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Function: string llDumpList2String( list src, string separator );

Returns a string that is the list src converted to a string with separator between the entries.

• list src
• string separator

Use llParseString2List or llParseStringKeepNulls to undo the process.

Unlike llList2CSV, which dumps a list to a comma-separated formatted string with no choice over the separator, llDumpList2String gives you more control. This can be useful if you don't trust commas as a separator because you might be working with data supplied to the script by a user who uses, say, commas as part of a street address.


list mylist = ["a", "b", "c", "d"];
string tmp = llDumpList2String(mylist, "**");
//tmp now equals: "a**b**c**d"
list mylist = [<10,5,7>, 100, "c", "d"];
string tmp = llDumpList2String(mylist, "**");
//tmp now equals: "<10,5,7>**100**c**d"
        list my_list = [1, 2.0, "a string", llGetOwner()];
        llOwnerSay("<" + llDumpList2String(my_list,"><") + ">"); 
//says: "<1><2.000000><a string><a822ff2b-ff02-461d-b45d-dcd10a2de0c2>"        


Instead of using llDumpList2String(myList, "") you may wish to consider using the more efficient (string)myList as it produces an identical result with less memory usage due to eliminating a function-call. Each element of the list is converted to string format in the result, so floats expand to six digits of precision, rotations and vectors are represented with "<" and ">" characters, etc.

Deep Notes

Search JIRA for related Issues


function string llDumpList2String( list src, string separator );