Skunk Money

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This is the engine of the Skunk Money machine. There are scripts in each "tile" and in the numerical display...

Skunk Money Engine

//Skunk Money Engine
//by Hank Ramos

integer SEND_PLAYER_ID = 962214;
integer GAME_RUNNING   = 953365;
integer GAME_DISABLED  = 953366;
integer PAYOUT_SET     = 253340;
integer PAYOUT_SEND    = 358763;
integer SYSTEM_RESET   = 853324;
integer TILE_ALL_SET   = 122545;
integer PAYOUT_BUTTON  = 632587;
integer ID_REQUEST     = 856621;
integer ID_SEND        = 856621;
integer TILE_RANDOMIZE = 721002;
integer JACKPOT_SET    = 3665222;
integer DISPLAY_POT    = 5321447;
integer DISPLAY_PRICE  = 6324419;
integer SET_STATS      = 8665329;
integer RETRIEVE_STATS = 8662211;

//Default Options
//In case Settings Notecard is missing
integer demoMode             = TRUE; //True will refund all money paid in, and will pay no money out.
list    payouts              = [0, 1, -50, -25, -20, -10, -5, -2, -1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50];
integer gameCost             = 25;    //Cost to play the Game 
float   jackpotOdds          = 0.05;  //% of the time to show progressive tile
integer jackpotInitialValue  = 10;    //Vale of Progressive Jackpot when reset or after win
integer jackpotWinIncrement  = 1;     //Amount Progressive Jackpot is incremented upon a winning pot
integer jackpotLoseIncrement = 5;     //Amount Progressive Jackpot is incrmeneted upon a losing pot
integer maxLosses            = 500;   //Maximum amount of money this machine will lose before shutting down
integer commissionVersion    = FALSE;  //If true, L$1/L$2 of all money deposited is paid to Hank Ramos

key     playerID;
string  playerName;
integer currentPayout;
integer payoutCount; 
integer jackpotPayout;
integer moneyIn; 
integer moneyOut;
integer timesPlayed;
integer highestJackpot;
integer highestPayout;
string  highestPayoutName;
integer count;
integer lineCount;
key     readKey;
integer dialogChatChannel;
integer dialogListen;
integer imCounter;
key     ownerID;
integer commissionHigh;
integer commissionPaid;

    llOwnerSay("Skunk Money Stats");
    llOwnerSay("Plays: " + (string)timesPlayed);
    llOwnerSay("Highest Jackpot: L$" + (string)highestJackpot);
    llOwnerSay("Highest Payout: L$" + (string)highestPayout + " to " + highestPayoutName);
    llOwnerSay("L$ Collected: L$" + (string)moneyIn);
    llOwnerSay("L$ Dispensed: L$" + (string)moneyOut);
    if (commissionVersion)
        llOwnerSay("L$ Commission (included in L$ Dispensed): L$" + (string)commissionPaid);
    llOwnerSay("Memory Free: " + (string)llGetFreeMemory() + " bytes");
    list statValues;
    string csvList;
    //Parse Stats
    statValues += timesPlayed;
    statValues += highestJackpot;
    statValues += highestPayout;
    statValues += highestPayoutName;
    statValues += moneyIn;
    statValues += moneyOut;
    statValues += commissionPaid;
    statValues += jackpotPayout;
    csvList = llDumpList2String(statValues, ",");
    llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, SET_STATS, csvList, NULL_KEY);
checkCommands(key id, string message)
    if (message == "Stats")
        //Display stats only for the owner
    if (message == "Reset JPot")
        jackpotPayout = jackpotInitialValue;
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
        llOwnerSay("Jackpot Reset.");
    if (message == "Reset Stats")
        moneyIn           = 0; 
        moneyOut          = 0;
        timesPlayed       = 0;
        highestJackpot    = 0;
        highestPayout     = 0;
        commissionPaid    = 0;
        highestPayoutName = "Nobody";
        llOwnerSay("Stats Reset.");
    if (message == "Reset Script")
        llOwnerSay("Resetting Script...");
    if (message == "Play Free")
        playerID = id;
        playerName = llKey2Name(playerID);
        moneyIn += gameCost;
        state playing;
        integer x;
        ownerID = llGetOwner();
        llSetTexture("4fedf47c-aeda-77d1-a9f2-59e4fc2d809b", 3);
        for (x = 0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_SOUND); x++)
            llPreloadSound(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_SOUND, x));

        state loadSettings;
state resetAll
        if (llGetOwner() != ownerID)
            jackpotPayout = jackpotInitialValue;
            moneyIn           = 0; 
            moneyOut          = 0;
            timesPlayed       = 0;
            highestJackpot    = 0;
            highestPayout     = 0;
            commissionPaid    = 0;
            highestPayoutName = "Nobody";
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
            llOwnerSay("Reset For New Owner.");
state loadSettings
        integer found = FALSE;
        integer x;
        count = 0;
        lineCount = 0;
        for (x=0; x < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD); x += 1)
            if (llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, x) == "Settings")
                found = TRUE;
        if (found)
            llOwnerSay("Reading Settings Notecard...");
            readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount); 
            llOwnerSay("Settings Notecard Not Found, using default values...");
            state initialize;
    dataserver(key requested, string data)
        integer integerData;
        float   floatData;
        if (requested == readKey) 
            if (data != EOF)
                if ((llSubStringIndex(data, "#") != 0) && (data != "") && (data != " "))
                    integerData = (integer)data;
                    floatData   = (float)data;
                    if (count == 0)
                        demoMode = TRUE;
                        count = 1;
                    if (count == 1)
                        if ((integerData == 25) || (integerData == 10))
                            gameCost = integerData;
                    if (count == 2)
                        if (gameCost == 25)
                            payouts  = [0, -50, -25, -20, -10, -5, -2, -1, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50];
                            if (integerData == 0)
                                payouts += -10;
                            else if (integerData == 1)
                                payouts += -5;
                            else if (integerData == 2)
                                payouts += -1;
                            else if (integerData == 3)
                                payouts += 1;
                            else if (integerData == 4)
                                payouts += 2;
                            else if (integerData == 5)
                                payouts += 5;
                            else if (integerData == 6)
                                payouts += 10;
                            else if (integerData == 7)
                                payouts += 20;
                            payouts  = [0, -20, -10, -5, -5, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 10, 20];
                            if (integerData == 0)
                                payouts += -10;
                            else if (integerData == 1)
                                payouts += -5;
                            else if (integerData == 2)
                                payouts += -2;
                            else if (integerData == 3)
                                payouts += -1;
                            else if (integerData == 4)
                                payouts += 1;
                            else if (integerData == 5)
                                payouts += 2;
                            else if (integerData == 6)
                                payouts += 5;
                            else if (integerData == 7)
                                payouts += 10;
                    if (count == 3)
                        if ((floatData >= 0.004999)&&(floatData <= 5.000001))
                            jackpotOdds = floatData;
                    if (count == 4)
                        if (integerData >= 10)
                            jackpotInitialValue = integerData;
                    if (count == 5)
                        if (integerData >= 0)
                            jackpotWinIncrement = integerData;
                    if (count == 6)
                        if (integerData >= 1)
                            jackpotLoseIncrement = integerData;
                    if (count == 7)
                        if (integerData >= 1)
                            maxLosses = integerData;
                    count += 1;
                lineCount += 1;
                readKey = llGetNotecardLine("Settings", lineCount);
                llOwnerSay("Settings are loaded");
                state initialize;
        if (demoMode)
            llOwnerSay("DemoMode: TRUE");
            llOwnerSay("DemoMode: FALSE");
        llOwnerSay("GameCost: L$" + (string)gameCost);
        llOwnerSay("Payouts: L$" + llDumpList2String(payouts, ",L$"));
        llOwnerSay("JackpotOdds: " + (string)jackpotOdds);
        llOwnerSay("JackpotWinIncrement: L$" + (string)jackpotWinIncrement);
        llOwnerSay("JackpotLoseIncrement: L$" + (string)jackpotLoseIncrement);
        llOwnerSay("MaxLosses: L$" + (string)maxLosses);
        llSetPayPrice(PAY_HIDE, [gameCost, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE, PAY_HIDE]);
state initialize
        float payback;
        integer x;
        count = 0;
        jackpotPayout = jackpotInitialValue;
        highestJackpot = jackpotPayout;

        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, RETRIEVE_STATS, "", NULL_KEY);
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, TILE_ALL_SET, "QuestionMarks", NULL_KEY);


        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, SYSTEM_RESET, "", NULL_KEY);
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
        if (demoMode)
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_PRICE, (string)0, NULL_KEY);
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_PRICE, (string)gameCost, NULL_KEY);
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        state resetAll;
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == RETRIEVE_STATS)
            list statValues = llCSV2List(str);
            //Parse Stats
            timesPlayed       = llList2Integer(statValues, 0);
            highestJackpot    = llList2Integer(statValues, 1);
            highestPayout     = llList2Integer(statValues, 2);
            highestPayoutName = llList2String (statValues, 3);
            moneyIn           = llList2Integer(statValues, 4);
            moneyOut          = llList2Integer(statValues, 5);
            commissionPaid    = llList2Integer(statValues, 6);
            jackpotPayout     = llList2Integer(statValues, 7);
            if (jackpotPayout < jackpotInitialValue)
                jackpotPayout = jackpotInitialValue;
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
        if (num == ID_REQUEST)
            llMessageLinked(sender_num, ID_SEND, (string)count, NULL_KEY);
            count += 1;
            if (count >= 16)
                state idledemo;
        llOwnerSay("Initialized Successfully...");
state broken
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_PRICE, (string)-1, NULL_KEY);         
        llSay(0, "Machine Malfunction.  Please Contact Owner.");
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        state resetAll;
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        integer x;
        for (x=0; x < num_detected; x += 1)
            if (llDetectedKey(x) == ownerID)
                llSay(0, "Resuming...");
                llRequestPermissions(ownerID, PERMISSION_DEBIT);
                llSay(0, "Resumed.");
                maxLosses += 100;
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_PRICE, (string)gameCost, NULL_KEY);         
                state idledemo;
        llSay(0, "Machine Malfunction.  Please Contact Owner.");
state idledemo
        llSetTexture("4fedf47c-aeda-77d1-a9f2-59e4fc2d809b", 3);
        if ((moneyOut - moneyIn) > maxLosses)
            state broken;
        //Check Debit Permissions
        if (!(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_DEBIT))
            //state broken;
    changed(integer change)
        //Check Debit Permissions
        if (!(llGetPermissions() & PERMISSION_DEBIT))
            //state broken;
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        checkCommands(id, message);
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        state resetAll;
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer x;
        for (x=0; x < total_number; x += 1)
            if (llDetectedKey(x) == ownerID)
                dialogChatChannel = llRound(llFrand(2000000));
                dialogListen = llListen(dialogChatChannel, "", ownerID, "");
                llDialog(ownerID, "Administrative Options", ["Stats", "Reset Stats", "Reset JPot", "Reset Script", "Play Free"], dialogChatChannel);
                playerID = llDetectedKey(x);
                playerName = llKey2Name(playerID);
                moneyIn += gameCost;
                llSay(0, "Welcome to Skunk Money! This game is for amusement purposes only. No real L$ or item of value can be won with this game. Enjoy!");
                state playing;        


state playing
        integer x;
        integer sendPayout;
        //Initialize and Set Variables
        currentPayout = 0;
        payoutCount   = 0;
        timesPlayed   += 1;
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_POT, (string)currentPayout, NULL_KEY); 

        //Setup proximity sensor
        llSensorRepeat("", playerID, AGENT, 25, TWO_PI, 30);
        //Randomize and Setup Tiles
        payouts = llListRandomize(payouts, 1);
        llLoopSound("Randomizing", 0.75);
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, TILE_RANDOMIZE, "", NULL_KEY);
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, SEND_PLAYER_ID, "", playerID);
        //Send Payouts to Tiles
        for (x=0; x < 16; x += 1)
            integer sendPayout = llList2Integer(payouts, x);
            if (sendPayout == 0)
                if (llFrand(1) < jackpotOdds)
                    sendPayout = 999999999;
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, PAYOUT_SET + x, (string)sendPayout, NULL_KEY);
        //Start Game
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, GAME_RUNNING, "", NULL_KEY);
    sensor(integer num_detected)
        llInstantMessage(playerID, "Cashing Out your Payout since you left the vicinity of the game. Thanks for playing!");
        state payout;
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        state resetAll;
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        integer amount;
        if (num == PAYOUT_SEND)
            amount = (integer)str;
            if (amount == 0)
                //Skunk was selected
                currentPayout = 0;
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, TILE_ALL_SET, "Skunk", NULL_KEY);
                llPlaySound("Loser", 0.75);
                llSay(0, "You Found the SKUNK!");
                state payout;
            else if (amount == 999999999)
                //Jackpot was selected
                llPlaySound("Jackpot", 0.75);
                llSay(0, "You Got the L$" + (string)jackpotPayout + " JACKPOT!");
                currentPayout += jackpotPayout;
                jackpotPayout = jackpotInitialValue;
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
                //Play sound for positive and negative amounts
                if (amount > 0)
                    llPlaySound("CashRegister", 0.75);
                    llPlaySound("Buzzer", 0.75);
                currentPayout += amount;
            //Kill Game if all are revealed
            payoutCount += 1;
            if (payoutCount >= 16)
                state payout;
            //Update display
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_POT, (string)currentPayout, NULL_KEY); 
        if (num == PAYOUT_BUTTON)
            state payout;
state payout
    on_rez(integer start_param)
        //Shutdown game
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, GAME_DISABLED, "", NULL_KEY);
       //Payout Money
        if (currentPayout > 0)
            //Customer Won!
            llPlaySound("Fanfare", 0.75);
            llSay(0, "You Won L$" + (string)currentPayout + "!");
            jackpotPayout += jackpotWinIncrement;
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
            if (!demoMode)
                //llGiveMoney(playerID, currentPayout);
            moneyOut += currentPayout;
            //Customer Lost
            llPlaySound("NoWin", 0.90);
            llSay(0, "Sorry, better luck next time...");
            jackpotPayout += jackpotLoseIncrement;
            llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, JACKPOT_SET, (string)jackpotPayout, NULL_KEY); 
            currentPayout = 0;
        //Process Statistics
        if (jackpotPayout > highestJackpot)
            highestJackpot = jackpotPayout;
        if (currentPayout > highestPayout)
            highestPayout = currentPayout;
            highestPayoutName = playerName;

         //Display Winnings then reset
        llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, DISPLAY_POT, (string)currentPayout, NULL_KEY);
        currentPayout = 0;
        state idledemo;

Settings Notecard

This is just a notecard with settings, this is not a script...

#Skunk Money Settings Notecard
#All lines that begin with "#" are comments, and are ignored.
#Do not change the order of the settings in this card.

#Game Cost
#Cost to play the game in L$. Must be either 25 or 10 L$
#Note: this game is for amusement only.  This machine does not accept nor payout any real L$ or item of value.

#Payout Tightness Setting
#Select a Value between 0 and 7 (Other values will default to 4)
#0 is very Tight and 7 is very Loose.
#Higher values favor the player. Lower values favor the house.
#Refer to the Payout Table Notecard to see payout percentages determined through actual testing.

#Jackpot Odds
#% of the time to show jackpot tile, replacing the skunk. This setting will affect the average size of the Jackpot.
#Valid values are 0.005 to 0.5 (0.5% - 5%). Recommend setting to 0.02 (2%)

#Jackpot Initial Value
#Value of  Jackpot when reset or after win.  
#Higher settings will increase the payback percentage slightly.
#Recommend setting to 2x the Game Cost
#Cannot be less than 10 L$

#Jackpot Increment on Win
#Amount  Jackpot is incremented upon a winning pot (<= L$0)
#Recommend setting to 0 for L$10 game and 1 for L$25 game
#Cannot be less than 0 L$

#Jackpot Increment on Lose
#Amount  Jackpot is incrmeneted upon a losing pot  (> L$0)
#Recommend setting to 2 for L$10 game and 5 for L$25 game
#Cannot be less than 1L$

#Max Loss
#Maximum amount of L$ money this machine will lose before shutting down.
#When owner clicks the machine, it will reset the max loss. An anti-hacking/anti-exploit preventative measure
#Cannot be less than L$500

Game Tile Script

This is the script in each individual game tile on the screen...

//Game Tile
//by Hank Ramos

integer SEND_PLAYER_ID = 962214;
integer GAME_RUNNING   = 953365;
integer GAME_DISABLED  = 953366;
integer PAYOUT_SET     = 253340;
integer PAYOUT_SEND    = 358763;
integer SYSTEM_RESET   = 853324;
integer TILE_ALL_SET   = 122545;
integer ID_REQUEST     = 856621;
integer ID_SEND        = 856621;
integer TILE_RANDOMIZE = 721002;

integer tileID = -1;
integer debugMode = FALSE;

key     playerID;
integer payout;

debug(string debugMSG)
    if (debugMode)
        llSay(0, debugMSG);
revealTile(integer dim)
    if (dim)
        llSetColor(<0.1,0.1,0.1>, 3);
        llSetColor(<1,1,1>, 3);
    if (payout == 0)
        llSetTexture("Skunk", 3);
    else if (payout == 999999999)
        llSetTexture("XJackpot", 3);
        if (payout > 0)
            llSetTexture("SM+" + (string)payout, 3);
            llSetTexture("SM" + (string)payout, 3);
       llMessageLinked(0, ID_REQUEST, "", NULL_KEY);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == ID_SEND)
            tileID = (integer)str;
            llSetTexture(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, tileID), 1);
            state disabled;        
        if (num == SYSTEM_RESET)
state enabled
        llSetColor(<1,1,1>, 3);
        llSetTexture("QuestionMarks", 3);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == GAME_DISABLED)
            state disabled;
        if (num == SYSTEM_RESET)
        if (num == TILE_ALL_SET)
            llSetTexture(str, 3);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer x;
        for (x=0; x < total_number; x += 1)
            if (llDetectedKey(x) == playerID)
                llMessageLinked(0, PAYOUT_SEND, (string)payout, NULL_KEY);
                state disabled;
state disabled
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == SEND_PLAYER_ID)
            playerID = id;
            debug("receiving player ID: " + (string)id);
        if (num == (PAYOUT_SET + tileID))
             payout = (integer)str; 
             debug("payout set to " + str);
        if (num == TILE_RANDOMIZE)
            llSetTexture("QuestionMarks", 3);
            llSetColor(<1,1,1>, 3);
            llSetTimerEvent(0.75 + llFrand(0.75));
        if (num == GAME_RUNNING)
            debug("game being enabled " + str);
            state enabled;
        if (num == SYSTEM_RESET)
        if (num == GAME_DISABLED)
            state disabled;
        if (num == TILE_ALL_SET)
            llSetTexture(str, 3);
        llSetTexture(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, (integer)llFrand((float)llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE))), 3); 

Cash Out Button

Just the script in that button...

//Cash Out Button
//by Hank Ramos

integer SEND_PLAYER_ID = 962214;
integer GAME_RUNNING   = 953365;
integer GAME_DISABLED  = 953366;
integer PAYOUT_SET     = 253340;
integer PAYOUT_SEND    = 358763;
integer SYSTEM_RESET   = 853324;
integer TILE_ALL_SET   = 122545;
integer PAYOUT_BUTTON  = 632587;

key     playerID;

        llSetTexture("XJackpot", 1);
        state disabled;
state enabled
        llSetColor(<1,0,0>, 3);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == GAME_DISABLED)
            state disabled;
        if (num == SYSTEM_RESET)
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer x;
        for (x=0; x < total_number; x += 1)
            if (llDetectedKey(x) == playerID)
                llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS, PAYOUT_BUTTON, "", NULL_KEY);
state disabled
        llSetColor(<0.4,0.4,0.4>, 3);
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == SEND_PLAYER_ID)
            playerID = id;
        if (num == SYSTEM_RESET)
        if (num == GAME_RUNNING)
            state enabled;

Price Display

The script in the price display...

//Price Display
//by Hank Ramos

integer DISPLAY_PRICE  = 6324419;
integer SET_STATS      = 8665329;
integer RETRIEVE_STATS = 8662211;

    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id)
        if (num == DISPLAY_PRICE)
            if (str == "-1")
                llSetTexture("OutOfService", 3);
            else if (str == "0")
                llSetTexture("Free", 3);
                llSetTexture("SM+" + str, 3);
        if (num == SET_STATS)
        if (num == RETRIEVE_STATS)
            llMessageLinked(sender_num, RETRIEVE_STATS, llGetObjectDesc(), NULL_KEY);