Difference between revisions of "PRIM CAST SHADOWS"

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m (→‎Release Notes: forum link)
Line 488: Line 488:
**** Everything in-world is lit by sun or moon and up to six nearby light sources
**** Everything in-world is lit by sun or moon and up to six nearby light sources
** More information about the new lighting system is available here:
** More information about the new lighting system is available here:
*** http://forums.secondlife.com/showthread.php?t=100128
*** http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/16/e1/100128/1.html

* Flexible objects
* Flexible objects
Line 612: Line 612:
* Changes to the interest list to improve responsiveness
* Changes to the interest list to improve responsiveness

== Forum Threads ==
== Forum Threads ==

Revision as of 16:34, 24 May 2010

According to User:Kelly_Linden in the JIRA SVC-1307 on 2008-02-25:

Once, a long long time ago - beta, and maybe up to v 1.1 or 1.2 - all prims cast shadow on the ground only. Some time around 1.0 - 1.2 there was a minor graphics update that got rid of these shadows (among other things). However there was a flag that could be set on prims to *turn shadows off*, and this was not removed and I don't know why.

I'm not sure if llSetPrimitiveParams came around after or this was deprecated or just before, I think after. The prim shadows flag was included for "completeness", I assume, on the possibility it would do something. Or if I have my events backwards it really did do something for a very short time.

The flag has had no effect for years now. I will re-enable it as a no-op. It will always return 0 and setting it will have no effect.

So, I may be wrong in my history but this is how I think it happened. In any case, this parameter is gone and not coming back. I'll see about also changing the tool tip on the variable to indicate this.

My recollection is it showed up during one of the previews. It was the preview where they were replacing the lighting engine (from software lights to hardware lights). Weather it did anything at that time I don't know, I didn't test it. I've done a bit of digging and I think it was the 1.10 preview. -- Strife (talk|contribs) 08:16, 14 April 2010 (UTC)

Release Notes

I have gone back and looked at historic versions of the client, and it was during the 1.10 preview that this flag first appeared. Here are the release notes from the 1.10.0(28) preview installer:
Release Notes for Second Life 1.10.0(28) May 18, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Edit > Features tab wording improved to be more descriptive
* Resolved a viewer crash affecting the graphics pipeline
* Default settings now improved to accommodate low-end machines
* Added some fine-tuning for LOD settings
* Light sources continue to emit light even if you leave their vicinity and return
* Horizon no longer rendered incorrectly for NVIDIA 7800 graphics cards
* Map no longer blank when logging in with Start Location from login screen
* Linden plants and trees no longer excluded from occlusion culling node
* Fixed a problem where the agent camera would not follow a moving object
* Animation uploaded no longer displays default texture when Vertex Shaders are enabled
* Color picker now updates numeric values when selecting different color objects
* User-defined force now more consistent preventing flexible objects from being affected adversely
* Light sources no longer flicker when an area has multiple light sources

Release Notes for Second Life 1.10.0(27) May 16, 2006
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a cause of failed teleports from within the same region
* Improved avatar lighting in Appearance
* Fixed a bug that prevented trees from being selected, edited, or moved

Release Notes for Second Life 1.10.0(26) May 15, 2006
There are lots and lots of new features in 1.9.1...so many, in fact, that folks asked why this new release doesn't count as a major version increase.

Based on resident feedback, we've changed 1.9.1 to 1.10.0, effective as of this release. Please continue to report bugs, and continue to come play in Second Life Preview!

Bug Fixes:
* Objects (particularly attachments) no longer lose bumpiness after a few minutes
* Shadows on objects display correctly when a light moves nearby
* Fixed some cases of flickering land textures
* Fixed a crash when toggling fullscreen and windowed mode
* Fixed cases where Appearance displayed the avatar incorrectly

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(25) May 11, 2006

Important update:
With release 1.9.1, we have begun the process of converting the Second
Life render pipeline to use GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language). The reason
for this is to accommodate some of the changes we are planning to
introduce to the graphics engine, including the new lighting model,

Unfortunately, during our testing process (which includes Preview) we
have found that many graphics drivers either do not fully support
GLSL, or have significant performance issues with GLSL.

As a result, we have decided to scale back our initial introduction of
GLSL support. Instead of using GLSL for the majority of our rendering,
we are initially only using GLSL for rendering avatars and for ripple
water. Previously we were using Cg (another shader language) for these
features, and a non shader fall back is still available.

What this means:
* The new lighting model currently only supports "Sun/Moon only" and
  "Nearby local lights". The "Nearby local lights" option is still a
  significant improvement to the "local lights" option in 1.9.0,
  largely due to the fact that it has a relatively small performance
  impact on most machines. The limitation of this option however is
  that only the six lights nearest your avatar will be used to light
  the scene.
* Some subtle rendering effects that were available in Preview with
  shaders enabled will not be available yet (specular highlights and
  some advanced fog effects).

Coming soon:
* We hope to be able to provide the "All local lights" and "Shadows"
  lighting options soon, but these rely on GLSL and will have to wait
  until we have had more time to test the new shaders. We hope to make
  this available in the next release.

Bug fixes:
* Fixed crash when retexturing your avatar
* Fixed a bug that was causing objects to be incorrectly culled
* Fixed a bug which added a skirt when changing vatar textures
* Users can no longer rename themselves temporarily
* Alpha objects no longer render on top of flexible alpha attachments
* Flexible objects no longer have a larger editing glow
* Light color picker swatch now shows current color
* Mute IM->e-mail if the sender is muted
* Map beacon now removed when clear button is pressed
* Changing Cube to Sphere to Cube in building block type no longer results in a prism
* Disabled one-click 'Sit' for flexible objects
* Animated textures now work more smoothly on flexible objects

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(24) May 8, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Internet Explorer sends correct SLURLs to Second Life
* Made changes to how fog renders distant terrain and objects
* Shiny ON/OFF setting is available when vertext shaders are off
** Turning this setting OFF is recommended for Geforce 4mx users
* Flexible objects phantom correctly when an avatar sits on them
* Granting/revoking modify rights now takes effect immediately

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(23) May 8, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Fixed cut-off text for "AGP Graphics Acceleration" in Preferences->Adv. Graphics
* Teleport offers are now more reliable
* Residents invited to a group as an officer are given the correct membership invite

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(22) May 5, 2006
Bug Fixes:
* Particles effects are now lit like other bright objects
* Resolved a bug that caused attachments to become detached when logging in again
* HUD objects no longer environmentally lit
* Residents can once again pay money to other users
* Particles no longer look shiny at certain angles

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(21) May 4, 2006
Bug Fixes:
* Login Location should now work correctly for Home and other locations
* Flexible objects no longer blink out when their LOD changes
* Planar texture mapping now repeats correctly
* No-modify objects how display the proper icon in Properties
* Fixed cases of holes in the terrain

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(20) May 4, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Resolved a performance issue on Intel Macs
* Fixed a problem with IMs that caused residents to be logged off

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(19) May 4, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Made several fixes for the Mac performance issue introduced in
** Performance may still be hindered; additional fixes are on the way
* The Medium setting for vertex shaders were accidentally disabled on some configurations
* Altered the Login Location box on the login screen so it no longer overlaps fullscreen warning text
* Objects no longer cast shadows after 'cast shadows' is disabled
* Fixed a crash that occurs while switching fullscreen/windowed while shaders are enabled
* Fixed a crash associated with the debug command 'show updates'
* Fixed a bug that was causing significant delays in object/terrain rez after a teleport
* Fixed a bug that caused some Mac avatars to stay grey indefinitely
* Fixed a bug that was causing some viewers to see only one terrain texture
* Fixed a bug that caused Ripple Water to affect your avatar's eye color

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(18) May 3, 2006
Bug fixes:
* Fixed a texture bug that caused some objects to flash black while changing textures
* Chat History timestamps now use the same font as chat
* Selecting text in Chat History now highlights the correct text
* The Local Lights setting is now persistent across sessions
* Detail options for Vertex Shaders no longer remain disabled after Vertex Shaders are enabled
* Avatars no longer appear washed-out under certain Avatar Detail settings
* Residents you have muted can no longer offer you teleports
* Corrected 'Unknown Transaction' listings in inworld transaction history

Other changes:
* Objects that were set Fullbright prior to 1.9.1 will be listed as 'Fullbright(Legacy)'
** Once this setting is changed for an object, it cannot be set back to this value except via script
* Reduced bias for moving lights
* 'High' graphics options are no longer available if your hardware does not support them
* Added UI hints for enabling Local Lighting (Object Detail must be Medium, Enable Shaders must be on)
* The 'low terrain' setting is disabled if Vertex Shaders are enabled
* Corrected the default Nighttime Brightness value to 1.0

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(17) May 2, 2006
* The Login screen now features a box to select the region to log into.  This has the same effect as using a SLURL to log into a region.

Other changes:
* Mouselook now shows region, position, and damage at the top of the screen, but does not show currency, time, or packet loss
* The 'X' on the toolbar has been removed
** To open/close the toolbar, choose View -> Toolbar

Bug fixes:
* The toolbar no longer disappears automatically when leaving Mouselook
* Preferences -> IM -> 'Show Timestamps' now remembers its setting
* Pressing Tab within the object Edit window now cycles through the text boxes in a more intuitive order
* All object Edit window text boxes now grey out when no object is selected
* Improved LOD on avatars and objects
* The Land Owners overlay now renders correctly in Vertex Shaders mode
* Fixed a crash that occured when switching to windowed mode with Vertex Shaders enabled
* HUD objects now show color correctly with Vertex Shaders enabled
* HUD objects no longer turn red and transparent while editing an inworld object
* Textures no longer invert unintentionally on some object surfaces

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(16) Apr 28, 2006
* Vertex Shaders restructuring
** Shaders now display three levels of detail
** Different graphics cards will be able to access different values based on their capabilities and OpenGL version
** Many options previously broken out into components are now part of Vertex Shaders options
*** Ripple Water is now available when Medium or High level of Environmental Detail is selected
*** Bumpmapping (was Bumpmap Draw Distance) is available when Medium or High level of Object Detail is selected
*** Avatar Rendering Detail is now available in the Avatar Detail section of the Vertex Shaders options
*** Terrain Detail set to High automatically when Vertex Shaders are enabled
**** Terrain Detail can be toggled between Low and High detail when Vertex Shaders are not enabled
*** Avatar Vertex Program is always on when Vertex Shaders are enabled
** Shiny is always on regardless of Vertex Shader settings

Other changes:
* Added a flag to toggle whether or not an object casts shadows

Bug fixes:
* Terrain no longer appears white with Vertex Shaders enabled and set to Low Detail
* Keyhole frustrum is once again working
* Resolved a crash when enabling Full Bright on objects
* Copied objects now have same "cast shadows" settings as original object
* Occlusion culling now works at all camera angles

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(15) Apr 27, 2006
Other changes:
* Restructured Vertex Shaders to allow multiple layers of compatability
* World map now puts focus on "Teleport" button after entering a region name and pressing "Enter"
* Initial load of Events page defaults to current and upcoming events

Bug fixes:
* Resolved a problem where all objects would be white when Vertex Shaders were enabled on some video cards
* Music played on a parcel now begins playing when you accept the "Parcel can play music" dialog

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(14) Apr 25, 2006
Other changes:
* IMs now include time stamp for local time when message was received
* "Pay" now included in left-click options for objects

Bug fixes:
* Second Life now works correctly when settings files are in path with special characters
* Avatar lighting on some Macs no longer reversed
* Move to Inventory button now moves No Copy objects along with other contents and gives a warning
* Terrain no longer unrendered when not in front of one's avatar
* World Map "Region" field now takes keyboard focus upon opening map
* Shadows now cast by avatars and objects when Local Light + Shadows is enabled
* Top and bottom face of shiny objects no longer lose bumpiness at Noon and Midnight
* Object Content panel now cleared upon object deselect
* Improved flexible object LOD
* Fixed a problem preventing inventory offers from succeeding when recipient is offline
* Resolved issue where enabling Vertex Shaders would cause avatar hair to flicker
* Fixed some viewer crashes
* Terrain no longer rendered as all white when Vertex Shaders are enabled on some systems
* Animation state now set correctly after teleporting when flying
* Skirt and jacket clothing layers no longer become invisible when changing camera zoom distance/position
* llSetPrimitiveParams parameters for light and flexible objects now consistent with UI
* llGetPrimitiveParams now correctly returns enabled state of flexible object
* llSetTextureAnim animations now more smooth
* Avatar rendering options now can be saved, and are obeyed upon save
* Avatar now rendered correctly on ATI 9700 cards when Vertex Shaders are enabled
* View > Landowners no longer appears patchy when Vertex Shaders are enabled
* llHTTPRequest now works in all regions
* Copied flexible objects no longer have reduced polygon count
* Offline IM that has gone to email also appears when you log in
* Changing object from "For Sale" to not for sale now resets left-click-ability

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(13) Apr 20, 2006
Script changes:
* Added support for flexible object and light parameters to llSetPrimitiveParams()
** To set the light parameters of a primitive, use llSetPrimitiveParams with the keyword PRIM_POINT_LIGHT
*** USAGE:
*** llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_POINT_LIGHT, BOOL Enabled, Vector Color, Float Intensity, Float Raduis, Float Falloff]);
** To set the flexible parameters of a primitive, use llSetPrimitiveParams with the keyword PRIM_FLEXIBLE
*** USAGE:
*** llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FLEXIBLE, BOOL Enabled, Integer Softness, Float Gravity, Float Friction, Float Wind, Float Tension, Vector Force]);

Other changes:
* Added "Wear" and "Take" options to "Open" menu for objects

Bug fixes:
* Nighttime lighting now affects Linden clumps of grass
* Invisiprim hack works again
* Resolved issue with Vertex Shaders causing color corruption at certain camera angles
* Hollowed cut spheres once again appear hollowed
* Shiny cylinders no longer have crooked reflection
* Ripple water now disables itself if Vertex Shaders fail to load
* Planar mapping can now be used for flexible path objects
* HUD settext is no longer rendered behind other prims
* Resolved several viewer crashes
* Fixed some typos in Buy Currency Window
* Updated wording in About Land window to refer to "primitives" instead of "object"
* Twisting flexible cylinder now no longer causes rendering abnormality
* Resolved a crash caused by enabling Anisotropic Filtering
* Water no longer invisible on certain video cards
* Bumpmap appearance no longer changes when objects are moving

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(12) Apr 19, 2006
Other changes:
* Added region rating to listings in the Find menu

Bug fixes:
* Full Bright objects no longer appear black when vertex shaders are disabled and Sun and Moon lighting is enabled
* Taper value of a prism can now be changed
* Texture colors now look correct when lit and Sun and Moon lighting is enabled
* Flexible object no longer disappears when linked and moved
* Fixed a typo in Edit > Objects tab
* Resolved an issue where Second Life could not load due to missing msvcr71.dll file
* "Purchase" button in Buy Currency window is now greyed out while transaction is being processed
* Removed redundant text in Map window

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(11) Apr 18, 2006
* settings.ini file no longer wiped out during a viewer crash
* Fixed an issue with fonts not displaying in debug menus
* Light color can not be set when using default system color picker
* Fixed several lighting related viewer crashes
* Disabling fog with Vertex Shaders enabled no longer increases fog level
* SetText command now has ability to change color and alpha level of HUD objects
* Disabling far clip no longer fails to reduce draw distance
* Improved HUD attachment change LOD
* Underwater haze no longer looks unusually bright
* View > Landowners can once again be displayed when Vertex Shaders are enabled

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(10) Apr 14, 2006
* Enabling ripple water but not Vertex Shaders (or vice versa) no longer results in the fog being unattractive
* Resolved a crash when rendering lighting effects
* Fixed a crash when running Second Life with Intel Extreme graphics cards
* Fullbright can again be used with objects having different textures or colors on their faces
* Shiny and Vertex Shader settings have been properly decoupled in the Graphics tab of Preferences
* Cube endcaps now have bump maps
* Linked set of objects can once again be made physical
* Multiple flexible objects in a linkset no longer disappear when zooming

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.1(9) Apr 13, 2006
* Hardware lighting
** Any primitive in Second Life may be turned into a light
*** Light properties are radius, color, intensity, and falloff
** New options in the Preference panel indicate the type of lighting you want to use
*** "Sun or Moon only" is best for low-performance hardware
**** Everything in-world is lit in real time by the sun or moon only
*** "Nearby Lights" is available for any hardware configuration
**** Everything in-world is lit by sun or moon and up to six nearby light sources
*** "All Lights" is available on systems with GPUs supporting Vertex Shaders
**** Objects in-world, and terrain, are by sun or moon and all lights
**** Avatars and attachments, trees and grass are lit by sun or moon and up to six nearby light sources
*** "All Lights + Shadows" is available only to high-performance systems
**** Includes features in "All Lights" above plus the ability for the sun and moon to cast shadows in-world and on terrain
** More information about the new lighting system is available here:
*** http://forums.secondlife.com/forumdisplay.php?f=16

* Flexible objects
** Cube, prism and cylinder primitive types can now be made flexible as a client-side effect
** Simulation parameters for material and responsiveness to gravity and wind 
** Objects that are flexible cannot be physical and are always phantom
** Use of these is currently limited to preserve framerate as they increase amount of client-side processing

* Occlusion culling
** Frame rate is improved when objects that would normally be rendered are hidden from view
** FPS will be significantly improved when inside a structure
*** Windows or other transparent surfaces will decrease effectiveness as objects in view will be rendered, whether or not they are within the structure
** Toggle with CTRL-SHIFT-o on all platforms

* New "Click Action" functionality for objects
** Object creators can select a default left-click action for objects:
*** Touch (default), Sit, Buy, Pay, or Open
** These actions happen immediately when a resident left-clicks on the object, without a menu
** Builders set the action in the build tools "General" panel, at the bottom
** Click actions override touch events for scripts
*** If you want the touch behavior, be sure "touch (default)" is the click action
** You can't set "Buy" as the action unless an object is for sale
** "Sit" should be useful for both chairs and vehicles
** "Open" should be useful for vendors that sell packaged objects

* Updated functionality for the Top Scripts/Top Colliders dialog 
** Improvements allow Estate owners to return or disable offending objects
*** Disabling an object makes it non-physical and disables all scripts

* Classified ads now have an auto-renew option
** Checking the "Auto renew each week" checkbox in Profile > Classifieds will cause your classified to be republished instead of expiring after one week
** You will be charged the same listing price as the initial classified
** To change the listing price, you need to make a new classified

* Universal Binary installer for Mac clients is now standard
** PowerPC and Intel Mac versions are now bundled together in one "Universal Binary" installer
** Minimum required version for Second Life is now 10.3.9

New LSL functions:

* llHTTPRequest
** Added new LSL call & event to support HTTP access from external scripts
** LSL Function usage:
*** key llHTTPRequest(string <url>, list <parameters>, string <body>)
**** Send HTTP request to <url> with <parameters> and <body>, returning key uniquely identifying the request 
**** Currently, the only supported parameter is the following key/value pair: HTTP_METHOD, <method name>
** LSL Event usage:
*** http_response(key <request_id>, integer <status>, list <metadata>, string <body>)
**** Called when a pending HTTP request <request_id> completes with the HTTP <status>, <metadata> and response <body>
**** This facility supports GET, PUT and POST methods, X-SecondLife-headers, text/* MIME types, and transcoding of body contents to LSL's Unicode strings

* llGetParcelFlags
** Get the parcel flags (PARCEL_FLAG_*) for the parcel including the point pos
** Returns an integer that is a bit field of flags 
** This bitfield can be ANDed with a flag to see if that flag is set for that parcel
** Usage:
*** integer llGetParcelFlags(vector pos) 
** Example:
*** if (llGetParcelFlags() & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS) llOwnerSay("You may create objects in this parcel!");
** Bitfields:
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows flying 
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows outside scripts
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows landmarks to be created 
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows anyone to terraform the land 
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows damage
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows anyone to create objects
**** Used to determine if a parcel limits access to a group 
**** Used to determine if a parcel limits access to a list of residents 
**** Used to determine if a parcel uses a ban list 
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows passes to be purchased 
**** Used to determine parcel restricts spatialized sound to the parcel

Other changes:
* Implemented atmospheric scattering 'fog' algorithm for Vertex Shaders to replace existing fog
* Performance enhancements for audio streaming
* Texture loading performance improvements
* Improved "Interest List" functionality keeps objects from being reloaded in view so often
* Improvements to the Properties window for objects

Bug fixes:
* Universal Binary alpha issue with sound uploads has been resolved
* Resolved several sim crashes
* Resolved an issue with z-fighting during edit mode and when using ALT shows physical
* Improvements to hardware detection to prevent erroneous incompatibility  messages
* llMapDestination no longer clamped to 255 z-coordinate
* Improvements to Estate Tools Object Bonus Multiplier to make use more clear
* Parcel landing point no longer overrides telehub
* Client now sends better crash report logs when Second Life freezes or the computer locks up
* Nametag no longer disappears while dragging an item from inventory

Known Issues:

* Vertex Shader Support for Mac clients is forthcoming
* settings.ini file can spontaneously become empty
* "Cannot find msvcr71.dll" error on some Windows machines causes Second Life to be uninstallable
* Second Life crash when running on PowerPC Macs with NVIDIA 5200 cards 
* No shadows cast by objects/avatars when local light + shadows is enabled 
* Move To Inventory button doesn't move (no copy) objects
* Some Flexible objects give "You are not allowed to change this shape." error message
* Faces of a hollowed out cube with alpha texture applied draw in the wrong order
* Left-Click option to pay leaves a selection highlight if you click cancel
* Changing object from "for sale" to "not for sale" still keeps the left mouse buttom click buy script attached to it

By 1.10.0(32) talk of shadows had been purged from the release notes. Along with the intermediate revisions.

Release Notes for Second Life 1.10.0(32) May 24, 2006
* Hardware lighting
** Any primitive in Second Life may be turned into a light
*** Light properties are radius, color, intensity, and falloff
** New options in the Preference panel indicate the type of lighting you want to use
*** "Sun or Moon only" is best for low-performance hardware
**** Everything in-world is lit in real time by the sun or moon only
*** "Nearby Lights" is available for any hardware configuration
**** Everything in-world is lit by sun or moon and up to six nearby light sources
** More information about the new lighting system is available here:
*** http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/16/e1/100128/1.html

* Flexible objects
** Cube, prism and cylinder primitive types can now be made flexible as a client-side effect
** Simulation parameters for material and responsiveness to gravity and wind
** Objects that are flexible cannot be physical and are always phantom
** Use of these is currently limited to preserve framerate as they increase amount of client-side processing

* Occlusion culling
** Frame rate is improved when objects that would normally be rendered are hidden from view
** FPS will be significantly improved when inside a structure
*** Windows or other transparent surfaces will decrease effectiveness as objects in view will be rendered, whether or not they are within the structure
** Toggle with CTRL-SHIFT-o on all platforms

* New "Click Action" functionality for objects
** Object creators can select a default left-click action for objects:
*** Touch (default), Sit, Buy, Pay, or Open
** These actions happen immediately when a resident left-clicks on the object, without a menu
** Builders set the action in the build tools "General" panel, at the bottom
** Click actions override touch events for scripts
*** If you want the touch behavior, be sure "touch (default)" is the click action
** You can't set "Buy" as the action unless an object is for sale
** "Sit" should be useful for both chairs and vehicles
** "Open" should be useful for vendors that sell packaged objects

* Updated functionality for the Top Scripts/Top Colliders dialog
** Improvements allow Estate owners to return or disable offending objects
*** Disabling an object makes it non-physical and disables all scripts

* Classified ads now have an auto-renew option
** Checking the "Auto renew each week" checkbox in Profile > Classifieds will cause your classified to be republished instead of expiring after one week
** You will be charged the same listing price as the initial classified
** To change the listing price, you need to make a new classified

* Universal Binary installer for Mac clients is now standard
** PowerPC and Intel Mac versions are now bundled together in one "Universal Binary" installer
** Minimum required version for Second Life is now 10.3.9

* The Login screen now features a box to select the region to log into
** This has the same effect as using a SLURL to log into a region

New LSL functions:

* llHTTPRequest
** Added new LSL call & event to support HTTP access from external scripts
** LSL Function usage:
*** key llHTTPRequest(string <url>, list <parameters>, string <body>)
**** Send HTTP request to <url> with <parameters> and <body>, returning key uniquely identifying the request
**** Currently, the only supported parameter is the following key/value pair: HTTP_METHOD, <method name>
** LSL Event usage:
*** http_response(key <request_id>, integer <status>, list <metadata>, string <body>)
**** Called when a pending HTTP request <request_id> completes with the HTTP <status>, <metadata> and response <body>
**** This facility supports GET, PUT and POST methods, X-SecondLife-headers, text/* MIME types, and transcoding of body contents to LSL's Unicode strings

* llGetParcelFlags
** Get the parcel flags (PARCEL_FLAG_*) for the parcel including the point pos
** Returns an integer that is a bit field of flags
** This bitfield can be ANDed with a flag to see if that flag is set for that parcel
** Usage:
*** integer llGetParcelFlags(vector pos)
** Example:
*** if (llGetParcelFlags() & PARCEL_FLAG_ALLOW_CREATE_OBJECTS) llOwnerSay("You may create objects in this parcel!");
** Bitfields:
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows flying
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows outside scripts
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows landmarks to be created
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows anyone to terraform the land
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows damage
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows anyone to create objects
**** Used to determine if a parcel limits access to a group
**** Used to determine if a parcel limits access to a list of residents
**** Used to determine if a parcel uses a ban list
**** Used to determine if a parcel allows passes to be purchased
**** Used to determine parcel restricts spatialized sound to the parcel

Other changes:
* Performance enhancements for audio streaming
* Texture loading performance improvements
* Improved "Interest List" functionality keeps objects from being reloaded in view so often
* Objects that were set Material Light prior to 1.9.1 will be listed as 'Fullbright(Legacy)'
** Once this setting is changed for an object, it cannot be set back to this value except via script
* Added "Wear" and "Take" options to "Open" menu for objects
* "Pay" now included in left-click options for objects
* Improvements to the Properties window for objects
* Added region rating to listings in the Find menu
* Initial load of Events page defaults to current and upcoming events
* World map now puts focus on "Teleport" button after entering a region name and pressing "Enter"
* Mouselook now shows region, position, and damage at the top of the screen, but does not show currency, time, or packet loss
* IMs now include time stamp for local time when message was received

Bug fixes:
* Offline IMs should appear correctly while logging in
* Second Life starts correctly when file pathnames include special characters (including non-English operating systems)
* Fixed a cause of failure for offline inventory offers
* The "Purchase" button now greys out while your transaction is being processed
* Edit axes no longer display behind the object being edited
* Left-click "buy" now disables when the object is no longer for sale
* Residents you have muted can no longer offer you teleports
* Fixed a bug that caused the mouse pointer to move incorrectly while dragging HUD attachments
* Estate telehubs now override parcel landing points
* Fixed a bug that made water turn invisible
* Low-end video cards no longer display only one terrain texture
* llMapDestination now properly clamps to 768m on the Z-axis
* Avatar flying state is persistent across a teleport
* Fixed an bug that affected uploads of sounds
* Fixed a bug that caused SLURLs to fail with Internet Explorer

Release Notes for Second Life 1.9.0(24) May 10, 2006
* Changes to the interest list to improve responsiveness

Forum Threads

Besides 1.9.1/1.10.0 having it's own subforum, here are some other threads.

User Date Link
Discussion 2006-04-13 20:04 http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/108/34/100135/1.html
Doug Linden 2006-05-11 17:27 http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/3/ef/106215/1.html
Discussion 2006-05-24 21:03 http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/108/cb/108956/1.html