Difference between revisions of "LlKeysKeyValue/ja"

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[[Category:Experience Tools/ja]]
[[Category:Experience Tools]]
|inject-2={{LSL Function/KeyValue|dl_name=keys
|inject-2={{LSL Function/KeyValue|dl_name=keys
|dl_desc=A list of keys ([[String|strings]]) used in the key-value store
|dl_desc=A list of keys ([[String|strings]]) used in the key-value store
Line 8: Line 8:
|func_desc=Start an asynchronous transaction to request a number of keys from the script's {{LSLGC|Experience}}.
|func_desc=Start an asynchronous transaction to request a number of keys from the script's {{LSLGC|Experience}}.
This function will attempt to retrieve the number of keys requested but may return less if there are not enough to fulfill the full amount requested or if the list is too large. The length of the returned list is limited to 4097 characters (the success flag "1" and 4096 characters).  The order keys are returned is not guaranteed but is stable between subsequent calls as long as no keys are added or removed.<br/>
The error [[XP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND]] is returned if there index given is greater than or equal to the number of keys.
|return_text=that can be used to identify the corresponding [[dataserver/ja]] event to determine if this command succeeded or failed.
|p1_type=integer|p1_name=first|p1_desc=Zero-based index of the first key to retrieve
|p2_type=integer|p2_name=count|p2_desc=Number of keys to retriever
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|caveats=* It is recommended that keys do not contain commas due to this function returning keys in CSV format.
|caveats=* この関数はキーをCSV形式で返すため、キーにはカンマを含めないことが推奨されます。

Revision as of 14:16, 22 November 2023


Function: key llKeysKeyValue( integer first, integer count );

Start an asynchronous transaction to request a number of keys from the script's Experience.
Returns a handle (a key) これを使用して、このコマンドが成功したか失敗したかを判断し、結果を知るための対応するdataserverイベントを識別できます。

• integer first 取得する最初のキーのゼロベースのインデックス
• integer count 取得するキーの数

この関数は、要求されたキーの数を取得しようとしますが、要求数が満たされない場合やリストが大きすぎる場合は、満たすことができないかもしれません。返されるリストの長さは4097文字まで制限されています(成功フラグ「1」と4096文字)。 返されるキーの順序は保証されませんが、キーが追加または削除されていない限り、連続する呼び出しの間で安定しています。

For this function to work, the script must be compiled into an Experience.



The dataserver callback parameters are:

String Components
• integer success A boolean specifying if the transaction succeeded (1) or not (0).
• integer error An XP_ERROR_* flag that describes why the operation failed.
• list keys A list of keys (strings) used in the key-value store


  • If you recompile a script that was previously associated with an Experience but do so with a client that lacks the ability to compile scripts into an experience the script will lose the associated Experience.
  • この関数はキーをCSV形式で返すため、キーにはカンマを含めないことが推奨されます。


key trans;
        // retrieve the first 10 keys
        trans = llKeysKeyValue(0, 10);

    dataserver(key t, string value)
        if (t == trans)
            // our llKeysKeyValue transaction is done
            list result = llCSV2List(value);
            if (llList2Integer(result, 0) == 1)
                llSay(0, "Keys retrieved: "+(string)llGetSubString(value, 2, -1));
            else if (llList2Integer(result, 1) == XP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND)
                // no more keys
                llSay(0, "No more keys" );
                // keys request failed
                llSay(0, "Key-value failed to request keys: " + llGetExperienceErrorMessage(llList2Integer(result, 1)) );



For a script to be associated with an Experience...

  • It must be compiled with a client that is Experience aware,
  • The "Use Experience" checkbox must be checked,
  • And one of the users Experience keys selected.
KBcaution.png 重要 Not all TPVs have this functionality.

Deep Notes


function key llKeysKeyValue( integer first, integer count );