing angles to that.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: okay, I'd settle for her looking on @ioubeer then.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Marianne McCann: The stuff I've had to deal with over this skin flap the last couple days has really shown me how hard resident to linden communication can be, though. Trying to get answers, substantive answers, can be an impossiblt task
[2008/12/04 13:12] Patchouli Woollahra: or @ioucoffee. on Twitter.
[2008/12/04 13:12] Anderson Urqhart: Torley are you really a Linden as you see far too open with us?
[2008/12/04 13:12] Anderson Urqhart: lol
[2008/12/04 13:13] Natasha Burke: lol
[2008/12/04 13:13] Torley Linden: Anderson, i really am. but i'm just me. i love the creativity in here. =)
[2008/12/04 13:13] Geneko Nemeth: I wondered today too. Torley's only in his own group as of today.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Jaymes Kjeller: One of these days, I'll end up writing a blog post about the whole thing, with all of my fustration flowing out for all to see. I don't know if people will actually read it, mind.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Geneko Nemeth: Most Lindens get a bunch of groups...
[2008/12/04 13:13] Crap Mariner: Never trust anyone who displays just one group ;)
[2008/12/04 13:13] Anderson Urqhart: this is really cool here
[2008/12/04 13:13] Patchouli Woollahra: He's a rare one, Anderson. you have to understand that he was partly hired to give LL a different view on things in part.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Geneko Nemeth: Except for newbie Lindens, of course. ^^
[2008/12/04 13:13] Torley Linden: hahahahaha.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Torley Linden: Geneko, most are hidden.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Geneko Nemeth: Oh.
[2008/12/04 13:13] Samantha Poindexter: Well, you can hide some or all of the groups you're in...
[2008/12/04 13:13] Torley Linden: i was actually doing a tutorial awhile back, y'see...
[2008/12/04 13:13] Torley Linden: showing how to HIDE groups
[2008/12/04 13:13] Ewan Mureaux: the linden to resident bridge should be someone who is trusted, liked, and probably loved by many, they should be paying you a small fortune and begging you to take the job torley
[2008/12/04 13:14] Crap Mariner needs to make a parody of that one.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Patchouli Woollahra: LL isn't made of money funnily enough.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Sougent Harrop: My question is do Lindens get more than 25 groups... ;)
[2008/12/04 13:14] Torley Linden: if you ever notice odd/anomalous states with my profile, it's because i'm filming vidtuts.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Torley Linden: Sougent: no. alas.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Natasha Burke: I wish we had more then 25 groups lol
[2008/12/04 13:14] Patchouli Woollahra: in fact, it's been suggested that recent losses here and there are a side-effect of LL expanding.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Torley Linden: Ewan, thanks awww. i encourage more Lindens to be visible and participate more so more people can know what they do.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Patchouli Woollahra: 25 groups is a hardwired limit based on what the group packet can hold.
[2008/12/04 13:14] Torley Linden: i feel it's such a fine use of time + energy...
[2008/12/04 13:15] Marianne McCann: Natasha - you and everyone else!
[2008/12/04 13:15] Anderson Urqhart: where is that green dragon you wore when you did the 2nd Question ?
[2008/12/04 13:15] Crap Mariner: patch - then why the 26th group for concierge party?
[2008/12/04 13:15] Patchouli Woollahra: if you need more and can sacrifice the groupchat, use an external groups system such as Subscribeomatic or HIppoTech's groups system.
[2008/12/04 13:15] Ewan Mureaux: you know there are a lot of situations diffused just by being sen to give a toss
[2008/12/04 13:15] Anderson Urqhart: torley?
[2008/12/04 13:15] Patchouli Woollahra: Crap: look, I don't want to think about it.
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: and that's exactly why everytime i get nice words, i treasure them, cause i can show them to my manager and go "Oh see! Good stuff. Real person, really happy!"
[2008/12/04 13:15] Sougent Harrop: I wish at least that these new executives would pick better Linden names...
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: Anderson, which 2nd question?
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: Sougent, instead of single letters?
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: ;D
[2008/12/04 13:15] Patchouli Woollahra: I'm not in a position to render that decision, explain it, or find someone who can :(
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: there was a Drunkensufi Linden sometime back...
[2008/12/04 13:15] Torley Linden: but that was considered to be, ah, touchy to some.
[2008/12/04 13:15] Anderson Urqhart: the show for Pooky Amsterdam, remember i was on it as well
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: And the Sufis compained?
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: which is lame.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Anderson Urqhart: quiz show
[2008/12/04 13:16] Torley Linden: i abhor mindless political correctness.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: because the Sufis had a more enlightened view on islamic enlightment.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: we used to have a Heretic Linden too.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Torley Linden: GOTTA KEEP IT REAL DUDE
[2008/12/04 13:16] Anderson Urqhart: Torley even does shows on he SLCN
[2008/12/04 13:16] <3: Sorry, Vista Questi, you do not have the right key, i only open my heart to Ravenelle Zugzwang, Torley Linden, Torley Olmstead or Torley Tester
[2008/12/04 13:16] Torley Linden: yes, that too, Patchouli...
[2008/12/04 13:16] Tammy Nowotny: it was a lame name
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: Then someone had the bright idea to burn him at the stake.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: we also had a SecretAgent Linden.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: I think we still do.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Torley Linden: i had a dream that Rick Astley worked for Linden Lab.
[2008/12/04 13:16] Patchouli Woollahra: occasionally I see his tuxedo.
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: and he never let us down.
[2008/12/04 13:17] Crap Mariner: heh
[2008/12/04 13:17] Patchouli Woollahra facepalm.
[2008/12/04 13:17] Marianne McCann giggles
[2008/12/04 13:17] Sougent Harrop: RickRoll Linden?
[2008/12/04 13:17] Natasha Burke: lol
[2008/12/04 13:17] Patchouli Woollahra: He rickrolled New York City on Thanksgiving.
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: i seriously had a dream, and then i went looking for... yeah, a Rickroll avatar
[2008/12/04 13:17] Allison Widdershins: no Lyndon Linden?
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: what a bad lip sync job @ Macy's tho
[2008/12/04 13:17] Marianne McCann: I believe you can still find Secret Angent's name on the prims for the wall in Jesse
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: btw, you know that song that goes...
[2008/12/04 13:17] Tyler Messenger: ima be OsamaBin Linden
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: MIYAHOOOOOOO MIYAAAA HAW HAWWWWWWWWW
[2008/12/04 13:17] Tammy Nowotny: or Johnson Linden
[2008/12/04 13:17] Patchouli Woollahra: and Mr Jeff Linden is apparently a NSW magistrate.
[2008/12/04 13:17] Torley Linden: its Romanian name translates to "Love under the Linden Tree"
[2008/12/04 13:18] Ewan Mureaux: Johnson B Linden would be good
[2008/12/04 13:18] Tammy Nowotny: or UnterDer Linden?
[2008/12/04 13:18] Crap Mariner: yay another performer for the gallery! woot!
[2008/12/04 13:18] Patchouli Woollahra: The unofficial Linden Lab anthem, yeah.
[2008/12/04 13:18] Sougent Harrop: I think I'd be Nednil Linden...
[2008/12/04 13:18] Geneko Nemeth: hahaha...
[2008/12/04 13:18] Torley Linden: Sougent, oh palindromic name!
[2008/12/04 13:18] Tyler Messenger: is it possible to have OsamaBin LIndne
[2008/12/04 13:18] Patchouli Woollahra: let's not start a fire.
[2008/12/04 13:18] Ewan Mureaux: actually torley has that avatar
[2008/12/04 13:18] Natasha Burke: lol
[2008/12/04 13:18] Anderson Urqhart: hey no
[2008/12/04 13:18] Torley Linden: Tyler, i think that would provoke some amount of outrage
[2008/12/04 13:18] Tammy Nowotny: it has been raised from 5 and then to 15 before getting stuck at 25 for 2_+plus yrs
[2008/12/04 13:18] Torley Linden: it's been awhile since there was a Linden pun naming thang at mah office hours
[2008/12/04 13:18] Crap Mariner: :/
[2008/12/04 13:18] Patchouli Woollahra: as a general rule of thumb, I don't think LL enjoys upsetting the applecart unless it clearly improves the grid.
[2008/12/04 13:18] Ewan Mureaux: My alt gave you it aaaaaages ago
[2008/12/04 13:19] Patchouli Woollahra: some of the new SL surnames are awesome.
[2008/12/04 13:19] Crap Mariner: Martian was awesome!
[2008/12/04 13:19] Patchouli Woollahra: we have two furry-themed ones currently: Pawpad and erm...
[2008/12/04 13:19] Sougent Harrop: Makes one want to make alts just for the naming possibilities
[2008/12/04 13:19] Tammy Nowotny: I have RL neighbors named Linden... Allen & Adina?
[2008/12/04 13:19] Anderson Urqhart: i giess i need a new alt
[2008/12/04 13:19] Tyler Messenger: i hated the last names Magic and Landar
[2008/12/04 13:19] Marianne McCann: A few good ones for kids, too
[2008/12/04 13:19] Anderson Urqhart: lol
[2008/12/04 13:19] Geneko Nemeth: P-Pawpad?!
[2008/12/04 13:19] Torley Linden: hahaha
[2008/12/04 13:19] Allison Widdershins: Waffle?
[2008/12/04 13:19] Torley Linden: Tyler, why?
[2008/12/04 13:19] Sougent Harrop: Peapod was good
[2008/12/04 13:19] Crap Mariner smiles
[2008/12/04 13:19] Crap Mariner: We had an alt surprise party with that one.
[2008/12/04 13:19] Tyler Messenger: reminds me of kids lol
[2008/12/04 13:19] Samantha Poindexter: You don't believe in Magic?
[2008/12/04 13:19] Torley Linden: imagine how hot the last name "Alt" would be
[2008/12/04 13:20] Natasha Burke: the last name gossipgirl is just weird. :)
[2008/12/04 13:20] Patchouli Woollahra: We also have Led Zeplin
[2008/12/04 13:20] Torley Linden: "Altman" is kinda close but not enough
[2008/12/04 13:20] Samantha Poindexter: Hee!
[2008/12/04 13:20] Allison Widdershins: or Dotalt
[2008/12/04 13:20] Patchouli Woollahra: They paid for it to be included I understand.
[2008/12/04 13:20] Marianne McCann: Torley - I recall the name ALter or some such a while back. Very popular
[2008/12/04 13:20] Tyler Messenger: and Parx
[2008/12/04 13:20] Anderson Urqhart: Tammy if i had a linden next to me i am not sure i could be serrious talking to them without thinking if sl
[2008/12/04 13:20] Samantha Poindexter: GossipGirl is also by FAR the most-used surname out there.
[2008/12/04 13:20] Natasha Burke: mhm
[2008/12/04 13:20] Patchouli Woollahra: And if you want to name yourself after a sim, Pooley is up too.
[2008/12/04 13:20] Torley Linden: wow i didn't know that, Samantha?
[2008/12/04 13:20] Natasha Burke: I know
[2008/12/04 13:20] Tyler Messenger: wat about Clawtooth
[2008/12/04 13:20] Taurin Cuttita: Alttair like the computer?
[2008/12/04 13:20] Geneko Nemeth: Pooley, cool!
[2008/12/04 13:20] Patchouli Woollahra: for the Irish, "Erin"
[2008/12/04 13:20] Torley Linden: Altair ooh yeah
[2008/12/04 13:20] Marianne McCann: I suspet SLNamewatch can tell you which is most used
[2008/12/04 13:20] Samantha Poindexter: Full stats at
[2008/12/04 13:20] Torley Linden: LivesIn Pooley
[2008/12/04 13:20] Tyler Messenger: theres someone in SL named James Bond
[2008/12/04 13:20] Patchouli Woollahra: if you're a true-green Irish, you'd KNOW what that means.
[2008/12/04 13:20] Marianne McCann: Jinx! You owe me!
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: domain names are a very funny field
[2008/12/04 13:21] Crap Mariner: Adz rocks
[2008/12/04 13:21] Anderson Urqhart: wish it was Poole as Poole is where i come from
[2008/12/04 13:21] Geneko Nemeth: Ahh Erin, I'm sure Mabinogi fans would like that.
[2008/12/04 13:21] Patchouli Woollahra: we also have Yak Kytori
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: holy prims that's a lot of GossipGirls
[2008/12/04 13:21] Tammy Nowotny: Palin... the twio famous people named Palin... Michael & Sarah-- are both funny :-0
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: where are all the GossipBoys lol
[2008/12/04 13:21] Samantha Poindexter nodnods.
[2008/12/04 13:21] Taurin Cuttita: hahaha
[2008/12/04 13:21] Anderson Urqhart: ohhh do the legal lindens ever do office time?
[2008/12/04 13:21] Taurin Cuttita raises hand
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: Sarah Palin or Parah Salin?
[2008/12/04 13:21] Tyler Messenger: theres only 400 Messengers
[2008/12/04 13:21] Ewan Mureaux: they added placebo! I loved placebo when I was a bit younger
[2008/12/04 13:21] Patchouli Woollahra: And I'm sure some griefer has taken the name Super Marioman.
[2008/12/04 13:21] Natasha Burke: lol
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: not that i know of, Anderson
[2008/12/04 13:21] Geneko Nemeth: Does that mean Torley is an ill - oh. That kind of legal.
[2008/12/04 13:21] Torley Linden: i like one of Placebo's music vids.
[2008/12/04 13:22] Patchouli Woollahra: and Ohmai, Gawd.
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: Marioman is a last name? hahahaha
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: i want MegaMan
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: DrWily MegaMan
[2008/12/04 13:22] Crap Mariner: tried to get Ninth Ward when Ward was available.
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: MasterChief Halo would be funny
[2008/12/04 13:22] Patchouli Woollahra: we also have a "Digfoot"
[2008/12/04 13:22] Anderson Urqhart: can we have some resources about using the community logo and the 'inSL' please?
[2008/12/04 13:22] Crap Mariner: and WhiskeyTango Froxtrot
[2008/12/04 13:22] Marianne McCann sticks with her regular old name
[2008/12/04 13:22] Tyler Messenger: i want James Bond but someone took it :(
[2008/12/04 13:22] Geneko Nemeth: "I tried many times many times but Air Man just can't be defeated why?"
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: Avril is a last name? i bet Lavigne Avril was taken 5 seconds from go!
[2008/12/04 13:22] Torley Linden: Anderson, there's a brand usage page :)
[2008/12/04 13:23] Samantha Poindexter confesses she tried to get Antonin Scalia. :-)
[2008/12/04 13:23] Anderson Urqhart: not much there
[2008/12/04 13:23] Marianne McCann: I recall meeting Elvis Presley at an office hours
[2008/12/04 13:23] Torley Linden: you mean? what else could you like to see?
[2008/12/04 13:23] Ewan Mureaux: how many have Reuter as a second name?
[2008/12/04 13:23] Geneko Nemeth: Yup, but expensive.
[2008/12/04 13:23] Torley Linden: oh that's funny Samantha, i remember when he gave a middle finger somewhere...
[2008/12/04 13:23] Marianne McCann: Ewan - two?
[2008/12/04 13:23] Anderson Urqhart: I know I am signed up to it Torley
[2008/12/04 13:23] Anderson Urqhart: they could do more to promote that
[2008/12/04 13:23] Anderson Urqhart: and the insl logo and useage
[2008/12/04 13:23] Patchouli Woollahra: but no Steamr Oller on the name search.
[2008/12/04 13:24] Samantha Poindexter: It was actually an Italian gesture with his hand brushing out from his chin. Cure media debate over the nuances. :-)
[2008/12/04 13:24] Samantha Poindexter: *Cue
[2008/12/04 13:24] Torley Linden: it has been fun. ah, delightful. thanx for being with me. through the sheer haze of fog, we've found clarity through insanity. or something like that. i am toddling off to my next meeting now, and wish each & all of you well!
[2008/12/04 13:24] Patchouli Woollahra: so any unusual presentation of the inSL logo has to be cleared with LL prior to doing so right?
[2008/12/04 13:24] Crap Mariner: thx torley. have a happy.
[2008/12/04 13:24] Torley Linden: Patch, basically, oui. anything that does not meet those guidelines.
[2008/12/04 13:24] Allison Widdershins: see you Torley
[2008/12/04 13:24] Marianne McCann: Have fun, Torley! Love to find out your thoughts on that note some time
[2008/12/04 13:24] Ewan Mureaux: buh-bye torley
[2008/12/04 13:24] Sougent Harrop: I don't tihnk your next meeting will be as fun
[2008/12/04 13:24] Torley Linden: HAPPY... BAI...
[2008/12/04 13:24] Patchouli Woollahra: take care.
[2008/12/04 13:24] Marianne McCann: Bye Bye!!
[2008/12/04 13:24] Natasha Burke: take care
[2008/12/04 13:24] Vista Questi: thx Mr. Torley! I feel enlightend more already! :3
[2008/12/04 13:25] Torley Linden: 10 PRINT "THANKS! BYE FOR NOW!"
[2008/12/04 13:25] Samantha Poindexter: So long, Torley! Thanks for the chat! :-)
[2008/12/04 13:25] Torley Linden: 20 GOTO 10