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Revision as of 03:24, 14 September 2011 by Nexii Malthus (talk | contribs)
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Function: float fSclFix( float from_min, float from_max, float to_min, float to_max, float from );

Rescales a value from one range to another range.

The value is also clamped between the range.
Returns a float

• float from_min Minimum of range From
• float from_max Maximum of range From
• float to_min Minimum of range To
• float to_max Maximum of range To
• float from Value in range From


<lsl>float fSclFix(float from_min, float from_max, float to_min, float to_max, float from) {

   from = to_min + ((to_max-to_min) * ((from_min-from) / (from_min-from_max)));
   if(to_min < to_max) {
       if(from < to_min) from = to_min; else if(from > to_max) from = to_max;
   } else {
       if(from < to_max) from = to_max; else if(from > to_min) from = to_min;
   return from;

} // Released into public domain. By Nexii Malthus.</lsl>


<lsl>float value = fSclFix(0.0, 1.0, -5, 15, 0.6); // value == 7</lsl>