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(Fixed code formating and some link text, and linked SVC-1612 to Jira)
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|func_desc=This function is a request from several scripters to reach what [[llDetectedGroup]] and [[llSameGroup]] is not able to provide. It would not cause any security and/or privacy issues due the fact it will return a integer as {{HoverText|boolean|TRUE or FALSE}} instead of any information about the group.
|func_desc=(Also suggested to be called as ''llIsGroupActive'' or ''llCheckGroupActive'').
This function is a request from several scripters to reach what [[llDetectedGroup]] and [[llSameGroup]] is not able to provide. It would not cause any security and/or privacy issues due the fact it will return an integer as {{HoverText|boolean|TRUE or FALSE}} instead of any information about the group.
Furthermore, this function will ''only'' check against an agent's current active group, something which can be readily discovered by most residents using the standard viewer even if the group is marked as hidden.
|return_text={{HoverText|boolean|TRUE or FALSE}}, that is [[TRUE]] if the agent has '''group''' as active group, otherwise [[FALSE]]
|return_text={{HoverText|boolean|TRUE or FALSE}}; [[TRUE]] if the agent has '''group''' as active group, otherwise [[FALSE]].
|spec=* Still unknow.
|p1_type=key|p1_name=group|p1_desc=group [[UUID]] of the group that is going to match with [[Avatar|avatar]]'s active group|p1_hover=group UUID of the group that is going to match with avatar's active group
|p2_type=list|p2_name=group_keys|p2_desc=list of group UUIDs to check against '''{{LSL Param|avatar}}'''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s current active group|p2_hover=list of group UUIDs to check against avatar's current active group
|spec=* Still unknow.
|caveats=* Still unknow.
|caveats=* Can still check the agent's active group even if it is hidden.
|examples=<lsl>key group_key = "cd505f45-a33c-dcd5-eb7e-cad27847a4af"; //Key of some group
|examples=<source lang="lsl2">list group_keys = ["cd505f45-a33c-dcd5-eb7e-cad27847a4af", "a7729bfc-674b-10c7-edc0-461a3ee55ef4"]; //group keys
key toucher;    // Key of person who touches the object
    touch_start( integer total_number )
        toucher = llGetDetected( 0 );
        // It checks if the agent (avatar) has one of the groups in "group_keys" as active group
        if( llMatchGroup( toucher, group_keys ) == TRUE )
            llSay( 0, "You belong to the group" );
            llSay( 0, "You don't belong to the group" );
Only one group:
<source lang="lsl2">list group_key = ["cd505f45-a33c-dcd5-eb7e-cad27847a4af"];
key toucher;    // Key of person who touches the object

     touch_start(integer total_number)
     touch_start( integer total_number )
         if (llMatchGroup(group_key) == TRUE) {  //It checks if the agent (avatar) has
         toucher = llGetDetected( 0 );
                                                // the group of "group_key" as active group
             llSay(0,"You belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" + (string)group_key + "/about");
        // It checks if the agent (avatar) has one of the groups in "group_keys" as active group
         } else {
        if( llMatchGroup( toucher, group_key ) == TRUE )
             llSay(0,"You don't belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" + (string)group_key + "/about");
             llSay( 0, "You belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" +
                      (string)llList2String( group_key, 0 ) + "/about" );
             llSay( 0, "You don't belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" +
                      (string)llList2String( group_key, 0 ) + "/about" );
Line 47: Line 73:
Please go vote if this feature is important to you. [https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-79 Jira (SCR-79)]
|comments="A function, tentatively titled llMatchGroup(), which takes two parameters: an agent/object key and a group key, and returns a boolean result. (e.g. integer llMatchGroup(key target, key group); ) The function simply checks "target"'s active group against the key "group", returns a 1 if the two match and returns a 0 if they do not. For the purposes this is intended to cover it would only need to work for targets located within the same sim. (Though it would be nice if it could check targets 96m within adjacent sims, a la llGetObjectDetails().)
|comments="A function, tentatively titled llMatchGroup(), which takes two parameters: an agent/object key and a group key, and returns a boolean result. (e.g. integer llMatchGroup(key target, key group); ) The function simply checks "target"'s active group against the key "group", returns a 1 if the two match and returns a 0 if they do not. For the purposes this is intended to cover it would only need to work for targets located within the same sim. (Though it would be nice if it could check targets 96m within adjacent sims, a la llGetObjectDetails().)

I believe this function would satisfy both needs for the most part; it would allow scripters to set up multi-group authorization systems, but would not allow them to potentially breach resident privacy by in essence "fishing" for group information as implementing SVC-1612 would allow. Any scripts using it would have to know the key of the group in advance to get any meaningful information out of this.
I believe this function would satisfy both needs for the most part; it would allow scripters to set up multi-group authorization systems, but would not allow them to potentially breach resident privacy by in essence "fishing" for group information as implementing [https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-1612 SVC-1612] would allow. Any scripts using it would have to know the key of the group in advance to get any meaningful information out of this.

It should also be noted that this functionality is strongly desired, to the point where designers use rather complex methods to accomplish this despite the heavy overhead required. I've seen a few security/etc. setups where the system relied on multiple objects set to different groups, each using llSameGroup() within intercommunicating scripts in order to allow multiple-group access checking. Implementing this would allow developers to use self-contained scripts to accomplish the same thing."
It should also be noted that this functionality is strongly desired, to the point where designers use rather complex methods to accomplish this despite the heavy overhead required. I've seen a few security/etc. setups where the system relied on multiple objects set to different groups, each using llSameGroup() within intercommunicating scripts in order to allow multiple-group access checking. Implementing this would allow developers to use self-contained scripts to accomplish the same thing."

- Text extracted from [[https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-79 Jira]]
"'''IF''' this idea is implemented, I'd much rather see the function called llIsGroupActive or llCheckGroupActive as llMatchGroup is too vague."
"The best will be llMatchGroup(key avat, list group_keys), allowing to check more than one group at once. Function will return TRUE if avat active group is one of the list.
For instance in RP sims, doors have to check access for the main group but also for ally groups, sub-groups, etc. So it will make one call instead of many.
I hope LL sees that as long such function is missing we have to implement heavy workarounds (making one scripted object per group to check, another script to communicate with each object, and dealing with auto-return). This would save server script time and memory."
* Texts extracted from [https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SCR-79 Jira (SCR-79)]

Latest revision as of 14:47, 9 May 2019

Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: integer llMatchGroup( key avatar, list group_keys );

(Also suggested to be called as llIsGroupActive or llCheckGroupActive).

This function is a request from several scripters to reach what llDetectedGroup and llSameGroup is not able to provide. It would not cause any security and/or privacy issues due the fact it will return an integer as boolean instead of any information about the group.

Furthermore, this function will only check against an agent's current active group, something which can be readily discovered by most residents using the standard viewer even if the group is marked as hidden.
Returns an integer boolean; TRUE if the agent has group as active group, otherwise FALSE.

• key avatar avatar UUID that is in the same region
• list group_keys list of group UUIDs to check against avatar's current active group


  • Still unknow.


  • Can still check the agent's active group even if it is hidden.


list group_keys = ["cd505f45-a33c-dcd5-eb7e-cad27847a4af", "a7729bfc-674b-10c7-edc0-461a3ee55ef4"]; //group keys
key toucher;     // Key of person who touches the object

    touch_start( integer total_number )
        toucher = llGetDetected( 0 );

        // It checks if the agent (avatar) has one of the groups in "group_keys" as active group
        if( llMatchGroup( toucher, group_keys ) == TRUE )
            llSay( 0, "You belong to the group" );
            llSay( 0, "You don't belong to the group" );

Only one group:

list group_key = ["cd505f45-a33c-dcd5-eb7e-cad27847a4af"];
key toucher;    // Key of person who touches the object

    touch_start( integer total_number )
        toucher = llGetDetected( 0 );

        // It checks if the agent (avatar) has one of the groups in "group_keys" as active group
        if( llMatchGroup( toucher, group_key ) == TRUE )
            llSay( 0, "You belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" +
                       (string)llList2String( group_key, 0 ) + "/about" );
            llSay( 0, "You don't belong to the group secondlife:///app/group/" +
                       (string)llList2String( group_key, 0 ) + "/about" );


Child Prims

It is possible for the group of a child prim to differ from that of the root prim. To build such an object it must first be unlinked, the groups set, and then relinked. Rezzing an object resets the group of the object to that of the group that the user currently has activated. Changing the group of an object changes the group for the entire object. This may only be an artifact or manifestation of VWR-5044.

Please go vote if this feature is important to you. Jira (SCR-79)

See Also


•  llDetectedGroup Used in conjunction with detection events
•  llSameGroup

Deep Notes


//function integer llMatchGroup( key avatar, list group_keys );


"A function, tentatively titled llMatchGroup(), which takes two parameters: an agent/object key and a group key, and returns a boolean result. (e.g. integer llMatchGroup(key target, key group); ) The function simply checks "target"'s active group against the key "group", returns a 1 if the two match and returns a 0 if they do not. For the purposes this is intended to cover it would only need to work for targets located within the same sim. (Though it would be nice if it could check targets 96m within adjacent sims, a la llGetObjectDetails().)

I believe this function would satisfy both needs for the most part; it would allow scripters to set up multi-group authorization systems, but would not allow them to potentially breach resident privacy by in essence "fishing" for group information as implementing SVC-1612 would allow. Any scripts using it would have to know the key of the group in advance to get any meaningful information out of this.

It should also be noted that this functionality is strongly desired, to the point where designers use rather complex methods to accomplish this despite the heavy overhead required. I've seen a few security/etc. setups where the system relied on multiple objects set to different groups, each using llSameGroup() within intercommunicating scripts in order to allow multiple-group access checking. Implementing this would allow developers to use self-contained scripts to accomplish the same thing."

"IF this idea is implemented, I'd much rather see the function called llIsGroupActive or llCheckGroupActive as llMatchGroup is too vague."

"The best will be llMatchGroup(key avat, list group_keys), allowing to check more than one group at once. Function will return TRUE if avat active group is one of the list. For instance in RP sims, doors have to check access for the main group but also for ally groups, sub-groups, etc. So it will make one call instead of many.

I hope LL sees that as long such function is missing we have to implement heavy workarounds (making one scripted object per group to check, another script to communicate with each object, and dealing with auto-return). This would save server script time and memory."