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Function: list llListRandomize( list src, integer stride );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a list which is a randomized permutation of src.

• list src A list you want to randomize.
• integer stride How many list entries to keep next to each other during the randomization.


When you want to randomize the position of every list element, specify a stride of 1.

If the stride is not a factor of the list length, the src list is returned. In other words, src.length() % stride must be 0.

Conceptually, the algorithm selects src.lengh()/stride buckets, and then for each bucket swaps it the contents with another bucket.


list straws = ["long", "long", "long", "short"];
list shuffled = llListRandomize(straws, 1);
llSay(0, llList2CSV(bar));

Deep Notes


function list llListRandomize( list src, integer stride );