
From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 11:54, 4 January 2013 by Omei Qunhua (talk | contribs) (Bring example into line with llWater)
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Function: float llGround( vector offset );
0.0 Forced Delay
10.0 Energy

Returns a float that is the ground height directly below the prim position + offset

• vector offset offset relative to the prim's position and expressed in local coordinates

The requested position needs to be in the same region. Only the x and y coordinates in offset are important, the z component is ignored.


<lsl>// Makes the object land on ground or on water

FindGroundOrWater() {

   vector vTarget = llGetPos();
   vTarget.z = llGround( ZERO_VECTOR );
   float fWaterLevel = llWater( ZERO_VECTOR );
   if( vTarget.z < fWaterLevel )
       vTarget.z = fWaterLevel;


default {

   touch_start(integer total_number)

See Also


•  llGroundContour Gets the ground contour
•  llGroundNormal Gets the ground normal
•  llGroundSlope Gets the ground slope
•  llEdgeOfWorld Returns existence of neighboring sims

Deep Notes


function float llGround( vector offset );