Linden Lab Official:Reg API Examples

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Example code


require 'llsd'

# This ruby example shows how to use the Registration API. The example goes as follows:

# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo

get_capabilities_url = ""

# grab command line args
if ARGV.length == 3
  first_name = ARGV[0]
  last_name = ARGV[1]
  password = ARGV[2]
  puts "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments. For example:"
  puts "ruby registration_api.rb joe linden 1234"

# 0 - Get Capability URLS #################################################################
puts "========== Getting capabilities ===========\n"

post_body = "first_name=#{first_name}&last_name=#{last_name}&password=#{password}" # create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = LLSD.post_urlencoded_data get_capabilities_url, post_body # POST the capability url to get capabilities

puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
puts response_xml

puts "\n"

capability_urls = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

capability_urls.each { |k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out capabilities

# 1 - Print out error codes ###############################################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"

if capability_urls['get_error_codes']  
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_error_codes'] # GET the capability url for getting error codes
  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
  error_codes = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

  error_codes.each {|error| puts "#{error[0]} => #{error[1]}"} # print out all error codes
  puts "Get_error_codes capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Now Exiting Prematurely ..."

# 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################################
puts "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ===========\n"
if capability_urls['get_last_names']
  response_xml = LLSD.http_raw capability_urls['get_last_names'] # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids

  puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
  puts response_xml
  last_names = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

  last_names.each {|k,v| puts "#{k} => #{v}"} # print out last names
  # 3 - Check Name Example ##################################################################
  print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ===========\n"
  if capability_urls['check_name']
    random_username = 'tester' + Kernel.rand(10000).to_s # Generate a random username
    valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys.first # Get the first valid last name id
    params_hash = {"username" => random_username, "last_name_id" => valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash

    xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

    response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post)

    puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
    puts xml_to_post

    puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    puts response_xml

    is_name_available = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    puts "Result (is name available?): #{is_name_available}" # Print the result

    # 4 - Create User Example #################################################################
    puts "\n\n========== Create User Example ===========\n"
    if is_name_available and capability_urls['create_user']:
      # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data
      params_hash["email"] = random_username + ""
      params_hash["password"] = "123123abc"
      params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01"
      xml_to_post = LLSD.to_xml(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

      response_xml = LLSD.post_xml(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post)

      puts "posted xml:" # Print out response xml
      puts xml_to_post

      puts "xml response:" # Print out response xml
      puts response_xml

      result_hash = LLSD.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

      puts "New agent id: #{result_hash['agent_id']}" # Print the result
      # ALL DONE!!
      puts "Create_user capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Now Exiting Prematurely ..."
    puts "Check_name capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Now Exiting Prematurely ..."
  puts "Get_last_names capability not granted to #{first_name} #{last_name}. Now Exiting Prematurely..."


import llsd
import urllib2, random, sys

# This python example shows how to use the Registration API. The example goes as follows:

# 0 - get capability urls
# 1 - get error codes
# 2 - get the available last names
# 3 - check to see of a username + last name combo is taken
# 4 - register the user with this username + last name combo

get_capabilities_url = ""

# grab command line args
if len(sys.argv) == 4:
  first_name = sys.argv[1]
  last_name = sys.argv[2]
  password = sys.argv[3]
  print "Please pass in your second life first name, last name, and password as arguments. For example:"
  print "ruby registration_api.rb registration mackay 1234"

# 0 - Get Capability URLS #################################################################
print "========== Getting capabilities ==========="

post_body = "first_name=%s&last_name=%s&password=%s" % (first_name, last_name, password) # create a url-encoded string to POST
response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(get_capabilities_url, post_body).read() # POST the capability url to get capabilities

print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
print response_xml

capability_urls = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

for id, name in capability_urls.items(): # Print out capabilities
    print "%s => %s" % (id, name)

# 1 - Print out error codes ###############################################################
if capability_urls.has_key('get_error_codes'):
    print "\n\n========== Get Error Codes Example ===========\n"
    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_error_codes']).read() # GET the capability url for getting error codes
    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    error_codes = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    for error in error_codes: # Print out capabilities
        print "%s => %s" % (error[0], error[1])
    print "Get_error_codes capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)

# 2 - Get Last Names Example ##############################################################
if capability_urls.has_key('get_last_names'):
    print "\n\n========== Get Last Names Example ==========="

    response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['get_last_names']).read() # GET the capability url for getting last names and ids

    print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
    print response_xml
    last_names = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

    for id, name in last_names.items(): # Print out last names
        print "%s => %s" % (id, name)

    # 3 - Check Name Example ##################################################################
    if capability_urls.has_key('check_name'):
        print "\n\n========== Check Name Example ==========="

        random_username = 'benny' + str(random.randrange(100,10000)) # Generate a random username
        valid_last_name_id = last_names.keys()[0] # Get the first valid last name id
        params_hash = {"username": random_username, "last_name_id": valid_last_name_id } # put it in a hash

        xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

        response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['check_name'], xml_to_post).read() 

        print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
        print xml_to_post

        print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
        print response_xml

        is_name_available = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

        print "Result (is name available?): %s" % (is_name_available) # Print the result

        # 4 - Create User Example #################################################################
        if is_name_available and capability_urls.has_key('create_user'):
            print "\n\n========== Create User Example ==========="

            # fill in the rest of the hash we started in example 2 with valid data
            params_hash["email"] = random_username + ""
            params_hash["password"] = "123123abc"
            params_hash["dob"] = "1980-01-01"
            xml_to_post = llsd.toXML(params_hash) # convert it to llsd xml

            response_xml = urllib2.urlopen(capability_urls['create_user'], xml_to_post).read() 

            print "posted xml " # Print out response xml
            print xml_to_post

            print "xml response:" # Print out response xml
            print response_xml

            result_hash = llsd.parse(response_xml) # Parse the xml

            print "New agent id: %s" % (result_hash["agent_id"]) # Print the result
            # ALL DONE!!
            print "create_user capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
        print "check_name capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)
    print "get_last_names capability not granted to %s %s. Now Exiting Prematurely ..." % (first_name, last_name)



define('URI_CREATE_USER', '?????????');
define('URI_GET_LAST_NAMES', '?????????');
define('URI_CHECK_NAME', '?????????');

    if (is_name_available($_POST['username'], $_POST['last_name_id']))
        $user = array
            'username'     => $_POST['username'],
            'last_name_id' => (int)$_POST['last_name_id'],
            'email'        => $_POST['email'],
            'password'     => $_POST['password'],
            'dob'          => $_POST['dob_year'].'-'.$_POST['dob_month'].'-'.$_POST['dob_day']

        $result = llsd_post(URI_CREATE_USER, $user);
        print $result['agent_id'];
        print 'SL name not available.';

<h3>Create Second Life Account</h3>

<form action="<?php print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
  <td>First name:</td>
  <td><input type="text" name="username" size="25" maxlength="31" value="" /></td>
  <td>Last name:</td>
  <select name="last_name_id">
  $last_names = llsd_get(URI_GET_LAST_NAMES);
  foreach ($last_names as $last_name_id => $name)
      print '<option value="'.$last_name_id.'">'.$name.'</option>';
    <td><input type="password" name="password" size="20" value="" /></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="email" size="35" value="" /></td>
    <td>Date of brith:</td>
    <select name="dob_day">
    $days = get_days();
    foreach ($days as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; }

    <select name="dob_month">
    $months = get_months();
    foreach ($months as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; }
    <select name="dob_year">
    $years = get_years();
    foreach ($years as $key => $value) { print '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>'; } 
    <td><input type="submit" value="Create SL Account" /></td>


function get_months()
    $months = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)
        $key = date('n', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $value = date('M.', mktime(0, 0, 0, $i, 1, 2000));
        $months[sprintf("%02d", $key)] = $value;
    return $months;

function get_years()
    $today = getdate();
    $max_year = $today['year'] - 90;
    $min_year = $today['year'] - 13;

    $years = array();
    for ($i = $min_year; $i >= $max_year; $i--)
        $years[$i] = $i;
    return $years;

function get_days()
    $days = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)
        $days[sprintf("%02d", $i)] = sprintf("%02d", $i);
    return $days;

function is_name_available($username, $last_name_id)
    $params = array('username' => $username, 'last_name_id' => (int)$last_name_id);
    if (llsd_post(URI_CHECK_NAME, $params) == 'true')
        return true;
    return false;