Difference between revisions of "LlFrand"

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m (err... when changing variable/constant names, please change it everywhere in the code, or it will bork the script. (rmv signature))
m (Spell more conventionally: change to 'empirically' from 'impirically', to 'pseudo' from 'psuedo')
Line 35: Line 35:
// will work for any float greater than float t = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001; at which value the function will
// will work for any float greater than float t = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001; at which value the function will
// return only zero.  At a float beyond this, a math error occurs.
// return only zero.  At a float beyond this, a math error occurs.
// The non-inclusion of the entered value has also been verified impirically by Jody Palmer in a 215,000,000 case trial.
// The non-inclusion of the entered value has also been verified empirically by Jody Palmer in a 215,000,000 case trial.
// Random integer generator  
// Random integer generator  
// Contributed by Mephistopheles Thalheimer, original function posited by Hg Beeks
// Contributed by Mephistopheles Thalheimer, original function posited by Hg Beeks

// Returns a psuedo-random integer in the range of min to max inclusive.
// Returns a pseudo-random integer in the range of min to max inclusive.

// Rationale: Expands the range by 1.0 to ensure equal bin spacing on ends relative to the middle of  
// Rationale: Expands the range by 1.0 to ensure equal bin spacing on ends relative to the middle of  

Revision as of 04:37, 3 June 2009


Function: float llFrand( float mag );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a float that is pseudo random number in the range [0.0,mag) or (mag, 0.0].
The sign of mag matches the return.

• float mag Any valid float value


returns a pseudo random number in range [0.0, mag) or (mag, 0.0], depending upon the sign of mag.

llFrand(); generates a random number, between 0.000000 and the preset float minus 0.000001. Example : llFrand(2); will generate a float between 0.000000 (this one included) and 1.999999. So 2.000000 is NOT included !!! I ran a test and uses llFrand 215,000,000 times to check out. --Jody Palmer--


The random number generator is not a source of entropy.



// Tosses a coin, giving a *near* 50:50 chance of a result.

integer coin_toss() {

 if( llFrand(1.) < .5 ) return TRUE;
 return FALSE;


// Sometimes it is useful to get a random integer over a given range. This is a suprisingly tricky and emotive subject // and has caused endless discussion on the scripting groups. // The primary cause of probability errors when employing llFrand is to have a varying bin size on the edges of the range. // // As the bracket notation indicates, [0.0,mag), the function is inclusive of the 0.0 and exclusive of the entered value. // Because an LSL floating point number is only a subset of real numbers and does not have infinite granularity, this schema // will work for any float greater than float t = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001; at which value the function will // return only zero. At a float beyond this, a math error occurs. // The non-inclusion of the entered value has also been verified empirically by Jody Palmer in a 215,000,000 case trial.

// Random integer generator // Contributed by Mephistopheles Thalheimer, original function posited by Hg Beeks

// Returns a pseudo-random integer in the range of min to max inclusive.

// Rationale: Expands the range by 1.0 to ensure equal bin spacing on ends relative to the middle of // the range and then uses an integer cast to round towards zero.

// Caveats: This function is not range checked and will fail if max < min

integer random_integer( integer min, integer max ) {

 return min + (integer)( llFrand( max - min + 1 ) );


default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)
       // When touched, say "Heads" with probability 0.5, 
       // otherwise, say "Tails."
       if ( coin_toss() )
           llSay(0, "Heads");
           llSay(0, "Tails");

       integer n1 = random_integer( 2, 8 ); // Return a random number between 2 and 8
       llSay( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "I chose a " + (string)n1 );





// Simple integer random number tester // Contributed by Mephistopheles Thalheimer

// This is a random number tester designed to give a quick visual explanation and proof of why some // random integer functions just do not work. // In general, with any random number generator, if you can see a pattern emerging, then chances are, // the function is not random.

// The test case given "silly_random_integer( .. )" shows the type of pitfalls that can happen. Superficially, // it would seem like a good candidate. I thought so, and in fact mooted it in a discussion, however, a bit of thought reveals // that the first and last bin are only collecting rounded results from half the float space as the rest of the integers. // They are therefore under-represented in output, and the generator is flawed.

integer random_integer( integer min, integer max ) {

 return min + (integer)llFrand( max - min + 1 );


integer silly_random_integer( integer min, integer max ) {

 return min + (integer)( llRound( llFrand( max - min ) ) );  // Looks good, but does not work


// Simple integer random number tester // Contributed by Mephistopheles Thalheimer

list bins;

integer MIN = 2; // The minimum integer you want integer MAX = 5; // The maximum integer you want

integer NUMBER_OF_TRIES = 10000; // The bigger the better.. but slower

default {

       llSay( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Bin tester ready.");
       bins = [];
   touch_start(integer total_number)
       llSay( PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "Started, be patient" );
       integer i;
       integer r;
       integer range = MAX - MIN;
       for( i = 0; i <= range; ++i )
           bins += [ 0 ];    
       integer v;
       integer out_of_range;
       for( i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TRIES; ++i )
           r = silly_random_integer( MIN, MAX );   // Replace this with the function you are testing
                                                   // Note the output on this one has about 0.5 expected hits on the first and last bin
           //r = random_integer( MIN, MAX );
if( r > MAX

Useful Snippets

Pseudo-random_Number_Generator - Suitable for apps which require repeatable results that feel random.


The random number generator is not a source of entropy.

The sequence of random numbers are shared across the entire process, and not independently seeded. Therefore, the pseudo random number generation is not suitable for any application which requires completely predictable or completely unpredictable results.

See Also


•  llListRandomize

Deep Notes


function float llFrand( float mag );