Second Life Railroad/SLRR History
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This entry is a description of the history of the Second Life Railroad ( SLRR ) on the Heterocera Atoll continent.
The Second Life Railroad has its origins in early attempts by residents to provided automated travel around the mainland during a time when their were no direct teleports available. Some of the earliest examples - such as the "Telehopper" from Kissling and the Great Second Life Railway from Mocha to Purple - led to the first Linden-created trolley, operating from Luna to Dore via Nova Albion. As the first mainland expanded and Magellan Linden made additional discoveries beyond the founding of Nova Albion, roadways and other Protected Land Rights of Way (ROW) were crafted on the first continent, Sansara, but none were slated for rail use.
Eric, Nigel, and Michael Linden created most of the track and other structures, the rolling stock, most notably, the SLRR Commuter V1.2 car.
At this time, the track formed three unconnected tracks:
Bhagaπ to Paranthrene, where the Clearwing / Paranthrene Transfer Stationπ was located;
Clearwing / Paranthrene Transfer Stationπ to an End Of Line (EOL) in Torva Stationπ;
An EOL in Jubata Stationπ to the Tuliptree Stationπ.
The Torva-Jubata Gap was a section that appeared to be intended for designation as Protected Land ROW, but by some mishap was sold to Residents. (In 2009 the ROW was reacquired by Linden Lab.)
The original three tracks were provided with five Resident-created stations, all named for the region in which they are located. These stations and their creators are:
- Achemon Stationπ - Pratyeka Muromachi
- Calleta Stationπ - nimrod Yaffle
- Neumoegen Stationπ - Fallingwater Cellardoor
- Obscure Stationπ - Jauani Wu
- Tuliptree Stationπ - Sam Portacerro
By experimentation and a few contacts with the original designers and implementers, members of the Second Life Railway Consortium (later renamed to the Virtual Railway Consortium) determined much of the functionality of the LL SLRR automated train system as created by Eric, Michael, and Nigel Linden. The scripted System Controller of the SLRR is located in the Right Of Way (ROW) maps on the office wall of the ANWR prim drilling rigπ. The SLRR Commuter V1.2 car ran as physical objects, 'steered' over the tracks by an invisible non-physical prim named Guide that the trains repeatedly collided with, thereby being directed back onto the correct course.
In September of 2006, Nigel Linden announced a contest for Residents to design and build ten more SLRR stations, winning L$ prizes for their efforts, and completing the final builds by October 31st. From the 103 entries, the winning builders were:
- Bhaga Stationπ - Alazarin Mondrian
- Tenera Stationπ - Shawk Pertwee
- Aglia Stationπ - Elliot Eldrich
- Crenulate Stationπ - Donk Kongo
- Clearwing Stationπ - Ralph Doctorow
- Foxglove Stationπ - Midtown Bienenstrich
- Lunalis Stationπ - Lunalis SLRR Committee
- Spini Stationπ - Mordecai Nitschke
- Jubata Stationπ - Ilianexsi Sojourner
- Epirrhoe Stationπ - Ledje Gorky
- Zale Stationπ - Byron Curtis
These and other stations on the SLRR lines continued to be regularly served by the SLRR Commuter V1.2 car throughout 2006.
In November, Michael Linden built the Vicina Quayπ, a large dock with a freighter ship floating nearby. A new SLRR-gauge track was laid connecting the Quay with Crumbi, creating the original Crumbi junction.
On 1 April 2008, the Havok version 1 physics engine in SL was updated to Havok 4 gridwide. Changes in Havok itself, its interface with the LL simulator code, in the system tunings, and vehicle code of the upgrade caused the failure of most physical trains in SL, including the Commuter V1.2. Gradually, rolling stock creators began to make adjustment to their builds and scripts to accommodate the new operating conditions.
LL removed the problematic Commuter V1.2 automated train system and essentially abandonded the SLRR tracks.
The LDPW contracted a Mole to work on the SLRR system. This development resulted in a test on 31 December 2008 of new SLRR rolling stock scripts in two green Alco RS-3 locomotives created by Michael Linden. No version of this automated train has ever been put into service on the SLRR.
Over a period of two months, Rail Rally 2008 was hosted in two mainland regios - Schizura and Vicina. Sponsored by the Second Life Railway consortium, the Rally included two three day sessions and multiple events in the interim. The Rally brought together rail builders, scripters, merchants, train-spotting and -riding buffs, and a mix of Residents with rail and other transportation interests. The venue hosted an SLRR-gauge two region track loop with working signals and moving bridges.
There was a growing personal train industry in Second Life, with many builders and several very different approaches to train building. Proponents of LL automated trains lobbied to have the Lindens remove SLRR's solid center rail. Residents successfully fought this effort and the SLRR's solid center rail remains as a vital part of the SLRR's track standard.
Jer Straaf began distributing the free "SL Railroading Landmarks" list which contains landmarks to dozens of public and private railroading locations across the SL grid.
Though not a part of the SLRR, rails were added to the Bay City mainland area. Many of them were essentially decorative, and for use on a non-physical trolley system down Route 66 in Bay City. A Bay City station was also constructed by Squishy Mole of the LDPW in Inner Harborπ, but left unfinished at the opening of the Bay City area. It served only as a place to house the city's content package for Residents. Late in 2008, additional rails were laid from Grub Beach to Manyiminyaπin the Bay City area.
By 2009 there was a thriving personal railroading industry in Second Life with a dozen or more active train builders. There was a reshuffling of the LDPW and consequently the priorities for the SLRR moved away from problematic "super-automated trains" on the SLRR Atoll tracks.
Early in 2009, the Resident-owned land in Sinicaπ where the SLRR should have been running since its inception was acquired, track was laid, and the Torva-Jubata Gap was closed.
Around the same time, a passing track in Sinica, between Torva and Jubata, was laid, a passing track was laid in Lunalisπ and Fucosa Passing trackπ, and slightly later, the Sinica Passing trackπ passing track mentioned above.
In late 2009 Sylvan Mole began the development of active switches for the SLRR. Multiple configurations have been tested to ensure compatibility with the widest possible range of existing Resident rolling stock designs. A switch design testbedπ was constructed in Tussock.
On October 1st 2009 the SLRR Rail Group organized Rail Fest 2009. About 30 trains started at Tuliptree Stationπ and ran the entire Heterocera main line all the way to Bhagaπ. The after-party was held at Dougie Flossbergs railroad build in Yui Bon.
In late 2009 the track alignment near the Crumbi Transfer Station was modified. A bridging track was added in Teneraπ to enable routing from that track over to the track heading out through Webworm. In Pawpaw, another bridging trackπ was laid to enable routing between the branch heading from Pawpaw to the Pavonia End of the Lineπ, and the other from Pawpaw toward Tussock Junction. A trackbed extension from Tussock extended the SLRR up to Spangle. No center rail was installed, however, and many residents insisted that the LDPW finish this new track. Track in inner Harborπ to Manyiminyaπ in Bay City received a guide rail and buffer stops, and became a test rail for switches and crossings.
Several residents began providing automated train and helicopter services on various stretches of the SLRR. The free SLRR Crew Boat ride was created by Jer Straaf, which when rezzed in Suduffco (near the oil rig in ANWR,) automatically rides approximately 39 regions to Spangle Station, pausing at all SLRR railheads. The VRC began distributing a free open-source VRC Hobo Train to the public. The train's design was criticized by some residents for its griefing potential and a the VRC began distributing a different version of the free VRC Hobo Train.
VRC members bought land and made swaps with LL to enable: Expanding SLRR ROW at Pawpawπ, adding that station and bridging track. Completing the LL ROW to a large Linden land area in Pyriπ.
Michael Linden reconfigured the Clearwing/Paranthrene Transfer Stationπ with the now-connected tracks passing on either side of the the station. Another passing track was laid in Triphosaπ, and a siding in Spangle. Several new stations and a railyard were also built by the LDPW:
- Crumbi Junction stationπ - Hyper Mole
- Dubia Stationπ - Crafty Mole
- Leafroller Stationπ - Abnor Mole
- Melanthia Stationπ - Myopic Mole
- Pawpaw Stationπ - Glamorous Mole
- Spangle Stationπ - Garden Mole
- Tussock Rail Yardπ - Sylvan Mole
The LDPW began accepting requests for private resident rail connections to the SLRR, with connecting track being placed on a case-by-case basis. Several of these connections have been installed.
Road-grade crossing gate systems were installed at Mocis crossingπ, Cisthene crossingπ and Oculea crossingπ as part of the LDPW signal and switch project by Sylvan Mole.
The LDPW began building and placing new control signals signals on the SLRR. Several different designs have been fielded. This is controversial, however, because some residents see no need for control signals on the SLRR.
On August 15th the SLRR Rail Group held RAIL JAM 2010. Over 45 trains were counted along a route that took the participants from Bhaga Stationπ to Calleta "Hobo" Stationπ. The event ended with a gathering at the Loco Motives track in XL City.
A test track in Fuchsiaπ was been build to show the switches and signals that where produced by Sylvan Mole.
Michael Linden, from the Linden Department of Public Works, organized a Railway Brown bag meeting to discuss the future of the SLRR and the standards of track, switches and signals. This took place on August 18th 2010.
The above information was compiled by various SL Residents including Moundsa Mayo, Jer Straaf, Damion Goodman and Dougie Flossberg.
Also See
Here is a list of Related resources. You can find more information about the SLRR and other Rail related articles on these wiki pages and external websites.