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Please use the code on the page [[LSL Protocol/Restrained Life Relay/Reference Implementation|Reference Implementation]].  
Please use the code on the page [[LSL Protocol/Restrained Life Relay/Reference Implementation|Reference Implementation]].  

== Code ==

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== Proposed changes to the specification ==
; Change : Relays must accept !release even if the world object is out of range.
; Justification : There are restricted areas like a room for example. If a person leave such an area the object may not notice it in time because of script lag.
; Change : If a world object sent any restrictions, it must end the session with !release even if the relay did not respond with "ok" unless all commands have been "ko"-ed.
; Justification : Most relays allow the victim to grant permission using a dialog. While it is active the application of restrictions is delayed. This leave the problem that the session may have already ended (dune to a timer or another person freeing the victim) before the victim grants permission.
; Change : Only !pong is accepted as a valid response for !ping
; Justification : Many objects check for presence of a relay and the RR viewer by asking for the !version when sat on. If the user crashes, and the object was used by someone else in the meantime (or, for testing, reset), the relay enforces all previous restrictions whereas the object doesn't know of them. (Gregor Mougin)
; Change : Add a new meta command "!implversion" to which the relay should respond with the version of its implementation. This version string is not intended for automatic checks but to help debugging problems.
; Justification : It makes debugging of problems easier as it is now possible to check that the wearer is using the latest release.
; Change : World objects must support ping queries during an active session even without the victim being offline in between.
; Justification : Relay objects should be able to check that the world object is still present and working.
; Objection : This requires an object to keep an active listener open even if it doesn't support people going offline and returning. It prevents the fire and forget way of using the relay where you simply don't listen for responses and just always send the restrictions and the !release, so saving on having a listener. Better approach would be for the relay to check it's still within 20m of the object (and also release on a region crossing). (Chorazin Allen)
; Change: World objects should not spam the relay channel. For example: Querying every minute the relay version of every person near although nobody shows any signs to actually use the object.
; Justification : Laaaaag! You are not alone out there. While one laggy object is not that worse, many laggy objects at one place are. Beside that it makes debugging more difficult.
; Change : Everyone listening on the relay channel must have enough script memory free to handle a complete chat message which is limited to 1,000 character (2,000 bytes + processing).
; Justification : Although this should be obvious there is quite a number of world objects out there that crash with a stack-heap-collision if placed next to other world objects which use long commands (like a list of chat/im-exceptions for people near). Mono will improve this situation in most cases. You should, however, not be too excited about the increased memory limit, as Mono code does use much more memory itself.

Revision as of 00:21, 30 August 2008

Note: This is an untested, incomplete alpha version. This page is for developers, testers and other contributors.

Please use the code on the page Reference Implementation.

<lsl> integer ALLOW_REMOVE_DETACH = TRUE; integer DEBUG = FALSE;

//~ RestrainedLife Viewer Relay Script example code //~ By Marine Kelley, Maike Short, Felis Darwin

//~ This code is provided AS-IS, OPEN-SOURCE and holds NO WARRANTY of accuracy, //~ completeness or performance. It may only be distributed in its full source code, //~ this header and disclaimer and is not to be sold.

// --------------------------------------------------- // Constants // ---------------------------------------------------

integer RLVRS_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 1014; // version of the protocol, stated on the specification page

string PREFIX_RL_COMMAND = "@"; string PREFIX_METACOMMAND = "!";

integer RLVRS_CHANNEL = -1812221819; // RLVRS in numbers integer DIALOG_CHANNEL = -1812220409; // RLVDI in numbers

integer MAX_OBJECT_DISTANCE = 20; // 20m is llSay distance integer MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT = 60; // seconds



integer PING_INTERVAL = 60; //== Time between pings

integer MODE_OFF = 0; integer MODE_ASK = 1; integer MODE_AUTO = 2;

// --------------------------------------------------- // Variables // ---------------------------------------------------

integer mode;

list restrictions; // restrictions currently applied (without the "=n" part) key source; // UUID of the object I'm commanded by, always equal to NULL_KEY if restrictions is empty, always set if not

string pendingName; // name of initiator of pending request (first request of a session in mode 1) key pendingId; // UUID of initiator of pending request (first request of a session in mode 1) string pendingMessage; // message of pending request integer pendingTime;

// used on login integer timerTickCounter; // count the number of time events on login (forceSit has to be delayed a bit) integer loginWaitingForPong; integer loginPendingForceSit;

key lastForceSitDestination; integer lastForceSitTime;

// --------------------------------------------------- // Helper functions // ---------------------------------------------------

debug(string x) {

   if (DEBUG)
       llOwnerSay("DEBUG: " + x);


// --------------------------------------------------- // Low Level Communication // ---------------------------------------------------

// acknowledge or reject ack(string cmd_id, key id, string cmd, string ack) {

   llSay(RLVRS_CHANNEL, cmd_id + "," + (string)id + "," + cmd + "," + ack);


// cmd begins with a '@' sendRLCmd(string cmd) {



// check that this command is for us and not someone else integer verifyWeAreTarget(string message) {

   list tokens = llParseString2List(message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength(tokens) == 3) // this is a normal command
     if (llList2String(tokens, 1) == llGetOwner()) // talking to me ?
        return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// --------------------------------------------------- // Permission Handling // ---------------------------------------------------

// are we already under command by this object? integer isObjectKnow(key id) {

   // first some error handling
   if (id == NULL_KEY)
       return FALSE;
   // are we already under command by this object?
   if (source == id)
       return TRUE;
   // are we not under command by any object but were we forced to sit on this object recently?
   if ((source == NULL_KEY) && (id == lastForceSitDestination))
       debug("on last force sit target");
       if (lastForceSitTime + MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT > llGetUnixTime())
           debug("and recent enough to auto accept");
           return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// check whether the object is in llSay distance. // The specification requires llSay instead of llShout or llRegionSay // to be used to limit the range. But this has to be checked here again // because the objects are not trustworthy. integer isObjectNear(key id) {

   vector myPosition = llGetRootPosition();
   list temp = llGetObjectDetails(id, ([OBJECT_POS]));
   vector objPostition = llList2Vector(temp,0);
   float distance = llVecDist(objPostition, myPosition);
   return distance <= MAX_OBJECT_DISTANCE;


// do a basic check on the identity of the object trying to issue a command integer isObjectIdentityTrustworthy(key id) {

   key parcel_owner=llList2Key (llGetParcelDetails (llGetPos (), [PARCEL_DETAILS_OWNER]), 0);
   key parcel_group=llList2Key (llGetParcelDetails (llGetPos (), [PARCEL_DETAILS_GROUP]), 0);
   key object_owner=llGetOwnerKey(id);
   key object_group=llList2Key (llGetObjectDetails (id, [OBJECT_GROUP]), 0);
   debug("owner= " + (string) parcel_owner + " / " + (string) object_owner);
   debug("group= " + (string) parcel_group + " / " + (string) object_group);
   if (object_owner==llGetOwner ()        // IF I am the owner of the object
     || object_owner==parcel_owner        // OR its owner is the same as the parcel I'm on
     || object_group==parcel_group        // OR its group is the same as the parcel I'm on
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// Is this a simple request for information or a meta command like !release? integer isSimpleRequest(list list_of_commands) {

   integer len = llGetListLength(list_of_commands);
   integer i;
   // now check every single atomic command
   for (i=0; i < len; ++i)
       string command = llList2String(list_of_commands, i);
       if (!isSimpleAtomicCommand(command))
          return FALSE;
   // all atomic commands passed the test
   return TRUE;


// is this a simple atmar command // (a command which only queries some information or releases restrictions) // (e. g.: cmd ends with "=" and a number (@version, @getoutfit, @getattach) or is a !-meta-command) integer isSimpleAtomicCommand(string cmd) {

   // check right hand side of the "=" - sign
   integer index = llSubStringIndex (cmd, "=");
   if (index > -1) // there is a "=" 
       // check for a number after the "="
       string param = llGetSubString (cmd, index + 1, -1);
       if ((integer)param!=0 || param=="0") // is it an integer (channel number)?
           return TRUE;
       // removing restriction
       if ((param == "y") || (param == "rem"))
           return TRUE;
   // check for a leading ! (meta command)
   if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, PREFIX_METACOMMAND) == 0)
       return TRUE;
   // check for @clear
   // Note: @clear MUST NOT be used because the restrictions will be reapplied on next login
   // (but we need this check here because "!release|@clear" is a BROKEN attempt to work around
   // a bug in the first relay implementation. You should refuse to use relay versions < 1013
   // instead.)
   if (cmd == "@clear")
       return TRUE;
   // this one is not "simple".
   return FALSE;


// If we already have commands from this object pending // because of a permission request dialog, just add the // new commands at the end. // Note: We use a timeout here because the player may // have "ignored" the dialog. integer tryToGluePendingCommands(key id, string commands) {

   if ((pendingId == id) && (pendingTime + PERMISSION_DIALOG_TIMEOUT > llGetUnixTime()))
       debug("Gluing " + (string) pendingMessage + " with " + commands);
       pendingMessage = pendingMessage + "|" + commands;
       return TRUE;
   return FALSE;


// accept !release even if out of range handleCommandsWhichAreAcceptedOutOfRange(key id, string message) {

   if (id != source)
   list tokens = llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens) < 3)
   string commands = llList2String(tokens, 2);
   list list_of_commands = llParseString2List(commands, ["|"], []);
   if (llListFindList(list_of_commands, ["!release"]) > -1)
       debug("accepted !release although it was out of range");


// verifies the permission. This includes mode // (off, permission, auto) of the relay and the // identity of the object (owned by parcel people). integer verifyPermission(key id, string name, string message) {

   // is it switched off?
   if (mode == MODE_OFF)
       return FALSE;
   list tokens = llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens) < 3)
       return FALSE;
   string commands = llList2String(tokens, 2);
   list list_of_commands = llParseString2List(commands, ["|"], []);
   // if we are already having a pending permission-dialog request for THIS object,
   // just add the new commands at the end of the pending command list.
   if (tryToGluePendingCommands(id, commands))
       return FALSE;
   // accept harmless commands silently
   if (isSimpleRequest(list_of_commands))
       return TRUE;
   // check whether this object belongs here
   integer trustworthy = isObjectIdentityTrustworthy(id);
   string warning = "";
   if (!trustworthy)
       warning = "\n\nWARNING: This object is not owned by the people owning this parcel. Unless you know the owner, you should deny this request.";
   // ask in permission-request-mode and/OR in case the object identity is suspisous.
   if (mode == MODE_ASK || !trustworthy)
       pendingMessage = message;
       pendingTime = llGetUnixTime();
       if (llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id)) != "")
           name += " (owned by " + llKey2Name(llGetOwnerKey(id)) + ")";
       llDialog (llGetOwner(), name + " would like control your viewer." + warning + ".\n\nDo you accept ?", ["Yes", "No"], DIALOG_CHANNEL);
       debug("Asking for permission");
       return FALSE;
   return TRUE;


// --------------------------------------------------- // Executing of commands // ---------------------------------------------------

// execute a non-parsed message // this command could be denied here for policy reasons, (if it were implemenetd) // but this time there will be an acknowledgement execute(string name, key id, string message) {

   list tokens=llParseString2List (message, [","], []);
   if (llGetListLength (tokens)==3) // this is a normal command
       string cmd_id=llList2String (tokens, 0); // CheckAttach
       key target=llList2Key (tokens, 1); // UUID
       if (target==llGetOwner ()) // talking to me ?
           list list_of_commands=llParseString2List (llList2String (tokens, 2), ["|"], []);
           integer len=llGetListLength (list_of_commands);
           integer i;
           string command;
           string prefix;
           for (i=0; i<len; ++i) // execute every command one by one
               // a command is a RL command if it starts with '@' or a metacommand if it starts with '!'
               command=llList2String (list_of_commands, i);
               prefix=llGetSubString (command, 0, 0);

               if (prefix==PREFIX_RL_COMMAND) // this is a RL command
                   executeRLVCommand(cmd_id, id, command);
               else if (prefix==PREFIX_METACOMMAND) // this is a metacommand, aimed at the relay itself
                   executeMetaCommand(cmd_id, id, command);


// executes a command for the restrained life viewer // with some additinal magic like book keeping executeRLVCommand(string cmd_id, string id, string command) {

   // we need to know whether whether is a rule or a simple command
   list tokens_command=llParseString2List (command, ["="], []);
   string behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @getattach:skull
   string param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // 2222
   integer ind=llListFindList (restrictions, [behav]);
   if (param=="n" || param=="add") // add to restrictions
       if (ind<0) restrictions+=[behav];
       source=id; // we know that source is either NULL_KEY or id already
   else if (param=="y" || param=="rem") // remove from restrictions
       if (ind > -1) restrictions=llDeleteSubList (restrictions, ind, ind);
       if (llGetListLength (restrictions)==0) source=NULL_KEY;
   else if (param == "force" && !ALLOW_REMOVE_DETACH)
       debug("force: " + behav);
       list temp = llParseString2List(behav, [":"], []);
       string commandName = llList2String (temp, 0); // @sit
       if (commandName == "@detach" || commandName == "@remoutfit")
           debug("rejecting remove/detach");
           llWhisper(0, "Not stripping");
           ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ko");
   sendRLCmd(command); // execute command
   ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ok"); // acknowledge


// check for @clear // Note: @clear MUST NOT be used because the restrictions will be reapplied on next login // (but we need this check here because "!release|@clear" is a BROKEN attempt to work around // a bug in the first relay implementation. You should refuse to use relay versions < 1013 // instead.) workaroundForAtClear(string command) {

   if (command == "@clear")


// remembers the time and object if this command is a force sit rememberForceSit(string command) {

   list tokens_command=llParseString2List (command, ["="], []);
   string behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @sit:<uuid>
   string param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // force
   // clear lastForceSitDestination in case we are now prevented from standing up and
   // the force sit was long ago. Note: restrictions is checked to prevent the
   // clearance in case @unsit is just send again on login
   if (behav == "@unsit")
       if (llListFindList(restrictions, ["@unsit"]) < 0)
           if (lastForceSitTime + MAX_TIME_AUTOACCEPT_AFTER_FORCESIT < llGetUnixTime())
               debug("clearing lastForceSitDestination");
               lastForceSitDestination = NULL_KEY;
   if (param != "force")
   tokens_command=llParseString2List(behav, [":"], []);
   behav=llList2String (tokens_command, 0); // @sit
   param=llList2String (tokens_command, 1); // <uuid>
   debug("'force'-command:" + behav + "/" + param);
   if (behav != "@sit")
   lastForceSitDestination = (key) param;
   lastForceSitTime = llGetUnixTime();
   debug("remembered force sit");


// executes a meta command which is handled by the relay itself executeMetaCommand(string cmd_id, string id, string command) {

   if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "version") // checking relay version
       ack(cmd_id, id, command, (string) RLVRS_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
   else if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "release") // release all the restrictions (end session)
       ack(cmd_id, id, command, "ok");
   else if (command == PREFIX_METACOMMAND + "pong")
       loginWaitingForPong = FALSE; // whatever the message, it is for me => it satisfies the ping request


// removes a restriction from the list of pending commands removeFromPendingList(string behav) {

   string search = behav + "=";
   // don't do the expensive parsing (string operations are very slow in pre- 
   // mono LSL) in case we can detect fast that this one is not in the list.
   if (llSubStringIndex(pendingMessage, search) < 0)
   list tokens = llParseString2List(pendingMessage, [","], []);
   list commands = llParseString2List(llList2String(tokens, 2), ["|"], []);
   integer modified = FALSE;
   integer len = llGetListLength(commands);
   integer i;
   for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
       string cmd = llList2String(commands, i);
       if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, search) == 0)
           if (llSubStringIndex(cmd, "=n") > -1 || llSubStringIndex(cmd, "=add") > -1)
               commands = llDeleteSubList(commands, i, i);
               modified = TRUE;
   if (modified)
       if (llGetListLength(commands) > 0)
           pendingMessage = llList2String(tokens, 0) + "," + llList2String(tokens, 1) + "," + llDumpList2String(commands, "|");


// lift all the restrictions (called by !release and by turning the relay off) releaseRestrictions () {

   source = NULL_KEY;
   integer i;
   integer len = llGetListLength (restrictions);
   for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
       sendRLCmd(llList2String (restrictions, i) + "=y");
   lastForceSitDestination = NULL_KEY;
   restrictions = [];
   loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;


// deletes the list of pending messsages clearPendingMessages() {

   // clear pending request
   pendingName = "";
   pendingId = NULL_KEY;
   pendingMessage = "";
   pendingTime = 0;


// --------------------------------------------------- // mode and dialog handling // ---------------------------------------------------

// get current mode as string string getModeDescription() {

   if (mode == 0) return "RLV Relay is OFF"; 
   else if (mode == 1) return "RLV Relay is ON (permission needed)"; 
   else return "RLV Relay is ON (auto-accept)"; 


// process the Yes/No buttons of the permission dialog processDialogResponse(key id, string message) {

   if (id != llGetOwner())
       return; // only accept dialog responses from the owner
   if (pendingId != NULL_KEY)
       if (message=="Yes") // pending request authorized => process it
           execute(pendingName, pendingId, pendingMessage);


// --------------------------------------------------- // initialisation and login handling // ---------------------------------------------------

init() {

   mode = 1;
   source = NULL_KEY;
   restrictions = [];
   pendingId = NULL_KEY;
   pendingName = "";
   pendingMessage = "";
   llListen (RLVRS_CHANNEL, "", "", "");
   llListen (DIALOG_CHANNEL, "", llGetOwner(), "");
   llOwnerSay (getModeDescription());
   debug("Free Memory: " + (string) llGetFreeMemory());


// sends the known restrictions (again) to the RL-viewer // (call this functions on login) reinforceKnownRestrictions() {

   integer i;
   integer len=llGetListLength(restrictions);
   string restr;
   debug("source=" + (string) source);
   for (i=0; i<len; ++i)
       restr=llList2String(restrictions, i);
       debug("restr=" + restr);
       if (restr=="@unsit")
           loginPendingForceSit = TRUE;


// send a ping request and start a timer pingWorldObjectIfUnderRestrictions() {

   loginWaitingForPong = FALSE;
   if (source != NULL_KEY)
       ack("ping", source, "ping", "ping");
       timerTickCounter = 0;
       loginWaitingForPong = TRUE;


sendForceSitDuringLogin() {

   key sitTarget = source;
   if (lastForceSitDestination)
       sitTarget = lastForceSitDestination;
   debug("Force sit during login on " + (string) sitTarget + " (source=" + (string) source + ", lastForceSitDestination=" + (string) lastForceSitDestination + ")");
   sendRLCmd ("@sit:"+(string)sitTarget+"=force");


default {


   on_rez(integer start_param)
       // relogging, we must refresh the viewer and ping the object if any
       // if mode is not OFF, fire all the stored restrictions
       if (mode)
       // remind the current mode to the user

       debug("timer (" + (string) timerTickCounter + "): waiting for pong: " + (string) loginWaitingForPong + " pendingForceSit: " + (string) loginPendingForceSit);
       if (loginWaitingForPong && (timerTickCounter >= LOGIN_DELAY_WAIT_FOR_PONG))
           llWhisper(0, "Lucky Day: " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + " is freed because the device is not available.");
           loginWaitingForPong = FALSE;
           loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
       if (loginPendingForceSit)
           integer agentInfo = llGetAgentInfo(llGetOwner());
           if (agentInfo & AGENT_SITTING)
               loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
               debug("is sitting now");
           else if (timerTickCounter == LOGIN_DELAY_WAIT_FOR_FORCE_SIT)
               llWhisper(0, "Lucky Day: " + llKey2Name(llGetOwner()) + " is freed because sitting down again was not possible.");
               loginPendingForceSit = FALSE;
       if (!loginPendingForceSit && !loginWaitingForPong)

   listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
       if (channel==RLVRS_CHANNEL)
           debug("LISTEN: " + message);
           if (!verifyWeAreTarget(message))
           if (mode== MODE_OFF)
               debug("deactivated - ignoring commands");
               return; // mode is 0 (off) => reject
           debug("Got message (active world object " + (string) source + "): name=" + name+ " id=" + (string) id + " message=" + message);

           if (source != NULL_KEY && source != id)
               debug("already used by another object => reject");
           if (!isObjectNear(id)) 
               handleCommandsWhichAreAcceptedOutOfRange(id, message);
           if (!isObjectKnow(id))
               debug("asking for permission because source is NULL_KEY");
               if (!verifyPermission(id, name, message))
           debug("Executing: " + (string) source);
           execute(name, id, message);
       else if (channel==DIALOG_CHANNEL)
           processDialogResponse(id, message);

   touch_start(integer num_detected)
       // touched by user => cycle through OFF/ON_PERMISSION/ON_ALWAYS modes
       key toucher = llDetectedKey(0);
       if (toucher == llGetOwner())
           if (source != NULL_KEY)
               llOwnerSay("Sorry, you cannot change the relay mode while it is locked.");
           if (mode > 2)
               mode = 0;
           if (mode == MODE_OFF) {
   changed(integer change)
       if (change & CHANGED_OWNER) 

} </lsl>