Difference between revisions of "LlGetParcelPrimCount"

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m (Temp mesh is not included in the total returned by PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP)
(19 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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{{LSL_Constans/Parcel Prim Count}}{{#vardefine:FALSE|{{LSL Const|FALSE|integer|0|c=Treated as false by conditionals.}}}}
{{LSL_Function/boolean|sim_wide|non-zero=*|td=searches parcels in the region with the same owner as the targeted parcel|fd=searches only the targeted parcel|bool=*}}
|p1_type=vector|p1_name=pos|p1_desc=[[Viewer coordinate frames#Region|region coordinate]] (z component is ignored)
|p2_type=integer|p2_name=category|p2_desc=a PARCEL_COUNT_* flag
|p2_type=integer|p2_name=category|p2_desc=a PARCEL_COUNT_* flag
|return_text=that is the number of prims on the parcel at '''pos''' of the given '''category'''
|return_text=that is the total [http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Calculating-land-impact/ta-p/974163 land impact] of objects on the parcel at {{LSLP|pos}} of the given {{LSLP|category}}
|spec=If '''sim_wide''' is...
|spec=If {{LSLP|sim_wide}} is...
*{{#var:FALSE}} then the return is the number of prims of the category requested on the parcel specified.
*{{#var:TRUE}} then the return is the combined object land impact used on all parcels in the sim owned by the specified parcel's owner of the category requested.{{Footnote|handle=non-zero}}
*''not'' {{#var:FALSE}} then the return is the combined number of prims on all parcels in the sim owned by the specified parcel's owner of the category requested.
*{{#var:FALSE}} then the return is the object land impact used of the category requested on the parcel specified.
* Temp mesh is not included in totals for PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP
|constants={{LSL Constants/Parcel Prim Count}}
<lsl>//gives prim usage information when touched.
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">
// gives prim usage information when touched
string primCountThisParcel(integer flag)
    vector currentPosition = llGetPos();
        (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(currentPosition, flag, FALSE);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
            "The total land impact of objects on this parcel is " + primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL) + ".");
            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER) + " LI for objects owned by the parcel owner.");
            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP) + " LI for objects set to or owned by the parcel's group.");
            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER) + " LI for objects not set to the parcel group or owned by the parcel owner.");
            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED) + " LI for selected objects.");
            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP) + " LI for temp-on-rez objects.");
<syntaxhighlight lang="lsl2">
//Sim-wide scanner to count prim use in each parcel
list gPrclID;
integer gTotPrims;
float gX;
float gY;
string gObjName;
integer gNUM;
        gObjName = llGetObjectName();
        gPrclID = [];
        gTotPrims = 0;
        // Begin scanning at the SW <0.0,0.0,0.0> corner of the sim
        gX = 4.0;
        gY = 4.0;
    on_rez(integer start)
        llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,0.5>);
        llSetText("Touch to start scan",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);
     touch_start(integer total_number)
     touch_start(integer total_number)
         vector pos = llGetPos();
         llSetText("Scanning ....",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);
         llSay(0, "There are " + (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL, FALSE) +
         gNUM = 0;
                " total prims on this parcel");
        llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0,"Scan started on " + llGetRegionName());
         llSay(0, (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER, FALSE) +
                " prims are owned by the parcel owner");
         llSay(0, (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP, FALSE) +
                " prims set to or owned by the parcel's group.");
        llSay(0, (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER, FALSE) +
                " prims that are not set to the parcel group or owned by the parcel owner");
        //Grab the parcel's ID and name at position <gX, gY, 100.0>
         llSay(0, (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED, FALSE) +
        list parcel = llGetParcelDetails(<gX,gY,100.0>,[PARCEL_DETAILS_ID,PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
                " prims are selected");
         key temp = llList2Key(parcel,0);
        llSay(0, (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(pos, PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP, FALSE) +
        string parcel_name = llList2String(parcel,1);
                " prims are temp-on-rez");
        if (parcel_name == "")
            parcel_name = "(no name)";
        if (!~llListFindList(gPrclID,[temp]))  //Scan at this location if this parcel was not scanned earlier
            integer Count = llGetParcelPrimCount(<gX,gY,100>,PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL,FALSE); //Do not include other parcels owned by llGetOwner()
            gTotPrims += Count;
            llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0, "/me "+ parcel_name + " @ <"+(string)gX+","+(string)gY+",Z>  = " + (string)Count);
            gPrclID += [temp];  //Add this parcel to the "previously scanned" list
        // Increment X and Y in successive scans to look at the entire sim in 8m square blocks
        if (gX < 256.0)
            gX +=8.0;
        if (gX > 256.0)
            gY += 8.0;
            gX = 4.0;
        if (gY > 256.0) // Reached NE corner
            llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0,"Scan finished.  Total land impact = " + (string)gTotPrims + " in " + (string)llGetListLength(gPrclID) + " parcels (not counting temp rez prims).");
            llSetText("Touch to start scan",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);
Line 40: Line 133:
|also_articles=For a detailed explanation on how the land impact is calculated, see also [https://community.secondlife.com/forums/topic/83294-prims-prim-equivalent-land-impact-a-too-long-guide/ Jenni Darkwatch's post] from late 2011.
|haiku={{Haiku|It's a dreadful night|When an extra prim impacts|more than land can hold}}

Latest revision as of 10:48, 3 October 2023


Function: integer llGetParcelPrimCount( vector pos, integer category, integer sim_wide );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns an integer that is the total land impact of objects on the parcel at pos of the given category

• vector pos position in region coordinates (z component is ignored)
• integer category a PARCEL_COUNT_* flag
• integer sim_wide boolean, TRUE[1] searches parcels in the region with the same owner as the targeted parcel, FALSE searches only the targeted parcel


If sim_wide is...

  • TRUE then the return is the combined object land impact used on all parcels in the sim owned by the specified parcel's owner of the category requested.[1]
  • FALSE then the return is the object land impact used of the category requested on the parcel specified.

Category Description
PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL 0 All objects on the parcel(s). Does not include temp on rez objects.
PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER 1 Objects owned by the parcel owner.
PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP 2 Objects not owned by the owner, but set to or owned by the group of the parcel.
PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER 3 Objects not set to group or owned by the owner.
PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED 4 All objects selected or sat on.
PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP 5 All temp on rez objects.


  • Temp mesh is not included in totals for PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP


//  gives prim usage information when touched

string primCountThisParcel(integer flag)
    vector currentPosition = llGetPos();

        (string)llGetParcelPrimCount(currentPosition, flag, FALSE);

    touch_start(integer total_number)
            "The total land impact of objects on this parcel is " + primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL) + ".");

            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OWNER) + " LI for objects owned by the parcel owner.");

            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_GROUP) + " LI for objects set to or owned by the parcel's group.");

            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_OTHER) + " LI for objects not set to the parcel group or owned by the parcel owner.");

            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_SELECTED) + " LI for selected objects.");

            primCountThisParcel(PARCEL_COUNT_TEMP) + " LI for temp-on-rez objects.");
//Sim-wide scanner to count prim use in each parcel
list gPrclID;
integer gTotPrims;
float gX;
float gY;
string gObjName;
integer gNUM;

        gObjName = llGetObjectName();
        gPrclID = [];
        gTotPrims = 0;
        // Begin scanning at the SW <0.0,0.0,0.0> corner of the sim
        gX = 4.0;
        gY = 4.0;
    on_rez(integer start)
        llSetPos(llGetPos() + <0.0,0.0,0.5>);
        llSetText("Touch to start scan",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        llSetText("Scanning ....",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);
        gNUM = 0;
        llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0,"Scan started on " + llGetRegionName());
        //Grab the parcel's ID and name at position <gX, gY, 100.0>
        list parcel = llGetParcelDetails(<gX,gY,100.0>,[PARCEL_DETAILS_ID,PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
        key temp = llList2Key(parcel,0);
        string parcel_name = llList2String(parcel,1);
        if (parcel_name == "")
            parcel_name = "(no name)";
        if (!~llListFindList(gPrclID,[temp]))   //Scan at this location if this parcel was not scanned earlier
            integer Count = llGetParcelPrimCount(<gX,gY,100>,PARCEL_COUNT_TOTAL,FALSE); //Do not include other parcels owned by llGetOwner()
            gTotPrims += Count;
            llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0, "/me "+ parcel_name + " @ <"+(string)gX+","+(string)gY+",Z>  = " + (string)Count);
            gPrclID += [temp];  //Add this parcel to the "previously scanned" list
        // Increment X and Y in successive scans to look at the entire sim in 8m square blocks
        if (gX < 256.0)
            gX +=8.0;
        if (gX > 256.0)
            gY += 8.0;
            gX = 4.0;
        if (gY > 256.0) // Reached NE corner
            llRegionSayTo(llGetOwner(),0,"Scan finished.  Total land impact = " + (string)gTotPrims + " in " + (string)llGetListLength(gPrclID) + " parcels (not counting temp rez prims).");
            llSetText("Touch to start scan",<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);

See Also


•  llGetParcelMaxPrims


For a detailed explanation on how the land impact is calculated, see also Jenni Darkwatch's post from late 2011.

Deep Notes


  1. ^ Any value that is not zero/FALSE is treated the same as TRUE. This behavior should not be depended upon.


function integer llGetParcelPrimCount( vector pos, integer category, integer sim_wide );


It's a dreadful night
When an extra prim impacts
more than land can hold