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This is the meeting tracking and progress page for the weekly Server BETA QA Meeting, moderated by Maestro Linden. Please contact him on AGNI for more information. You can join the '''Second Life Beta''' group for updates.
This is the meeting tracking and progress page for the weekly Server BETA QA Meeting, moderated by Mazidox Linden. Please contact him on AGNI for more information. You can join the '''Second Life Beta''' group for updates.

'''The next meeting is Thursday, June 5 2014, 3PM PDT at {{SLurl|region=Morris|x=210|y=250|z=35|title=Morris}} on the preview grid, [[Preview_Grid | ADITI]].'''

== Agenda ==

=== Updates ===
* Original plans for this week:
** No rolls for the main channel
** No rolls for RC BlueSteel
*** It's still on the AISv3 project
** RC LeTigre got the group ban project
*** [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_LeTigre/14#]]
*** Viewer download links are in the release notes
*** Everything else you need to know is in [[#Group_Ban_FAQ]]
*** Has anybody tried it?
** RC Magnum is still on the experience tools project
*** This week's update had some minor changes related to experience tools themselves
*** [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_RC_Magnum/14#]]
* Unscheduled deploy this week
** On Wednesday, we became aware that the simulator was potentially affected by a vulnerability in gnutls, [http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-3466 CVE-2014-3466]
** To minimize risk, we deployed a fixed simulator image to all simulators on Agni: [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#]]
** This deploy ran from 17:00 PDT until 01:30 PDT Thursday morning
** This version is functionally the same as [[Release_Notes/Second_Life_Server/14#|]], which was on the main channel prior to the roll.
** Logins to Aditi were temporarily disabled until fixed builds were deployed to all sim hosts

=== Upcoming Stuff ===
We usually meet every Thursday at 3PM Pacific Time @ secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Morris/204/201/34 '''however meetings are SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE'''
* LSL support for materials is in testing
** Certain Aditi regions (DRTSIM-253 channel, presently) have LSL support for materials
*** Regions "roller-test102" and "roller-test103" are on this channel
*** This is still a work-in-progress - testing is still underway
** Materials can be added to object faces with llSetPrimitiveParams() functions
*** [PRIM_SPECULAR, integer face, string texture, vector repeats, vector offsets, float rotation_in_radians, vector color, integer glossy, integer environment]
*** [PRIM_NORMAL, integer face, string texture, vector repeats, vector offsets, float rotation_in_radians]
*** [PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, integer face, integer alpha_mode, integer alpha_cutoff]
** Materials can be read with the various llGetPrimitiveParams() functions
*** [PRIM_SPECULAR, integer face] returns [string texture, vector repeats, vector offsets, float rotation_in_radians, vector color, integer glossy, integer environment]
*** [PRIM_NORMAL, integer face] returns [string texture, vector repeats, vector offsets, float rotation_in_radians]
*** [PRIM_ALPHA_MODE, integer face] returns [integer alpha_mode, integer alpha_cutoff]
** Behavior for both getting and setting materials parameters should basically correspond to behavior with PRIM_TEXTURE
** The color vectors use 0.0-1.0 as the range, as with llSetColor()
** The integer parameters for PRIM_SPECULAR correspond to the same values that you see in the build tool
** Components of a material can be 'reset' as follows:
*** PRIM_NORMAL and PRIM_SPECULAR settings are set to 'default' values by setting the texture to NULL_KEY
*** PRIM_ALPHA_MODE settings are set to 'default' values by setting the alpha_mode to PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND
**** mask_cutoff is actually reset to 0 unless the alpha mode is PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_MASK
*** When PRIM_NORMAL, PRIM_SPECULAR, and PRIM_ALPHA_MODE settings are all set to 'default' values, the material is deleted from that prim face, and LI may be updated accordingly
** Known issues
*** There is a viewer rendering issue, where the face will not be rendered and you'll see log spam ({{Jira|BUG-6187}}),
**** If the viewer has ALM enabled
**** and a prim face has a material on it
**** and PRIM_ALPHA_MODE is PRIM_ALPHA_MODE_BLEND (this is the default after a material is added)
**** and the diffuse texture does not have an alpha channel (e.g. plywood)
*** The version currently on Aditi lacks proper throttling, so there could be performance issues if scripts behave badly

=== Interesting Stuff ===
If you have issues to report, please use Jira.
* There's a new project viewer which adds support for Oculus Rift
** http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Using-the-Oculus-Rift-with-Second-Life/ba-p/2728824
* There's a blog post about last Tuesday's outage, which goes into some technical detail:
** http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/The-Recent-Unpleasantness/ba-p/2730800?utm_source=TechBlog&utm_medium=Story&utm_campaign=SocialCM
=== Any Other Items ===
=== Group Ban FAQ ===
* What does group ban do?
** The group ban feature allows certain group members to specify that certain avatars cannot join the group.  When an existing group member is banned, they are also automatically ejected from the group.
* Who can ban somebody from a group?
** Only group members with the new “Manage ban list” ability can add or remove avatars from the ban list.  By default, only group members in the “Owners” role have the Manage ban list” ability, although this ability may be granted to other group roles.
** A group role with “Manage ban list” ability will also automatically have “Eject Members from this Group” and “Remove Members from Roles” abilities, as the latter abilities are required in order to ban a group member.
* What are the limitations of group ban?
** Group members belonging to the “Owners” role cannot be banned from the group (the same rule applies to ejection).
** A group may have up to 500 avatars in its ban list.  When a group hits this limit, some avatars must be removed from the ban list before others may be added.
** Group bans are only enforced on simulators which support group ban.  During the server RC phase, avatars banned from groups will still be able to join them from non-group-ban simulators (although such users may be ejected from the group at any time).
* How do I ban somebody from my group?
*# Login with a viewer that supports group ban
*# Go to a region that supports group ban
*# Ensure that you have “Manage ban list” ability
*#* This information is found in the group info floater, under ‘Roles’ -> ‘ROLES’ -> ‘Allowed Abilities’ panel -> ‘Group Ban’ section
*# To ban via the group member list,
*## Open the group info floater’
*## Open ‘Roles’ -> ‘MEMBERS’, and select the group members you wish to ban
*## Hit the ‘Ban Member(s)’ button
*## The selected group members will be ejected from the group and added to the ban list
*# To ban any user from your group (a member or not)
*## Open the group info floater
*## Open ‘Roles’ -> ‘BANNNED AGENTS’
*## Hit the ‘Ban Resident(s)’ button
*## Using the people picker floater, find the avatars you wish to ban
*## Hit the ‘Ban Residents’ button
*## The avatars will be added to the ban list.  If they were group members, they will also be ejected from the group.
* How do I unban somebody from my group?
*# Login with a viewer that supports group ban
*# Go to a region that supports group ban
*# Ensure that you have “Manage ban list” ability
*# Open the group info floater
*# Open ‘Roles’ -> ‘BANNNED AGENTS’
*# Select the banned agents you wish to unbar
*# Hit the ‘Remove Ban(s)’ button
* Where can I test group ban?
** Sims which support group ban will soon be available on parts of Aditi, and test viewers will be made available.  Stay tuned for updates.
* How do I report bugs around group ban?
** File a BUG issue at https://jira.secondlife.com.  General instructions for filing bugs in SL can be found [http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-report-a-bug/ta-p/733545 here].
==== Known issues for group ban ====
* Filter by name string under Group -> Roles -> Banned Agents is non-functional (viewer UI)
* Adding a ban on an agent via Group -> Roles -> Banned Agents -> Ban Resident(s) button doesn't immediately update the list of banned agents (viewer UI)
* There are no warning messages if you attempt to ban an agent who is already on the Banned Agents list (via Group -> Roles-> Banned Agents -> Ban Resident(s))
* In the event of a revoked eject ability for a group member, you may see "You ejected user from group" in addition to the correct message "Unable to eject member user from the group"
* In the event of double ban event the second banner also sees "You ejected user from group" in addition to the correct message.
* Viewer Ban date doesn't display it in SL time (Pacific Standard Time) - instead, it shows the date in UTC (viewer UI)
== Open Items ==

= Minutes from Previous Meetings =
= Minutes from Previous Meetings =
** May
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-05-29 | 2014-05-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-05-22 | 2014-05-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-05-15 | 2014-05-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-05-08 | 2014-05-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-05-01 | 2014-05-01]]
** April
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-04-24 | 2014-04-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-04-17 | 2014-04-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-04-10 | 2014-04-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-04-04 | 2014-04-04]]
** March
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-03-27 | 2014-03-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-03-20 | 2014-03-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-03-13 | 2014-03-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-03-06 | 2014-03-06]]
** February
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-02-27 | 2014-02-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-02-20 | 2014-02-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-02-13 | 2014-02-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-02-06 | 2014-02-06]]
** January
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-01-23 | 2014-01-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-01-16 | 2014-01-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2014-01-09 | 2014-01-09]]
** December
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-12-12 | 2013-12-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-12-05 | 2013-12-05]]
** November
** November
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-11-21 | 2013-11-21]]
***[[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-11-01| 2018-11-01]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-11-14 | 2013-11-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-11-07 | 2013-11-07]]
** October
** October
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-10-31 | 2013-10-31]]
***[[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-10-11| 2018-10-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-10-24 | 2013-10-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-10-17 | 2013-10-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-10-10 | 2013-10-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-10-03 | 2013-10-03]]
** September
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-09-26 | 2013-09-26]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-09-19 | 2013-09-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-09-12 | 2013-09-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-09-05 | 2013-09-05]]
** August
** August
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-08-29 | 2013-08-29]]
***[[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-08-30| 2018-08-30]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-08-22 | 2013-08-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-08-15 | 2013-08-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-08-08 | 2013-08-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-08-01 | 2013-08-01]]
** July
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-07-25 | 2013-07-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-07-18 | 2013-07-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-07-11 | 2013-07-11]]
** June
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-06-27 | 2013-06-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-06-20 | 2013-06-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-06-13 | 2013-06-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-06-06 | 2013-06-06]]
** May
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-05-30 | 2013-05-30]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-05-23 | 2013-05-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-05-16 | 2013-05-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-05-09 | 2013-05-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-05-02 | 2013-05-02]]
** April
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-04-25 | 2013-04-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-04-18 | 2013-04-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-04-11 | 2013-04-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-04-04 | 2013-04-04]]
** March
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-03-28 | 2013-03-28]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-03-21 | 2013-03-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-03-14 | 2013-03-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-03-07 | 2013-03-07]]
** February
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-02-21 | 2013-02-28]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-02-21 | 2013-02-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-02-07 | 2013-02-07]]
** January
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-01-31 | 2013-01-31]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-01-24 | 2013-01-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-01-17 | 2013-01-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-01-10 | 2013-01-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2013-01-03 | 2013-01-03]]
** December
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-12-13 | 2012-12-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-12-06 | 2012-12-06]]
** November
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-11-29 | 2012-11-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-11-15 | 2012-11-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-11-08 | 2012-11-08]]
** October
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-10-04 | 2012-10-04]]
** September
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-09-20 | 2012-09-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-09-13 | 2012-09-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-09-06 | 2012-09-06]]
** August
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-08-30 | 2012-08-30]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-08-23 | 2012-08-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-08-16 | 2012-08-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-08-09 | 2012-08-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-08-02 | 2012-08-02]]
** July
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-07-26 | 2012-07-26]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-07-19 | 2012-07-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-07-12 | 2012-07-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-07-05 | 2012-07-05]]
** June
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-06-28 | 2012-06-28]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-06-21 | 2012-06-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-06-14 | 2012-06-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-06-07 | 2012-06-07]]
** May
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-05-31 | 2012-05-31]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-05-24 | 2012-05-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-05-17 | 2012-05-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-05-10 | 2012-05-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-05-03 | 2012-05-03]]
** April
** April
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-04-26 | 2012-04-26]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-04-05 | 2018-04-05]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-04-19 | 2012-04-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-04-12 | 2012-04-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-04-05 | 2012-04-05]]
** March
** March
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-29 | 2012-03-29]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-03-29 | 2018-03-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-22 | 2012-03-22]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-03-22 | 2018-03-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-15 | 2012-03-15]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-03-15 | 2018-03-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-08 | 2012-03-08]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-03-01 | 2018-03-01]]  
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-03-01 | 2012-03-01]]
** February
** February
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-02-23 | 2012-02-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-02-16 | 2012-02-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-02-09 | 2012-02-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-02-02 | 2012-02-02]]
** January
** January
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-01-26 | 2012-01-26]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-01-25 | 2018-01-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-01-19 | 2012-01-19]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-01-18 | 2018-01-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-01-12 | 2012-01-12]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2018-01-11 | 2018-01-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2012-01-05 | 2012-01-05]]
** December
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-12-15 | 2011-12-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-12-08 | 2011-12-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-12-01 | 2011-12-01]]
** November
*** 2010-11-24 *NO MEETING* Happy Thanksgiving!
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-11-17 | 2011-11-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-11-10 | 2011-11-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-11-03 | 2011-11-03]]
** October
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-10-27 | 2011-10-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-10-20 | 2011-10-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-10-13 | 2011-10-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-10-06 | 2011-10-06]]
** September
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-09-29 | 2011-09-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-09-22 | 2011-09-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-09-15 | 2011-09-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-09-08 | 2011-09-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-09-01 | 2011-09-01]]
** August
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-08-25 | 2011-08-25]]
*** 2011-08-18 *No meeting. Oskar was on vacation*
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-08-11 | 2011-08-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-08-04 | 2011-08-04]]
** July
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-07-28 | 2011-07-28]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-07-21 | 2011-07-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-07-14 | 2011-07-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-07-07 | 2011-07-07]]
** June
** June
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-06-30 | 2011-06-30]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-06-15 | 2017-06-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-06-23 | 2011-06-23]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-06-08 | 2017-06-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-06-16 | 2011-06-16]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-06-01 | 2017-06-01]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-06-09 | 2011-06-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-06-02 | 2011-06-02]]
** May
** May
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-05-26 | 2011-05-26]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-05-25 | 2017-05-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-05-19 | 2011-05-19]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-05-18 | 2017-05-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-05-12 | 2011-05-12]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_hours/Minutes/2017-05-11 | 2017-05-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-05-05 | 2011-05-05]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-05-04 | 2017-05-04]]
** April
** April
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-04-28 | 2011-04-28]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-04-27 | 2017-04-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-04-21 | 2011-04-21]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-04-20 | 2017-04-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-04-14 | 2011-04-14]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-04-13 | 2017-04-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-04-07 | 2011-04-07]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-04-06 | 2017-04-06]]
** March
** March
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-03-31 | 2011-03-31]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-03-30 | 2017-03-30]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-03-24 | 2011-03-24]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-03-23 | 2017-03-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-03-17 | 2011-03-17]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-03-16 | 2017-03-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-03-10 | 2011-03-10]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-03-09 | 2017-03-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-03-03 | 2011-03-03]]
*** [[Beta_server_office_Hours/Minutes/2017-03-02 | 2017-03-02]]
** February
** February
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-02-24 | 2011-02-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2017-02-23 | 2017-02-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-02-17 | 2011-02-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2017-02-16 | 2017-02-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-02-10 | 2011-02-10]]
*** 2017-02-09 - No Meeting
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-02-03 | 2011-02-03]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2017-02-02 | 2017-02-02]]
** January
** January
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-01-27 | 2011-01-27]]
*** 2017-01-26 - No Meeting
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-01-20 | 2011-01-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2017-01-19 | 2017-01-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-01-13 | 2011-01-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2017-01-12 | 2017-01-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2011-01-06 | 2011-01-06]]
* 2010
** December
*** 2010-12-30 *NO MEETING*
*** 2010-12-23 *NO MEETING*
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-12-16 | 2010-12-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-12-09 | 2010-12-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-12-02 | 2010-12-02]]
** November
*** 2010-11-25 *NO MEETING* Happy Thanksgiving!
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-11-18 | 2010-11-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-11-11 | 2010-11-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-11-04 | 2010-11-04]]
** October
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-10-28 | 2010-10-28]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-10-21 | 2010-10-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-10-14 | 2010-10-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-10-07 | 2010-10-07]]
** September
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-09-30 | 2010-09-30]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-09-23 | 2010-09-23]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-09-16 | 2010-09-16]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-09-09 | 2010-09-09]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-09-02 | 2010-09-02]]
** August
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-08-26 | 2010-08-26]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-08-19 | 2010-08-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-08-12 | 2010-08-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-08-05 | 2010-08-05]]
** July
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-07-29 | 2010-07-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-07-22 | 2010-07-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-07-15 | 2010-07-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-07-08 | 2010-07-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-07-01 | 2010-07-01]]
** June
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-06-24 | 2010-06-24]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-06-10 | 2010-06-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-06-03 | 2010-06-03]]
** May
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-05-27 | 2010-05-27]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-05-20 | 2010-05-20]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-05-13 | 2010-05-13]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-05-06 | 2010-05-06]]
** April
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-04-29 | 2010-04-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-04-22 | 2010-04-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-04-15 | 2010-04-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-04-08 | 2010-04-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-04-01 | 2010-04-01]]
** March
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-03-25 | 2010-03-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-03-18 | 2010-03-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-03-11 | 2010-03-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-03-04 | 2010-03-04]]
** February
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-02-25 | 2010-02-25]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-02-18 | 2010-02-18]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-02-11 | 2010-02-11]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-02-04 | 2010-02-04]]
** January
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-01-21 | 2010-01-21]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-01-14 | 2010-01-14]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2010-01-07 | 2010-01-07]]
* 2009
** December
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-12-17 | 2009-12-17]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-12-10 | 2009-12-10]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-12-04 | 2009-12-04]]
** November
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-11-26 | 2009-11-26]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-11-19 | 2009-11-19]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-11-12 | 2009-11-12]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-11-05 | 2009-11-05]]
** October
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-10-29 | 2009-10-29]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-10-22 | 2009-10-22]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-10-15 | 2009-10-15]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-10-08 | 2009-10-08]]
*** [[Beta_Server_Office_Hours/Minutes/2009-10-01 | 2009-10-01]]

[[Category:Bug Tracker]]
[[Category:Bug Tracker]]

Latest revision as of 15:09, 1 April 2021

This is the meeting tracking and progress page for the weekly Server BETA QA Meeting, moderated by Mazidox Linden. Please contact him on AGNI for more information. You can join the Second Life Beta group for updates.

We usually meet every Thursday at 3PM Pacific Time @ secondlife://Aditi/secondlife/Morris/204/201/34 however meetings are SUSPENDED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE

If you have issues to report, please use Jira.

Minutes from Previous Meetings