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Function: llOwnerSay( string msg );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Says msg to the object's owner only, if the owner is currently in the same region.

• string msg message to be transmitted


  • If msg is longer than 1024 bytes, it will be truncated to 1024 bytes. This can convey 1024 ASCII characters, or fewer if non-ASCII are present.
  • Silently fails ~45 seconds after the owner leaves the region the object is in.
  • Silently fails when the object to which the script is attached is deeded to a group.
  • Some viewers do not display llOwnerSay text when msg is empty ("").
  • Produces swirly particle effects for the owner (who sees the message) but these effects do not appear to be visible to other avatars (who don't).


    touch_start(integer num_detected)

Useful Snippets

// llOwnerSay extension for preventing silent failures
// paste this code at the top of the script and replace
// any calls to llOwnerSay with uOwnerSayPlus

uOwnerSayPlus(string inputString)
    key owner = llGetOwner();

    // single owner that the region still has a handle for
    if (llKey2Name(owner))
    // group owned, must send the message publicly
    else if (llList2Key(llGetObjectDetails(llGetKey(), [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0) == owner)
        llWhisper(0, "/me : " + inputString);
    // single owner, not present, send them an IM
        llInstantMessage(owner, inputString);

See Also


•  llRegionSay Sends chat region wide
•  llWhisper Sends chat limited to 10 meters
•  llSay Sends chat limited to 20 meters
•  llShout Sends chat limited to 100 meters
•  llRegionSayTo Sends private chat region wide
•  llInstantMessage Sends private chat anywhere on the grid


•  Limits SL limits and constrictions

Deep Notes


• llOwnerSay Test


function void llOwnerSay( string msg );


Speak to me only.
Murmur secrets in my ear:
Clandestine whispers.