
From Second Life Wiki
Revision as of 01:18, 28 July 2012 by Strife Onizuka (talk | contribs) (If this were true it would be a breaking change (main land security systems would fail). The suggestion SVC-6360 seeks to allow EMs usage of this function and it's unresolved (as of last month).)
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Function: llTeleportAgentHome( key avatar );
5.0 Forced Delay
100.0 Energy

Teleports avatar on owner's land to their home location without any warning, similar to a God Summons or dying.

• key avatar avatar UUID that is in the same region

The object owner must also be the land owner. If the land is deeded to a group the object will need to be deeded to the same group for this function to work.


  • This function causes the script to sleep for 5.0 seconds.


<lsl>default { state_entry() { llSetText("Don't touch me!", <1,0,0>, 5.0); } touch_start(integer total_number) { llTeleportAgentHome(llDetectedKey(0)); // Teleports the Agent home }


Deep Notes


function void llTeleportAgentHome( key avatar );