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// by Randur Source
integer inventorycnt;
integer notecardlinecnt;
integer notecardlinenumber;
string notecardname;
key linenumberid;
key lineid;
    if (inventorycnt < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD))
        notecardname = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,inventorycnt);
        linenumberid = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardname);
    if (notecardlinecnt < notecardlinenumber)
        lineid = llGetNotecardLine(notecardname,notecardlinecnt);
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; // owner only
        inventorycnt = -1;
    dataserver(key queryid,string data)
        if (queryid == linenumberid)
            linenumberid = NULL_KEY;
            notecardlinenumber = (integer)data;
            if (notecardlinenumber == 0)
                notecardlinecnt = -1;
        else if (queryid == lineid)
            lineid = NULL_KEY;
            // Test for valid names, possibly multiple names on each line, separated by ,
            list names = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // split lines on ,
            integer cnt;
            for (cnt = 0; cnt < llGetListLength(names); cnt++)
                string name = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llList2String(names,cnt),[" "],[])," "); // remove extra spaces
                if (llGetListLength(llParseString2List(name,[" "],[])) == 2) // check for first + lastname
                    llOwnerSay(notecardname + ": " + name);
|also_functions={{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetNumberOfNotecardLines]]|}}
|also_functions={{LSL DefineRow||[[llGetNumberOfNotecardLines]]|}}

Revision as of 19:48, 1 June 2010


Function: key llGetNotecardLine( string name, integer line );
0.1 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Requests the line line of the notecard name from the dataserver.
Returns a key that is the handle for a dataserver event response.

• string name a notecard in the inventory of the prim this script is in or a UUID of a notecard
• integer line Line number in a notecard (the index starts at zero).

line does not support negative indexes. If line is past the end of the notecard EOF is returned by the dataserver.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 0.1 seconds.
  • If line is out of bounds the script continues to execute without an error message.
  • If name is missing from the prim's inventory and it is not a UUID or it is not a notecard then an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.
  • If name is a UUID then there are no new asset permissions consequences for the object.
    • The resulting object develops no new usage restrictions that might have occurred if the asset had been placed in the prims inventory.
  • If name is a new empty notecard (never saved) then an error "Couldn't find notecard ~NAME~" (~NAME~ being the value of name) will be shouted on the DEBUG_CHANNEL. This is because until a notecard is saved for the first time, it does not exist as an asset only as an inventory placeholder.
  • If notecard contains embedded inventory items (such as textures and landmarks), EOF will be returned, regardless of the line requested.
  • If the requested line is longer then 255 bytes the dataserver will return the first 255 bytes of the line.


<lsl> key kQuery; integer iLine = 0; default {

   state_entry() {
       llSay(0, "Reading notecard...");
       kQuery = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", iLine);   // read in "My Notecard" when you can
   dataserver(key query_id, string data) {
       if (query_id == kQuery) {    // were we called to work on "My Notecard"?
           // this is a line of our notecard
           if (data == EOF) {    
               llSay(0, "No more lines in notecard, read " + (string)iLine + " lines.");
           } else {
               llSay(0, "Line " + (string)iLine + ": " + data);   // data has the current line from this notecard
               //request next line
               iLine++;   // increment line count
               kQuery = llGetNotecardLine("My Notecard", iLine);   // read another line when you can



Useful Snippets

<lsl> ///// // Generic Multi Notecard reader by Brangus Weir // Given freely and published on wiki.secondlife.com // // This script will read three note cards and store the results into three lists. // It can be modified and extended to as many (or few) cards as you'd like to read. //

list gOneCard; // All the lines from from the first card list gTwoCard; // All the lines from from the second card list gThreeCard; // All the lines from from the third card

string gsCardOneName = "One"; //Set these to the name of the invetory item. string gsCardTwoName = "Two"; string gsCardThreeName = "Three";

//Temporary variables for processing string g_sNoteCardName; // Name of the card to be read. list g_lTempLines; // The resulting data pushed into a list integer g_iLine; // The line count for the card reader key g_kQuery; // The key of the card being read

initialize(string _action) {

   // Due to the execution order when using dataserver, this function sets the first card to 
   // be read, and the excetuion finishes when called again with the _action set to "finish".
   if (_action == "") {
   } else if (_action == "finish") {
       // All cards have been read into the lists... now you can do any kind of string
       // manipulations to get the data you need to set your script.
       // But here we will prove that the cards have been read with a loop
       g_lTempLines = []; // lets not forget to delete this global, or it will be dead weight.
       integer len = llGetListLength(gOneCard);  //Always evaluate this once, don't do it
                                                 //INSIDE the for loop like noob programers will.
                                                 //Reduce lag, THINK ABOUT MACHINE CYCLES!
       integer i = 0;
       for (; i< len; ++i)
           llSay(0, llList2String(gOneCard,i));
       len = llGetListLength(gTwoCard);
       for (i = 0; i< len; ++i)
           llSay(0, llList2String(gTwoCard,i));
       len = llGetListLength(gThreeCard);
       for (i = 0; i< len; ++i)
           llSay(0, llList2String(gThreeCard,i));


loadNoteCard( string _notecard ) {

   g_lTempLines = []; //clear the temp lines
   g_sNoteCardName = _notecard;
   g_iLine = 0;
   g_kQuery = llGetNotecardLine(g_sNoteCardName, g_iLine);  


notecardFinished(string _notecard){

   // Called at the end of each notecard as it is read. The temp results are stored
   // and the next card is commanded to be read.
   if (_notecard == gsCardOneName) {
       gOneCard = g_lTempLines;
   } else if (_notecard == gsCardTwoName) {
       gTwoCard = g_lTempLines;
   } else if (_notecard == gsCardThreeName) {
       gThreeCard = g_lTempLines;
       initialize("finish");  // Finally pass execution to finish the initialization.   


default {

   touch_start(integer _num_det){
   dataserver(key _query_id, string _data) 
       if (_query_id == g_kQuery) {
           // this is a line of our notecard
           if (_data != EOF) {    
               g_lTempLines += _data;
               //request a next line
               ++g_iLine;   // increment line count
               g_kQuery = llGetNotecardLine(g_sNoteCardName, g_iLine);
           } else {
               //The notecard has been read 
               //notify end of read

} </lsl>

<lsl> ///// // Generic Multi Notecard reader by Randur Source // Given freely and published on wiki.secondlife.com // // This script will read all note cards in sequence and dump the results into chat as an example. // It can be modified and extended to do other things to the data. //

integer inventorycnt; integer notecardlinecnt; integer notecardlinenumber; string notecardname; key linenumberid; key lineid;

getnextnotecardlinenumber() {

   // first get the number of lines from the notecard
   if (inventorycnt < llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_NOTECARD))
       notecardname = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,inventorycnt);
       linenumberid = llGetNumberOfNotecardLines(notecardname);


getnextnotecardline() {

    // get the next line from the notecard or skip to the next notecard
   if (notecardlinecnt < notecardlinenumber)
       lineid = llGetNotecardLine(notecardname,notecardlinecnt);


default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       if (llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; // allow owner only
       inventorycnt = -1;
   dataserver(key queryid,string data)
       if (queryid == linenumberid) // this was a line number lookup
           linenumberid = NULL_KEY;
           notecardlinenumber = (integer)data;
           if (notecardlinenumber == 0)
               notecardlinecnt = -1;
       else if (queryid == lineid) // this was a data line lookup
           lineid = NULL_KEY;
           // Example of what to do with the data:
           // Test for valid avatar names, possibly multiple names on each line, separated by ,
           // and say them in chat to the owner
           list names = llParseString2List(data,[","],[]); // split lines on ,
           integer len = llGetListLength(names); // I wouldn't dare to put this inside the for loop
           integer cnt;
           for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++)
               string name = llDumpList2String(llParseString2List(llList2String(names,cnt),[" "],[])," "); // remove extra spaces
               if (llGetListLength(llParseString2List(name,[" "],[])) == 2) // check for first + lastname
                   llOwnerSay(notecardname + ": " + name);




The notecard read can be no modify, or no modify/no copy.

See Also


•  dataserver


•  llGetNumberOfNotecardLines

Deep Notes


function key llGetNotecardLine( string name, integer line );