Template:LSL Constants HTTP

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Revision as of 06:09, 2 July 2022 by Jenna Huntsman (talk | contribs) (Add notes about Content-Range header. Minor formatting changes.)
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Flag Parameter(s) Default Parameter Value(s) Description
HTTP_METHOD 0 [string method] ["GET"] "GET", "POST", "PUT" and "DELETE"
HTTP_MIMETYPE 1 [string MIME_type] ["text/plain;charset=utf-8"] text/* MIME types should specify a charset. To emulate HTML forms use application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This allows you to set the body to a properly escaped (llEscapeURL) sequence of <name,value> pairs in the form var=value&var2=value2 and have them automatically parsed by web frameworks.
MIME types must be specified in the format: type/subtype[;option=value]
Some valid examples are
"multipart/mixed; boundary="---1234567890---""
HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH 2 [integer length] [2048] Sets the maximum (UTF-8 encoded) byte length of the HTTP response body. The maximum that can be set depends upon which VM is used.
KBwarning.png Warning: Applies to the Outgoing pipeline only (HTTP calls invoked by llHTTPRequest,and responses from http_response).
KBtip2.png Tip: When you only need to request a small amount of data from a remote source, consider using the Content-Range header instead.
HTTP_VERIFY_CERT 3 [integer verify] [TRUE] If TRUE, the server SSL certificate must be verifiable using one of the standard certificate authorities[1] when making HTTPS requests. If FALSE, any server SSL certificate will be accepted.
HTTP_VERBOSE_THROTTLE 4 [integer noisy] [TRUE] If TRUE, shout error messages to DEBUG_CHANNEL if the outgoing request rate exceeds the server limit. If FALSE, the error messages are suppressed (llHTTPRequest will still return NULL_KEY).
HTTP_CUSTOM_HEADER 5 [string name, string value] NA Add an extra custom HTTP header to the request. The first string is the name of the parameter to change, e.g. "Pragma", and the second string is the value, e.g. "no-cache". Up to 8 custom headers may be configured per request, and each header's combined name+value length must be no greater than 253 characters. Note that certain headers, such as the default headers, are blocked for security reasons.
HTTP_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE 6 [integer send_header] [TRUE] Sends "Pragma: no-cache" header (TRUE), or does not send a "Pragma" header (FALSE).
HTTP_USER_AGENT 7 [string user agent value] [(none)] The user agent value is appended to the one generated by LSL itself. It should follow the syntax from the HTTP standard like: "My-Script-Name/1.0 (Mozilla compatible)".

Note: Spaces are not allowed in HTTP User Agent token values, so "My Script Name/1.0" will produce a script error; change the spaces to hyphens ("-")

HTTP_ACCEPT 8 [string MIME_type] ["text/plain;charset=utf-8"] HTTP_ACCEPT parameters can be passed to limit the number of mime types that are sent in the Accept: header of the HTTP request. Specified mime types may include character set and q parameters. This parameter may be specified multiple times.

The specified mime type must be one already recognized by llHTTPRequest. These include any text/ mime type, or the following application mime types: “application/xhtml+xml”, “application/atom+xml”, “application/json”, “application/xml”, “application/llsd+xml”, “application/x-javascript”, “application/javascript”, “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”, or “application/rss+xml”.

The Content-Type header in the response is checked against the specified HTTP_ACCEPT parameters. If the value of the header is not in the list of acceptable mime types, llHTTPRequest will return 415 as a result code and the body will be "Unsupported or unknown Content-Type."

HTTP_EXTENDED_ERROR 9 [integer extended] [FALSE] If TRUE llHTTPRequest will always return a key. If there was an error making the HTTP request. Detailed error information will be returned through the http_response event using the provided key. Error information is delivered in a JSON block as described in RFC 7807. Details about extended return codes can be found below.