LSL NSieve Benchmark

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<lsl> // // The Great Computer Language Shootout // // // contributed by Isaac Gouy // modified by Babbage Linden //

string setByteArray(integer numbytes) {

   string result = "";
   integer i;
   for(i = 0; i < numbytes; ++i)
       result += "1";
   result += "1";
   return result;


string replace(string s, integer index, string char) {

   string result = "";
   if(index >= 1)
       result += llGetSubString(s, 0, index - 1);
   result += char;
   if(index < (llStringLength(s) - 1))
       result += llGetSubString(s, index + 1, -1);
   return result;


integer get(string s, integer index) {

   return llGetSubString(s, index, index) == "1";


string set(string s, integer index) {

   return replace(s, index, "1");


string unset(string s, integer index) {

   return replace(s, index, "0");


test() {

   integer m = 128;
   string bytes = setByteArray(m);
   integer count = 0;
   integer i;
   for (i=2; i <= m; i++)
        if(get(bytes, i))
           integer k;
           for(k=i+i; k <= m; k+=i)
               bytes = unset(bytes, k);
   llSay(0, "Primes up to " + (string)m + " " + (string)count);


time() {

   llSay(0, "Starting tests...");
   llSay(0, "Finished tests in " + (string)llGetTime() + "s");


default {

   touch_start(integer num)

} </lsl>

LSL2 Optimized

This version was optimized for the LSL2 VM, it might run faster under Mono then the unoptimized version. In LSLEditor, it runs about 20% faster.

<lsl>// // The Great Computer Language Shootout // // // contributed by Isaac Gouy // modified by Babbage Linden // optimized for LSL2 by Strife Onizuka, Apr 14 2008 //

test() {

   integer m = 128;
   string bytes = "11";
   integer i = 2;
   for(; i <= m; i = i << 1)
       bytes += bytes;
   bytes = llGetSubString(bytes , 0, m);
   integer count = 0;
   for (i = 2; i <= m; ++i)
       if(llGetSubString(bytes, i, i) == "1")
           integer k = i;
           while((k += i) <= m)
               bytes = llInsertString(llDeleteSubString(bytes, k, k), k, "0");
   llSay(0, "Primes up to " + (string)m + " " + (string)count);


time() {

   llSay(0, "Starting tests...");
   llSay(0, "Finished tests in " + (string)llGetTime() + "s");


default {

   touch_start(integer num)

} </lsl>