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Revision as of 10:32, 20 June 2011

Find me in World.

Here is some work in and with ACUG (Adult Content User Group), in resulting of the Life and work on Zindra, SL's adult-rated mainland. Details about, you can find here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Adult_Content_User_Group (ACUG on the SL-Wiki) .

A Part of the Zindra-related 'Issues' is an event-Island for expositions and other kind of (user-created and runned) events.

The event-island-Sims are here:

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Distrel/128/128/25 (Distrel, left top)

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Tramboyn/128/128/25 (Tramboyn, left bottom)

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Girenzi/128/128/25 (Girenzi, right top)

http://slurl.com/secondlife/Jaraded/128/128/25 (Jaraded, left top)

Actual Topics on Zindra and the ACUG:

The 'ZEXPO'-group

This group was created for the last "ZEXPO" (Zindra Expo...sition). Some still poke on, it is outdated and best should become deleted or similar. Also that some people have more rights in the group bring for some no pleasure up.

It have become a group to exchange informations and so on, also to organize events, and, and, and.

My suggestion is, to make it an "only event related"-group ... where an "event" is a thing with a wide effect, a community thing ... and not the grand-opening of the next biker-bar.

The Owner-ship goes to a group of 3 or 4 people, with them the most agree ... and which are not the "typical main-actors". Also the responsible LL-staff(s) should be visible.

Per default all are in the "Everyone" role - the role have nearly NO RIGHTS (only get informations). For events exists a set of typical roles, the event-leaders become set to.

I was talk before with two of our "main actors", Counter and Ginette, and both was have something to say about that. I still stay with my suggestions.

Special for my next suggestion, Counter would prefer to remove all people from the event group, while no event is on - main point is "Security". I don't agree with that - on events will be mostly the same people. This way stay a kind of sub-community of event-addicted people. Also if the situation have become more stable, there is the hope, events running day after day - one event finished, the next starts up ... makes no time to left.

Running the 'Event Island' (the 4 Sims)

In the meeting, Amanda was make clear, she will not have the time to run such an island, like Blondin was maybe have it.

An idea was, to let the users to all, but "estate-manager rights" would be not working. About the location of the Sims, it can be easy missed, they are part of the main-land ... and mainland is 1 estate.

If it would be possible, to have a separated estate, but liked to the Zindra-Continent, that would be surely fantastic, but I think, it's not possible and not in the allowed part of rules from LL. It would make "parceling" possible and other things, but in the past also the other ways have work.

My suggestion is, the 4 island sims become owned by the "ZEXPO"-group.

The "Owners" of the ZEXPO-Group are responsible for:

  • keep the place clean
  • special: clean up after events
  • set permissions to group-members for events …
  • … take the permissions.
  • manage event-appointments (keep the calendar)
  • negotiate between people if their dates collides

Counter was seeing security issues, but Sims/parcels can be set to "Group Only can build" ... and in the Group-roles can be set, a Group can build on the land ... or not.

Creating a new Group (ACUG) for all

A kind of "Umbrella group" for ALL residents.

The "Zindra Alliance" is a private group. Everyone can join ... but the owner can toss them out and "rules".

The ACUG should be similar to, for example, the "Second Life Beta" ( [ secondlife:///app/group/19657888-576f-83e9-2580-7c3da7c0e4ca/about secondlife:///app/group/19657888-576f-83e9-2580-7c3da7c0e4ca/about Second Life Beta-Group] ).

The Group is there to access the Test-Sandboxes, but is also a exchange-group for some tech-stuff.

Spammer become taken their chat-rights, Group-notices only for rare people on request.

Well ... open for discussion.