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Function: key llRequestInventoryData( string name );
1.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Requests data about the item name in the prim's inventory. When data is available the dataserver event will be raised.
Returns the handle (a key) that is used to identify the dataserver event when it is raised.

• string name an item in the inventory of the prim this script is in

name's Inventory Type dataserver Description
Landmark (vector) The vector data received by dataserver is a global position as an offset from the current region's origin (<0,0,0>). To obtain the absolute global position of a landmark, add llGetRegionCorner() to the vector.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 1.0 seconds.
  • If name is missing from the prim's inventory then an error is shouted on DEBUG_CHANNEL.


<lsl>//-- Open map for owner to 1st landmark in object inventory on touch //-- *MUST* be in an attached object (llMapDestination Requirement for non-touch use) key vgKeyOwner;

default {

 touch_start( integer vIntNull )
   if (llDetectedKey( 0 ) == vgKeyOwner)
     integer vIntLMcount = llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_LANDMARK );
      //-- make sure we have a landmark in invetory
     if (vIntLMcount)
       llRequestInventoryData( llGetInventoryName( INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0 ) );
 dataserver( key vKeyNull, string vStrData )
    //-- because we don't know who touched us in this event, this
    //-- only works for the owner when called from the dataserver
   llMapDestination( llGetRegionName(), (vector)vStrData, ZERO_VECTOR );
 on_rez( integer vIntNull )
   vgKeyOwner = llGetOwner();

}</lsl> <lsl>//An easily-configurable teleporter that sets its destination by getting it from a landmark in the prim's inventory //Note: this teleporter is subject to the 300m distance limit for llSitTarget //by Ilse Mannonen

//on state entry, request inventory data and set text for first landmark found in inventory. //If none, complain //on getting data, set sit target //on change in inventory, reset script //on sit, TP the person and unsit

//Thanks to Pol Tabla, who wrote the simple sit-teleport script I have adapted here

key requestid;

default {

       //complain if there are no landmarks
       if (llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_LANDMARK) == 0)
           llSay(0, "There are no landmarks in me.  You need to put a landmark in me for me to work.");
           //set floating text according to the LM name
           llSetText("Teleport to " + llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0), <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
           //request the LM data
           requestid = llRequestInventoryData(llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_LANDMARK, 0));
   dataserver(key id, string data)
       if (id == requestid)
           //data will be in vector format
           rotation rot = ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot();
           vector dest = (vector)data;
           vector offset = (dest - llGetPos()) * rot;
           llSitTarget(offset, rot);
   changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_LINK) 
       { // and it was a link change
           llSleep(0.5); // llUnSit works better with this delay
           key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget();
           if (user) { // somebody is sitting on me
               llUnSit(user); // unsit him
       //when doing "ifs" on bitwise things, it's best to do them separate instead of using else..if,
       //in case you hit the one in a billion chance when the inventory and link changes are reported in the same event.
       if (change & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
           //reset on inventory change, so people don't have to manually reset when they add a new LM
   on_rez(integer param)

See Also


•  dataserver


•  llMapDestination

Deep Notes


function key llRequestInventoryData( string name );