Difference between revisions of "User:Kireji Haiku/SIMchat headset"

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(this was necessary! phew)
Line 109: Line 109:
config_done() { if (Debug) { config_dump(); } say("Config done"); }
config_done() { if (Debug) { config_dump(); } say("Config done"); }

say(string str) { llSay(0, str); }
say(string str) { llOwnerSay(str); }

debug(string str) { if (Debug) { say(llGetScriptName() + ": " + str); } }
debug(string str) { if (Debug) { say(llGetScriptName() + ": " + str); } }

Revision as of 17:40, 27 May 2010

SIMchat headset


This script is being provided "as is". It's been thoroughly tested in May 2010.

If you want to use it, you should drop it into a childprim of a linkset together with the notecard. This setup will give you the possibilty to forward your chat on a certain channel within the whole region your are in and encrypt it. Just make sure anybody you want to talk to has the same variables in the setup-notecard as you do.

You can turn off the SIMchat function (if you are being spammed on that channel...you could of course change the channel, too), get a SLURL to your current location, get the current count of avatars within the region or get a quick reminder of the currently-used-channel and a howto by touching the childprim containing this script and the attached setup notecard.

Go to top! <lsl> string ProtocolSignature; float ProtocolVersion; // can range from 0.0 to 255.255 string Password; integer communicationsChannel; string Header; string strHex; integer Debug; integer listener; integer gListenID = -1; integer X; integer Y; integer Z; key user; list mainmenu = ["RegionCount","SLURL","SIMchatOFF","Chat info","Chat howto"]; integer ConfigRequired = TRUE; string ConfigNotecardSuffix = ".cfg"; float ConfigTimeout = 60.0; integer ConfigLineIndex; key ConfigRequestID; list ConfigCards; string ConfigCardName; integer ConfigCardIndex; string Name; string SLURL; string menu_info_1 = "

   This popup shows up because you touched your SIMchat headset.

string menu_info_2 = "Choose one of the following."; integer mChannel = 8989; string prim_name; string prim_desc; vector Where; string CONTROLLER_ID = "A"; integer AUTO_START = TRUE; list particle_parameters=[]; list target_parameters=[];

config_init() {

   strHex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
   Password = "P@ssw0rd";
   ProtocolVersion = 0.3;
   ProtocolSignature = "ENC";
   mChannel = 8989;
   communicationsChannel = 9;


config_dump() {

   say("You are using channel " + (string)communicationsChannel + " for chatting.");
   say("Your password is: " + Password);
   say("Your protocol version is " + (string)ProtocolVersion + ", your protocol signature " + ProtocolSignature + " and your stringHex is " + strHex);
   say("The menu for the dialog-channel is: " + (string)mChannel);


config_parse(string str, string cardName, integer lineNum) {

   str = llStringTrim(str, STRING_TRIM_HEAD);
   if (llGetSubString(str,0,0) == "//") {
   list ldata  = llParseStringKeepNulls(str, ["="], [""]);
   string cmd  = llToUpper(llStringTrim(llList2String(ldata,0),STRING_TRIM));
   string arg1 = llStringTrim(llList2String(ldata,1),STRING_TRIM);
   if (cmd == "STRHEX")
       strHex = arg1;
   else if (cmd == "CHANNEL")
       communicationsChannel = (integer)arg1;
   else if (cmd == "PASSWORD")
       Password = arg1;
   else if (cmd == "VERSION")
       ProtocolVersion = (float)arg1;
   else if (cmd == "SIGNATURE")
       ProtocolSignature = arg1;
   else if (cmd == "DIALOG")
       mChannel = (integer)arg1;
   else if (cmd == "debug")
       Debug = (integer) arg1;


config_done() { if (Debug) { config_dump(); } say("Config done"); }

say(string str) { llOwnerSay(str); }

debug(string str) { if (Debug) { say(llGetScriptName() + ": " + str); } }

integer next_card() {

   if (ConfigCardIndex >= llGetListLength(ConfigCards)) {
       ConfigCards = [];
       return (FALSE);
   ConfigLineIndex = 0;
   ConfigCardName = llList2String(ConfigCards, ConfigCardIndex);
   ConfigRequestID = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex);
   say("Reading " + ConfigCardName);
   return (TRUE);


string error(string message) {

   if(Debug) llSay(DEBUG_CHANNEL, message);
   return "";


string decrypt(string password, string message) {

   integer signatureLength = llStringLength(ProtocolSignature);
   integer headerLength = signatureLength + 12;
   if(llStringLength(message) < signatureLength + 44)
       return error("Too small for secret message.");
   if(llSubStringIndex(message, ProtocolSignature) != 0)
       return error("Unknown protocol.");
   integer index = signatureLength;
   string major = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, index, ++index);
   string minor = "0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, ++index);
   float version = (float)((string)((integer)major) + "." + (string)((integer)minor));
   if(version != ProtocolVersion)
       return error("Unknown version.");
   integer nonce = (integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(message, ++index, index + 7));
   message = llGetSubString(message, headerLength, -1);
   string oneTimePad = llMD5String(password, nonce);
   while(llStringLength(oneTimePad) < (llStringLength(message) / 2 * 3))
   oneTimePad += llMD5String(oneTimePad, nonce);
   oneTimePad = llStringToBase64(oneTimePad);
   message = llXorBase64StringsCorrect(message, oneTimePad);
   message = llBase64ToString(message);
   string digest = llGetSubString(message, 0, 31);
   message = llGetSubString(message, 32, -1);
   if(llMD5String(message, nonce) != digest)
       return error("Message digest was not valid.");
   return message;


string hex(integer value) {

   integer digit = value & 0xF;
   string text = llGetSubString(strHex, digit, digit);
   value = (value >> 4) & 0xfffFFFF;
   integer odd = TRUE;
       digit = value & 0xF;
       text = llGetSubString(strHex, digit, digit) + text;
       odd = !odd;
       value = value >> 4;
       text = "0" + text;
   return text;


string encrypt(string password, string message) {

   integer nonce = (integer)llFrand(0x7FFFFFFF);
   message = llMD5String(message, nonce) + message;
   string oneTimePad = llMD5String(password, nonce);
   integer count = (llStringLength(message) - 1) / 32;
           oneTimePad += llMD5String(oneTimePad, nonce);
   return Header + llGetSubString("00000000" + hex(nonce), -8, -1) + llXorBase64StringsCorrect(llStringToBase64(message), llStringToBase64(oneTimePad));


init1() {

   list versions = llParseString2List((string)ProtocolVersion, ["."], []);
   string minor = llList2String(versions, 1);
   integer p = 0;
   while(llGetSubString(minor, --p, p) == "0");
   Header = ProtocolSignature + hex(llList2Integer(versions, 0)) + hex((integer)llGetSubString(minor, 0xFF000000, p));


init2() {

   if(listener != 0)
       listener = 0;
   listener = llListen(communicationsChannel, "", NULL_KEY, "");


default {

   state_entry() {
       llSetText("", <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0);
       state s_config;


state s_reconfig { state_entry() { state s_config; } }

state s_config {

   state_entry() {
       string item;
       ConfigCards = [];
       integer n = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD);
       while (n-- > 0) { item = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD, n); if (llSubStringIndex(item, ConfigNotecardSuffix) != -1) { ConfigCards += [item]; }
       ConfigCardIndex = 0;
       if (next_card()) { llSetTimerEvent(ConfigTimeout); }
       else if (ConfigRequired) { say("Configuration notecard missing."); state s_configRetry; }
       else { state s_active; }

   dataserver(key query_id, string data) {
       if (query_id == ConfigRequestID) {
           if (data == EOF) { if (! next_card()) { config_done(); state s_active; } }
           else { config_parse(data, ConfigCardName, ConfigLineIndex); ConfigRequestID = llGetNotecardLine(ConfigCardName, ++ConfigLineIndex); llSetTimerEvent(ConfigTimeout); }

   timer() { say("Dataserver time out: touch to retry"); state s_configRetry; }

   on_rez(integer num) { state s_reconfig; }

   changed(integer change) {
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); }
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { state s_reconfig; }

   state_exit() { llSetTimerEvent(0); }


state s_configRetry {

   touch_start(integer tot) { if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner()) { state s_config; } }

   changed(integer change) {
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); }
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { state s_config; }


state s_unconfigured {

   state_entry() { llSetText("Configuration missing", <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0); }

   changed(integer change) {
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) { llResetScript(); }
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY) { state s_reconfig; }

   state_exit() { llSetText("", <1.0,1.0,1.0>, 1.0); }


state s_active {

       gListenID = llListen(communicationsChannel, "", "", "");
           Initialisation complete!
           SIMchat online!
           Type /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " and then your message to talk to people that have their channel set the same.
           Touch headset for options.");
       prim_name = "SIMchat(" + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + ")";
       prim_desc = "Last reset was: " + llGetTimestamp();
       particle_parameters = [
           PSYS_PART_START_SCALE,<0.02,0.02,FALSE>,PSYS_PART_END_SCALE,<0.5,0.5, FALSE>,
       if ( AUTO_START ) llParticleSystem( particle_parameters );
   on_rez(integer start_param)
   attach(key id)
       if (id)
           llOwnerSay("Headset has been reset.");
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
           user = llGetOwner();
           llDialog(user, menu_info_1 + menu_info_2,mainmenu,mChannel);
   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
               Name = llGetRegionName();
               Where = llGetPos();
               X = (integer)Where.x;
               Y = (integer)Where.y;
               Z = (integer)Where.z;
               SLURL = "SLURL for this location is:\n\n" + "http://slurl.com/secondlife/" + Name + "/" + (string)X + "/" + (string)Y + "/" + (string)Z + "/";
               llSay(0, SLURL);
               state sleeping;
           if(message=="Chat info")
               llOwnerSay("Type /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " and then your message to talk to people that have their channel set the same.");
           if(message=="Chat howto")
               llOwnerSay("Type in local chat: /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " ... \nFor example: /" + (string)communicationsChannel + " hello, my name is Nick. \nEverybody in the same SIM using this SIMchat function on channel " + (string)communicationsChannel + " will be able to read what you write.\nRemember to use channel" + (string)communicationsChannel + "for anything you want to write with this SIMchat-tool. Local chat is limited to 20m radius and will not be encrypted.");
               llOwnerSay("   Region count is now:" + (string)llGetRegionAgentCount());
               //do nothing
       if (channel == communicationsChannel)
           if (id == llGetOwner())
               llRegionSay(communicationsChannel, encrypt(Password, message));
               llOwnerSay("You said: " + message);
           if (llGetAgentSize(id) == ZERO_VECTOR)
               string message = decrypt(Password, message);
               llOwnerSay((string)name + " said: " + (string)message);


state sleeping {

       llOwnerSay("SIMchat offline! Touch headset to go back online.");
       particle_parameters = [];
       if ( AUTO_START ) llParticleSystem( particle_parameters );
   touch_start(integer n)
       if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
           llOwnerSay("SIMchat back online! Touch headset for further informations.");
           state s_active;
   on_rez(integer start_param)

} </lsl>


  • Name this notecard with an ending ".cfg", for example "SIMchat headset.cfg" or "config.cfg".
  • Commands (like "strhex", "channel", "password", ...) are NOT case sensitive, the values for the commands however ARE case sensitive.
  • It doesn't matter if you write "=" or " = ", both will be fine.
  • The value for "version" can range from 0.0 to 255.255
  • Comments are by leading "//"

Go to top! <lsl> //version from 0.0 to 255.255 //comments by leading "//" // strhex = 123456789ABCDEF channel = 9 password = P@ssw0rd version = 0.3 signature = ENC dialog = 8989 debug = 1 </lsl>