Difference between revisions of "LlKeyCountKeyValue/ja"

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(copy from english(Todo: need translate to japanese))
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[[Category:Experience Tools]]
[[Category:Experience Tools/ja]]
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|return_text=that can be used to identify the corresponding [[dataserver]] event to determine if this command succeeded or failed and the results.
|return_text=that can be used to identify the corresponding [[dataserver]] event to determine if this command succeeded or failed and the results.
|examples=<source lang="lsl2">key trans;
|examples=<source lang="lsl2">key trans;
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Revision as of 03:55, 8 October 2023


Function: key llKeyCountKeyValue( );

Start an asynchronous transaction to request the number of keys with the script's Experience.
Returns a handle (a key) that can be used to identify the corresponding dataserver event to determine if this command succeeded or failed and the results.



The dataserver callback parameters are:

String Components
• integer success A boolean specifying if the transaction succeeded (1) or not (0).
• integer error An XP_ERROR_* flag that describes why the operation failed.
• integer pairs number of keys-value pairs in the key-value store


  • If you recompile a script that was previously associated with an Experience but do so with a client that lacks the ability to compile scripts into an experience the script will lose the associated Experience.


key trans;
        trans = llKeyCountKeyValue();

    dataserver(key t, string value)
        if (t == trans)
            // our llKeyCountKeyValue transaction is done
            list result = llCSV2List(value);
            if (llList2Integer(result, 0) == 1)
                // data size retrieved
                llSay(0, "Keys in use: "+llList2String(result, 1));
                // key count failed
                llSay(0, "Key-value failed to count keys: " + llList2String(result, 1) );



For a script to be associated with an Experience...

  • It must be compiled with a client that is Experience aware,
  • The "Use Experience" checkbox must be checked,
  • And one of the users Experience keys selected.
KBcaution.png 重要 Not all TPVs have this functionality.

Deep Notes


function key llKeyCountKeyValue();