Difference between revisions of "LlDetectedTouchST"

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(Changed the sample code to look if two vectors are close rather than equal.)
Line 46: Line 46:
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchUV]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchUV]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchPos]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchPos]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchNormal]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[llDetectedTouchBinormal]]}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[touch_start]]|}}
{{LSL DefineRow||[[touch_start]]|}}

Revision as of 16:18, 29 August 2008

Emblem-important-red.png Pre-release Documentation Warning!

This function is not available yet. This documentation was written prior to its final release so it may not match the final implementation.


Function: vector llDetectedTouchST( integer index );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a vector that is the surface coordinates for where the prim was touched. The x & y vector positions contain the horizontal (s) & vertical (t) face coordinates respectively (<s, t, 0.0>). Each component is in the interval [0.0, 1.0].

<-1.0, -1.0, 0.0> is returned when the surface coordinates cannot be determined. See Caveats for further details.

• integer index Index of detection information

index does not support negative indexes. For the touch category of events only.


  • If index is out of bounds the script continues to execute without an error message.<-1.0, -1.0, 0.0> is returned when...
  • The avatar's viewer does not support face touch detection.
  • The touch has moved off the surface of the prim.
  • The touch happened too close to the edge of the face to determine a location.
  • The triggering event is not a touch event.


<lsl>default {

   touch_start(integer num_detected) {
       integer i = 0;
       for(; i < num_detected; ++i ) {
           vector touchedpos = llDetectedTouchST(i);      
           if (llDetectedTouchFace(i) == -1) {
               llWhisper(0, "Sorry, your viewer doesn't support touched faces.");
           else if (llVecMag( touchedpos - <-1.0, -1.0, 0.0>) < 0.001 ) {
               llWhisper(0, "Sorry, the surface touch position could not be determined.");
           else {
               llWhisper(0, string) touchedpos);
       } // while ...
   } // touch_start

See Also

Deep Notes


Introduced in Viewer SVN:870 r92872 Branch:Release Wednesday, 23 July 2008, Supported by Beta Server (Wenesday 6th August 2008), and viewer binary 1.20.15 (93532).


function vector llDetectedTouchST( integer index );