User:Void Singer/SL Forum Ignore

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< User:Void Singer
Revision as of 11:45, 13 February 2010 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (condense the xpath (small speedup i think)...)
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SL Forum Ignore


  • requires FireFox 2.0
  • requires Greasemonkey some-version-or-another

User Script

<javascript>// ==UserScript== // @name SL Forum Ignore // @namespace Private // @description Adds Ignore Links to User Posts on SL Forum Discussions/Questions (And Make Linden Names RED) // @include* // @include* // ==/UserScript==

//-- Inject links, mark posts, and hide already ignored posts

function uSetupPage(){ var vColDivs, vObjDiv, vObjLink, vStrUserName, vStrLinkText, vStrPostStyle; vColDivs = //-- grab the divs we need from the DOM, don't worry they ARE in page order document.evaluate( "(//div[@class='jive-thread-post-body-container' or @class='jive-thread-reply-body-container' or @class='jive-username-link-wrapper'])", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ); //-- loop through the divs in order for (var vIntCounter = 0; vIntCounter < vColDivs.snapshotLength; vIntCounter++){ vObjDiv = vColDivs.snapshotItem( vIntCounter ); //-- grab first div, AKA user name vStrUserName = vObjDiv.childNodes.item( 1 ).href; //-- unsafe, needs rewritten vStrUserName = vStrUserName.substring( vStrUserName.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 ); //-- grab the user name

if (vStrUserName.indexOf( "Linden" ) == -1){ //-- thou shalt not bite the hand that feeds you if (GM_getValue( vStrUserName, 0 ) == 1){ //-- is this user already on ignore? //-- set ignore button text and blank post attributes vStrLinkText = 'UnIgnore'; vStrPostStyle = 'display:none;'; }else{ //-- set ignore button text attribute vStrLinkText = 'Ignore'; vStrPostStyle = ; } //-- create, watch, and insert ignore link after user name vObjLink = document.createElement( 'a' ); vObjLink.setAttribute( 'name', vStrUserName ); vObjLink.setAttribute( 'href', 'javascript:void( 0 );' ); vObjLink.setAttribute( 'style', 'color:orange;' ); vObjLink.setAttribute( 'onclick', "uIgnore( '" + vStrUserName + "');" ); vObjLink.textContent = vStrLinkText; vObjLink.addEventListener( 'click', uPersist, true ); //-- this makes the magic work vObjDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) ); vObjDiv.appendChild( vObjLink );

//-- jump to next div, AKA post body, insert name and style vObjDiv = vColDivs.snapshotItem(++vIntCounter); vObjDiv.setAttribute( 'name', vStrUserName + '.post' ); vObjDiv.setAttribute( 'style', vStrPostStyle ); }else{ vObjDiv.childNodes.item( 1 ).setAttribute( 'style', 'color:red' ); //-- unsafe, needs rewritten vIntCounter++; //-- twas a Linden, skip the post body } } }

//-- create and insert script object into page to handle ignore status changes

function uInjectStatusHandler(){ var vInject = document.createElement( 'script' ); vInject.setAttribute( 'type', 'application/javascript' ); vInject.textContent = //-- this injected scriplet function will parse all posts / ignore links to change them when switching modes "\nuIgnore = function( vStrName ){" + "\n var vColLinks, vColPosts, vStrLinkText, vStrPostStyle;" + "\n vColLinks = document.getElementsByName( vStrName );" + //-- collect all this names ignore links "\n vColPosts = document.getElementsByName( vStrName + '.post' );" + //-- collect all this names posts "\n vStrLinkText = vColLinks[0].textContent;" + //-- get action to preform from link text "\n if (vStrLinkText == 'Ignore'){" + //-- preset ignored attributes for links/posts "\n vStrLinkText = 'UnIgnore';" + "\n vStrPostStyle = 'display:none;';" + "\n }else{" + //-- preset unignored attributes for links/posts "\n vStrLinkText = 'Ignore';" + "\n vStrPostStyle = ;" + "\n }" + "\n for (var vIntCounter = vColLinks.length - 1; vIntCounter > -1; vIntCounter --){" + //-- loop through and set attributes "\n vColLinks[vIntCounter].textContent = vStrLinkText;" + "\n vColPosts[vIntCounter].setAttribute( 'style', vStrPostStyle );" + "\n }" + "\n}\n"; document.body.appendChild( vInject ); //-- inject scriptlet so it can run in the page context }

//-- magic to persist ignore settings, runs in sandbox context

function uPersist(){ if (this.textContent == "UnIgnore"){ //-- has the person been ignored? GM_setValue(, 1 ); //-- store the name for future pages if ( == "Void.Singer"){ //-- should probably remove this if statement..... Naaaaah =P alert( "Well isn't that gratitude for ya\nYa know I wrote this ignore script... right?\n\n=p thppppppt! " ); } }else{ if (GM_getValue( ) == 1){ //-- delete names that aren't on ignore any more GM_deleteValue( ); } } }

uInjectStatusHandler(); //-- inject status changer uSetupPage(); //-- format the page

/*//-- License Text --//*/ /*// Free to copy, use, modify, distribute, or sell, with attribution. //*/ /*// (C)2009 (CC-BY) [ ] //*/ /*// Void Singer [ ] //*/ /*// All usages must contain a plain text copy of the previous 2 lines. //*/ /*//-- --//*/ </javascript>

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