User:Jesse Barnett
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About: Jesse Barnett
Scripter. You can find me in Aditi or the scripting forum.
Rant about the forums
LL opened the grid to all users everywhere in the world. Doesn't matter if they have access to a credit card or paypal to show payment info. Some may disagree, but I am fine with that. I welcome everyone to come and learn.
But what I vehemently disagree with is the fact that unless you have payment info on file, you can not access the SL Forums. The forums are the greatest repository of knowledge by far there is in regards to content creation; Texturing, Animations, Building & Scripting. An army of volunteers are there 24 hours a day just waiting for someone to ask a question. We care!!!!!!
Come on Linden Labs! Show a little compassion and open the forums to everyone with at least Read Access!!!!
Hey while you are at it, please upgrade VBulletin! We are seriously tired of waiting and excuses. What's the excuse this week??????????????????
3 Scripts! This is what I have listed here but I do a dozen or more a week in the forums.
Outside Editors
- [| LSLEditor ] Love it!
- My Scite page Professional duty scripting workhorse. Script in multiple languages, compiles through Visual Studio C++ allowing you to use includes, customise auto-indent, syntax check with lslint, customise wiki help, customise shortcuts, tabbed files, opens files in LSLEditor for testing.
Scripts & Snippets
I made em. You learn from em. Don't sell em!
- 3D Radar :: Rezzes a ball for each avatar in range. Each ball tracks it's on AV and displays distance.
- AO Overriding Pose Ball :: No more having to type "/ao off/on" When you sit down or get up anymore!!
- High Altitude Rezzer :: Create a vehicle that goes straight up to a set altitude and then rezzes a work platform, garden, private spot or whatever else you put in it's contents.
- Teleport HUD :: Very user friendly teleport HUD. Add destinations by touching "Add" & naming destination in chat. Automatically gets sim name and coordinates. Will only display the destinations in the sim you are currently in. Demonstrates more advanced list manipulation and stride functions.