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Revision as of 23:42, 16 April 2009

Bartender! v1.0.0

Bartender to serve drinks.. and other things.
Drop this script in your bartender prim.
Drop a bunch of 'drink' objects into your bartender prim.
Touch the bartender prim and select a drink.
Some debugging info is transmitted on llOwnerSay, but spam is minimal. Edit the script variable to adjust this.
This script differs from others in that:
It opens a single random negative channel, it does not activate an llListen *every time* someone clicks it.
IF the random channel is being used by something else, and this causes the bartender to get a bunch of garbage inputs, it will automatically change to a new random channel, and optionally inform the owner.
Evidently this script can be used as a kind of object freebie vendor too.
It's been a while since I wrote it, and it was never really extensively tested, so i expect there is some stupid in it. But AFAIK it's fine.
It features a primitive kind of double-touch prevention that i don't use anymore, so I guess the touch functions have been improved.. yeah.. that was it.. i think.. yeah. So there are some redundant bits.

<lsl> // // BETLOG Hax // for Aley Arai AEST: 20080328 0645 [SLT: 20080327 1345] // Written to allow easier use - just dump drink objects into inv and you are done. // No more editing script drink lists. //========================================================================= // LICENCE: // Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ // You can modify this script, but you must prominently state that you // used this script, credit it's original author(s), and supply this // unaltered script with your modification. // // If you significantly rework my script: // I suggest that you include a full permissions notecard in your object called // 'CREDITS', into which you drag the original/unaltered version of this script. // OR // If you use my original script unaltered: (or just edit a few of my global variables) // Simply use my original script as-is: with the same (full) permissions, // and in the original script that lists BETLOG Hax as it's creator. // Either of these two options gives 'attribution' and complies with this licence. //========================================================================= //---------------------------------- // SHARED CONFIGURATION //---------------------------------- // CONFIGURATION // //OPTIONAL debug feedback - 0=off, 1=Channel & Noise info, 2=all debug integer gDebug =


// //number of invalid messages received before re-randomizing channel integer gChannelNoiseMax = 5; // // message that appears on the dialog string gDlgMessage = "\n\t\n\t\n\t\t\tMay I offer you a drink?"; // // Optional chat responses // leave BOTH of these fields blank ( ""; ) to NOT speak a message // leave one OR the other blank to alter the form of the message //recipient name is auto-inserted between these two string gMsgResponseA = "Thanks"; // target name ends up here string gMsgResponseB = ", enjoy your drink. :)"; //---------------------------------- // CORE CODE integer gListenHandle = 0; integer gDlgLimiter = 0; integer gDlgChannel = -5746547; //failsafe only list gDrinksList = []; integer gDrinksCount = 0; integer gChannelNoise = 0; //---------------------------------- f_dialogMenu(key id, list dlgButtons) { llDialog(id, gDlgMessage, dlgButtons, gDlgChannel);

   if (gDebug > 1)
   {   llOwnerSay("***OFFERING DIALOG:***"
           +"\nname: "+llKey2Name(id)
           +"\nid: "+(string)id
           +"\ngDlgMessage: "+gDlgMessage
           +"\ndlgButtons: "+llList2CSV(dlgButtons)
           +"\ngDlgChannel: "+(string)gDlgChannel

} //----------------------- f_dialogNullify() { gDlgLimiter = 0; } //----------------------- f_randomChannel() { //a static channel is more reliable where many people may request a drink while another is still considering the choices //gChannelNoise will trigger auto-re-randomization of this static channel if too much invalid message activity is detected

   if (gListenHandle)
   gDlgChannel = (integer)(llFrand(-0x7FFFFFFF)-1);
   gListenHandle = llListen(gDlgChannel, "", "", ""); 
   if (gDebug)
       llOwnerSay("gDlgChannel: "+(string)gDlgChannel);

} //----------------------- f_assessInventory() { integer i;

   integer    n = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_OBJECT);
   gDrinksList = [];
   for(i=0; i<n; i++ )
       gDrinksList += [ llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, i) ];
   gDrinksCount = llGetListLength(gDrinksList);
   if (gDebug > 1)
       llOwnerSay("gDrinksCount: "+(string)gDrinksCount+" - gDrinksList: "+llList2CSV(gDrinksList));        

} //----------------------- default { on_rez(integer start_param)

   {   llResetScript();
   changed(integer change)
   {   if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
       {   llSetText("RE-EVALUATING\ninventory.", <0.0, 1.0, 0.0>,1.0);            
           //so its not being called too much and slowing down inv changes            
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER)
   {   llSetTimerEvent(0.0);
       llSetText("", <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>,1.0);
   {   f_randomChannel();
   touch_end(integer num_detected)
   {   gDlgLimiter += 1;
       if (gDlgLimiter == 1)
       {   key av = llDetectedKey(0);
           f_dialogMenu(av, gDrinksList);            
       else if (gDlgLimiter >= 2) //3)
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
   {   integer index = llListFindList(gDrinksList, [message]);
       if (index == -1)
       {   gChannelNoise++;
           if (gDebug)
               llOwnerSay("FYI - INVALID MESSAGE DETECTED ON THIS CHANNEL:\ngDlgChannel: "+(string)gDlgChannel+"\ngChannelNoise/gChannelNoiseMax = "+(string)gChannelNoise+"/"+(string)gChannelNoiseMax+"\nFrom: "+name+" [key: "+(string)id+"]");
           if (gChannelNoise >= gChannelNoiseMax)
       string drink = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT, index);
       if (drink != "")
       {   f_dialogNullify();            
           if ( (gMsgResponseA != "") || (gMsgResponseB != "") )
               llSay(0, gMsgResponseA+" "+name+" "+gMsgResponseB);
           llGiveInventory(id, drink);
           if (gDebug > 1)
               llOwnerSay("drink: "+drink+" was given to: "+name+" [key: "+(string)id+"]");
       {   // SHOULD never happen
           llOwnerSay("ERROR: The bar has no drinks!!!..or somthing else bad happened..");

} //========================================================================= // LICENCE: // Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ // You can modify this script, but you must prominently state that you // used this script, credit it's original author(s), and supply this // unaltered script with your modification. // // If you significantly rework my script: // I suggest that you include a full permissions notecard in your object called // 'CREDITS', into which you drag the original/unaltered version of this script. // OR // If you use my original script unaltered: (or just edit a few of my global variables) // Simply use my original script as-is: with the same (full) permissions, // and in the original script that lists BETLOG Hax as it's creator. // Either of these two options gives 'attribution' and complies with this licence. //=========================================================================
