Viewer 2 Smoke Test
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Smoke Test
VERSION: 1 05-04-2011
LENGTH: 00:30
OVERVIEW: This test has been designed to cover a basic spread of functionality prior to releasing a version to the main grid.
SETUP: 2 Users, 110L$ for Texture upload and group creation, Simple vehicle, default sounds, gestures and items from your Library.
Build: Building, Physics & Inventory
- Find a Parcel of land that you Can Build
- Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez a cube
- Rez another two prims
- While editing one prim, Shift-Left-Click on the other two prims to select them all
- From the Tools Menu, Click "Link" or Press Ctrl-L
- In the Edit Window Click the "More >>" button if it hasn't already been selected
- Click the Object Tab, Then Tick The Physical Check box.
- Close the Edit Window
- Toss the object around abit, walking into it, Holding Left-click and dragging it, Holding Ctrl-left-click and Lifting and dropping it etc.
- Right-click on the object and select "Take" from the Pie Menu
- Open your inventory, the object should be highlighted in the objects folder.
- Right-click on the object in the inventory and Left-click on Rename, Call it "blob"
- Rez the blob object back into the world
- Right-click on the blob object and select "Take" from the Pie Menu
- Verify you now have a second copy of the blob object in your inventory.
Chat & IM
- User A & B: Chat with each other
- User A & B: Verify chat is Showing correctly in the console
- User A & B: Click the Edit Dropdown Menu from the top main toolbar and select Preferences or Ctrl-P
- User A & B: From the Text Chat Tab, Tick the "Show Chat Bubbles" Checkbox
- User A & B: Click "Apply" and then "Ok"
- User A & B: Chat with each other
- User A & B: Verify chat is Showing correctly in the Chat Bubbles
- User A: Right-click on User B: and select "Send IM..." from the Pie Menu.
- User A: In the new IM window send a message to User B:
- User B: Reply to the Newly Received IM from User A:
- User A & B: Verify you both were able to exchange IM's and that all correct indicators for IM received were shown/heard.
- User A & B: If you are friends, click on the Communications button, then select the Friends tab. Click each others name and select remove, then select yes to the following dialog.
- User A & B: Open your Inventory > Calling Cards and remove any cards for each other if present.
- User A: Right-click on User B: Select "Add Friend"
- User B: Accept User A's Offer of Friendship.
- User A & B: Open the Communicate Window> Contacts> Friends List as well as Inventory> Calling Cards
- User A & B: Verify the other user appears online in both locations.
- User A: Click the Edit Dropdown Menu from the top main toolbar and select groups.
- User A: Verify that the Groups window appears in the Communicate window.
- User A: Click on Create... then name your group. Check the preferences for "Show in search" and "Open Enrollment" then click OK
- User A: Verify that you see a dialog to verify the group will contain Mature content, and click No.
- User A: Verify that you see a dialog to verify you wish to spend L$100 to create the group, and click Yes.
- User A: Right click on User B and invite to group from the radial menu.
- User B: Verify you get the invitation to the group and accept.
Test note: Some text may show as small blocks depending on your computer. This is okay. (the test links to were added to ensure links and carriage returns get tested. They should appear on a newline)
- User A & B: Open Chat again.
- User A & B: Copy this string - mélange visait à recréer entraîné façon 本項では主にオペラ作品について扱う "españolito" través alóctona Vårfrukyrkan i Skänninge är en lógico e a emoção à dedução został osadzony w więzieniu rozpoczęła praktykę lekarską Ausmaß der Rotfärbung geschützter На лаціне размаўляла На лаціне размаўляла.¶
- Paste it into chat.
- Click send.
- User A & B: Verify everything else looks normal and correct.
- User A & B: Open IM window again.
- User A & B: Copy this string - mélange visait à recréer entraîné façon 本項では主にオペラ作品について扱う "españolito" través alóctona Vårfrukyrkan i Skänninge är en lógico e a emoção à dedução został osadzony w więzieniu rozpoczęła praktykę lekarską Ausmaß der Rotfärbung geschützter На лаціне размаўляла На лаціне размаўляла.¶
- Paste it into IM window.
- Click send.
- User A & B: Verify everything else looks normal and correct.
- User A & B: Open Group IM window again.
- User A & B: Copy this string - mélange visait à recréer entraîné façon 本項では主にオペラ作品について扱う "españolito" través alóctona Vårfrukyrkan i Skänninge är en lógico e a emoção à dedução został osadzony w więzieniu rozpoczęła praktykę lekarską Ausmaß der Rotfärbung geschützter На лаціне размаўляла На лаціне размаўляла.¶
- Paste it into Group IM window.
- Click send.
- User A & B: Verify everything else looks normal and correct.
Voice Chat
- User A & B: insure voice chat selected under Edit> Preferences>Voice Chat
- User A & B: Verify voice chat functions in open channel
- User A & B: In Local Chat >> (Active participants) verify volume slider functions
- User A & B: Open Communication window, select tester b and initiate a call.
- User A & B: Verify resident to resident Voice functions
- User A & B: Open Communicate> Groups. Select a group both testers are a member of
- User A & B: Initiate Group call
- User A & B: Verify Group voice chat functions
Camera Movement
- User A & B: Hold Alt-LeftClick (On Mac, Option-Click) and Move the mouse forward and backwards to zoom in and out
- User A & B: First Zoom on yourself, then the other User then the blob object you made.
- User A & B: Verify that works and looks correct.
- User A & B: Repeat above tests for Alt-Ctrl-LeftClick (orbit)
- User A & B: Repeat above tests for Alt-Ctrl-Shift-LeftClick (pan)
- User A & B: Repeat pan test to move camera pivot smoothly beneath a partly-overlapping application window and back out into visibility, without releasing LeftClick. A Firefox window that half obscures the viewer window provides a very common use case for this test. (Requires a window manager that supports FocusButDontRaiseOnClick mode, eg. IceWM on Linux.)
- User A & B: From your inventory right-click your "blob", click Properties, check the "Next Owner Can: Modify" box, then close the Inventory Item Properties window.
- User A & B: From your inventory Rename your "blob" to "(YourName)Blob"
- User A & B: Give the renamed blob to the other User by dragging it over their AV from the Inventory, and "Keep" each others object
- User A & B: Rez the other Users blob
- User A & B: Verify you can transfer the renamed blob object and you can rez the other users renamed blob.
- User A & B: Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez 2 prim cubes
- User A & B: Right-click on one cube, select "More > Attach > Right Hand" From the Pie Menu
- User A & B: Right-click on the other cube, select "More > Attach > Left Leg > Left Foot" From the Pie Menu
- User A & B: Verify it looks right to you both.
- User A & B: Right-click and edit the prim cube on your hand and resize it
- User A & B: Verify it looks right to you both.
Object Interaction (Touching & Sitting)
- Touch
- User A & B: Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez a cube
- User A & B: In the Edit Window, Click the Content Tab
- User A & B: Click "New Script", In the Script Window, Click "Save", Then close the Script and Edit Windows
- User A & B: Touch your Cube
- User A & B: Touch each other's Cube
- User A & B: Verify you both Saw "Touched" in chat from both cubes.
- Sit
- User A: Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez a cube
- User A: Edit the cubes size and rotation
- User A & B: Verify you both see the cube change size and rotation etc.
- User A & B: Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez a cube
- User A & B: Right-click on the cube and select "Sit Here" from the pie menu
- User A & B: Click "Stand Up" on your screen.
- User A & B: Right-click on the ground and select "Sit Here" from the pie menu
- User A & B: Click "Stand Up" on your screen.
- User A & B: Verify the avatar Sits and that the two different animations play.
Sound Check
- User A: Open the "Sounds" folder of the Library in your Inventory
- User A: Find a Sound, Right-click on it Select open, and Click "Play in World"
- User A & B: Verify you both heard the sound play.
- User A: Right-click on yourself and Select "Appearance" from the pie menu
- User B: Watch User A:
- User A: Change the size of your eyes, the color of your shirt, and the length of your legs.
- User A: Click "Save All" and "Close"
- User A: Watch User B:
- User B: Change the size of your eyes, the color of your shirt, and the length of your legs.
- User B: Click "Save All" and "Close"
- User A & B: Verify you both saw the changes on each others AV's
- User A & B: Go into your Inventory to the "Gestures" folder and select a gesture.
- User A & B: Double click a gesture to get Gesture dialog box. Preview some Gestures
- User A & B: Verify you both hear/see each other playing gestures
Attachments & Inventory Objects
- User A & B: Go to Inventory to the "Library > "Objects" folder and wear the "Party Hat"
- User A & B: Go to Inventory to the "Library > "Objects" Rez and Play with the beach ball, pop gun, dice and Firework launcher
- User A & B: Verify you both see things working correctly
Snapshot & Textures
- User A: Look at User B: and Click the "Snapshot" Button. Tick the "Upload a snapshot" radio button and then the "Upload(L$10)" button.
- User A: Once saved Verify it shows up in your "Inventory > Photo Album" folder
- User A: Right-click and Rename the "Snapshot" of User B: to "Texture_01"
- User A: Right-click on the ground and select "Create" from the pie menu, rez a cube
- User A: In Edit select the Texture Tab and Left-Click in the Texture Box to Open the Picker
- User A: Navigate down in the picker to Photo Album, click "Texture_01" and Click "Select"
- User A: Verify the texture appears on all sides of the cube, Verify the texture looks right, Verify the texture looks right if you resize the cube, Verify it looks right if you attach it.
Inventory Transfer / Permissions
- Note: if you use an object from a prior test, insure there is nothing inside the contents of the object or permissions will appear broken.
- User A: Click the "Search" Button, and click the people tab, type in part or all of User B:'s name and hit Search
- User A: Verify they are shown as online (see upper right)
- User A: Their profile will show in the right window
- User A: Give them a copy of your blob by dropping on their profile in the "Drop inventory item here" box
- User B: Verify you got a copy of User A:'s blob
- User A: From your Inventory, Rename your "blob" to "nocopyblob"
- User A: From your Inventory, Right-click on "nocopyblob" select properties, under the "Next Owner Can" Section, Tick the Modify Box and Make Sure The Copy Box is UnTicked, then Close the properties window.
- User A: Give a copy of nocopyblob to User B:
- User B: Try and Rez multiple copies of nocopyblob
- User B: Right-click on any succesfull rezzed nocopyblobs, Select Edit,
- User B: Select the Texture Tab and Click the Color Box, Change the Color, Click "Select", then Close Both the Color Picker and Edit Window
- User A & B: Verify User B: wasnt able to Rez multiple copies of nocopyblob, Verify User B: was able to change its color, Verify User A: Also saw the Change in color.
- User A: Click the World Menu and Create Landmark Here
- User A: Step back a few meters
- User A: Open you Inventory > Landmarks and find the landmark
- User A: Right-click on the landmark, click "About Landmark" to open it, and Click "Show on Map"
- User A: Verify the beacon is on the map in the right location
- User A: Close the Map and Landmark.
- User A: Verify that the red beacon/arrow is where you were last standing
- User A: Click on the red arrow to close the beacon.
- User A: Attach the popgun from the "Inventory > Library > Objects"
- User A: Type M inworld (Not in chat bar) or go to View> Mouselook.
- User A: Click the mouse button to fire the pop gun at User B.
- User A: Verify you see the pop gun projectiles hit User B.
- User A & B: Verify that you hear the "splat" sound.
- User A: Press "Enter" to open the Chat Bar and type something. Press "Enter" to send.
- User A: Verify you were able to open the chat bar and type.
- User B: Verify you received chat from User A.
- User A: Press ESC to exit Mouselook. Verify you exited.
- User A: Open the map and Teleport to a nearby Sim (Enter a name in the autocomplete box or Double Click on the Map Itself)
- User A: Verify you appear at that hub with the popgun still attached.
Region Crossing & Teleports
- User A & B: Attach some attachments, partyhats, popguns, wear the blob, anything else you can find to test with, cubes etc.
- User A & B: Fly across several sim boundaries with your attachments on. Zig zag a lot
- User A & B: Keep verifying that your attachments are there when you cross a border
- User A & B: Teleport from your location in your current Sim to another location in the same Sim
- User A & B: Verify you appear in the same Sim, and depending on P2P settings (on the Selected spot, The Parcels Landing Point, The Sims Centre, the nearest available parcel with P2P Enabled or if the sim is still using a Hub that you have arrived there). If teleport is not allowed in the Sim, verify that a notification is received.
- User A & B: Teleport many times (minimum: 10 teleports) to other Sims (Enter a name in the autocomplete box or Double Click on the Map Itself)
- User A & B: Verify you appear in the right Sim, and depending on P2P settings (on the Selected spot, The Parcels Landing Point, The Sims Centre, the nearest available parcel with P2P Enabled or if the sim is still using a Hub that you have arrived there)
- User A & B: Keep verifying that your attachments are there when you get there, and that you can walk/fly after you arrive.
- User A & B: From Inventory> Library drag in world the Kart 1.0 or other simple vehicle.
- User A & B: Ride it around. Cross sim boundaries on it.
- User A & B: Keep verifying that your attachments are there when you cross a border
- # User A & B: Verify everything else looks normal and correct.
- [END]