Old Knowledge Base

From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 11:16, 6 April 2011 by Rand Linden (talk | contribs)
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KBcaution.png Important: The official Second Life Knowledge Base has moved to the new Second Life Community platform. Check it out! Go to English Knowledge Base.

Some articles also available in Deutsch, Français, Español, and Português.

We have moved many Knowledge Base articles from the wiki to the new SL Community Platform Knowledge Base. We set up redirects for these wiki articles to their new locations. Moving forward, we will primarily update and maintain articles on the Community site.

For more information, see Knowledge Base Questions and Answers.

KB migration

Over the next few weeks, we will review the remaining articles, and move those that are appropriate. Articles that are highly technical, or that address official pricing or policy issues will remain on the wiki. We will archive or delete outdated articles.

For details on the migration project, see Knowledge Base Migration to Community Platform.

The wiki abides!

The Second Life Wiki will continue to be an important resource, for information in three broad categories:

What is the Linden Lab Official namespace?

The "Linden Lab Official" namespace contains policy and service articles that aren't open for editing because of legal or other reasons. Residents can be assured that information on these pages reflects the official policy of Linden Lab. Each article in this namespace will have a header and footer that makes this status clear.

Thus, we're using the flexibility of the wiki to offer both many pages that can continue to be contributed to by Residents like you, and some that shouldn't be. Learn more about namespaces.