Difference between revisions of "CHARACTER AVOIDANCE MODE"

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(Created page with "{{LSL Constant/Pathfinding Character}}{{LSL Constant |name=CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE |type=integer |value=5 |desc=Used in the functions of pathfinding . Is combined with a mask bi…")
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|desc=Used in the functions of pathfinding . Is combined with a mask bit flags. The default is AVOID_CHARACTERS | AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES.
|desc=Used in the functions of pathfinding . Is combined with a mask bit flags. The default is AVOID_CHARACTERS|AVOID_DYNAMIC_OBSTACLES.
Allows you to specify that a character should not try to avoid other characters, should not try to avoid dynamic obstacles (relatively fast moving objects and avatars), or both.
Allows you to specify that a character should not try to avoid other characters, should not try to avoid dynamic obstacles (relatively fast moving objects and avatars), or both.

Revision as of 07:05, 5 June 2013

Template:LSL Constant/Pathfinding Character


Constant: integer CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE = 5;

The integer constant CHARACTER_AVOIDANCE_MODE has the value 5

Used in the functions of pathfinding . Is combined with a mask bit flags. The default is AVOID_CHARACTERS


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