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==Linden avatar description file==
==Linden avatar definition file==

The parameters affecting avatar appearance are defined in an XML file
The parameters affecting avatar appearance are defined in an XML file

Revision as of 14:53, 4 March 2007


  • AgentWearablesRequest
    • This is where it starts. The viewer asks the simulator what it is wearing, and an AgentWearablesUpdate packet is returned.
  • AgentWearablesUpdate
    • A mapping of wearable types to asset IDs and item IDs is returned to the client. There are currently 13 different wearable types and all 13 will always be returned in this packet. If your avatar is not wearing a wearable type the asset ID and item ID for that type will be null IDs (all zeros). The next step is to request an asset transfer for all of the non-null asset IDs and download the wearable assets.
  • AgentIsNowWearing
    • Like the AgentWearablesUpdate packet but in the other direction. The viewer sends a list of the 13 wearable types and their associated item IDs, or null if nothing is being worn in that wearable slot. This is typically sent right before AgentSetAppearance.
  • AgentSetAppearance
    • Serves two purposes, to tell the server how our avatar mesh is deformed (with visual parameters) and what textures we are wearing. There are currently 218 VisualParam blocks sent with each AgentSetAppearance describing everything from the color of the avatar eyes to the gender slider. A TextureEntry is also sent that uses the same TextureEntry format objects use, but each "face" is hard-coded to describe a particular texture. This may or may not include baked textures for the five different baked layers (head, upper, lower, eyes, and skirt).
    • The ParamValue fields do not have parameter IDs associated with them in the packet, as it's assumed all viewers have the same parameter map in the same sequence. The parameters are stored internally as a floating point integer, and are converted to a single byte by inputting the value along with minimum and maximum weights for that parameter to a conversion function.

Linden avatar definition file

The parameters affecting avatar appearance are defined in an XML file located in the executable at


and in the source code at


File structure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII" standalone="yes"?>

<linden_avatar version="1.0" wearable_definition_version="22">

<skeleton file_name="avatar_skeleton.xml">
<attachment_point id="1" group="6" name="Chest" joint="mChest"
position="0.15 0 -0.1" rotation="0 90 90" visible_in_first_person="true"
pie_slice="2" hud="true" max_attachment_offset="1.5" />
<param ... >
<bone name="mNeck" scale="0 0 .2" offset="0 0 .004" />

Sets of
<mesh type="hairMesh" lod="0" file_name="avatar_hair.llm" min_pixel_width="320">
<param ... >
<param_morph />
<volume_morph name="HEAD" scale="-0.008 -0.006 0.015"
pos="0.07 0 -0.07" />
<mesh type="hairMesh" lod="1" file_name="avatar_hair_1.llm"
min_pixel_width="160" reference="avatar_hair.llm">

<global_color name="skin_color">
<param ... >
<param_color operation="blend" >
<value color="252, 215, 200, 255" />

<layer_set body_region="head" width="512" height="512"
clear_alpha="false" alpha_tga_file="head_alpha.tga" >
<layer name="head bump definition" render_pass="bump"
global_color="hair_color" fixed_color="128,128,128,255"
write_all_channels="true" >
<texture local_texture="lower_jacket" local_texture_alpha_only="true" />
and if not fixed_color
<texture tga_file="bump_head_base.tga" file_is_mask="FALSE" />
<morph_mask morph_name="Displace_Loose_Upperbody" />
<param ... >
<param_alpha domain="0"
tga_file="bump_face_wrinkles.tga" skip_if_zero="true"
multiply_blend="false"] />
<param_color operation="multiply" >
<value color="0, 0, 0, 0" />

<param ... >
<driven id="628" min1="0.1" max1="0.5" max2="1" min2="1" />


where bold text indicates required tags or parameters, italics indicates that the tag can be repeated zero or more times, and bold italics indicates that at least one is required but more are possible. We assume the tag or parameter is required if it occurs for every entry in the current file.

Note that the values shown for parameters here may not be consistent. They are shown only to indicate the value type.

Parameter detail

<param ... > is

<param id="32" group="1" name="Male_Skeleton"
value_min="0" value_max="1" value_default="0"
edit_group="shape_body" edit_group_order="1"
label="Skeleton" label_min="Female" label_max="Male"
wearable="shape" clothing_morph="true" sex="male" shared="1"
show_simple="true" simple_percent_min="40" simple_percent_max="100"
camera_distance="2.2" camera_elevation=".1" camera_angle="0" >