Architecture Working Group
I have gathered my tools and my charts, My plans are finished and practical. I shall roll up my sleeves — make Second Life over.
Discuss, design and implement a scalable and open architecture for the future Second Life Grid.
- Project Motivation
- Process (proposal)
- Glossary
- Use Cases
- Brainstorming
- Scoping
- Viewpoint Advocacy Groups
Architecture Proposals
Membership in this group is open. Start contribution to the work, and you become a member.
- Contribute to the materials and documentation in this wiki --- a lot of material is being drafted and discussed in the AW Groupies section (also, see below).
- Join the sldev mailing list and use tags like [ARCH] and [AWG] in the subject line.
- Meet with others for technical discussions: Zero Linden's office hours, AW Groupies.
Formal meetings will likely be held 3-4 times/year and located in Second Life to facilitate broad participation. Meetings will be coordinated on SLDev. Group members are encouraged to self-organize smaller meetings to move forward particular work areas and discuss hot topics as needed.
- Meeting 1
- Chatlog from 2007/09/16 (Gigs, otakup0pe and Tao_T talk about possible forms of regions etc.)
- Transcript and Slides from Tao Takashi's informal meetup on 2007/09/23
- In World Chatlogs
- AW Groupies
See also: Zero Linden's office hour transcripts
Individual Reviews and Feedback
- Zha's comments on meeting 1
- AWG: Zha's Desiderata for evaluating the proposed design
- Tree's comments on meeting 1
- Diva Canto's Review
- Mic's Feedback
- Views of the Gareth
- DRM, IP and permissions (from the mailing list)
- Initial CAPS seed
- AWG initial flows