Sets preferences for how you view and move around in Second Life.
View angle
Move the slider to the left to zoom in or to the right to zoom out.
Move the slider to the left for a closer view distance or to the right for a wider view.
Automatic position for
Select to make your view to automatically zoom in on the object you're building or editing.
Select to see yourself from the front while editing your appearance.
Arrow keys always move me
Select to make arrow key move your avatar, even when typing in chat.
Tap-tap-hold to run
Select to run when you tap-tap-hold a keyboard movement key, for example ↑.
Show me in Mouselook
Select to see your avatar's body in mouselook mode.
Mouselook mouse sensitivity
Controls mouselook options:
- Move the slider to control the sensitivity of your mouse movement when in mouselook.
- Invert - Select to invert the way your view changes when you move your mouse in mouselook.
Single click on land
Controls what happens when you click on a spot inworld:
- Move to clicked point - Choose to walk to the spot where you clicked (default).
- No action - Choose to do nothing when you click on a spot.
Double click on land
Controls what happens when you double-click on a spot inworld:
- No action - Nothing happens when you double-click on a spot inworld.
- Move to clicked point - Choose to walk to the spot where you double-clicked.
- Teleport to clicked point - Choose to teleportto the spot where you double-clicked.