West Atoll Railroad

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The West Atoll Railroad (or West Atoll Railway) was an electric railway line founded by Hilto Meridoc in 2010. Plans were initially drawn to link Neumoegen to Achlya, but eventually was rerouted to Elpenor. The line opened in stages, first from Neumoegen to Electra, then east to Hera and west to Elpenor. It closed in November 2013.


The West Atoll Railroad is a railway company operating trains on the southern coast of the Heterocera Mainland. The first line has been named the WARR Main Line, and is equipped with overhead wires to cater to modern, electric trains. The WARR prizes itself on not accepting automatic trains, as well as on the possibilities for overtaking (four stations are equipped with overpasses).

The WARR was initially built to connect the south-western side of Heterocera; while many lines are biased to the North-Eastern side, various Residents had unsuccessfully pushed for a western expansion until then. The WARR has a much more suburban feel and purpose than the SLRR; arguably it serves the Calleta area as well as the harbor in Hera (technically SLRR).

The line is not only noteworthy for its modern, distinct architecture; it is also almost entirely elevated, features excellent signalling and is the only line to also feature speed limits. Compared to the SLRR, it is slightly more detailed, and also makes more side use of the right of way, which is not as narrow. Train stations are also very realistic and well-thought, contrasting with the halt looking buildings seen at most SLRR stations.

Hilto Meridoc is the sole owner of the company, assisted by contributors. There is no automated service on the line, but trains can reach the SLRR Mainline at Neumoegen (SLRR), while trains from Calleta can pull into the WARR's main station, the two-level, six-tracked Neumoegen (Tokyo) central station.

WARR Status

As of November, 2013, the railway has closed. Its rights of way were abandoned.

WARR Stations

Heterocera Railroads with WARR network and related routes in purple (Amy Lacombe)

Clicking on a link will open the SLurl website to take you directly to the station.
Clicking on the 'D' will open a direct link if you are already online.

--- WARR Main line

1 WARR - Neumoegen/Tokyo StationπŸ–ˆ
Neumogen/Tokyo Station
2 WARR - West NeumoegenπŸ–ˆ
West Neumogen Station

Branch connects Burns to northern SLRR here.

3 WARR - BurnsπŸ–ˆ
Burns Station
4 WARR - ElectraπŸ–ˆ
Electra Station
5 WARR - SikkimaπŸ–ˆ
Sikkima Station

Branch connects Lida Depot here.

6 WARR - GundaπŸ–ˆ
Gunda Station
7 WARR - Andraca/LoepaπŸ–ˆ
Andraca Station
8 WARR - HantuπŸ–ˆ
Hantu Station
9 WARR - Eson/SibineπŸ–ˆ
Sibine Station
10 WARR - Elpenor TerminalπŸ–ˆ
Elpenor Terminal

--- WARR Hildesland Spur

1 WARR - Neumoegen/Tokyo StationπŸ–ˆ
Neumogen/Tokyo Station
2 SLRR - HeraπŸ–ˆ
Hera Station
3 SLRR - Hera HarborπŸ–ˆ
Hera Harbor Terminal

--- WARR/SLRR branch

1 WARR - Neumoegen/Tokyo StationπŸ–ˆ
Neumogen/Tokyo Station
2 WARR - South NeumoegenπŸ–ˆ
South Neumogen Platform

Line carries on to Calleta and Tuliptree.

Other Railway initiatives

There are several other standard gage railroads in SL, some on private land, some on Linden land. This is list of some other examples of large multi sim networks with different sets of guidance, control and track system. The different systems are not necessarily compatible with SLRR standards.

External Links