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(Created page with "{{LSL_Function |func_id=9999|func_sleep=0.0|func_energy=10.0 |func=llGetUsedMemory |return_type=integer |func_desc |Return_text=of the number of bytes of memory currently in use …")
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Revision as of 14:39, 14 April 2011


Function: integer llGetUsedMemory( );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns the integer of the number of bytes of memory currently in use by the script.


This function's behavior is dependent upon the VM the script is using. Mono is the new VM, LSO is the old VM. The big difference between between Mono and LSO is that Mono scripts run faster and can utilize four times more memory.


In Mono the value returned is the amount of memory currently in use by the script.


LSO scripts always use 16k of memory.


  • Scripts compiled to LSL always report 16k memory used.
  • This can be called at any time and does not require llScriptProfiler


Calling llGetUsedMemory can look like this: <lsl> integer used_memory = llGetUsedMemory(); llOwnerSay((string)used_memory + " bytes of memory currently used.");


Deep Notes


function integer llGetUsedMemory();