User:Allen Kerensky/Myriad Lite Preview3/Myriad Lite Meter v0.0.3 20110609

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Myriad Lite Meter v0.0.3 20110813

<lsl> //============================================================================ // Myriad Lite Meter v0.0.3 20110813 // Copyright (c) 2011 By Allen Kerensky (OSG/SL) // The Myriad RPG System was designed, written, and illustrated by Ashok Desai // Myriad is published under a: // Creative Commons License (Attribution 2.0 UK: England and Wales) // Myriad Lite Meter is published under a: // Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported //============================================================================

//============================================================================ // MESSAGE FORMAT REFERENCE //============================================================================ // CHANPLAYER IN - METER|str PLAYER NAME|str GAMENAME|int CURWOUNDS|int MAXWOUNDS|int CURCRITICAL|int MAXCRITICAL|int ISDEAD|int ISINCAPACITATED

//============================================================================ // GLOBAL VARIABLES //============================================================================ integer CHANATTACH; // dynamic channel for player attachments string DIV = "|"; // Myriad message field divider string STATUS; // settext message integer NAME_FORMAT = 1; // 1 = Alias only, 2 = First "Alias" Last, 3 = Alias (First Last) integer SHOW_HEALTH = TRUE; // show the health percentage or not? vector COLOR = <0,1,0>; // set text color float ALPHA = 1.0; // set text alpha 0.0 = clear, 1.0 = solid vector GREEN = <0,1,0>; // color constant for convenience vector YELLOW = <1,1,0>; // color constant for convenience vector RED = <1,0,0>; // color constant for convencience vector BLACK = <0,0,0>; // color constant for convenience

//============================================================================ // GLOBAL SETUP() //============================================================================ SETUP() {

   llSetText("--- Waiting for Myriad Update ---",<1,0,0>,1); // set a default banner to show we haven't been updated yet
   CHANATTACH = (integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetOwner(),1,7)); // calculate wearer's dynamic attachment channel
   llListen(CHANATTACH,"",NULL_KEY,""); // start a listener on the dynamic channel


//============================================================================ // DEFAULT STATE //============================================================================ default {

   state_entry() {
       SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter
   on_rez(integer start_param) {
       SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter
   changed(integer changes) {
       if ( changes & CHANGED_OWNER ) { // if owner has changed, we need to recalculate the dynamic channel
           SETUP(); // setup the hovertext meter
   listen(integer channel,string name,key id,string message) {
       if ( channel == CHANATTACH ) { // did this message come in on attachment channel?
           list fields = llParseString2List(message,[DIV],[]); // break message down into list separated by |
           string command = llList2String(fields,0); // read first item in list to get the Myriad command
           if ( command == "METER") { // if this is the METER command, let's update the meter status
               string dead = "no"; // set a default of "not dead"
               string incap = "no"; // set a default of "not incapacitated"
               string playername   = llList2String(fields,1); // get the full player name from the list of METER values
               list   name2        = llParseString2List(playername,[" "],[]); // separate first and last name by space
               string firstname    = llList2String(name2,0); // get the firstname from the name2
               string lastname     = llList2String(name2,1); // get the lastname, if any, from the name2
               string gamename     = llList2String(fields,2); // get player's alias/game name (originally set in their character sheet)
               integer curwounds   = llList2Integer(fields,3); // what is player's current wound value?
               integer maxwounds   = llList2Integer(fields,4); // what is player's maximum healed wounds allowed by level/stats?
               integer curcritical = llList2Integer(fields,5); // what is player's current critical wounds value?
               integer maxcritical = llList2Integer(fields,6); // what is player's maximum healed critical wounds value?
               integer isdead      = llList2Integer(fields,7); // is player dead?
               integer isincap     = llList2Integer(fields,8); // is player incapacitated?
               // okay, we've broken down status, lets create a banner from that using colors
               STATUS = ""; // start with an empty string
               COLOR = GREEN; // start with fully healthy color
               if ( NAME_FORMAT == 1 ) { // what name format do we want to see?                
                   STATUS = gamename; // 1 == just Alias name from character sheet
               } else if ( NAME_FORMAT == 2 ) { // not format 1, so format 2?
                   STATUS = firstname + "\"" + gamename + "\"" + lastname; // firstname "alias" lastname
               } else if ( NAME_FORMAT == 3 ) { // not format 1, or 2, so...
                   STATUS = gamename + "("+playername+")"; // alias (firstname lastname)
               if ( SHOW_HEALTH == TRUE ) { // do we want a health number (unrealistic)
                   float currentpoints = (float)curwounds + (float)curcritical; // add up noncritical and critical wounds boxes remaining
                   float maxpoints = (float)maxwounds + (float)maxcritical; // add up total wounds boxes player should have
                   if ( currentpoints > 0.0 ) { // if player has some wounds left
                       float health = ( ( currentpoints / maxpoints ) * 100.0 ); // get a percentage
                       STATUS += "\nHealth: "+(string)llRound(health)+"%"; // add the percentage health to the status
                   } else { // oops all resilience gone
                       STATUS += "\nHealth; 0%"; // so add a zero% to status
               if ( curwounds == maxwounds && curcritical == maxcritical ) { // are all health boxes full?
                   COLOR = GREEN; // fully healthy
               if ( curwounds < maxwounds && curwounds >= 1 ) { // we've lost some wounds, but not incapacitated
                   COLOR = YELLOW; // set a warning that we've been wounded and not fully healty
               if ( curwounds < 1 ) { // if we're out of non-critical wounds, we're in trouble
                   COLOR = RED; // we're incapacitated but not dead, bleeding out here
               if ( isincap == 1 && isdead == 0 ) {
                   STATUS += " ! INCAPACITATED !";
                   COLOR = RED; // set color to warning that we're down but not dead yet
               if ( isdead == 1 ) {  // if we're dead
                   STATUS += " !!! DEAD !!!"; // add a notice to status
                   COLOR = BLACK; // set color to color of death
               llSetText(STATUS,COLOR,ALPHA); // show the new status text over the meter
               return; // we're done with this command, exit entire listen event
           } // end if command meter
       } // end if chanattach

} // end default //============================================================================ // END //============================================================================ </lsl>