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Revision as of 22:04, 10 October 2007

Emblem-important-yellow.png LSL Feature Request
The described function does not exist. This article is a feature request.


Function: llSayTo( key user, string msg );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Says the text supplied in string msg on to the avatar represented by avatar_key.

• key user
• string msg


  • Text can only be a maximum of 1024 bytes.
  • Phrases spoken with llSayTo can only be heard by the designated avatar if they are in the same region.


default {
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        integer i;
        for (i = 0; i < total_number; i++) 
            key id = llDetectedKey(i);
            llSayTo(key, "You touched me!");


Very similar to llOwnerSay, except for being able to specify who you are talking to. Eliminates the gridwide and time-delay aspects of llInstantMessage, as well as the offline ability.

See Also


•  listen


•  llListen
•  llOwnerSay Sends chat to the owner only to avoid spamming the PUBLIC_CHANNEL
•  llRegionSay Sends chat region wide
•  llWhisper Sends chat limited to 10 meters
•  llShout Sends chat limited to 100 meters
•  llInstantMessage

Deep Notes


//function void llSayTo( key user, string msg );