Adult Content User Group

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Revision as of 04:11, 2 July 2011 by Couldbe Yue (talk | contribs)
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Discuss Issues Concerning Zindra and Adult Content.


Mondays at 11am SLT at Bronlen

Also see the calendar of public user group meetings.


Agenda for the next user group meeting is: Goals: Leverage our passionate community to help us convert new users and retain existing users.

  1. Facilitate sustainable, productive communities by partnering with key groups and residents.  (different from executing on a community wishlist).
  2. Bring the value forward  
  3. Focus on sustainable movements, not discrete campaigns. Source the community for naturally sustaining, organic initiatives that scale and utilize trusted community resources  
while still aligning with corporate goals. Move away from LL-driven events and start spotting movements with natural momentum. 4. Embrace community content as an untapped, invaluable resource.

Meeting Date: Next meeting will be 7/11.

Topic Proposed By Links Jira Number Old or New Business Comments
Welcome Welcoming Committee n/a n/a n/a n/a
How can we promote adult content events Viale send proposal to n/a n/a n/a
What to do with the Zindra region? Viale send proposal to n/a n/a n/a
In what areas are LL prepared to promote adult content? Couldbe Yue Promote is an ambiguous word that is unhelpful when defining proposals. A list of the areas that LL are prepared to expend time/resources would be helpful. For example you've excluded facebook but what else? Also, what is included? MoTD, Blog, Sandbox Newsletter or others, marketplace promotions, event group, web site, etc etc? n/a n/a n/a


Links to chat transcripts of past meetings: