Important: This article has been translated. The translation was imported on 1 Nov 2011. Any changes will require re-export for incremental translation. |
To create a new preset:
- Type a new name in the Preset Name field.
- Adjust the settings as desired.
- Click Save.
To edit an existing preset:
- Choose one from the Preset Name list. Do not modify the name!
- Adjust the settings as desired.
- Click Save.
Select Make this preset my new
day cycle to also make the preset your current setting.
See Region Environment Settings for more information.
Drag the downward-pointing arrow to change what the environment looks like at a given time. Nodes (the "bumps") on the timeline are keyframes which you can drag to set. Each corresponds to a sky preset. As the time of day progresses, the sky "animates" as it interpolates between these keyframes.
Add Key
Creates a new keyframe at the the arrow's location. After setting a keyframe, you can change the Key Preset.
Delete Key
Deletes the currently-selected or last-selected node.
Length of Cycle
Sets how long it takes a complete timeline to animate. The default Second Life day is 4 hours, meaning the timeline happens in 1/6th of real-world time.
Sky Setting
Choose from the list of sky settings.
Click the arrows to move the selected key .
Make this my new day cycle
Check to select this as your current day cycle.